rimowa德国官网 in koblenz有销售吗?地址? 谢谢!

为什么大多数人最爱 Rimowa?
为什么大多数人最爱 Rimowa?
范主说:如果箱子会动情,请你替我抱抱它。上周五,范友们纷纷发来了#我外出用什么行李箱#。果不其然,后台一片银灿灿的Rimowa~今天范主精选了30个有故事的行李箱与大家分享~范主要为这些年来陪伴范友们风雨兼程的每个行李箱,都点一个大大的。@陌':为细节执着~#我外出用什么行李箱# 自然是"烂大街又俗套"的Rimowa,但不是topas而是classic flight。选择它的理由其实很简单,我这个人有时候会被某个东西的某个细节打动然后就开始疯狂地喜欢这样东西,喜欢CF的原因就是规整的箱体和轮子。作为一个伪常客可能最常跟在身边的东西就是它了了,能和一只自己喜欢的箱子同行确实是件很开心的事情。来自范主:Rimowa的各个细节设计的确没得挑剔,CF也很有禁欲气质!@LILY:大爱MUJI~#我外出用什么行李箱# MUJI大爱啊!超轻超滑有滑轮固定锁,很方便,妈妈再也不怕我溜坡了。就是箱子锁用钥匙不用密码,钥匙只有两个,马大哈好怕丢了找不到。不过MUJI的红色超美的,关键日本买大号折合人民币只要1500哦!来自范主:果然有Muji粉~红色真的很亮眼哦!@JL.LIU:手提箱很cool~#我外出用什么行李箱# RIMOWA ATTACH 就是有范!来自范主:言简意赅的说,就是有范!@Ver&:可以当小板凳的Rimowa#我外出用什么行李箱# 日默瓦之前用Ace的觉得质地好轻便。但是单项轮的箱子对于女生来说。真的是太重太重太重了。后来有了rimowa简直满足了一切装逼以及便利的要求。质感好。好看啊。走累了能坐在上面啊。逼格高啊。耐造啊。可以满足我一周出去玩不重样的衣服和化妆品空间。估计没坏前都不会再换了。来自范主:好想知道,Rimowa上面能坐几个壮汉~~@低调的网红小唐:真的很...耐..操.#我外出用什么行李箱# 新秀丽初中在外地念书,经常需要来回跑。我爸在法国给我买的一款行李箱,用了大概5年,从初中到大学,真的是完好无损,我觉得不管是lv也好,日默瓦也好,关键还是在于是否耐操。来自范主:用了五年还保持的几乎像新的一样,此处应有掌声~@阿拉辛:大概能摔得地方都摔过了...#我外出用什么行李箱# 在罗马买东西多了在当地买的欧产新秀丽,轻便耐用,万向轮也方便。一年陪我飞120+次,国内摔完国外摔,平原摔完高原摔。经历了各机场的点你证明好用!来自范主:每年有三分之一的时间都在飞,这只陪你翻山越岭的行李箱功劳最大!@戴伟:品质与面子兼得~#我外出用什么行李箱# 当然是rimowa了。并非是为了装13,以前用别的箱子被摔的稀巴烂惨不忍睹,自从用了Rimowa以后再也不用担心我的箱子被摔坏了。质量绝对保证又有面子何乐而不为呢?来自范主:我只想静静的给你配的文字点一个zan~@静水流深:一起静静的装13~#我外出用什么行李箱# 日默瓦装13利器来自范主:简单粗暴我喜欢~@灭光师太:将"美旅"进行到底~#我外出用什么行李箱# American Tourister我的工作一年有半年需要到处出差,所以对于我来说行李箱一定要结实耐用!喜欢美旅,因为觉得它款式颜色都不差,再加上价格很实惠,坐飞机无数次被残忍的抛来抛去也没有伤它半分毫,结实的乍舌,毕竟我不是推着它拗造型用的,出差途中不要损坏是我的终极追求!从图片中的20寸到28寸到双肩包,我都用美旅的,所谓忠实的拥趸不过如此吧!看到箱子上那把小锁了吗,另一个行李箱牌子,即便自带密码锁再好用,我还是习惯用小锁,怪癖,呵呵!第一次参加这种活动,重在参与,能不能评上无所谓!谢谢范主!来自范主:一张很安静的照片,一个安静的美箱子~@青风:载着爱的大箱子#我外出用什么行李箱# 新秀丽只有这一个,是为了带老婆儿子出去玩买的,比较大,一周行程的东西基本都装下,再搭配个城市背包,一个人就能搞定所有行李。平时户外都是一个背包,所以特别不喜欢大包小裹。说实话买的时候不知道别的品牌,只听说过这个。照片手机拍的,纯属献丑。来自范主:小恐龙的姿势很Q,下次带上它一起旅行吧~@Poli黄薄霖:这是一个技术贴阿喂...#我外出用什么行李箱# RIMOWA 时间:14年圣诞节 地点:香港海港城连卡佛购买理由如下:第一,从西服到提包、从领带到手表,我的存货让我能够应付几乎所有的商务场合,但一件事除外--被接机,因此,严谨的男人需要从机舱门打开的时候就保持最佳的状态,行李包在这个场合下极其重要。第二,在反复看过了整个海港城在售的几个品牌行李包以后,很容易在品质和工艺的横向对比上得出判断---铝镁合金,轻便,防盗,防水。在加入价格因素的考虑下,虽然也犹豫过,但性价比也没被其他"街包"秒出多远,属于咬咬牙可以接受的范围。第三,当然是'BG。拼色亚洲限量款,黑银、黑金各一千只,内衬连卡佛质量值得信赖,如果仅仅因为它是RIMOWA或者仅仅因为它足够好的话,我还是很难下手的。我是段子分割线一次在禄口机场登机,被地勤姐姐无端要求开箱检查,看着我翻来覆去一番后,表示没有问题,在我基本把箱子整理完毕的时候,姐姐悠悠的来了一句:这个箱子是拼上去的?嗯。自己拼的? 原本就这样。然后在姐姐有点艳羡的目光里麻利的提包 走人 ...,当时心里的辣种暗爽,造吗?现在回想起来都很强烈。当然 因为包够大,也多次被拒绝登机,这个理由怎嘛说呢,有道理,但我有苦衷的,那是第一次也是至今为止唯一一次托运它,你猜对的,毛蛋的一个坑,一个坑,坑。就跟上面暗爽的赶脚一样甚至更强烈,辣种拳拳到肉的心疼啊,说是在滴血不夸张的。所以凭着这个傲娇的理由和一脸诚恳的态度,最后不知道因为是头等舱还是姐姐又闹我,我都很顺利的登机了。总之,飞来飞去这些趟这些地方,牵着它在机场里行走的时候,总有意无意去瞄一瞄别人的箱子,心里就有了好多底气。周围人少的时候,偶尔也会跟媳妇嘚瑟一句:看,还是我这个最顺眼吧。来自范主:范主已经看傻了_(:з」&)_不过这个限量款拼色realcool!@想想:有rimowa陪伴,不孤单#我外出用什么箱# Rimowa我经常独自旅行,寂寥的站台,轻捻箱杆,箱子便自由旋转,想起旋转木马,那放肆痛快的晕眩感。一个人在路上也不寂寞,有rimowa陪我。也试过全家出行,大小行李,一手两只,四只箱子两条腿,也是行走如风。行李再多在机场也不窘迫,有rimowa陪我。常年在外的人比较懂,行李箱里是小小的家,大大的安全感。来自范主:"行李是小小的家,大大的安全感。"@wj:有比有较~#我外出用什么行李箱# 最常用的三只出自德国rimowa ,美国美旅,日本永旺。区别很明显。美国的是实用的良品,日本的是好用的精品,德国的是精致的艺术品。小白是限量版,从没见过"撞箱",美貌到从不舍得托运。美旅已经托运到发黑无法清洁。日本永旺买的自产牌,没有标签像muji似的。却是最为实用,装得量大轻快耐脏,托运登机两宜,轮子方便,台湾十几天行程和出差两三天行程都轻松hold住。对我这样去最多的地方是虹桥的人来说,可爱的小箱子们真像亲人。来自范主:小白很别致~旅行箱也要明确分工才好~@yingying:各种实用的旅行箱~#我外出用什么行李箱# antler选择他是因为材质好,厚厚的帆布材质,不怕变形,耐摔。箱子的四个轮的位置设计的也好,不会因为外袋放笔记本电脑而使整个箱子倒下。大家不要小瞧轮子这个细节,我就因为买过没有四个轮的箱子而导致箱子经常一边倒。这个箱子的拉链在一边,而不是像一些箱子的拉链开在中间,这样箱子可以装的更多。黑色也让这个箱子更耐脏,少了打理的时间。这个箱子的重量轻也是我选择的重要原因。大家都知道长途只能带23kg,所以选一个更轻的箱子意味可以带更多了。最后,我在腐国的Tkmax买的箱子,才70磅,虽然是made in China。但质量真的不错。用的很顺手。来自范主:"不会因为外袋放笔记本而倒下",五星好评~@耻耻Mr.W:一只参与了婚纱照的行李箱#我外出用什么行李箱# eminent雅士行李箱用了两年陪我飞过大半个中国,无论被快递小哥还是机场工作大叔摔来扔去,外表丝毫没有任何硬伤,内部设计满足各种商务需求内衬手感棒棒哒!轮子在各种路面被我恣意摧残也没有变形,值得推荐各位经常出差的筒子们~来自范主:最后一张成功引起了范主的注意~@朱丽二呼呼:可以给以力量的行李箱~#我外出用什么行李箱# Diplomat外交官的行李箱就像它的名字一样,给我一种外交官的自信,让我每一次出差出行,都很有信心,谈判或做事,总觉得没有做不成的。我最爱拖着它到处走动,和我一起看这个世界,装载我的故事与工作成绩,成了我战友一样的存在。来自范主:感谢它给了你自信的力量!@李大頭:man in black#我外出用什么旅行箱# 托运用新秀丽贝壳坐经济舱的屌丝们选择自重轻的托运箱是王道。登机箱用TUMI,内袋丰富,能装耐操。来自范主:一整套黑色系列也是蛮酷的!@江南皮革厂厂长:报告!这里有土豪~#我外出用什么行李箱# Rimowa必需Rimowa啊!谨遵范主教诲旅行箱第一装逼利器啊 而且经济又实惠,图为今天正好在巴黎老佛爷扫完货时候拍的。来自范主:厂长,我看到了好多$_$@刘智坚:人如其名~#我外出用什么行李箱# 公司年会抽到的,也忘记什么牌子了,只想打下榜。前面那个逗逼对这个箱子各种吐槽,我见蛮好看的,入职5年到离开公司离开这座城市有点不舍,但是,人要往高处走,加油!来自范主:也是一个关于旅途的故事。人往高处走很好啊,但是如果累了,顺流而下也不错。@牛耳朵:低调奢华在这里~#我外出用什么行李箱# Bottega Veneta一直是BV家的粉丝,喜欢简约编织的风格,低调的华丽。就这样静静的躺着就很美。来自范主:买一只BV当登机箱很拉风诶!@Huan:Rimowa是强迫症收割机~#我外出用什么行李箱# Rimowa Limbo大俗但它集美貌和实用为一身怨不得人爱。除了高颜值,这款既不会加重旅行负荷又给人足够的安全感,拉动起来极其省力单手就可,当需要辗转多个城市时尤其觉得它贴心,水果便当杂志之类装起来往外挂钩上一搭妥妥的省力方便。对强迫症来讲Rimowa打开后可以一分两半的平铺是太赞的设计,开箱后所有的旅行家当都一目了然井井有条,而合上后它方正的造型又没有一丝累赘。若硬说缺点,这箱子自重稍重轮子太活,但对真爱粉来讲这都不是事。?(&&`)来自范主:这个整理术范主给满分~@soda:成熟男人火一样的内心~#我外出用什么旅行箱# 美旅工作原因,要经常出差于北欧地区,时间通常是一个月左右。偶然的原因,买了美旅的这个红色旅行箱:颜色亮丽,诠释了一个成熟男人火一样的内心;尺寸合适,耐装耐操,特别适合北欧冬天需要要带冬装的情况,而且每次朋友都要在国外帮买买好多东西。已经陪伴我三个年头了。由于刚出差回来,看到活动就拍了照片,希望不晚并能被选中~来自范主:所以你是"火"一样的男子咯!@佳好圆:全家总动员~#我外出用什么行李箱# Ace、samsonite、antler各有所长:antler性价比最高,香槟色耐脏又独特;Samsonte最轻便,材质坚固有弹性;Ace最美貌,一键锁轮方便实用。为神马三个28寸大个子同时出动了?当然是因为爷爷奶奶外公外婆和一家三口全体总动员啦!质量超好的三个大众品牌旅行箱,伴随我们度过了愉快难忘的假期!@LiNG:上过月球好嘛!#我外出用什么行李箱# Zero Halliburton在国内真的是小众牌子,选择它除了装逼还会有其他理由吗?特别给范主补充一下,这款箱子不是聚酯材质,是纯正的金属and铆钉啊,在满大街的rimowa中,不止一次被人当作山寨货问过了。好想跟那些人嚎一句:哥这也是贵价货,上过月球好吗~来自范主:这次唯一的一只Zero Halliburton,逼格满满!——范主开奖的分割线——铛铛铛,下面要出场的六位范友,恭喜你们,SECRID卡包就是你们的辣!鼓掌~~1号获奖选手@johnnyshen:爸爸的温暖#我外出用什么行李箱#
American Tourister其实现在出差一般都会用新买的Rimowa,但是想想,应该还是这个美旅对我更加有意义。2010年大学毕业,去法国留学。我那个话不多的老爸说去买个大点的新箱子吧。后来去了商场,老爸就问服务员哪个牌子的包质量最好,我儿子要带着它去法国。后来就是这个最大号的美旅,陪着我完成学业,后来回国,成家,立业。结婚后老婆给我新买了一个RIMOWA,但是这个美旅一直都随着我搬到我的新家一直放在储藏室里&也许它并不贵,也许它并不算好看。但是它曾陪我走过那么多路,也许这才是旅行箱最重要的。来自范主:父母的爱太浓,有故事的行李箱,值得珍藏一辈子。2号获奖选手@Herr壮壮:回忆是最甜的酒#我外出用什么行李箱# rimowa一直被rimowa的品牌文化和历史所吸引,这款classic flight也是在我看来最经典的一款,皮质的把手,经典到不行的金属表面,当然,一定要在箱子上贴满自己喜欢的贴纸或标签。记得自己的箱子上的标签大多是在德国的时候喝完啤酒然后把酒标小心翼翼地撕下来,然后思量再三之后贴在自己觉得合适的位置上,每次出行带着它,看着箱子上的贴画,都会想到在德国生活的日子。很棒的回忆。来自范主:范主已经脑补了你撕下酒标的画面~一定是个重情义的孩纸。另外,这一票投给你,也投给stan smith~3号获奖选手@Accept:很cool的行李箱!#我外出用什么行李箱# herschel最喜欢的包brand 简洁。设计理念很适合年轻人,而且很有个性,手感也很不错。来自范主:很小众,很有态度的一款行李箱哦。SECRID卡包应该很适合你,拿走不谢~4号获奖选手@肉脸嘟嘟:bonjur!#我外出用什么行李箱# 美旅四年前刚工作,囊中羞涩,但是又要出差,淘了好久,买了一只24寸美旅。四年来陪我走了很多地方。证明真是性价比首选淘气地贴了很多贴纸。今年去阿拉斯加的时候拉链锁坏了,当时真是懵了。后来找了酒店工程师把锁砸了,才把拉链取出来。但是宝宝还是很喜欢这个箱子啊!来自范主:砸锁这事儿也是萌萌哒。很喜欢一件东西的感觉,真的很美好。5号获奖选手@黄石南:旅行的意义。#我外出用什么行李箱# 宝马十年前女友送的,因为她父母反对,分手了才发现所谓旅行的意义就是,你离开我,我才发现我生命中那些美好的时刻并不只是因为跟你一起度过。大概第一个喜欢的人,最后都不会在一起吧。有天,我也会发现我过去的日子已经远远超过我未来的日子,那时,我将把未来与你一起分享,就像当初哼唱着同一首歌,重复着同样的笑话,哈哈哈哈哈哈来自范主:十年了,这只行李箱依旧如新。我们这一生会遇见很多人,活在当下,且行且珍惜。6号获奖选手@乱世枭雄:最有故事的行李箱!#我外出用什么行李箱# American tourist低调,耐用,被机场的暴力搬运怎么甩都没事。图片是我姥爷临走前给的礼物,这只箱子一直陪着他南征北战到解放,我上大学第一次出远门就带的它,虽然已经现在坏了(皮质老化),已经锁不上了,但每每打开的一霎那,总会想到他老人家,愿他安好!原网页已经由ZAKER转码以便在移动设备上查看
大家都在看Cheap Rimowa in Paris, London, or Zurich? - FlyerTalk Forums
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Cheap Rimowa in Paris, London, or Zurich?
I will be travelling to Paris, London, and Zurich next month so want to take advantage of the chance and buy a Rimowa cheaply.
Does anyone have any suggestion for shops that sell inexpensive Rimowa in any of these three cities?
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Berlin and Buggenhagen, Germany
Posts: 3,509
Sorry but cheap Rimowa in any of these cities won't be easy. I'd say close to impossible. All of those places are know for premium prices especially Zurich and London. Paris might be your best bet. You would also get the largest VAT back. But to be hones, I've never even seen a single shop in Paris that had Rimowa. Try the big department stores like BHV, Printemps, Lafayette and Bon Marche.
If you really want lower prices, go to Frankfurt, Cologne (where they have their HQ) or Berlin.
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I was wandering up Madison Avenue yesterday when I passed this smallish shop which seems to have a wide variety of Rimowa at prices approximating the European catalog prices.
The guy in the store said they had gotten a lot of grief when Rimowa had higher US prices and that &the problem had been fixed.&
He also said he was a repair depot for Rimowa.
Also claimed to be their largest US dealer.
Take a look at
Looks decent to me.
Not a super luxury store but I think it's for real.
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Berlin and Buggenhagen, Germany
Posts: 3,509
One thing is sure, the website layout is the quickest to browse of all luggage sites I've seen. I like that.
As for the prices, hm? I always use the big 32& Jumbo Multiwheel Trolley as a reference. I think that costs around 650 Euro in Germany. Plus 32% (the current exchange rate) makes this go to around 900 US$. If you export it from Germany you do save the VAT of around 20%. So the case comes down to 520Euro or 682US$. Seems still a whole lot cheaper than the $1190 they want.
But besides that, their retail is inflated and the sale price is the exact same sale price you can get from other sites:
EDIT: I checked the prices on Koffer Direkt:
Cash bought sur place is 530 Euros and CC is 563 Euros. Subtract VAT for export it goes down to around 440 Euros, that's 577US$ for the biggest and baddest Rimowa case.
Sorry, as hard it is there seems to be no alternative to buying in Germany. If you buy a set of luggage of three pieces or so you can well get the price for your ticket to Germany out of the difference.
I do think that website will also ship to the US.
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I swear I walked past a shop on Avenue de l'Opera near the Opera Metro (on the right-hand side if you're walking north, if I remember correctly) that was selling either Rimowa or very believable knockoffs in the 300 euro range.
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tfar -- thanks for doing the research!
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Berlin and Buggenhagen, Germany
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Originally Posted by RichardInSF
tfar -- thanks for doing the research!
At your service!
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Originally Posted by tfar
But to be hones, I've never even seen a single shop in Paris that had Rimowa.
I just returned from Paris last night and there was a shop right next to my hotel on Rue Tronchet that had a big Rimowa display in the window.
(I particularly noticed it because my cracked Rimowa was in my hotel room at the time.)
I did not check prices, though.
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Berlin and Buggenhagen, Germany
Posts: 3,509
Originally Posted by ShopAround
I just returned from Paris last night and there was a shop right next to my hotel on Rue Tronchet that had a big Rimowa display in the window.
(I particularly noticed it because my cracked Rimowa was in my hotel room at the time.)
I did not check prices, though.
That's good to know. Just that I haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't have them. It's also been quite some time that I haven't lived in Paris. I last visited in Nov. 2009.
Join Date: Jul 2010
&&RIMOWA Dealers in Paris &&
&&RIMOWA Dealers in Paris &&
经销商列表 Paris
Le Bon Marché
5, rue de Babylone
44 39 80 50
Contact: Mme Brigitte JAMIN
25, bd des Capucines
42 61 54 61
42 61 21 51
174, rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
47 03 66 72
42 60 86 49
26, av. de l?Opé
75001 Paris
42 96 86 46
229, rue Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris
42 60 61 15
Mon Bateau
45, rue Saint-Anne
75001 Paris
Librairies Voyageurs du
55, rue Sainte Anne
75002 Paris
Station de Ré
135, rue d'
75002 Paris
42 33 03 80
40 39 90 89
21, Rue de Pavée
La Boutique du
17, bd de Sé
75004 Paris
42 76 95 63
Le jour & L'
3, rue de Tournon
75006 Paris
Maroquinerie Valery
19, av. des Gobelins
46,bd Saint-Michel
43 54 33 89
La Bagagerie
41, rue du
45 48 86 48
11, rue du Faubourg St Honoré
La Bagagerie
42 65 03 40
Paris Romantic
78, av. des Champs Elysées
42 89 39 06
14, rue des
47 27 78 20
47 27 78 20
68, rue de Passy
42 88 90 08
La Bagagerie
74, rue de
41, av. des
40 55 94 90
42 96 86 46
47 63 42 01
40 53 96 50
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Originally Posted by tfar
One thing is sure, the website layout is the quickest to browse of all luggage sites I've seen. I like that.
As for the prices, hm? I always use the big 32& Jumbo Multiwheel Trolley as a reference. I think that costs around 650 Euro in Germany. Plus 32% (the current exchange rate) makes this go to around 900 US$. If you export it from Germany you do save the VAT of around 20%. So the case comes down to 520Euro or 682US$. Seems still a whole lot cheaper than the $1190 they want.
But besides that, their retail is inflated and the sale price is the exact same sale price you can get from other sites:
EDIT: I checked the prices on Koffer Direkt:
Cash bought sur place is 530 Euros and CC is 563 Euros. Subtract VAT for export it goes down to around 440 Euros, that's 577US$ for the biggest and baddest Rimowa case.
Sorry, as hard it is there seems to be no alternative to buying in Germany. If you buy a set of luggage of three pieces or so you can well get the price for your ticket to Germany out of the difference.
I do think that website will also ship to the US.
Hi there, it looks like the Koffer Direkt website offers some good prices, but a problem - it seems to be in Germen only and I could not find an English page. Do they have an English shopping page?
BTW, I shall be travelling to Vienna tomorrow for a weekend. Is it likely that some good deals can be found in Vienna on Rimowa Salsa, considering that Vienna is close to Germany with so much people movement?
Thanks so much.
Join Date: Dec 2009
Hides in Shapes
Originally Posted by RichardInSF
I was wandering up Madison Avenue yesterday when I passed this smallish shop which seems to have a wide variety of Rimowa at prices approximating the European catalog prices.
The guy in the store said they had gotten a lot of grief when Rimowa had higher US prices and that &the problem had been fixed.&
He also said he was a repair depot for Rimowa.
Also claimed to be their largest US dealer.
Take a look at
Looks decent to me.
Not a super luxury store but I think it's for real.
I purchased a RIMOWA at Hides in Shapes a few months ago. The staff is very friendly and they have a great selection. I later returned to purchase another piece of luggage, which needed some custom work which they did free of charge.
Looks like price wise maybe it *is* better to buy in Europe, but if you want to buy in the states, I give Hides in Shapes two thumbs up.
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Any recommendations for places to buy 'cheap' Rimowa Luggage in Munich or Vienna?
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Originally Posted by SQ225
Any recommendations for places to buy 'cheap' Rimowa Luggage in Munich or Vienna?
There's a thread from a while back on buying in Munich. I bought at one of the places recommended, Hetzenecker, at Karlsplatz in December. Good range and cash discount. Don't be put off by the appearance of the shop, it's rammed with stock and tiny but it does have a good range.
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Originally Posted by KeepDiscovering
Hi there, it looks like the Koffer Direkt website offers some good prices, but a problem - it seems to be in Germen only and I could not find an English page. Do they have an English shopping page?
I don't speak German (much) and I ordered from koffer direkt by using google translate.
Worked like a charm.
Then I decided to change my order, so I called Koffer Direkt's number.
It turns out that most of the people who are answering the phone there speak excellent English.
So, yeah, I'd totally recommend them.
Especially because shipping wasn't too bad (2 weeks.)
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