三星wd80j6410怎么样snh 6410 WiFi直连密码是什么

w w w h g 5 6 9 7 c o m_欢迎光临_w w w h g 5 6 9 7 c o m_【高 清 视 屏】
w w w h g 5 6 9 7 c o m农产品策略日报(菜粕):菜粕供给趋紧
表示,自己是图中的轿班,之所以会压住小朋友的头,是因为担心他的头会撞到轿子,并非蓄意去压小朋友,担心造成大家的误解。 其他网友表示能理解他们的顾虑,但对这张
显,围绕国际经贸规则、金融、法治、人才、深港合作、体制机制等关键领域探路、破冰,领先全国的改革创新成果不断出炉。 前海管理局局长杜
w w w h g 5 6 9 7 c o m&www.&&&&责任编辑:鹏华基金网 尹松浩&&打印本页&&关闭本页上海移动彩票网站吗_欢迎光临_上海移动彩票网站吗_【开 户 免 费 送 1 1 1 元】
队的1/4决赛,为葡萄牙队扳平比分的是队中最年轻的球员桑切斯,年仅18岁的桑切斯用个人的灵光一现拯救了葡萄牙队。  有关这.
上一份满意的答卷。中新社北京7月5日电 (记者 王恩博)中国官方5日公布的人民币对美元汇率中间价报6.6594,较前
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三星snh 6410 WiFi直连密码是什么
cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
libertas_sdio: Libertas SDIO driver
libertas_sdio: Copyright Pierre Ossman
usbcore: registered new interface driver ath9k_htc
usbcore: registered new interface driver rt73usb
usb 1-1.3: reset full speed USB device using s3c2410-ohci and address 3
usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2800usb
rtw driver version=v3.0.1
usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8192cu
usbcore: registered new interface driver zd1211rw
vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
ifconfig wlan0
wpa_supplicant -dd -Dwext -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf &
-d :增加调试信息
-Dwext :wext,驱动名称
-iwlan0 :wlan0,网络接口名称
/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf :wpa_supplicant的配置文件path
Try to find WPA-enabled AP
0: 0a:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
2: 06:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
3: 00:23:89:99:72:50 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
4: 00:23:89:99:72:51 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
5: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
6: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Try to find non-WPA AP
0: 0a:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
2: 06:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
3: 00:23:89:99:72:50 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
4: 00:23:89:99:72:51 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
5: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
6: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
No suitable AP found.
你可以先在里面找找是否有你设的无线网络,如果有,你看一下双引号里面的是什么,比如“linux”& ,linux是我设的无线网,如果发现你的无线网后面有个空格,就跟这里linux后面有个空格一样。那你就注意,你是不是在设置无线网的时候多加个空格,这时候你有两种方法,第一种,改无线网名,把空格去掉,第二种就是修改wpa_supplicant.conf文件,在ssid后面的双引号里加个空格,跟提示的对应,都可以。
[root@FriendlyARM /]# wpa_supplicant -dd -Dwext -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.c
[root@FriendlyARM /]# Initializing interface 'wlan0' conf '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver 'wext' ctrl_interface 'N/A' bridge 'N/A'
Configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' -& '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
Reading configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
Line: 2 - start of a new network block
ssid - hexdump_ascii(len=5):
6c 69 6e 75 78
proto: 0x1
key_mgmt: 0x2
PSK (ASCII passphrase) - hexdump_ascii(len=10): [REMOVED]
PSK (from passphrase) - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
Priority group 0
id=0 ssid='linux'
Initializing interface (2) 'wlan0'
SIOCGIWRANGE: WE(compiled)=22 WE(source)=21 enc_capa=0xf
capabilities: key_mgmt 0xf enc 0xf flags 0x0
WEXT: Operstate: linkmode=1, operstate=5
Own MAC address: 48:02:2a:24:35:55
wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=0 key_idx=0 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=0 key_idx=1 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=0 key_idx=2 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=0 key_idx=3 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
RSN: flushing PMKID list in the driver
Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec
EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED
Added interface wlan0
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b06 len=8
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=40
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Trying to get current scan results first without requesting a new scan to speed up initial association
ioctl[SIOCGIWSCAN]: Resource temporarily unavailable
Failed to get scan results
Failed to get scan results - try scanning again
Setting scan request: 0 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
ioctl[SIOCSIWSCAN]: Device or resource busy
Scan requested (ret=-1) - scan timeout 5 seconds
Failed to initiate AP scan.
Setting scan request: 10 sec 0 usec
EAPOL: disable timer tick
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
Received 1345 bytes of scan results (4 BSSes)
New scan results available
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
Try to find WPA-enabled AP
0: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 00:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='CMCC' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
2: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
3: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Try to find non-WPA AP
0: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 00:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='CMCC' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
2: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
3: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
Received 1682 bytes of scan results (5 BSSes)
New scan results available
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
Try to find WPA-enabled AP
0: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 00:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='CMCC' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
2: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
3: 06:25:12:6b:1f:a8 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
4: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Try to find non-WPA AP
0: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 00:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='CMCC' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
2: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
3: 06:25:12:6b:1f:a8 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
4: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
Received 2667 bytes of scan results (8 BSSes)
New scan results available
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
Try to find WPA-enabled AP
0: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 00:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='CMCC' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
2: 06:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
3: 00:23:89:99:72:50 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
4: 00:23:89:99:72:51 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
5: 06:25:12:6b:1f:a8 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
6: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
7: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Try to find non-WPA AP
0: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 00:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='CMCC' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
2: 06:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
3: 00:23:89:99:72:50 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
4: 00:23:89:99:72:51 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
5: 06:25:12:6b:1f:a8 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
6: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
7: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
Received 2345 bytes of scan results (7 BSSes)
New scan results available
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
Try to find WPA-enabled AP
0: 0a:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
2: 06:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
3: 00:23:89:99:72:50 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
4: 00:23:89:99:72:51 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
5: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
6: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Try to find non-WPA AP
0: 0a:25:12:6b:1f:f6 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
1: 0a:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
skip - SSID not known
2: 06:25:12:62:a4:0b ssid='' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID not known
3: 00:23:89:99:72:50 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
4: 00:23:89:99:72:51 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
5: 00:23:89:98:f7:90 ssid='ChinaNet' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
6: 00:23:89:98:f7:91 ssid='GDUPT' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
skip - SSID mismatch
No suitable AP found.
Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec
Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
Received 3268 bytes of scan results (9 BSSes)
New scan results available
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
Try to find WPA-enabled AP
0: ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 ssid='linux' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
selected based on WPA IE
selected WPA AP ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 ssid='linux'
Trying to associate with ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 (SSID='linux' freq=2437 MHz)
Cancelling scan request
WPA: clearing own WPA/RSN IE
Automatic auth_alg selection: 0x1
WPA: using IEEE 802.11i/D3.0
WPA: Selected cipher suites: group 16 pairwise 16 key_mgmt 2 proto 1
WPA: set AP WPA IE - hexdump(len=24): dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02
WPA: set AP RSN IE - hexdump(len=22): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00
WPA: Set own WPA IE default - hexdump(len=24): dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02
No keys have been configured - skip key clearing
wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate: operstate 0-&0 (DORMANT)
WEXT: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=5
Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec
EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0
EAPOL: External notification - EAP fail=0
EAPOL: External notification - portControl=Auto
RSN: Ignored PMKID candidate without preauth flag
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b06 len=8
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b04 len=12
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=13
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
Received 3620 bytes of scan results (10 BSSes)
New scan results available
Selecting BSS from priority group 0
Try to find WPA-enabled AP
0: ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 ssid='linux' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11
selected based on WPA IE
selected WPA AP ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 ssid='linux'
Already associated with the selected AP.
RSN: Ignored PMKID candidate without preauth flag
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8c08 len=154
AssocResp IE wireless event - hexdump(len=146): 01 08 02 04 0b 0c 12 16 18 24 32 04 30 48 60 6c 2d 1a 6e 10 03 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 1a 6e 10 03 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3d 16 06 05 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 34 16 06 05 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 dd 18 00 50 f2 02 01 01 03 00 03 a4 00 00 27 a4 00 00 42 43 5e 00 62 32 2f 00
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
Wireless event: cmd=0x8b15 len=20
Wireless event: new AP: ec:17:2f:60:45:a8
Association info event
resp_ies - hexdump(len=146): 01 08 02 04 0b 0c 12 16 18 24 32 04 30 48 60 6c 2d 1a 6e 10 03 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 1a 6e 10 03 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3d 16 06 05 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 34 16 06 05 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 dd 18 00 50 f2 02 01 01 03 00 03 a4 00 00 27 a4 00 00 42 43 5e 00 62 32 2f 00
wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate: operstate 0-&0 (DORMANT)
WEXT: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=5
Associated to a new BSS: BSSID=ec:17:2f:60:45:a8
No keys have been configured - skip key clearing
Associated with ec:17:2f:60:45:a8
WPA: Association event - clear replay counter
WPA: Clear old PTK
EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0
EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0
EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0
EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=1
EAPOL: enable timer tick
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec
Cancelling scan request
RX EAPOL from ec:17:2f:60:45:a8
RX EAPOL - hexdump(len=99): 02 03 00 5f fe 00 8a 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec
IEEE 802.1X RX: version=2 type=3 length=95
EAPOL-Key type=254
key_info 0x8a (ver=2 keyidx=0 rsvd=0 Pairwise Ack)
key_length=16 key_data_length=0
replay_counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
key_nonce - hexdump(len=32): 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 61
key_iv - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_rsc - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_id (reserved) - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_mic - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
WPA: RX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=99): 02 03 00 5f fe 00 8a 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 (ver=2)
WPA: Renewed SNonce - hexdump(len=32): ad ca 44 6f 07 8e 7b 56 83 79 f9 fe 36 5b 1f 20 fc 59 a5 de b6 e2 e9 a1 28 c6 c0 54 53 9f 30 40
WPA: PTK derivation - A1=48:02:2a:24:35:55 A2=ec:17:2f:60:45:a8
WPA: PMK - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
WPA: PTK - hexdump(len=48): [REMOVED]
WPA: WPA IE for msg 2/4 - hexdump(len=24): dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02
WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4
WPA: TX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=123): 01 03 00 77 fe 01 0a 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 ad ca 44 6f 07 8e 7b 56 83 79 f9 fe 36 5b 1f 20 fc 59 a5 de b6 e2 e9 a1 28 c6 c0 54 53 9f 30 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 b1 99 bc 2d 0a 68 8a 6d c1 b7 6f 84 af b5 80 00 18 dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02
RX EAPOL from ec:17:2f:60:45:a8
RX EAPOL - hexdump(len=123): 02 03 00 77 fe 01 ca 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2c 4e b4 c8 b4 f1 49 6d 62 47 0f 51 19 9c 16 44 00 18 dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02
IEEE 802.1X RX: version=2 type=3 length=119
EAPOL-Key type=254
key_info 0x1ca (ver=2 keyidx=0 rsvd=0 Pairwise Install Ack MIC)
key_length=16 key_data_length=24
replay_counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03
key_nonce - hexdump(len=32): 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 61
key_iv - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_rsc - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_id (reserved) - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_mic - hexdump(len=16): 2c 4e b4 c8 b4 f1 49 6d 62 47 0f 51 19 9c 16 44
WPA: RX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=123): 02 03 00 77 fe 01 ca 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2c 4e b4 c8 b4 f1 49 6d 62 47 0f 51 19 9c 16 44 00 18 dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02
WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 (ver=2)
WPA: IE KeyData - hexdump(len=24): dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02
WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4
WPA: TX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=99): 01 03 00 5f fe 01 0a 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 d4 c6 6b 06 6a 29 3f b3 75 f3 a5 e6 fb ae 3c fd 00 00
WPA: Installing PTK to the driver.
WPA: RSC - hexdump(len=6): 00 00 00 00 00 00
wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=3 key_idx=0 set_tx=1 seq_len=6 key_len=16
RX EAPOL from ec:17:2f:60:45:a8
RX EAPOL - hexdump(len=123): 02 03 00 77 fe 03 92 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 5f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a6 f8 fb ca 47 36 3b 50 1f 81 2c 85 fe bb 56 91 00 18 9c be 46 9f 50 2a 29 c8 c7 21 95 75 e6 29 0c af d5 04 dc 31 30 c8 51 36
IEEE 802.1X RX: version=2 type=3 length=119
EAPOL-Key type=254
key_info 0x392 (ver=2 keyidx=1 rsvd=0 Group Ack MIC Secure)
key_length=16 key_data_length=24
replay_counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04
key_nonce - hexdump(len=32): 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 5f
key_iv - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_rsc - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_id (reserved) - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_mic - hexdump(len=16): a6 f8 fb ca 47 36 3b 50 1f 81 2c 85 fe bb 56 91
WPA: RX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=123): 02 03 00 77 fe 03 92 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 5f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a6 f8 fb ca 47 36 3b 50 1f 81 2c 85 fe bb 56 91 00 18 9c be 46 9f 50 2a 29 c8 c7 21 95 75 e6 29 0c af d5 04 dc 31 30 c8 51 36
WPA: RX message 1 of Group Key Handshake from ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 (ver=2)
WPA: Group Key - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
WPA: Installing GTK to the driver (keyidx=1 tx=0 len=16).
WPA: RSC - hexdump(len=6): 00 00 00 00 00 00
wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=3 key_idx=1 set_tx=0 seq_len=6 key_len=16
WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/2
WPA: TX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=99): 01 03 00 5f fe 03 12 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 5f 97 99 3a 9b 94 df b4 0a 12 8b b5 a7 41 22 00 00
WPA: Key negotiation completed with ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
Cancelling authentication timeout
CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]
wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate: operstate 0-&1 (UP)
WEXT: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=6
EAPOL: External notification - portValid=1
EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=1
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state SUCCESS
EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
EAPOL authentication completed successfully
RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
EAPOL: startWhen --& 0
EAPOL: disable timer tick
RX EAPOL from ec:17:2f:60:45:a8
RX EAPOL - hexdump(len=123): 02 03 00 77 fe 03 92 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 5f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ee 54 68 ce 37 45 01 c5 cd bd 69 3b 63 93 a0 e3 00 18 9c be 46 9f 50 2a 29 c8 c7 21 95 75 e6 29 0c af d5 04 dc 31 30 c8 51 36
IEEE 802.1X RX: version=2 type=3 length=119
EAPOL-Key type=254
key_info 0x392 (ver=2 keyidx=1 rsvd=0 Group Ack MIC Secure)
key_length=16 key_data_length=24
replay_counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06
key_nonce - hexdump(len=32): 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 5f
key_iv - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_rsc - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_id (reserved) - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
key_mic - hexdump(len=16): ee 54 68 ce 37 45 01 c5 cd bd 69 3b 63 93 a0 e3
WPA: RX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=123): 02 03 00 77 fe 03 92 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 98 79 62 5a 11 d0 e9 78 95 8d 2f 2d 3e 55 33 35 21 ff 28 cd eb 9b f8 6e 3f b2 2a f5 9b e2 6d 5f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ee 54 68 ce 37 45 01 c5 cd bd 69 3b 63 93 a0 e3 00 18 9c be 46 9f 50 2a 29 c8 c7 21 95 75 e6 29 0c af d5 04 dc 31 30 c8 51 36
WPA: RX message 1 of Group Key Handshake from ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 (ver=2)
WPA: Group Key - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
WPA: Installing GTK to the driver (keyidx=1 tx=0 len=16).
WPA: RSC - hexdump(len=6): 00 00 00 00 00 00
wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=3 key_idx=1 set_tx=0 seq_len=6 key_len=16
WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/2
WPA: TX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=99): 01 03 00 5f fe 03 12 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 1b a2 60 91 43 16 a4 df c0 98 62 84 85 bb 0f 00 00
WPA: Group rekeying completed with ec:17:2f:60:45:a8 [GTK=CCMP]
Cancelling authentication timeout
Link encap:Ethernet
HWaddr 48:02:2A:24:35:55
inet addr:
RX packets:85 errors:0 dropped:1 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1 KiB)
TX bytes:618 (618.0 B)
第五步,将eth0 down掉,或者是改成别的IP段,反正不能跟wlan0在同一IP段。
[root@FriendlyARM /]# ifconfig eth0 down
Ignore event for foreign ifindex 2
[root@FriendlyARM /]# ifconfig eth0 down
[root@FriendlyARM /]# ifconfig
Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr:
RX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:68 (68.0 B)
TX bytes:68 (68.0 B)
Link encap:Ethernet
HWaddr 48:02:2A:24:35:55
inet addr:
RX packets:128 errors:0 dropped:1 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:3 KiB)
TX bytes:618 (618.0 B)
route add default gw
[root@FriendlyARM /]# route add default gw
[root@FriendlyARM /]# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time= ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time= ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=238.314 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=64 time=123.821 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=64 time=165.622 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=64 time=209.468 ms
64 bytes from seq=6 ttl=64 time=138.300 ms
--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 123.821/613.824/ ms
[root@FriendlyARM /]# ping
( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=53 time=747.509 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=53 time=320.500 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=53 time=180.353 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=53 time=64.297 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=53 time=589.996 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=53 time=656.760 ms
64 bytes from seq=6 ttl=53 time= ms
64 bytes from seq=7 ttl=53 time=609.515 ms
64 bytes from seq=8 ttl=53 time=144.448 ms
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场


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