
大家总说嘛。不在乎那点时间吧,你只有利用关系喽,等到结婚也没关系的?与是不是处女无关系,他就抛弃你喽。难道你看不出这种是出于有目的的好??,找老公就要找个对自己真的好的,估计不用等到你人老珠黄,跟这种现实的人在一起是挺现实 的
他的思想,用性去决定爱不爱啊,你觉得靠谱吗?要是某个人真的喜欢你,不会让你去受一点伤害。女人30一朵花, 没有多么悲惨。如果睡一觉就能看清别人是什么人,那谁还去相亲?还要去谈对象么???
这么白痴的问题 你还拿出来问 晕
出门在外也不愁  最近听一闺中密友讲述了她在国际征婚网站上的某次遭遇,跟小脚娘们讲述的国内的征婚骗子的故事如出一辄,整个骗术套路都是一样的,唯一不同的是这个男人讲的是英语。这个男人讲的英语口音像是北欧人或非洲人的口音。  整个过程历时两个月,在天涯上搜了一下,发现类似的揭发还有三个,似乎是同一个人干的事情,因为这个骗子也同样是拿着一个马来西亚的手机号码和一个英国的手机号码。于是开贴做个汇总,提醒其他网友不要再次上当。或者看看有没有办法把这个人抓起来。  此人在国际征友网站上的注册地是美国马里兰州巴尔的摩,挪威国籍,年龄是50岁。照片上有他本人还有一个漂亮可爱的小儿子,大约6,7岁左右。后来我们猜测,这个挪威男人的照片和信息应该都是真实的,估计是行李被盗,然后这些照片护照等信息就被骗子盗用了。  骗术的开始:  1) 首先是主动出击,物色容易行骗的对象,当感觉到对方是那种思想比较单纯的女人,就把自己在交友网站上的注册信息删除。  2) 把自己的大量照片发给对方。如果仔细看,会发现这些照片都被裁剪过,照片尺寸非常狭窄,估计是把他身边的人裁掉或者把照片的日期裁掉。对方收到大量的照片以后,一般就很容易相信他了。  3) 每天邮件来往。刚开始的一两封邮件还讲述了他的一些身世:他父亲做生意,很有钱,后来去世,他继承父业,后来他把生意外包给其他人,他到了Shell公司承包石油管道工程,于是到了美国。由于经常在外面出差,第一个老婆跟别的男人跑了。还有个小儿子跟他一起生活。他希望找个亚洲女人做老婆,一起度过后半生。之后的邮件就没有任何实质内容了,无非就是反反复复地表述自己会爱对方直到永远之类的誓言。  4) 双方取得信任后交换手机号码,骗子每天打2-3个电话给对方,早请示晚汇报,“我很想念你”“我很爱你”,无非如此,没有什么实质的内容。还有就是告诉对方,他已经把两人的婚事告诉他的老母亲了,他父亲去世了,他需要照顾老母亲。他母亲很高兴,希望早日能见到未来的中国媳妇。事实上中国人尊重老人这一点也被国际征婚骗子利用上来了。   5) 开始阶段,基本上看不到任何破绽。除了让人觉得感情进展得好像有点太快了。但是朋友以为也许老外就是这样直来直去,所以,也不着急下结论了。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  骗术的推进:  1) 交往一周后,骗子告诉对方他要去马来西亚承包一个工程,大概一个月左右,然后换成一个马来西亚的手机号码进行通信。手机的来电显示是9。虽然号码确实是马来西亚的手机号码,但是这并不能表明打电话的人就在马来西亚。  2) 骗子每天打来电话报告工程的进展,比如招标啊,租车啊,购买材料啊。他承包的是一个政府工程,开始阶段,只能拿到30%的工程款,其他不够的要自己先贴钱。这个时候,骗子已经在埋下伏笔了。  3) 这个时候,骗子跟朋友还在商量着如何在马来西亚见面的事情,但是每次朋友提出去马来西亚见面的时间时,骗子都说要等他把工程上的事情安排好以后再见面。  4) 大概一周以后,骗子告诉朋友,外国人在马来西亚银行不能开户,所以他无法转账。而购买材料的钱款不够,希望朋友在中国内地用她的中国银行的账户接收一笔款项,朋友把现金提取出来以后,再送到马来西亚去,把钱转给他。朋友当时一听就觉得有诈,一口拒绝。  5) 这时骗子大怒,说自己如何深爱对方,却没想到对方一点都不爱他,爱的原来是钱,而不是他这个人。如果是这样,就到此为止了。朋友也同意到此为止吧。
  骗术的推进:  1) 交往一周后,骗子告诉对方他要去马来西亚承包一个工程,大概一个月左右,然后换成一个马来西亚的手机号码进行通信。手机的来电显示是9,虽然号码确实是马来西亚的手机号码,但是这并不能表明打电话的人就在马来西亚。(如果向马来西亚警方报案,如果受理的话,就可以从马来西亚的交换机上查到骗子所在的位置了。这是后话。)  2) 骗子每天打来电话报告工程的进展,比如招标啊,租车啊,购买材料啊。他承包的是一个政府工程,开始阶段,只能拿到30%的工程款,其他不够的要自己先贴钱。这个时候,骗子已经在埋下伏笔了。  3) 这个时候,骗子跟朋友还在商量着如何在马来西亚见面的事情,但是每次朋友提出去马来西亚见面的时间时,骗子都说要等他把工程上的事情安排好以后再见面。  4) 大概一周以后,骗子告诉朋友,外国人在马来西亚银行不能开户,所以他无法转账。而购买材料的钱款不够,希望朋友在中国内地用她的中国银行的账户接收一笔款项,朋友把现金提取出来以后,再送到马来西亚去,把钱转给他。朋友当时一听就觉得有诈,一口拒绝。  5) 这时骗子大怒,说自己如何深爱对方,却没想到对方一点都不爱他,爱的原来是钱,而不是他这个人。如果是这样,就到此为止了。朋友也同意到此为止吧。
  骗术的转折  1) 这样两人停止交往大概一周以后,骗子又打来电话,说既然你不愿意帮我,我也能理解,既然我爱你,我就不会强迫你,也许你们中国那里太多骗子,所以你们都特别小心吧。没关系,他说他自己最后用现金来解决了工程材料款的问题,现在工程进度一切顺利。  2) 这个阶段,骗子要求视频通话。朋友同意了。但是骗子说他在外地出差,没有摄像头,所以朋友没有看到骗子的视频。  3) 又过了一周左右,骗子说工程基本顺利结束了,他需要去英国处理他跟前妻的一套房产的问题。在离开之前,他希望对方跟他裸体视频(注意,这是一个圈套,以后为成为要挟对方的材料),朋友本来就不是经常上网的人,当然不能接受这样的要求,当即就拒绝了。这次骗子再次大怒,说对方对他没有一点爱,只有索取。  4) 这个阶段,骗子屡次提到双方见面的计划。由于他马上要离开马来西亚,所以他建议双方在中国见面,并且他还要见见女方的父母,到时大家一起商量把家安在什么地方,是中国还是美国还是挪威还是澳大利亚?朋友说,骗子多次提到希望把家安在中国,因为他觉得美国的经济条件不好,而他呢,不想再做工程了,太辛苦了,想在中国做生意。但是每次朋友跟他聊到中国的政治环境和经济环境的时候,他要么打断,要么没有任何兴趣。两人交往一个多月,朋友发现,虽然骗子经常问到她在中国的薪水收入和房价等问题,但是他对美元对人民币的汇率一直都不清楚。虽然朋友告诉过他很多次,但每次他都忘记。于是,朋友心里很疑惑,这个人是真的要在中国做生意吗?
  骗术的高潮  1) 到了英国以后 (其实也许骗子一直呆在中国,哪里都没有去,只是更换手机卡而已),骗子换了一个英国的手机号码00447XXXXXX, 两人继续通话发短信。这个时候骗子基本不写邮件了,继续早请示晚汇报,千篇一律地“我很想念你”“我很爱你”,等等。  2) 大概过了一周以后,骗子开始密锣紧鼓地筹备到中国的行程安排,让朋友帮他租房子,给他儿子找国际学校,还要准备在中国购买房产等等。他说他已经订好了他儿子从美国到英国的机票,下周就去找代理申请中国的签证。大概4个工作日就可以拿到签证了。  3) 这个时候,骗子又提到他的工程款的问题,他离开马来西亚时只拿到马来西亚政府70%的工程款,还有30%的工程款没有拿到。由于他无法在马来西亚的银行开户,又不想再去一趟马来西亚,于是再次提出来希望朋友帮他提取这笔工程款。等朋友拿到这笔工程款以后,他到了中国,他们就可以开始新生活了。哈哈,多么美好啊。。。  4) 我跟朋友在网上查询到,外国人如果没有工作签证,留学签证,长期居留证,确实是不可以在马来西亚银行开户的。我们俩一商量,既然不知道这家伙葫芦里卖的是什么药,不如将计就计,看看骗子准备怎么玩,于是就答应了。  5) 大概两天以后,骗子打电话来说,他在马来西亚找了一家保安公司(Security Company),请那里的保安把他剩余的30%工程款,约75万美军押到中国,地址写的是朋友上班的写字楼。朋友问他需要她做些什么,他说什么都不需要,她只需要在上班的地方等着,他们会把现金送到她所在的写字楼,到时她签收就可以了。大概是四天以后他们就坐飞机抵达中国。  6) 四天以后的一个下午,朋友接到一个广州移动的手机号码打来的电话,对方讲英文,东南亚口音,说是一个叫XXXXX的人托他带一个包裹给她。朋友问对方是什么保安公司,对方说他不是保安公司,他们是专门给联合国安理会外交官做特快专递的代理公司,他们走的是外交渠道,所以要收取清关费,才可以把包裹送到我朋友所在城市。清关费是3150美元。  7) 这个时候,骗子打来电话了,说他是通过私人关系才找到这样的渠道,请朋友无论如何要听从这个联合国安理会的代理的要求,先把清关费付了,到时她拿到包裹以后,这笔钱是可以偿还给她的。否则,他就只能把包裹退回马来西亚了。  8) 哈哈,这个时候,我们都知道是骗局了。但还是跟对方要了中国银行的账号:  开户名:Moses Edna  中行账号: 01   朋友跟送快递的那个人说了,你把那个包裹送到,我立马支付3150美金,否则没门儿。于是骗子大怒,破口大骂。。。
  骗术的尾声  1) 骗子为了证明自己是真的,把他的挪威护照电子版通过邮件发给了朋友。朋友看了一下,那个护照上的照片跟以前的照片确实是同一个人。姓名年龄等等信息也是真实的。但是当朋友问他要申请中国签证的资料时,他就没有了。最后朋友还是没有付款。  2) 骗子折腾了两个月没有骗到钱,于是抓狂,不停地责骂朋友是没有道德没有良心的女人,等等。并且还强调她是个不尊重老人的女人,是个不懂事的女人。因为他已经把他们俩的婚事告诉了他的母亲,没想到对方这么狠心让他的母亲失望。哈哈,真是欲盖弥彰,看来这个骗子背后的策划团队里面有深谙中国传统道德文化的中国人。  3) 朋友忽然想到一直没有见到骗子的真面目,有点遗憾。现在看到骗子还不死心,于是就哄骗子说:这样吧,到现在我都没有见到你的真实面孔,我实在很难相信你,如果你让我看到你的视频了,也许我就相信你了。  4) 这个时候,骗子为了能继续骗下去,也豁出去了,答应了晚上两人视频通话。结果朋友在视频上看到的那个人,满头白发,戴副眼镜,年龄应该在60岁左右,整个五官轮廓跟照片上的挪威人完全不同。骗子还想继续骗下去,说他这两年老了,所以看上去跟照片不太一样了,等等。这样的鬼话,自然没人会再相信了。  5) 后来在天涯上搜到三起揭发,看上去像是同一个人干的,这么看来,这个骗子也许就一直呆在中国境内,利用几张马来西亚和英国的手机号码来进行作案。照片和护照信息估计都是行窃所得。
20:51:45  咋没人报警啊    -----------------------------  怎么报呢?报给谁?
  本人在天涯上搜到的三起骗局,跟我朋友遇到的这个都特别相似:  第一次在网络上被揭发的骗局:  国际网络征婚诈骗作者:佳偶天诚 一个自称英国人(ben wody)的,在与我认识,通过发邮件,打电话(国际长途),发短信,很快取得了我的信任。他注册地是 马来西亚的吉隆坡,有手机号(601...)和邮箱(),当我请求和他视频时,他说去马来西亚是临时处理合 同纠纷,没带笔记本电脑,所以不方便安装视频软件。他说自己以第三方合同人与马来西亚的petronas有业务往来,工程已于2009年结束,但是,因为劳资纠纷,没有拿到应有的工程款,这次是去 处理这个的,而且很快就成功了。然后就来中国看我。期间,为了骗取我的信任,曾先后给我发来各种扫描证件,如:与petroans的合同书,英国护照、纳税清单、支付证明,银行汇票和很多照片,其中有与其他工友的照片。因为有了这些,我的戒备心理被解除了,完全沉浸在他编织的美丽慌言中。有一天,他发来petronas给他的contract payment approval on contract no: mc/egb001/07.我曾上网搜过petronas的主页,所有信息与他提供的一样。他说周末就可以来和我一起庆祝他的成功了,还让我给他预定了酒店。问我会给他送什么礼物,完全以男女朋友身份出现了。对于一个追求爱情和幸福的女人,谁还会再怀疑呢?这时,骗局要开始了(早已经开始了,只是我还傻着呢),说是大马的海关税duty stamp fee提高了(由0.5%提高到1%),超出了他的预算,口袋的钱不够,让我帮点忙。并建议通过western money union transfer(全球通用)直接汇过去,几分钟后就可以取,比银行汇款快。因为他急着周末来见我(瞧,多么让人感动啊!)所以,我就照他说的做了。当天 下午,就他发给我纳税的收据扫描件(真实地难以辨认)。那里已经周五下午,来中国的计划只好取消。下周,还要去税务局交税,等拿到non- residential tax clearance certificate后才能拿到钱。这时又需要钱,这时我才感到情况不妙了,可是已经晚了。此后,周旋了一个多星期,总以各种借口要钱,知道我已经怀疑他了,还表现得很委屈的样子,说我不信任他,虽然伤心,但还能理解。又发来一些官方证明,想要继续骗下去。直到确认不会再从我这儿骗得一分钱后,才悻悻然愤愤然地消失。就在选择消失前,还不放弃最后的欺骗:说是害我生病住院(我心力交瘁生病了)向我道歉,说等他筹到钱,处理好那边的事,就还我钱。这个黄鼠狼!  他以交友为名,骗术极高。天下善良的人们(尤其是女性朋友们),请睁大眼睛,提高警惕。如果再遇到这种人,注意一定向他索要他无法编造的直接证据。我特别请求大家帮几个忙:1 凡曾被这祸害过的人,请帮我辨认一下,我们一起合作,让他得到应有的惩罚 2.他的照片未必是他的,可能是窃取他人的,或者合影中的某位。如果是你,先生,请立即向警方报案。3.有知情人,或知道如何向马来西亚警方报案的,请转告我警方的邮箱(事情复杂,电话讲不清楚)或其他方式,或者如果您是位好心人,请帮我向马警方报案,我感激不尽。相信天下有良知的人一定会帮我这个忙的。先向您表示感谢了!  第二次被揭发的骗局:  作者:热带金鱼
今年在网上认识一个叫James Harden的英国人,聊了两个月,男方以从事轮船修理工作,去迪拜承接一项维修工作,并说自己的材料不对号,要重新买,并在马来西亚发现有合适的产品,但钱不够,先让女方帮汇去马来西亚垫付, 说弄好了迪拜的工作后,立马到中国来和女方结婚,并连机票都订好了,这是最具有迷惑性的一招,因为机票单上确有James Harden的姓名住址和电话。但这一切都是假的。    电话英国手机号码和马国号码。还有叫汇钱去的接收人Name: Nelson Eric  地址Address: Block D-04-05 Kinrara Puchong Malaysia  如有姐妹正在有此遭遇,务请警惕!!!  他专门以他人照片行骗!骗人用的某些细节是完全相同的,但照片和名字不同!  第三次被揭发的骗局:  :  • 他现在又在冒充是英国医生,而且是妇产科和儿科两个专业的专科医生!他说他父母全死光了,老婆离婚了,他没有兄弟姐妹,也没有孩子。他由于父母传承下来的生意,从日本购买设备卖往马来西亚,但是海关报关费超过他的预算,所以要他交往的女朋友借钱给他。为了这场骗局,估计他把网上购买机票的中间过程冒充电子机票给人看,但仔细查看,只有付款细节查核,却并没有付款凭证,因为已经正式付款的电子机票或其他形式的网上转账,必定有付款号码的,但他提供的所谓电子机票上却并没有这一个细节,而这是检查是否已经付款,是否是真实电子机票的最重要的凭据。另外,他冒充是英国人也有马脚,那就是,他的英文有浓重的印度或是非洲一带的人的口音,说他是马来西亚人或非洲人就对了,因为他的英文口音肯定不是英国本土口音。然后,他又说他很有钱。所以,我们就要他提供马国报关文件,要他提供英国大学文凭,他说有房产,就要他提供英国房产地址,要他同时提供房产所在地政府名称,公开告诉他要安装他提供的房产地址去当地政府和当地土地局核查他提供的房产所有权是否在他名下。这样一来他傻眼啦,马上破口大骂。然后我们就按照他提供的马来西亚的海关交费通知去马来西亚海关客服询问,结果对方马上说这张交费收据是伪造的,叫我们立刻去马国警察局报案。  • 他在网上视频聊天时,故意把别人的照片冒充他的照片,将镜头弄模糊,让人以为他与他提供的照片是同一个人。  • 在识破骗局后,我们故意对他不发一言,但是把他的诈骗手法和过程公布在网上。  • 相信他一定会继续行骗,希望我们的帖子能够帮助大家揭穿骗子的新骗局!  • 马来西亚海关和警察局的联系方式在国际互联网上都是可以找得到的。  • 建议大家以后遇上骗子,先不要动声色,先问他索要汇款方式,把对方的收款人名字和地址要下来,然后,根本不给他汇款,却把汇款地址告诉警察局,让警察局去抓他!  请大家留意,看这个骗子是否还继续有被揭发的骗局。谁要能够逮住他送他近监狱,那就是大大地了不起!我们盼望有这样的好消息早点到来!
  国际征婚骗子的骗术总结一下无非是:  1) 不停地表述自己深爱对方,不在乎对方的相貌年龄,只在乎对方有一颗善良的心;这个世界上,没有无缘无故的恨,也没有无缘无故的爱,呵呵,这是真理;  2) 抓住中国女人急切通过嫁老外出国的心理,让女人为他做事情;所以,最好告诉对方,你找的是老公,而不是移民签证;  3) 知道中国女人喜欢有钱的做生意的同时又顾家的男人;骗子会在交流过程中把自己包装成这种类型的男人;信件和通话交流时多问问对方工作生活的细节,一般就能辨出真假了。  4) 会把自己的父母孩子搬出来,以增强真实感,和让对方感受到自己的诚意;  5) 电话号码显示都是真实的国际长途电话,每天这样打长途电话,这不是爱又是什么,估计很多女人都容易被这一招所迷惑;其实有大部分不显示来电号码的电话,都是通过互联网拨打的免费电话;  6) 找借口不进行视频对话,或者用一种像素很差的镜头,故意把视频弄得非常模糊;最好交往一段时间后就进行视频对话,一旦觉得对方不是同一个人,马上终止来往;  7) 骗子会通过各种手段骗取对方的住址,工作单位和上班地点,以及你的裸体视频,所以女同胞一定要小心,不要有什么把柄落到骗子手上;  8) 骗子最终的目的就是要钱了,所以即便前面糊涂没有看出骗子的招数也没有关系,捂紧自己的钱包不要松就好啦。
21:11:59  这种骗局常有,其实只要小心点就可以识破,无论说啥好听的,反正是一分钱不掏就好了。   -----------------------------  没错,就是这样。我之前听朋友说的时候,也没看出是骗局。
  公布骗子的一些邮件。这是刚开始的一封邮件,咋一看挺好的,没觉得有什么不妥,但仔细一看,发现其实里面的内容针对任何一个对象都是可以的,也就是说这是一封具有通用性的交友信。不过,这人的英语语法很烂,英语书写的总体感觉还行,但是通话的时候就明显感觉对方说话粗俗了。  Hello XXXXX,  Thank you very much for your mail and pics and hope we can learn more.I am happy you seek a long term relationship which is very important to me and i believe we share some features common and very happy that we are able to meet on line  I am RXXXXX AXXXXX 49 years old and would turn 50 by 16th of next month,divorced and have a son named DXXXXX who's just 7 years old, he lives with me, I will like to know you more irrespective of your country and culture because i believe we can learn more if we tend to be compatible with each other. i would want you to make sure that you always read my mail and understand me very well, this will strengthen our friendship and give us better contact so that we can move on to a greater understanding among ourselves.  I never wanted to go into relationship until I was introduced to online dating few weeks ago by one of my customer who got his bride from the internet. I am a single parent taking care of my son after i divorced my wife, Custody of my kid was granted to me but have to stay with me since i am now living in Maryland, based on situations surrounding because then i was confused with life and could not move on.I feel sad whenever i stay lonely and have decided to seek advice from a marriage adviser on how I will get someone really special and someone to spend the rest of my life with because it is really difficult to live all alone without a companion, that was how I was introduce to try and register online and expand my search because i never care where i am able to meet the right woman for my life so long as we have same goals of what we seek in a relationship and
that I can meet someone really nice and humble here, I am really impress at your contact and hope you can be a real woman because I never thought as much but we can start to learn more about each other soonest.i hope next time will tell you more about myself and please send me some of your pictures including you and family and will like for further introduction about yourself,have a lovely weekend.bye for now  regards  RXXXXX
  后面的邮件内容几乎千篇一律了:  Hello My Dear XXXXX,
  Today is Saturday and appears you not have to work so i guess you will create more time for yourself to relax at home and take charge of some house works anyway will be fun for you to take some rest because i understand you appear very busy with your work.please let me know when you can have your next vacation so that we will plan for meeting as soon as possible because with that can learn more with better understand about our views in life.   I am very glad each and every moment i open my mail and can see from your handwriting which shows you put your best efforts for both of us to have a good communication together with that, we could make a meaning to everything our heart desire. I believe you would have some plans for the weekends maybe can go for shopping or visit a few friends because staying at home will only put you to a bored mood. well as for me i plan to go for grocery shopping to buy some food stuffs for the house and will do some cooking later in the day.my favorite activities during my free time includes going to the cinema to catch fun sometimes with friends or co- workers,swimming also the must is doing some exercise.i never stop to practice my fitness because it keeps my body healthy and makes me look younger than my age,maybe if we are opportune to spend time together we can do jogging if you like but guess you will appear tired after much work during the week.   I believe that as soon as we make our mind clear to have a relationship together the best way we can be more seriousness is planning to meet not only chatting for a long time and at the end there is no useful meaning,i believe every one of us have his or her own life in the past whether good or bad we need to have a focus in life i just want you to know that we were just not fortunate to meet earlier than this because we share same goals about having a happy family in peace and harmonious way of living.but i want you to always be free to share your every feelings with me so that we can have our dreams come through as soon as possible.Anyway always take good care of yourself and have a lovely weekend,bye for now.  regards  XXXXX
  接下来就提到他已经把他的婚事通知他家里人了:  My darling,  Thanks so much for your nice note and hope you are doing good anywhere you stay now ,well i am much glad that you have decided to be more confident in me and guess you had told your families and friends about me ,which shows how much readiness
you got already for me and i want to always be the right man in your life since you have agreed that we should keep a
good contact until
we plan to meet anyway i want to inform you that i will be take vacation at the end of this month and would like to know what is your plan about so that we will plan to meet in real and talk about the future together because i really want to feel your love when i see you face to face.  Your presently have brought a lot of meaning to my life and i will forever give God the glory for making us to meet so easily on the internet and know that our love is for real and soon we will have the chance to express everything our heart desire in real life. you have became part of my life now and for everything i commit myself with must be a taught of you first and cannot do without having you in my memory,this is to tell that your love has completely replace my sad times and worries which i have got in my previous life and i always look forward for a day which we can meet in real to hold each other close and desire what we want for ourselves.  I believe that our meeting in real soon will describe how serious we plan to settle down together and i already told my family that i got a serious relationship with a woman even had sent them a photo of yours,they feel much glad knowing that you are serious and ready to settle down with me for a happy marriage life so this has been their dream for me because they understand i need a partner to share with and take good care of my son since he is still a little boy. The major reason why they also accepted you is that you are sincere and easily accepted my son because it will be few women on the earth will want to keep a child which is not from them so this makes me to understand more about your culture and family background and i know for you that we can always have a good life together because you already show me love and care in advance of our meeting and i will forever be devoted to you and want you to know everything that we are planning we should commit into the hands of God because he is our creator and knows best for our future together.Please send me more photos of yours because i want to always review it,for my pics it was taken in los angeles last year.  i wish you take good care of yourself always for me and will always give you more emails like you wish darling to make fill the distance between us for now,miss and love you always,bye for now  regards  XXXXX
  接下来就以老婆相称了:  Hello my dearest Wife ,  How are you and how is your health?last night when i was asleep i kept on thinking about you because you appear a million times in my dream and i feel fully connected with you both in body and spirit.ever since that i have met you i hope we have something in common and it is truly working for us meaning we are meant to be soul mate,although we've never met in person.  Now, through some great fortune, I have found that love and along with it, the one person who can make my life truly complete.You are that person, and I have so much fallen in love with you. To be honest, I never thought I would ever utter those words, but now, they come forth effortlessly and with great sincerity. I'll be forever be grateful to you for showing me just how shallow my life was. At last, I have a chance to give it depth and purpose because since you came into my life everything have changed for good and i get more inspired when i think of spending the rest of my life with you..  Until I meet you in real, I remain totally yours in thought and spirit.darling i am ready to give you full concentration and wish you would be there for me always no matter the difficulties .for better for worst,for richer for poorer,till death do us apart.i want to propose to you as my wife because i am ready to take good care of you and the family and we can live happily together.please take good care of yourself and make sure you have your meal on time and always do some little of exercise for good health,miss and love you always.bye for now  Your Husband  XXXXX
  给骗子发送了一些学中文的学习资料后,骗子的回信:  My Darling Wife,  I feel much happiness and joyfulness for every moment we share to communicate together and i always want to assure you that the moment we stay together i really cannot stand you missing a part of my life that is why i want to always carry you along with me for everywhere i go because together we make 1 an without you i feel much lost .Darling i always have happy times when i can feel your cheerfulness and share with me about your life in general which makes me to be willing to spend the rest of my life with you and forever we can share our hearts to make up one happy family.  Each and every night before I sleep, your sweet voice echoes through my mind. As I rest my head on my pillow a smile seeps through my soul, knowing that is you, and you alone have made me free from worries.Without you I would not simply be surviving, but with you I am living life to the fullest. Because of your love my spirit has been rejuvenated.  The simplest pleasures in life bring me so much joy that it is hard to find the words to describe them. A walk in the park becomes a reality based metaphor... it is our journey together hand in hand forever more.Even in our moods, regardless of the irritations of daily life we manage to make each other laugh. The sound of your laughter rings through my ears and touches my heart.  It isn't about looks, nor money but the simplicity in life that we find so attractive. Knowing we could survive anywhere as long as we were together.Love is not a job, but something we derive naturally from true hearts which are ready to merge together to make up a happy and everlasting union for each other.Unconditional love is what I offer you, and with you I receive the same. You are my heart of hearts, my soul mate, friend, lover and partner for life.I feel unique having you and forever you will stay in my heart and i want to give you the best of love until death.please take good care of yourself for me and have a lovely time,miss and love you always,bye for now  Your Husband  XXXXX
  似乎每一封信都可以当作情书的模板:  My darling wife,  I feel so thankful for met you and you always give me happiness whenever i can imagine a future life living together with you for a life time. You are the most important person in my life. I never thought I would find someone like you to share my life with, and now I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I love the way you make me laugh, how we tell each other everything, how we do everything together. Wherever you are is where I want to be. When we communicate together, I feel like it's just you and me, there's no one else on earth. It feel like we're the only ones here. I fall madly in love with you more and more each day. If there’s one thing in this world I know, it's that I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU. please take good care of yourself and wish you success in all your activities for this weekend,miss and love you always.bye for now  Your Husband  ----------------------------------------------------------  My Darling Wife,  Thanks so much for your lovely mail and i feel welcome to your heart and cannot wait until we can be united and live happily as one family for a life time.Always when I wake up every morning with thoughts of you in my head. Sometimes I wonder if I dreamed you up, but then I roll over and see your smiling face from my every imagination and I know that you're real.  It's not a dream anymore because soon we can experience our love in real. I know I can make you worried much because we contact from a distance, but you still love me with everything you have. I was scared to love or start a relationship so quick at first, fearing that i would be hurt in the future, but I decided to give my hear to you at all your comforting words and seriousness to settle down with me and make a brighter future together
and it's the best choice I've ever made.  Now, the only fear I have is rolling over one morning and finding that you were really just a dream. If this is a dream world, then i don't want to wake up because you are the only one for me and the person i want to share my life with forever. I love you with everything I have and will always be the best husband for you and not need to worry when you not hear from me okay because even we stay far from each other we can still share same imagination which makes us to think positively for a better future soon.  You are the love of my life. We have been so close, yet so far apart. No matter where my life takes me, my heart is set on you. Like a blossom growing, our love gets stronger everyday.Contacting each other everyday has drawn my attention to you, feeling safe and closer makes a part of me happier than the other. All the happy moments we share together have become a part of my life and you will always remain in my heart forever.i wish you are safe wherever you stay and take good care of yourself for me always,miss and love you always.bye for now  Your Husband
14:04:23  最新最老辣的网络相亲骗术-----攻心术,欲擒故纵/publicforum/content/funinfo/1/3280465.shtml   -----------------------------  我觉得你遇到的骗术基本上跟我讲的这个故事差不多。其实,如果这个人是中国男人的话,从一开始我们就可以判断是骗子了,因为中国男人的婚恋观基本是相同的,未曾谋面就如此倾心,显然不合逻辑。问题是我朋友遇到的是一个西方人,大家都不敢确定的是老外的婚恋观和价值观,所以一直不敢下结论。因为他在网上的注册资料是金牌用户(是需要支付60美金的),但是他很快就把自己的资料删除了,显示出他的诚意。其次,他从国外打来的手机电话是有号码显示的,回复这个电话也是可以找到他本人的,所以可以肯定的是他不是用电脑打的IP电话(这种电话通常都不能显示电话号码)。。。。所以,我们从一开始就更愿意相信他是真实的,只不过是文化差异而已。直到他最后那一招,索取所谓的清关费,大家就知道是骗局了。最后这骗子也没有得手,我朋友也没什么损失,只是浪费了两个月的时间。所以,如果说要提出维权诉求的话,好像也没什么好维权的。只是他发过来的那个挪威人的照片和护照,我们很希望找到他本人。我们猜测这个挪威人的东西被盗了。
  我本人也亲身遇到过这样的故事。当他哪天哭着跟我说他欠8900美金才能完成他的工程,他已经想尽办法。我是他最后的希望。。。我才如梦初醒,HOW COME,我居然被他骗了一个多月才醒悟过来。真是当头一棒。  虽然没有损失钱财,因为连国际长途电话,都是他打过来的。如果我要找他,都是打过去之后,让他给我回过来。  说实话,我也是被爱情冲昏头脑了,那样的口音怎么听都不像是英国人。我曾经有过怀疑,但是,他说他是意大利和英国混血儿,所以我就以为带了法语口音,所以没深究。如果当是再坚持问多一些问题(比如,为什么意大利英国混血,只懂英文,不懂法语了)甚至一点点都不懂。也不懂西班牙语。就不至于浪费一个多月时间在这骗子身上了。  可是,我到底也是付出感情的了。还把我护照复印件也骗走了。估计是要拿我的去骗别人了吧。 我把他照片贴出来各位MM 参考一下,以后遇上这人。离他远点
  @MM楼   我本人也亲身遇到过这样的故事。当他哪天哭着跟我说他欠8900美金才能完成他的工程,他已经想尽办法。我是他最后的希望。。。我才如梦初醒,HOW COME,我居然被他骗了一个多月才醒悟过来。真是当头一棒。  虽然没有损失钱财,因为连国际长途电话,都是他打过来的。如果我要找他,都是打过去之后,让他给我回过来。  说实话,我也是被爱情冲昏头脑了,那样的口音怎么听都不像是英国人。我曾经有过怀疑,但是,他说他是......  -----------------------------  都是马来西亚的骗子吧,用比较蹩脚的英文
  完了,怎么办?我好像遇到了这样的骗子啊~~~~~(&_&)~~~~ ,还好我看到了这篇帖子~这个骗子是这么说的,他是意大利籍美国人,在美国长大读书,之后实习,等等的~后来因为离婚了,所以他就去了伊拉克,他职业是医生,说是参加了联合国的一个什么项目过去的~然后说爱我爱的死去活来~还给我打过电话~我是看不到那个号码的显示啦!每天都会给我几封电邮的!但是我发现一个问题,我在邮件里问的他的问题,他都没有认真回答过~每次都是长篇大论的给我发一堆!估计有问题~我把他的信息贴出来~希望大家不要受骗啊!Practically it is right to introduce one’s self when a relationship is in process of being established therefore I will make it as simple as I could. My name is Dr. Alonzo Zadok graduated from Southern Methodist University with Degrees in Chemistry and Biology. I earned my Medical Degree at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas. I completed my General Surgery Intern-ship and Orthopedic Residency Training at the University Of Tennessee College Of Medicine, Chattanooga Unit, where I served as assistant resident doctor. I performed my sub-specialist training in Adult Joint Reconstruction at the University of Utah under Dr. Aaron A. Hoffman.还有他的口音压根不是很美式口音!
  @wildia 36楼
20:11:21  完了,怎么办?我好像遇到了这样的骗子啊~~~~~(&_&)~~~~ ,还好我看到了这篇帖子~这个骗子是这么说的,他是意大利籍美国人,在美国长大读书,之后实习,等等的~后来因为离婚了,所以他就去了伊拉克,他职业是医生,说是参加了联合国的一个什么项目过去的~然后说爱我爱的死去活来~还给我打过电话~我是看不到那个号码的显示啦!每天都会给我几封电邮的!但是我发现一个问题,我在邮件里问的他的问题,他都没有认真回答过~每次......  -----------------------------  也许不是骗子呢?最新有什么进展吗?关注中!!
  @wildia 36楼
20:11:21  完了,怎么办?我好像遇到了这样的骗子啊~~~~~(&_&)~~~~ ,还好我看到了这篇帖子~这个骗子是这么说的,他是意大利籍美国人,在美国长大读书,之后实习,等等的~后来因为离婚了,所以他就去了伊拉克,他职业是医生,说是参加了联合国的一个什么项目过去的~然后说爱我爱的死去活来~还给我打过电话~我是看不到那个号码的显示啦!每天都会给我几封电邮的!但是我发现一个问题,我在邮件里问的他的问题,他都没有认真回答过~每次......  -----------------------------    是他?
20:11:21  完了,怎么办?我好像遇到了这样的骗子啊~~~~~(&_&)~~~~ ,还好我看到了这篇帖子~这个骗子是这么说的,他是意大利籍美国人,在美国长大读书,之后实习,等等的~后来因为离婚了,所以他就去了伊拉克,他职业是医生,说是参加了联合国的一个什么项目过去的~然后说爱我爱的死去活来~还给我打过电话~我是看不到那个号码的显示啦!每天都会给我几封电邮的!但是我发现一个问题,我在邮件里问的他的问题,他都没有认真回答过~每次......  -----------------------------  @xfz0571 38楼
00:11:38    是他?  -----------------------------  是的啊!!!!哇!真的是骗子啊!!!!还好我没被骗!
  @xfz0571 37楼
00:07:23  也许不是骗子呢?最新有什么进展吗?关注中!!  -----------------------------  应该是骗子的!你都能找到他的图片!估计他是看我这种人比较单纯,所以才找得我!然后给我每天发邮件等等之类的!不过妹纸我不蠢啊!他说他要飞到中国来看我什么的!买了机票,说是这两天到的!不晓得别的JMS有没有遇到这个人,如果有的话,一定要小心!我再贴点照片上来!  
  @xfz0571 38楼
00:11:38    是他?  -----------------------------  BTW, 我有查过他给我发邮件的IP,来自美国!也就是说他根本不在伊拉克!大家一定要警惕哦!!!!!  
  本人男,32岁,未婚,大学文化,魁伟健壮(身高1.80米体重75公斤),自由职业者。本人以前曾经在一家大型房地产企业集团就职,窥得一些门道,后来在父母和家人的资助下投资房产,现在坐拥商品房16套,商业门面7间,全是优良资产。由于空闲时间相对较多,而且女朋友去了国外,因此从去年五一节以后开始网聊,从正规聊天发展成网络猎色,从一发不可收拾的艳遇中我发现了一个不容争议的事实:在现实社会中,女人绝对比男人更疯狂!换句话说,相对成熟的女人对性愉悦的追求远甚于貌似强者的男人,男人实在是枉背了5000年“好色”的皮!根据我一年来的体会,作为一个男人,只要你长得稍微端正,兜里有几个小钱,说话略带俏皮(就是她们常说的“幽默”),在这网  站
  此人,想冒充休斯顿的美国人, 在伊拉克,,说自己是成人骨头关节,,的医生,在 上用户名 ZAC6216, 日注册, 骗人, 文章,照片一摸一样的, 看看这人渣的信
另外此人似乎在中国境内, 似乎是河南, IP ,,  Dearest
..   Practically it is right to introduce one’s self when a relationship is in process of being established therefore I will make it as simple as I could. My name is Dr. Alonzo Zadok graduated from Southern Methodist University with Degrees in Chemistry and Biology. I earned my Medical Degree at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas. I completed my General Surgery Intern-ship and Orthopedic Residency Training at the University Of Tennessee College Of Medicine, Chattanooga Unit, where I served as assistant resident doctor. I performed my sub-specialist training in Adult Joint Reconstruction at the University of Utah under Dr. Aaron A. Hoffman.
..   Practically it is right to introduce one’s self when a relationship is in process of being established therefore I will make it as simple as I could. My name is Dr. Alonzo Zadok graduated from Southern Methodist University with Degrees in Chemistry and Biology. I earned my Medical Degree at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas. I completed my General Surgery Intern-ship and Orthopedic Residency Training at the University Of Tennessee College Of Medicine, Chattanooga Unit, where I served as assistant resident doctor. I performed my sub-specialist training in Adult Joint Reconstruction at the University of Utah under Dr. Aaron A. Hoffman.  Though I prefer to stay low key and keep clear from any public media to be able to live a well deserved life. I relocated to Canada after my divorce with my ex-wife Maureen, lived there for one year but came back to practice for more two years in The Florida Diagnostic Clinic before decided to take up an offshore contract in Iraq under the UN free lancer program. I was exactly 40 years old when I I joined the UN troop to Iraq under a free lancer deal after 3 years of my divorce as a way of letting go the old memories of my failed marriage and my mom’s death.....  My parents are Italian American, dad died, long time ago, while mom died I was the only child as my twin sister did not make it back home from the hospital after birth, however mom and dad are more interested in themselves then having kids, therefore the only family I got left now is my dearest son Colby and whoever is going to be my wife in future ,that is while I am ready to relocate to any part of the world where I find love, My dear you seem very responsible in your picture, I hope and pray that you are the true woman for me, attached here are my pictures and I am thinking of d-activating my profile just for you,once I am sure you are serious and I will need you to do the same.....................  I want you to know that I just need a responsible lady that we would be with ourselves and make provision for many vacations and enjoy our remaining time together ........I had less family relations as mom and dad being Italians living in American and dad working in Canada then made us to have less family ties, I had very few relationships as I was growing up, moving up and down but very focus with academics and later vocation in life but after all that I have decided to look at the other side of life and I was lucky to have met you, I like you because you seem nice and very responsible, maybe I am right or wrong all depends on you to clear me........ However my dear it will be nice to be part of your life someday because you seem to be the lady I have being waiting for, but I pray that our destiny matches, so we can be together if you wish the same.   Love always……… … Dr. Alonzo
  Sweetie ................  I am very much pleased, that we could talk about ourselves to this magnitude , you need to understand that our decision in life is mostly affected by the condition we find ourselves, well we can communicate freely with one another now and that is exactly what I need in my new family ,freedom of expression ………..All I need from you, is to promise me that you are not going to disappoint our relationship and I will conclude my plans to get over to you within few weeks.  However I know you now understand my seriousness in finding a wife and I really do like your kind of woman, mature, truthful and responsible lady ……….. Iraq is a very dangerous place and also killing my social life..I am in the danger zone because I am presently living in the UN cottage outside the town only meeting with sick military officers and local citizens attacked by the Al-Qaeda each day. Although I have an apartment in the Baghdad general hospital quarters at the town but I don’t go there because it is a long distance drive to get there and it is not always safe for a foreigner to drive here in Iraq, I know you understand what I mean.  I will not be so bad to discredit Iraq in all ramification as it has being a source of sadness and happiness to me, because God has blessed me so much through my work in Iraq
and I have also seen a lot of sad time here too………. My contract has almost ended but I would not like to go out from here until I am sure of our relationship and sure that you really love me enough to marry me..........  I have being divorce once and have one kid, a lot of your question has being answered in the previous email I sent to you, for example I already told you that I have a 12 years old boy , my dear, finding a younger girls is not my problem but I just happen to see you and loved you and I just can not control when and who you fall in love with, unless you don't want me...I was born in the united state but grew almost up outside the state because my dad work outside the country as at then
  I would want to come over to meet you but I need you to give me your word as a confirmation that you will be a good wife to me in future, I don’t want a woman that would become a problem later on, in life, I need a honest, caring and understanding wife, therefore I need you to promise me that, you will be there for me always....Thanks for the your emails, Attached to this email is my sons picture Colby and picture of me and my love having another kid with you will be the happiest thing that would happen to me now.  I am ready to do anything for you including getting a good house for us, in a very nice area, where we would live, as husband and wife and show you all the love you have lack from a desirable partner, Please don’t think you are increasing my burden because I am ready to take care of you and take your family as mine............. please send your phone number to me, so that I can call you at interval even-though I am using US international line for fear of Al-Qaeda (terrorist groups) but at least I can call you at interval...., I look forward to meet you for real soonest   Love always……… Dr. Alonzo
  Thanks for the email in the first place.... Let me introduce myself........ My name is Dr. Zadok Alonzo , an Italian-American working in Iraq as an orthopedic physician, I am divorce with no partner at present, I registered in the site to find good friend/partner because I have no direct contact with the outside world to start any good relationship, I am looking for a true friendship ,......... I would love to travel to other part of the world and use the opportunity to exploit new things and learn new ways of life, I need a relationship based on understanding and trust.  I am willing to say more about myself as we begin to know each other. I have never visited your part of the world before, but I hope you will give me the reason to see that part of the world, not only to visit but to spend the rest of my life with you at any where we choose to live eventually.   My contract is almost finished and I am willing to relocate to another part of the world, especially your part of the world, which is the reason I had to register the site and search around you and was lucky to have fund you, however we have to know ourselves first and them see if we have a common interest to live as husband and wife..........  Meanwhile, I need you to respond to the questions, to enable us get to understand more of each other. Here are the questions to help us.   What is your real name?   Have you ever being married before?   Do you have child?   How old are you?   Where are you from? I mean your origin   Have you travelled abroad before, if so where?   What kind of work does you?   Have you any serious on line relationship before?   If so, what was the experience like?   Do you smoke?   Do you take / drink alcohol?   I am willing to meet and tell you more about myself, I would love to meet you, really, in a short space of time, just to make sure that both are honest with ourselves, therefore, I request you to send me a personal photo of you in your next mail to me.   Always.......... Dr. Alonzo
  看看这 骗子人渣, 在CHINESE KISSES .COM
日注册, 名字Zac, 美国人,休斯顿, 如何写信还在继续骗人的, 姐妹们要小心,   感谢各位前人的指点,   估计此人在中国境内, 似乎是河北,
  @grace1301 50楼
01:07:45  看看这 骗子人渣, 在CHINESE KISSES .COM
日注册, 名字Zac, 美国人,休斯顿, 如何写信还在继续骗人的, 姐妹们要小心,  感谢各位前人的指点,  估计此人在中国境内, 似乎是河北,  -----------------------------  此人是骗子,我朋友遇到了,还好搜一下。
  @grace1301 47楼
00:57:06  Sweetie ................  I am very much pleased, that we could talk about ourselves to this magnitude , you need to understand that our decision in life is mostly affected by the condition we find ourselves, well we can communicate freely with one another now and that is exactly what I need in my new family ,freedom of expression ………..All I need from you, is to promise me that you ar......  -----------------------------  就是他,原来是骗子,发给我朋友的照片也是
  骗子招数竟然接近,难不成真的是同一个人?  姐妹们居然跟我有相似的经历。
  以防止有姐妹受骗。我公开骗子的2个国外号码。  骗子的英国号码 (+44-) 显示的马来西亚号码+
  @customer01 60楼
15:29:39  的确是骗子,和上面说的一模一样,我朋友遇到了,不过我因为上面的热心JM所以告诉我朋友提防了,他说是47岁,说的千好万好,还有假证明,要来中国看我朋友,要求帮他订hotel,然后就是和上面说的一样,末了哭着要我朋友汇款帮他解决难题。。。其实国内也很多骗局,所以现在像我朋友那样好的女孩真的很难找到靠谱的,不是要财,只是要一个靠谱合适的,很难  -----------------------------  偶也碰到这个骗子了!他说叫Zadok Alonso, 照片和其他资料和来信内容和上面姐妹贴的一模一样!他也说是意裔美国人在伊拉克工作,但来信邮件来源地是美国。公布这个骗子的电话: 1849!!!
  我也来揭露外国骗子:  最近帮朋友翻译国际征婚信件,遇到几件事情在这里跟大家提个醒。我朋友是单身母亲,在中国不好再嫁,于是考虑外嫁,在一个国际征婚网上注册资料后收到很多外国男人的来信(朋友本身长得很漂亮)。 其中有三个人的信件都显示他们与马来西亚有关系,个个都有钱,死了老婆,都急着来中国跟我朋友结婚,最后突然说在国外出了状况急需钱要我朋友打款过去救他们,我朋友拒绝打款后,他们要不就消失不见,你们说可气不可气?  具体骗子资料如下:  1.Stefan Isberg (邮箱:) 说自己是瑞士人,59岁。斯德哥尔摩大学建筑系毕业,早年定居英国,后来移民到美国,太太很多年前得癌症去世,没有孩子。现在和朋友在英国伦敦合伙开了一家建筑公司,朋友欺骗了他,他正在和朋友打官司分公司。过了两个礼拜又说官司打赢了,他分到了朝鲜和马来西亚的房产和公司,启程到朝鲜处理业务,卖掉公司,然后到马来西亚卖掉其它物业,带上钱到中国来跟我朋友结婚。他还发来了从伦敦到朝鲜平壤的机票,过了几天说到了朝鲜。又过来几天又说在朝鲜遇到麻烦,那里不能兑换美元等外币,要我朋友汇1万美金去救他。我朋友说没有这么多钱,这个骗子见骗不到钱,就立刻销声匿迹了。  2.Perez Brooks(邮箱:perez_)。说自己是英国人,53岁,太太7年前死于子宫癌,留下一个女儿17岁,在上高中二年级,由其姐姐照顾,他本人是在一艘LSN船上工作,就是运送液化天然气的船,他们的船正行驶在由伦敦开往澳大利亚帕斯港的途中。过了10天左右,说他们的船抵达帕斯港了,他辞职前往马来西亚处理他继父留给他的房产,然后带着钱和女儿来中国跟我朋友结婚,一起生活。他也是发来了从帕斯到马来西亚吉隆坡的机票。过了几天他说到吉隆坡了,住在英国驻马来西亚的领事馆里,因为外面治安不好。再过几天又说找好买主了,已经看过房子,买主很满意,已经打诚意金到银行了,准备买他的房子。一天忽然说银行需要一笔手续费才能办理房子的买卖手续,他手上没有这笔现金,要我朋友汇给他1.3万美金,等他卖了房子到中国来还我朋友钱。我朋友说,你既然是英国公民,又住在英国领事馆里,遇到麻烦你就应该找你们国家的人解决而不是求助于没有见面的朋友,他见我朋友没有上当,也从此消失不见了。  3. David Jarek (邮箱:)。说自己是英国人,64岁,太太和儿子在7年前出车祸一起死了。自己开了一家手工家具厂,给英国皇室和贵族做手工家具的,在泰国和马来西亚有业务往来,主要是进口那里的木材到英国加工家具。书信来往大概一个月后。有一天来信说他马上到泰国曼谷处理一笔业务,顺路到中国来看望我朋友,也发来平伦敦到曼谷的机票,过来几天说坐了13个小时的飞机到曼谷了,很想念我朋友,过来几天,发来了从曼谷到我朋友城市机场的机票,说是日来中国看我朋友,还说到时候穿什么颜色的外套,手里抱着玫瑰花,让我朋友去机场接他。就在发来机票的第二天,这个David来信说他的银行转账出了问题,还发来他转账的那个网上银行的网址,还有他的账号和密码,让我朋友登陆上去查看,我朋友登陆成功了,看到他的账户里有几笔进出款,总余额是148.67万英镑。然后David 来信说,让我朋友汇2.1万美金给他,就是13万人民币,他说他账上有钱,就是在泰国取不出来,等他处理完泰国的事情马上到中国来还我朋友钱。我朋友信以为真,差点去银行汇钱,我们一再提醒她要核实情况再说,她打电话给在泰国的亲戚,结果核实完全不是那么回事儿!我朋友气得够呛,写信骂David了,结果......这个骗子也没有在来信了。  朋友们,骗子的伎俩其实很容易看清,他们都抓住了中国女人贪心、爱财、虚荣、追求奢侈生活,想要一个男人有钱、疼她、爱她的孩子和家人,最重要的是能承诺带她到外国去过日子的心理,百般承诺,万般讨好,很容易抓住不了解外国情况的中国女人,尤其是单身母亲,或者年老色衰的女人的心。我相信有不少傻瓜朋友被骗了。 今天把这些骗子的信息公布出来,就是为更多的善良姐妹们不要再受骗。  姐妹们,在找老外做男朋友或老公的时候一定要当心啊,提防骗子!
  @thuku 4楼
20:32  骗术的推进:  1) 交往一周后,骗子告诉对方他要去马来西亚承包一个工程,大概一个月左右,然后换成一个马来西亚的手机号码进行通信。手机的来电显示是9。虽然号码确实是马来西亚的手机号码,但是这并不能表明打电话的人就在马来西亚。  2) 骗子每天打来电话报告工程的进展,比如招标啊,租车啊,购买材料啊。他承包的是一个政府工程,开始阶段,只能拿到30%的工程款,其他不够的要自己先贴钱。这个时候,骗子已经在埋下伏笔了。  3) 这个时候,骗子跟朋友还在商量着如何在马来西亚……  -----------------------------  
15:29:39  的确是骗子,和上面说的一模一样,我朋友遇到了,不过我因为上面的热心JM所以告诉我朋友提防了,他说是47岁,说的千好万好,还有假证明,要来中国看我朋友,要求帮他订hotel,然后就是和上面说的一样,末了哭着要我朋友汇款帮他解决难题。。。其实国内也很多骗局,所以现在像我朋友那样好的女孩真的很难找到靠谱的,不是要财,只是要一个靠谱合适的,很难  -----------------------------  你好,我在/这个网上上也认识了一个人,情况和你说的这个简直一模一样,邮件内容也一样,只是名字换了,但职业没换.到现在半年了,4月中在马来西亚海关被扣了,说是带了一箱子的美金,拖到现在我也救不出来他来,让他找自己美国的朋友.也是用的上面这个帅男人的照片.正准备想想怎么让国际警察把他们这个窝给端了.
  一群傻女人,不知道事情的本质  那是一群职业骗子,以东南亚泰国,马来西亚为主,少数为黑人。盗用他人照片行骗。  所以讨论照片是没有用的,因为照片不是本人。


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