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【Brainjuicer媒体实习面试题目|面试经验】-看准网 Brainjuicer 公司地址 暂无 公司介绍 关注看准官方微信 下载看准官方APP 广告等垃圾信息 违禁信息(色情、欺诈、非法传销) 不友善内容(诽谤,人身攻击、骚扰、侵犯隐私) 违法、政治敏感内容 感谢您的举报,我们会尽快处理~ 扫描二维码下载&&&&&搜索&“Brainjuicer”&&&&&等老鸟等你来聊 订阅公司信息 订阅成功! 小贴士:问题描述的越清楚,越能吸引老鸟来回答哟~ 向老鸟咨询 把你关于Brainjuicer的问题大胆的提出来,这里的老鸟很乐意为你解答~ 写下问题吧~ 提交成功!请静静等待老鸟们回答~【Brainjuicerxxxx面试】面试的表面看上去很有...-看准网 面试的表面看上去很有... 面试的表面看上去很有礼貌,但是觉得是那种说话带刺的人. 或,让我们更懂你,就能更多帮到你 我觉得面试一般 面试总体感觉一般 小贴士:问题描述的越清楚,越能吸引老鸟来回答哟~ 关注看准官方微信 下载看准官方APP 向老鸟咨询 把你关于Brainjuicer的问题大胆的提出来,这里的老鸟很乐意为你解答~ 写下问题吧~ 提交成功!请静静等待老鸟们回答~发信人: jovincent (starry starry night), ♂、WW.YINGJSHG.COM♂、_Plaza 题: Opportunity from BrainJuicer 发信站: 日月光华 (日09:21:16 星期四) Title: BrainJuicer is looking for young talent in its Shanghai office BrainJuicer is an unconventional agency passionately devoted to helping our clients better understand and predict people's behaviour. Our mission is to re-invent market research. Please visit Job description: SRA and RA / RE and RA (RA=Research associate, RE=Research executive) The role of RE and RA is to Manage a Process Key responsibilities: Deliver research quality and outstanding project management Help deliver high quality proposals Help deliver juicy research surveys Help create memorable research debriefs Profile desired: Bachelor degree or above. Major in social sciences, psychology, marketing, economics, neuroscience etc. Chinese native, fluent in English. 1-3 years experience, new graduates may also be considered. Location: Shanghai, China beginning of 2012, This position will begin with a 3-month paid internship, eventually leading to a full-time position depending on the performance. email your CV to yan. Zooming in and zooming out Nothing I can do without A lense to see it all up close Magnify what everyone knows Never in company... Never alone... >1b[m>1b[1;34m※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.·HTTP [FROM: 124.74.237.*]>1b[m 世间的任何事物,追求时候的兴致总比享用时候的兴致浓烈。[莎士比亚] ,, 职位专业分类: 相关专业最新招聘信息 热门招聘信息             名企校园招聘BrainJuicer - Fresher Insights, Better Marketing This site reaches approximately 94,869 U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a primarily female group.The typical visitor patronizes and shops . BrainJuicer - Fresher Insights, Better Marketing Description: This site reaches approximately 94,869 U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a primarily female group.The typical visitor patronizes and shops . Add this page to: Unique Visitors <<<<<<<<<


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