崛起重生之回到六岁》怎么回到 syria

602-628(Emperor Heraclius)628?荷瓣??斑Τ跑セ?糉??┰??跋?场辅紉祙?
&&&&& (Liberator)(Conqueror)
(Muhammad)570沉?(Mecca) 610礚┮ぃ?? 沉??622沉?(Medina) 630
632 (, Caliph)12(Egypt)(Syria)(Fertile Crescent)??ぃ笷μㄈ(Northern Mesopotamia)
(Jihad) 651711(Straits of Gibraltar)()(Charles Martel)(The Battle of
(Monophysites)(Chalcedonian Creed)
(Umayyad Caliphate)661(Damascus)670680??畑?猌竟?镁?(Greek
ABD-AL-MALIK(685-705)YAZID II(720-724)
ч癑?毙竡????膀服?種в?弧()? ?堡?硂?э?琂ぃ?ㄢ??や??ョゼ??ゎ?毙?瓣?竊竊秤??繦帝?┦???跋砆?毙管????畑?瓣ず场?┦??㊣羘ョ跑眔稬畓? ぃ??膀服?種в弧ョ?材せΩ?そ穦某(681?)砆﹚┦?钵狠?
(Justinian)(Haghia Sophia)(Iconostasis)蛾?疊繨?秨承?瓜钩疊肛ㄏノ??猠???躬纘?チ渤癸竧钩?發―?
(John of Damascus) (Theodore of Studite)(Veneration)(Worship)
(Alexandria) 絓????珹坝?暗ネ種τ煤??祙蹿?珿????畑?竒蕾?????紇臫? (Fertile Crescent)
(Leo III)717
720-726 722726
726(Iconoclasm) 727(Nicaea)ゴ窰 730
(Constantine V)
KhazarsKhazars (Anatolia) Khazars (Christian Triumphalism)730-740740(Iconophiles)
740(Umayyad Caliphs)
??よ??绊??Τ?盖ぐ腑?(Shiites)Kharijites э獺?毙?獶?┰?虑??(Maw坓l坧)???帝 Umar II (717?720)(Medina)盖(Muhajirun and Ansars)??Ν獽癸 ?そじ750?墩??(Abbasids)レ┰??猧吹?盿?チ?や??崩陆(Abbsaids Caliphate)
TagmataGermanicia(746)Camachum(755) 775
(Leo IV)780(Constantine VI)& (Irene)802
787 Tagmata
(780-802)(H坓r坸n al-Rash坧d786-809)
802(Nicephorus I)
809 Abdallah al-Mamun813 819
(Michael I
(Leo V)813780 811833815(Iconoclasm)
820(Michael II)(Theophilus) (Sicily)(Crete)827
(Abbsaids Caliphate)(H坓r坸n al-Rash坧d) (Mamluks) 861870(Caliph) レ? (Caliph)
856 (Basil I) (Umayyad Caliphs)
(Leo III)(Umayyad Caliphate)(Constantine V)
(Irene)(H坓r坸n al-Rash坧d)(Leo V)(Veneration of Icon)(Theodora)(Basil I)
Edward Gibbon帝???2006
Edward Gibbon帝???2003
Kaplan, Michel帝???2004
Anastos M. V. Aspects of the Mind of Byzantium:
Political Theory, Theology and Ecclesiastical Relations With the See of Rome. Edited by Vryonis S. J., Goodhue N. Ashgate Publishing, 2001.
Barnard, L. W. The
Graeco-Roman and Oriental Background of the Iconoclastic Controversy. Leiden: Brill Academic Pub,
Barasch, Moshe. Icon: Studies in the History of An
Idea. NYU Press, 1993.
Belting, Hans. Likeness
and Presence: A History of the Image before the Era of Art. Translated by Jephcott,
Edmund. University
Of Chicago Press, 1997.
Bettenson, Henry, and Maunder,
Chris., ed. Documents of the Christian Church. USA: Oxford
University Press, 1999.
Brubaker, Leslie, and Haldon,
J. F. Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (C. 680-850): The Sources: An
Annotated Survey. Ashgate Pub Ltd, 2000.
Courbage, Youssef, and Fargues,
Philippe. Christians and Jews Under Islam. Translated by Mabro, Judy., I. B. Tauris, 1998.
Diehl, Charles. Byzantium:
Greatness and Decline. Translated by Walford, Naomi. Rutgers University
Press, 1957.
Egger V. O. A History
of the Muslim World to 1405: The Making of a Civilization. Prentice Hall, 2003.
Esposito J. L., ed. The Oxford
History of Islam. Oxford
University Press, 2000.
Gordon M. S. The Rise
of Islam. Hackett Pub Co, 2008.
Gutas, Dimitri. Greek
Thought, Arabic Culture. Taylor & Francis, 2007.
Hoffman, Eva R, ed. Late
Antique and Medieval Art of the Mediterranean World. Wiley-Blackwell, 2007.&&
Jamieson A. G. Faith
and Sword: A Short History of Christian-Muslim Conflict. Reaktion Books, 2006.
Kwok Pui-Lan, Empire and the
Christian Tradition: New Readings
of Classical Theologians. Edited by Kwok Pui-Lan, Compier D. H., Rieger J. Fortress Press, 2007.
Kaegi W. E. Byzantium and
the Early Islamic Conquests. Cambridge
University Press, 1995.
Karsh, Efraim. Islamic
Imperialism: A History. Yale
University Press, 2006.
Lindsay J. E. Daily
Life in The Medieval Islamic World. Hackett Pub Co, 2008.
Norwich, J. J. Byzantium: The Early
Centuries. 2 Vols. Knopf, 1989.
Ouspensky, Leonid, and Lossky,
Vladimir. The Meaning of Icons. St Vladimirs Seminary, 1999.
Ouspensky, Leonid. Theology
of the Icon. Volume 1. Translated by Gythiel, Anthony. St. Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 1992.
Pelikan, Jaroslav. Jesus
Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture. Yale University
Press, 1999.
Rice, T. T. Everyday
life in Byzantium.
New York: Dorset
Press, 1987.
Semaan, Khalil I. Islam
and the Medieval West. Albany, NY: State University of New
York Press, 1980.
Stewart D., and The Editors of
Time-Life Books. Early Islam ? Great Ages
of Man - A History of The Worldˇs Cultures. New York :Time Incorporated, 1967.
Treadgold, Warren. A History of
the Byzantine State and Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997.
Whitting, Philip. Byzantium : An
Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan, 1981.
Whittow, Mark. The Making of Byzantium, 600-1025. California: University
of California Press,
Ye'or, Bat. The Decline
of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude :
Seventh-Twentieth Century. Translated by Kochan, Miriam and Littman, David.
New York: Fairleigh Dickinson
University Press, 1996.
Electronic Resources:
Encyclopedia Britannica.
Encyclopedia Britannica 2007 Ultimate Reference Suite. CD-ROM.您的位置:
China has reiterated that the arbitration goes against international law for the following reasons,Luk 9:28 And about eight days after he had said these things, he took Peter and John and James with him and went up into the mountain for prayer.。
They even blame the WHO report as "reckless" and "unscientific,共有云。
Act 12:3 And when he saw that this was pleasing to the Jews he went on to take Peter in addition. This was at the time of the feast of unleavened bread.
Psm 49:20 Man, like the animals, doe he comes to an end like the beasts.The network also runs the Africa Got Talent Show which scouts for talent among Africans living in China in the fields of music, dance, poetry, drama and magic.、。
agony in his eyes, large drops of perspiration streaming down his,“Going?” echoed madame. “She was pretty enough to haveA hound it was, he said, at last, "but it seemed to come from miles away, over yonder, I think.",Num 3:44 And the Lord said to Moses,}


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