
而在配件质量上,1more这次不仅种类全、而且质量更是优秀。连同默认配置在耳塞上的一共五对不同尺寸的硅胶套和三对大小不一的Comply海绵套足够满足各种不同耳道尺寸大小和不同听音习惯人士的DIY调音玩法。黑色皮革质感的耳机盒之前也有过,手感和空间都是很一流的。而飞机用转接头和一个领夹的未必会有很强的实用性,不过精致的做工和漂亮的设计质感还是让人能够感觉到1more在细节处下的心思。调音水准进步明显 高调抓人流行口味介于1more之前的产品都是更偏向于展现声音细节而相对轻乐感,再加上其在去年年底高调引入曾经荣获格莱美奖项的调音大师Luca来为这只1more三单元圈铁耳机的声音定调,于是小编便非常期待其声音表现。
日期: 标签:海外评测 1MORE三单元圈铁耳机 来源:Ian Scott-Parker
作者:Ian Scott-ParkerHave you watched in horror as the average price of high-end headphones has spiraled upwards? Prepare to be astounded! A new name, in the USA at least, 1MORE has come to the rescue. They do say they have sold 20 million units in three years in China. They now offer in the USA a pair of three-driver high quality in-ear headphone buds at an outstanding price that will not require you to take out a second mortgage on your home. “Aha”, we hear you murmur, “I can see the price tag, but will I be able to hear the value for money?” We share your skepticism: read on to find out what we discovered after using the 1MORE Triple Driver In-Ear Headphones (referred to as 1MORE Triples hereafter) over several weeks of intensive listening.不知大家是否注意到目前高端耳机的市场均价都以螺旋式上涨?准备虎躯一震吧!最近美国有个新晋品牌——1MORE要来拯救你了!这个品牌3年间在中国已卖出了2000万条耳机。现在它在美国卖的这条三单元圈铁耳机,价格划算得惊人,让人毫不犹豫就入手了。“啊哈”,我听见你在叨叨叨了,“价格我是看到了,但听感、音质值这个价吗?”在频繁地听了几个礼拜1MORE三单元圈铁耳机(以下简称为“1MORE三单元”)之后,来看看我们的发现能不能打消你的疑虑。Let us start at the beginning. The package arrived as an elegant book-form box with a magnetic latch. The earphones immediately caught our eye with their stylish form and color. Four smaller boxes were included within the package. Without disrespecting those YouTube unboxing videos you may have seen, we do not usually dwell on how the product is presented. This packaging was something remarkable. The four boxes held a minimalist gatefold instruction card, a neat carrying case, an additional connector and clip, and a pack of tips. The whole package is beautifully presented in the same way we have come to expect from our favorite computer manufacturer.这就开始:耳机的外包装做成了磁吸的书本盒,耳机的时尚外观和颜色马上就吸引眼球,包装盒内有四个小盒子。无意冒犯YouTube上那些不带包装的耳机评测视频,我们都没注意到其实耳机展示方式也可以进行一番讲解。这款耳机的包装设计可圈可点,四个小盒子装着一份精炼的产品折页,简洁的便携盒,附送航空插头和线夹,一整盒耳塞套。整个包装设计,像我们心心念念的电脑产品那样完美呈现了产品的整体和细节。To our amazement, an additional eight pairs of ear tip in two types and seven sizes is included! Those numbers are not a typos: you can count them for yourself in the top picture. At last, a manufacturer has not only acknowledged that it doesn’t matter how technically advanced earbud engineering and performance might be, if the buds don’t fit properly then all else is in vain, but has done something to address the issue. If you can’t find a fit from this range, you probably need to have a custom-made fitment manufactured by a qualified audiologist.附赠8副耳塞套,耳塞套分为2种不同材质以及7种不同尺寸,太让人惊喜了!这不是我写错字,你可以照着图自己来数。看得出来,这个耳机品牌很清楚这一点:一条耳机无论在技术、性能方面如何牛X,但假如耳塞套不适配,其它就是空谈了,所以它在这个部分做到了。假如在这堆耳塞套中你还是找不到适配自己耳朵的,建议你去找听力专家定制耳塞套。Some more attention to detail that impressed us was the quality of the cabling and retainers. They say that one never gets a second chance to make a first impression. We were trying to curb our enthusiasm at this point, fearful that our judgement for the all-important listening test might be affected.有些细节值得我们注意:线材的质感和绕线器。人说“第一印象很重要”,话虽如此,却会在主观上影响对耳机试听的真实判断。The headphones sounded so good right out of the box that we thought we had been bedazzled. Not so. After several weeks of intensive listening we were unable to find anything other than good things to say about the 1MORE Triples. That “we” is not a reviewing conceit. Several users were invited to try the headphones and all agreed that the listening experience was faultless. Anyone with an experience of the price of this level of equipment was astounded that such quality came at such a low price.打开盒子听耳机,声音真不错,让我感觉有点“眼花缭乱”了。并非如此。经过几周频繁的试听,我们真的无法对1MORE三单元“鸡蛋里挑骨头”。刚才说的“我们”,不是我神经错乱,而是我邀请了几个小伙伴来试听耳机,他们都觉得听起来完美无瑕。任何一个人,只要是买过这个价位的播放设备的,都被这耳机的品质和低价给震住了!If you are a technophile you can go to the 1MORE Triples webpage and check out the construction. Externally, the fit and finish was beyond criticism. The sound they produce is a testament to their advanced design and engineering internally with matching build quality.假如你是一个“技术控”,你可以浏览1MORE三单元的网页,找到更多详细的产品参数信息。外观设计上,佩戴舒适性和制造工艺是无可挑剔的。音质表现上,1MORE实现了先进声学与内部结构设计上的完美匹配。We invited an audiologist, Dr. Richard Luekenga, Au.D., CCC-A, F-AAA, from Hearing & Balance Doctors (hearingdoctors.net) to try the 1MORE Triples. Audiologists are generally more concerned with what is called the ‘speech banana’ and hearing loss, but Dr. Luekenga has an enthusiasm for listening to music, too. He also likes to listen while he exercises. Interestingly, he works with clients whose hearing is unimpaired, such as professional musicians who need hearing devices for enhancement and protection.我们请来了听力平衡医学网(hearingdoctors.net)的听力专家Richard Luekenga博士、Au.D、CCC-A、F-AAA对耳机进行试听。通常来说,听力专家更在意的是语音分布图以及听力受损,但Luekenga博士也是一位音乐爱好者,喜欢在运动时听音乐。有趣的是,他与听力未受损的人打交道,比如一些需要用特定设备来增强或保护听力的专业音乐人Dr. Luekenga and his assistant, Michael Reed, a certified Audiology Assistant, were impressed by the sound quality of the 1MORE Triples, comparing them favorably with the specialist items at three times the price that they use with bespoke ear moldings to make devices for stage and concert work. Both testers loved the fit. They especially the comfort level and ambient noise exclusion achieved with the foam buds. They also found them comfortable for extended periods when exercising.参照专业标准,并与用于舞台、音乐会的定制级耳模价格进行了三次对比之后,Luekenga博士与助理Michael Reed(具有听力助理资质)都对1MORE三单元的表现印象深刻。他俩都很喜欢三单元耳机的舒适佩戴感,尤其喜欢泡棉耳塞套带来的舒适感和隔音效果。即使是运动时戴久了也很舒适。We also conducted blind tests. This is the only way to achieve an objective assessment. Hearing itself is subjective enough, but if factors like brand name recognition, physical appearance, and price awareness in either direction, are allowed to intrude then the user responses become meaningless. The results were unequivocally consistent: the 1MORE Triples were always rated best in any price bracket.我们也做了“盲听”测试,它是客观评估的唯一方法。听感原本就是主观的,但假如试听时,告知了你品牌认知度、耳机外观和价格其中任一因素,那么听感就会受影响而变得毫无意义。结果是,1MORE三单元表里如一,在任何价格区间内都做到最好。How do these headphones rate when trying to punch above their weight against more expensive headphones? That’s when, even in blind testing, the subjective listening experience begins to take effect. The bad news is that if you just paid over $300 for some premium brand headphones then you may wish you had tried the 1MORE Triples before splashing out.与高端、高价的耳机抗衡,它的性能表现如何呢?其实在盲测时,它在主观听感上就已经与高端耳机划等号了。另有一个“坏消息”:假如你花了三百多美元买了高端耳机,希望你在“乱花钱”之前就已经听过1MORE三单元耳机了,否则可能会悔断肠……The 1MORE Triples were remarkably neutral across a range of sample tracks. When Debbie Harry sings, “Oh, you know her, ‘Miss Groupie Supreme’ / Yeah, you know her, ‘Vera Vogue’ on parade” in the song ’Rip Her to Shreds’ on Blondie’s 1976 eponymous first album, every word is clear, which many headphones struggle to accomplish. On the track ’Spanish Harlem’ by Rebecca Pidgeon from a Chesky audiophile compilation, every noise can be precisely located on the sound stage. In delicate piano pieces from ‘Beethoven-Five Piano Concertos’ played by Alfred Brendel, the notes drop like pebbles into a pellucid pool. That’s as far as we are prepared to go with the purple prose. The handling of a full-on symphony orchestra, checked with several versions of the ‘Brandenburg Concertos’, was equally satisfactory. Nothing seemed to be outside the capabilities of these earphones.在试听了不同风格的曲目后,1MORE三单元耳机的表现是相当均衡、稳定。当Debbie Harry唱着1976年首张同名专辑中的《Rip Her to Shreds’ on Blondie’s》:“Oh, you know her, ‘Miss Groupie Supreme’ / Yeah, you know her, ‘Vera Vogue’ on parade”,每一个吐字都如此清晰,这点上许多耳机的表现却差强人意。在发烧厂牌Chesky推出的Rebecca Pidgeon《Spanish Harlem》这首歌中,声场中的每个声音都定位精准。在Alfred Brendel演奏的《贝多芬5号协奏曲》优美的钢琴片段中,每一个音符像鹅卵石落进清澈的湖中,我能想象到的就是散文中华丽的辞藻。在大编制交响乐章的控制力上,采用多个版本《勃兰登堡协奏曲》进行试听,耳机表现令人相当满意。1MORE三单元耳机似乎统统都能驾驭。The 1MORE Triples include an inline controller. It is iPhone compatible for calls in and out. It can also be used to switch tracks and manage volume for playing music on your mobile device. The only feature we can think to nitpick would be to have swappable cabling configurations for different environments, but at the asking price that would be asking too much.1MORE三单元圈铁耳机带有线控,可适配iPhone的通话功能,也可实现在移动设备上的选曲、音量调节功能。如果一定要挑毛病,在不同使用情景下无法换线这点有点遗憾,但以这个价格来要求就太过分了。From muscular and robust sounds to slender and delicate sounds, the 1MORE Triples handled a wide range of audio with aplomb. Everybody hears things differently, but we are sure you will not be disappointed. Finally, as previously mentioned, there is that price: $99.99 is astounding and might be expected to shake up the whole market sector.无论是结实有力的低音,还是纤细优雅的细节,1MORE三单元耳机轻松驾驭声音的动态范围。每个人听感不同,但能确信的是它一定不会让你失望。像前面提到的,它的价格是令人尖叫的99.99美元,势必给整个耳机市场带来冲击。Editor’s Note: 1More also makes very good Dual Driver In-Ear Headphones that sell for $69.99 in the USA. We tested them in addition to the 1More Triples that Ian praised above. For a $30 difference, we recommend that budget-wise listeners pay for the superior Triples. They have no equal in this price range.编辑推荐:1MORE也在美国推出了表现出色的双单元入耳式耳机,单价69.99美元。在Ian大力称赞了1MORE的三单元圈铁耳机之后,我们也试听了它的双单元耳机。两者之间相差30美元,我们为聪明的您力荐这款旗舰三单元耳机,因为在这个价格区间内,它无可匹敌。一、众测产品
1MORE 胶囊圈铁耳机(5 月 11 日将在京东开售)
2016 年 4 月 27 日 - 5 月 8 日
所有体验报告提交后,将由社区用户和 ZEALER 工作人员评选,其中优质的报告将有机会获得1MORE 胶囊圈铁耳机 。
微信公众平台导航音乐胶囊 1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机评测
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1MORE在今年CES上发布了一款新品--Capsule圈铁,该与全球知名时尚穿戴设计品牌Misfit联手打造,拥有相当独到的外形设计,腔体部分采用简洁流畅的线条,圆润饱满的形状使得耳机与胶囊外形非常相似,因此这也难怪1MORE会使用Capsule来命名这款耳机。Capsule同样是采用了1MORE耳机当中常见的圈铁结构,搭载有单动铁与单动圈,其中动铁单元负责高频,动圈单元负责中低频。得益于不同单元的运用,理论上Capsule可以同时拥有动铁的高解析与动圈低频自然的特点。但对于类似定位的圈铁耳机一直以来就是褒贬不一的状态,有些人认为盲目使用圈铁结构并没有太大意义,而有些用户则抱着截然不同的看法,那么1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机的实际体验如何?感兴趣的不妨可以从下文的详细评测当中进行了解。1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机开箱1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机包装1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机的包装非常小巧、紧凑,黑色的背景结合简单、显眼的耳机展示图使得整体看上去颇为大气,同时也有一定的高端感。除了左上角的1MORE LOGO外,在右下角还能看到propelled by Misfit字样以及相应的LOGO。1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机背面的详细信息背面主要是耳机的主打卖点、重要参数以及制造信息等,运用了中英两种语言,因此文字在不大的包装上显得有些密密麻麻。我们收到的版本在左下角印有Engineering sample,也许Capsule圈铁耳机在正式开始售的时候还会有一些调整,当然笔者感觉耳机的完成度已经相当之高了。
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1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机由Misfit负责外观设计,腔体部分采用了圆润的线条曲线,使得整体简洁流畅,加之塑料和金属两种材质的运用使得耳机造型和胶囊有着几分相似感。1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机在整体结构上,1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机显得非常独特,导管部分和入线口呈小角度排列,几乎和大写的字母&Y&一致。由于结构原因,Capsule的佩戴效果也所有不同,耳塞腔体会横置于外耳耳廓,耳道内的导管也拥有一定的倾斜角度,减少了传统方式所产生的异物感。
1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机耳机腔体使用了两种不同的材质,这并非完全是为了美观性,由于佩戴的时候腔体会横置于耳廓,所以在靠近皮肤的一侧改用了塑料材质,避免了金属与人体接触时的冰冷感。另外,附带的硅胶腔体套安装后不但能调节大小,还能带来更加细腻的接触感。耳机腔体导管的细节相比其他入耳式耳机,Capsule的导管直径略大,这是由于该耳机在导管部分内置了动铁单元。耳机共拥有三种不同尺寸的硅胶耳套,据官方资料,耳套用了FDA食品级材质,而实际触感也是相当柔软、亲肤。线控设计带麦线控部分具有双系统智能线控技术,可以解决三按键线控当中音量键不兼容的问题,同时在未来对应的App推出以后,额外的&万魔键&还能作为自定义快捷键所用。两种不同材质的线材最后,关于Capsule圈铁耳机的线材也是值得一提。耳机在分线前后使用了不同的材质,分线后为弹性十足的橡胶外层线材,而分线前则是尼龙编制外层。值得一提的是,分线器不仅仅是带来了精致的外观,同时合理的设计结合线材材质,也比较好的降低了听诊器效应。1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机1MORE Capsule耳机搭载了单动铁与单动圈单元,其中动铁单元负责高频,动圈单元负责中低频,从此前官方放出的图片来看,Capsule动铁单元设计在了导管部分,7毫米的动圈放在了后方的腔体内,而其余的一些细节目前还不得而知。官方的单元结构示意图从包装背面的参数来看,1MORE Capsule耳机应该比较容易驱动的,阻抗16欧姆,灵敏度达到了100dB左右,实际试听时笔者采用了随身的Android作为音源,在驱动方面并没有发现任何困难。官方佩戴效果图此外,耳机的佩戴舒适度也是一大亮点,独特的结构设计使得佩戴方式与众不同,腔体横卧在耳廓当中有效分担了耳机的整体重量,和传统相比,Capsule耳机不会将受力点集中在耳道当中,在笔者试用的这段时间里,耳机的佩戴舒适度给我留下了比较深刻印象。1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机Capsule圈铁的听感算得上是比较中正的,初听之下笔者并没有发现有明显的优点或是缺点,整体听感显得比较清爽、干净。总的来说,耳机低频量感偏少,但下潜以尚可,听起来会拥有不错的力量感,比较扎实,耳机人声距离比较适中,不属于非常帖耳的类型,温暖柔和,同时也具备一定的分离度,也能带来不错的声场,声音不会挤在一起,而Capsule高频显得比较靓丽,加之中频表现,能更进一步带来空间感,让听感上更加开阔一些。1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机写在最后笔者觉得1MORE的这款Capsule圈铁耳机还是能够令人满意的,首先耳机拥有清爽的听感表现,其次,与Misfit联手打造的独到外形,不但美观性很强,还带来了舒适的佩戴效果。可能我们并没有必要为了追求圈铁而特意去选择一款圈铁耳机,更多的还是应该从实际表现出发,如果从这一点来说,1MORE Capsule圈铁耳机无疑是一款不错的产品。。
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