井冈山大学官网附属艺术学校 yishu.jgsu.edu.cn

Alexa Traffic Ranks
The global and country traffic ranks show how popular a site is relative to other sites.
Unique Visitors and Pageviews
The number of people who visit this site and the number of pages they view.
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Audience Geography
The audience geography data describes where visitors to this site over the past month are located, and how the site is ranked
in popular countries. If a country is not listed, it is because Alexa does not have enough data for this site to rank/measure
the site's popularity among that country's online population. These metrics are updated monthly.
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Bounce Rate
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Daily Time on Site
How engaged are visitors to this site?
Engagement metrics help you understand how interested a site's visitors are with the site's content. The metrics are updated daily based on the trailing 3 months.
Bounce Rate (%)
Percentage of visits to the site that consist of a single pageview.
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Estimated daily unique pageviews per visitor on the site.
Daily Time on Site
Estimated daily time on site (mm:ss) per visitor to the site.
Search Visits
&&1.&&nbspjinggang shan
&&5.&&nbspmedical technology: packing vaccines and other 医学技术
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Search Traffic
The percentage of traffic, both free and paid, that come to this site from a search engine over the past 3 months, updated daily. The change number shows the difference versus the previous 3 month period.
Top Keywords from Search Engines
The table shows the top keywords that sent traffic to this site from major search engines over the past 6 months. The list is updated monthly.
Upstream Sites
Upstream sites are sites that people visited just before they visited this site. Note that this list is not the same as referrals from upstream sites. There is not necessarily a link between the upstream site and this site.
No data available for this site.We do not have enough data to estimate these metrics.
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Downstream sites are sites that people visit immediately after visiting this site.
Note this does not necessarily mean that people are directed to the downstream site by this site
Total Sites Linking In
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The "Sites Linking In" count shows the number of sites that Alexa found that link to this site.
For more information please see
how Alexa determines the number of sites linking in.
The complete list of sites linking to this site is available to Alexa Pro subscribers.
Related Links
These are sites that are related to this site in some way. For example, they receive
traffic from similar keywords, have a similar audience, or are frequently cited together
on web pages.
Other Sites Owned
These are other sites with the same registered owner as this site.
Sites with Similar Names
There are domain names that are similar to this site.
Categories with Related Sites
These are the categories that this site is in. Click on the category to browse other sites in that category.
No data available for this site.We do not
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The table shows the top subdomains for this site ordered by the percentage of visitors
that visited the subdomain over a month. Note that the percentages can add up to more than
100% because a visitor can visit multiple subdomains during the month.
Updated Monthly.
Site Description
Xueyuan Road 28, Ji'an, Jinggangshan University ,Jiangxi, PR USkyp [at]
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Internet Average
No data available for Males
No data available for Females
Internet Average
No data available for 18-24 year olds
No data available for 25-34 year olds
No data available for 35-44 year olds
No data available for 45-54 year olds
No data available for 55-64 year olds
No data available for people over 65 years old
Internet Average
No data available for people with children
No data available for people without children
Internet Average
No College
No data available for people who did not go to college
Some College
No data available for people with some college education
Graduate School
No data available for people who went to graduate school
No data available for people who went to college
Internet Average
No data available for people with income less than $30,000 a year
$30K - $60K
No data available for people with income from $30,000 to $60,000 a year
$60K - $100K
No data available for people with income from $60,000 to $100,000 a year
No data available for people with income more than $100,000 a year
Internet Average
No data available for people browsing from home
No data available for people browsing from school
No data available for people browsing from work
Internet Average
No data available for people of african ethnicity
African American
No data available for people of african-american ethnicity
No data available for people of asian ethnicity
No data available for people of caucasian ethnicity
No data available for people of hispanic ethnicity
Middle Eastern
No data available for people of middle eastern ethnicity
No data available for people of other ethnicity
Audience Demographics
The audience demographics data comes from voluntary demographics information submitted by people in our global traffic panel. The data is for the past 12 months, updated monthly.
The demographics data consists of:
Gender, education, browsing location - available to everyone.
Age, income, ethnicity and children - only available to subscribers of the Alexa Pro Insight or Advanced plans.
To edit your site's public information you need to sign in and verify ownership of your site.其他用户正在搜
 & 根据工信部《关于规范基础电信运营企业校园电信业务市场经营行为的意见》以及江西省通信管理局、省教育厅相关通知精神,中国电信、中国移动、中国联通达成网络共建共享协议,自2015年9月1日起在井冈山大学校园内共同开展宿舍宽带接入服务,现将有关事项公告如下:
 & 1.共建共享。中国电信、中国移动、中国联通三家电信运营商共同建设井冈山大学学生宿舍宽带网并接受学校监管,原电信有线宽带、电信WIFI、移动无线CPE用户统一迁改为宿舍有线宽带用户,宿舍区不再提供无线WIFI和无线CPE业务,原宿舍区无线业务服务由三家电信运营商的手机4G业务替代提供。图书馆等公共区域继续保留无线WIFI服务,原有的ChinaNet和CMCC-EDU的标识统一更改为Jgsu.Net。改造后的网络将自动识别访问目标,电信、移动、联通和教育网4个出口均可访问互联网,彻底解决学生宿舍登录中国知网等校园网资源的问题,极大改善上网质量。
 & 2.实名制。根据工信部规定,自9月1日起,所有电信业务必须执行实名制。原有未到期的中国电信融合套餐的宿舍宽带业务、中国电信宽带上网卡业务及中国移动无线CPE业务必须要使用实名制后的账号密码重新注册登录。请未到期老用户到营业厅实名登记相关信息。实名登记成功后,9月1日起切换到新的计费认证系统,需要下载安装新的拨号认证客户端才能使用()。如果客户端提示启用了代理并踢下线的用户,请“代理服务清除工具”运行。其登录规则为:电信融合套餐、移动无线CPE未到期的老用户使用手机号为账号(不需要加原有的“ @jxcard&”后缀),身份证后6位为密码(若最后一位为X则为小写,没有预留身份证号码的默认为“123456”)。电信原宽带上网卡未到期用户使用原账号登录(不需要加原有“@jxcard”后缀),密码与账号相同。请登录后及时修改密码。该账号也是今后在学校计算机房、语音教室等上网场所登录网络的账号。
 & 3.资费标准。学生宿舍区有线宽带200元/学期,8M带宽,不限流量,限制登录区域,一人一号,不允许代理。开放时间按宿舍作息时间管理要求执行。
 & 4.新办宽带流程。默认免费为全校学生开通访问校园网内部资源权限。如学生需要访问互联网,可到中国电信、中国移动、中国联通任意一家校园厅店购买校园宽带充值卡,登录自助服务平台()自助开通,账号为学号,密码为身份证号后6位。三家电信运营商校园门店所售校园宽带充值卡为校园统一的宽带产品,同质、同速、同价,无任何差异。
 & 5.无线WIFI服务。未办理校园宿舍宽带业务的学生在图书馆、学生会堂等特定区域可以免费通过无线WIFI方式访问校园网内部资源(如学校网站、教务系统、网络教学平台),限2M带宽,不限流量。已办理校园宿舍宽带业务的学生在上述区域可以访问互联网。教室不向学生开放无线WIFI访问权限。
 & 6.取消融合。校园宿舍宽带为独立发售的产品,任何一家电信运营商不允许采用手机或号卡等相关业务捆绑或搭售校园宽带充值卡等融合方式,学生没有办理手机或号卡等相关业务也可以单独开通校园宿舍宽带业务。
 & 7. 服务电话:校园宽带安装服务咨询及售后维护电话:&。


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