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邓玉辉,博士,教授,博士生导师。2009年7月加入广州计算机系,10月破格评为教授,现任计算机科学系副主任。建立暨南大学数据存储与集群计算实验室。2008年至2009年,在国际存储系统公司EMC担任Senior Research Scientist; 2005年至2008年在英国Cranfield大学,Cambridge-Cranfield高性能计算中心担任Research Officer; 2004年于华中科技大学计算机外存储系统国家专业实验室获博士学位。
2009年7月加入广州计算机系,10月破格评为教授,现任计算机科学系副主任。2008年至2009年,在国际存储系统公司EMC担任Senior Research Scientist; 2005年至2008年在英国Cranfield大学,Cambridge-Cranfield高性能计算中心担任Research Officer; 2004年于华中科技大学计算机外存储系统国家专业实验室获博士学位。
Thapar 大学(Thapar University)兼职教授(Adjunct Professor)。ACM会员,中国计算机协会会员,中国计算机协会存储专委会委员。
研究成果在2007年进入了国际会议ACM/IEEE SC07(International Conference for High Performance Computing,Networking, Storage and Analysis)的存储挑战决赛,一起进入的有:美国圣地亚超级计算中心、美国匹兹堡超级计算中心、和美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室。2008年进入了EMC 2008全球创新大会决赛。2010年获第16届中国信息存储大会优秀论文奖。论文Architectures and optimization methods of flash memory based storage systems连续24个月进入国际学术期刊《Journal of Systems Architecture》下载最多的论文的前三名。
共发表了四十多篇学术论文,其中二十多篇论文发表在国际学术期刊上,包括《IEEE Transactions on Computers》、《IEEE Transactions on Magnetics》、《Information Sciences》、《Journal of Network and Computer Applications》、《Future Generation Computer Systems》、《Journal of Supercomputing》、《Journal of Systems Architecture》、《Parallel Computing》、《Computing》、《Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory》、《Computer Networks》、《Parallel Processing Letters》、《ACM Operating Systems Review》、《International Journal of Image and Graphics》。最近的一篇长文被国际计算机领域最高影响因子杂志《ACM Computing Surveys》 录用(2009年统计该杂志SCI影响因子为9.92)。这是该期刊创刊40多年来第二次接受完全由中国大陆学者撰写的学术论文。
担任国际期刊(International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing)、和英文书籍(Grid Technologies and Utility Computing: Concepts for Managing Large-Scale Applications)的编委会委员。担任多个国际国内学术会议组委会委员,以及ACM Transactions,IEEE Transactions等数个国际学术期刊和多个国际会议的论文审稿人。
[1]Yuhui Deng, Xiaohua Meng, Jipeng Zhou. Self-similarity: Behind Workload Reshaping and Prediction.Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier Science. Vol.28, No.2, 2012, pp.350-357.
[2]Yuhui Deng, Jipeng Zhou, Xiaohua Meng. Deconstructing on-board disk cache by using block-level real traces.Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. Elsevier Science. Vol.20, No.1, 2012, pp.33-45.
[3]Yuhui Deng, Kai Li, Lingwei Zhang, Ming Fang, Xinyu Huang. Evaluating Disk Idle Behavior by Leveraging Disk Schedulers.Computing. Springer Science. Vol.94, No.1, 2012, pp.69-93.
[4]Yuhui Deng. What is the Future of Disk Drives, Death or Rebirth?ACM Computing Surveys. ACM Press. Vol.43, No.3, 2011. Article 23.
[5]Yuhui Deng, Jipeng Zhou. Architectures and Optimization Methods of Flash Memory Based Storage Systems.Journal of Systems Architecture. Elsevier Science. Vol. 57, No. 2, 7.
[6]Yuhui Deng, Brandon Pung. Conserving Disk Energy in Virtual Machine Based Environments by Amplifying Bursts.Computing. Springer Science. Vol. 91, No. 1, .
[7]Yuhui Deng, Frank Wang. LAG: Achieving Transparent Access to Legacy Data by Leveraging Grid Environment.Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier Science. Vol.27,No.1, 2011, pp.32-39.
[8]Yuhui Deng, Na Helian. Single Attestation Image for a Trusted and Scalable Grid.International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing. Vol.2, No.1, 2010, pp. 21-33.
[9] ChenHan Liao, Frank Wang, Na Helian, Sining Wu andYuhui Deng. Fast Flash Memory Caching Based on File Access Frequency.IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. Vol.4, No.2, 2009.
[10]Yuhui Deng. Deconstructing Network Attached Storage Systems.Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Elsevier Science. Vol.32, No.5, 2009, pp.
[11]Yuhui Deng, Frank Wang, Adrian Ciura. Ant Colony Optimization Inspired Resource Discovery in P2P Grid Systems.Journal of Supercomputing. Springer Science. Vol.49, No.1, 2009, pp.4-21
[12]Yuhui Deng. Exploiting the Performance Gains of Modern Disk Drives by Enhancing Data Locality.Information Sciences. Elsevier Science. Vol.179, No.14, 2009, pp..
[13] Frank Z. Wang, Na Helian, Sining Wu, Yike Guo,Derek Yuhui Deng, Lingkui Meng, Wen Zhang, Jon Crowncroft, Jean Bacon, and Michael Andrew Parker. Eight Times Acceleration of Geospatial Data Archiving and Distribution on the Grids.IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. IEEE Press. Vol.47, No.5, 2009, pp..
[14] Frank Wang, Na Helian, Sining Wu, Yike Guo,Derek Deng, Vineet Khare, C. Liao, M. Rashidi, and Andy Parker. A Case for Redundant Arrays of Hybrid Disks (RAHD).IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. IEEE Press. Vol.44, No.11, 2008, pp..
[15]Yuhui Deng, Frank Wang. Exploring the Performance Impact of Stripe Unit Size on Network Attached Storage Systems.Journal of Systems Architecture. Elsevier Science. Vol.54, No.8, 2008, pp. 787-796.
[16]Yuhui Deng, Frank Wang, Na Helian. EED: Energy Efficient Disk Drive Architecture.Information Sciences. Elsevier Science.Vol.178, No.22,2008, pp..
[17]Yuhui Deng. RISC: A Resilient Interconnection Network for Scalable Cluster Storage Systems.Journal of Systems Architecture. Elsevier Science. Vol.54, No.1-2, 2008, pp.70-80.
[18]Yuhui Deng, Frank Wang, Na Helian, Sining Wu, Chenhan Liao. Dynamic and Scalable Storage Management Architecture for Grid Oriented Storage Devices.Parallel Computing. Elsevier Science. Vol.34, No.1, 2008, pp.17-31.
[19] Frank Wang,Yuhui Deng, Na Helian, Sining Wu, Vineet Khare, Chenhan Liao, A. Parker. Evolutionary Storage: Speeding up a Magnetic Disk by Clustering Frequent Data.IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. IEEE Press, Vol.43, No.6, 2007, pp..
[20] Frank Zhigang Wang, Na Helian, Sining Wu,Yuhui Deng, Vineet Khare and Michael Parker. GridJet: An Underlying Data-Transporting Protocol for Accelerating Web Communications.Computer Networks. Elsevier Science.Vol.51,No.16,pp.
[21] Frank Zhigang Wang, Sining Wu, Na Helian, Zhiwei Xu,Yuhui Deng, Vineet Khare, Chris Thompson and Michael Parker, Grid-based Data Access to Nucleotide Sequence Database.New Generation Computing. Springer Science and Business Media. Vol.25, No.4, 2007, pp.409-424.
[22]Yuhui Deng, Frank Wang. Opportunities and challenges of storage grid enabled by grid service. (Response paper).ACM Operating Systems Review. ACM Press,Vol.41, No.4, 2007,pp.79-82
[23] Frank Zhigang Wang, Na Helian, Sining Wu,Yuhui Deng, Vineet Khare, Chris Thompson and Michael Parker, Grid-based Storage Architecture for Accelerating Bioinformatics Computing.Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems.Springer Science and Business Media. Vol.48, No.3, 2007, pp.311-324
[24]Yuhui Deng, Frank Wang. A Heterogeneous Storage Grid Enabled by Grid Service.ACM Operating Systems Review. Special Issue: File and Storage Systems. (Editor: Erik Riedel). ACM Press, Vol.41, No.1, 2007, pp.7-13.
[25] Frank Zhigang Wang, Sining Wu, Na Helian, Michael Andrew Parker, Yike Guo,Yuhui Deng, Vineet R. Khare. Grid-Oriented Storage: A Single-Image, Cross-Domain, High-Bandwidth Architecture.IEEE Transactions on Computers. IEEE Press, Vol.56, No.4, 2007, pp.474-487.
[26]Yuhui Deng, Frank Wang, Na Helian, Dan Feng, Ke Zhou. Optimal Clustering Size of Small File Access in Network Attached Storage Device.Parallel Processing Letters. World Scientific, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2006, pp. 501-512
[27]Yuhui Deng,Frank Wang, Zhang Jiangling, Feng Dan, Wang Fang, Hong Jiang. Push the Bottleneck of Streaming Media System from Streaming Media Server to Network.International Journal of Image and Graphics. World Scientific, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2005, pp.859-869.
[1] ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
[2] IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
[3] Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Elsevier Science)
[4] Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier Science)
[5] Information Sciences (Elsevier Science)
[6] Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier Science)
[7] Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier Science)
[8] Computers & Electrical Engineering(Elsevier Science)
[9] Scientia Iranica (Elsevier Science)
[10] Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley-Blackwell)
[11] Journal of Computers in Industry (Elsevier Science)
[12] Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Springer Science)
[13] Journal of Supercomputing (Springer Science)
[14] Information System Frontier(Springer Science)
[15] IET Information Security
[16] Journal of Computer Information Systems (IACIS)
[17] International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (InderScience)
[18] International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems(Taylor&Francis)
[19] International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (AICIT)
[20] Information Technology Research Journal
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