那个突击包的Not Today赞颂辉煌成就心得体会有人分享心得么

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  距离2013年6月考试还有最后几天时间,同学们肯定在被真题、词汇、作文所折磨 着,而有的同学还在想方设法的寻找捷径。新东方在线小编提醒同学们学习是一个积累的过程,成功不是一蹴而就的。如果不想考试得零分赶紧把握好这最后几天, 虽然不提倡突击考试但是临阵磨枪或许能有一线生机。下面给同学们提供历年英语四级考试核心词汇,希望能帮助同学们取得理想成绩。  2013年6月将于6月15日(星期六)进行。届时新东方在线四六级频道将在考后公布2013年6月及答案,请考生随时关注 ,新东方在线祝大家顺利通过考试!   考试结束后,新东方在线将发布2013英语四六级真题及英语四六级答案!   点击查看:   点击查看:   点击查看:  1. oblige   I am
obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.   【全真测试】A. 感动 B. 感谢 C. 迫使
  【译 文】我很感谢你的热情好客。   【四级词义】vt. 使感谢或感激
  【名师导学】此词在选择和完形填空中以四级词义辨析出现,请注意这两层意思。(见练习)   【词义扩展】v. 迫使,责成 oblige to
do 迫使做某事   2. vessel   In earliest times,
the most important art forms were jade carving and the bronze vessel, often made
for burial in tombs.   【全真测试】A. 器皿 B. 机器 C. 电器   【译
文】在人类早期最重要的艺术形式是通常放到墓室的玉雕和青铜器。   【四级词义】n. 器皿;容器   【巧
记】船舶的两头放着v形容器和l形的血管,中间是对称的esse。   【词义扩展】n. 船舶;血管 There were many vessels in
the harbor today. 今天港口有许多船只。   a blood vessel 血管   3. vertical   On the vertical exterior surface of the outer ring, 3800 solar
cells are mounted on panels to convert the sun&s energy to electrical power.
  【全真测试】A. 垂直的 B. 倾斜的 C. 颠倒的   【译
文】在外环空间的垂直外部表面上,有3800个太阳能电池被镶嵌在嵌板上,将太阳能转化为电力。   【四级词义】adj. 垂直的   【例
句】Walls are usually vertical. 墙通常是垂直的。   4. career   A lateral move that hurt my feelings and blocked
my professional progress, promoted me to abandon my relatively high profile
career.   【全真测试】A. 生活 B. 生涯 C. 处境   【译
文】一次侧面的打击伤害了我的感情,阻碍了我事业的发展,使我放弃了我那分引人注目的工作。   【四级词义】n. 生涯,职业   【巧
记】汽车(car)的职业生涯是(eer)。   【真题例句】① ② a career criminal.
  【Key】① 职业外交官;② 职业罪犯   5. extent   If they are not sincere and do not practise
what they preach(说教),their children may grow confused, and emotionally insecure
when they grow old enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been to
some extent fooled.(1998.1)   【全真测试】A. 程度 B. 情况 C. 环境   【译
  【四级词义】n. 程度,范围   【巧 记】ex-(外)+tent(帐篷)=在帐篷外是范围不同的一大片地区
  【词义扩展】一大片(地区)an extent of desert 一片辽阔的沙漠
  【名师导学】此词是一重点词,除在词汇选择和完型填空中以词义辨析出现外(见练习),在阅读中出现次数也较多。  6. obscure   During the last month of 1967,
the soundness, obscure lyrics(抒情诗), and often formally chaotic sounds of
&acid-rock& dominated popular music.   【全真测试】A. 清楚的 B. 详细的 C. 模糊的   【译
文】1967年的最后一个月,这种声音,模糊的抒情诗,经常以无序的声音出现的&迷幻音乐&主导了流行音乐。   【四级词义】adj. 阴暗的,模糊的
  【词性变化】vt. (obscuring, obscured)使暗,使不明显 Smog obscured our view. 烟雾模糊了我们的视野。
  7. exterior   The exterior structure of the architecture is perfect.
  【全真测试】A. 里面的 B. 国内的 C. 外面的   【译 文】这幢建筑的外部结构是完美的。   【四级词义】adj.
外部的,外表的   【巧 记】exter-(外)+ior(名词后缀)   【词性变化】n. 外部、外表   8.
external   External causes become operative through internal
causes.   【全真测试】A. 家里的 B. 外部的 C. 内部的   【译 文】外因通过内因而起作用。   【四级词义】adj.
外部的,外表的,外面的   【巧 记】exter-(外)+nal(形容词后缀)   9. petrol   Petrol production was continuing to decline in the former Soviet Union and
in the United States and remain low in Iraq, where a United Nations embargo on
oil exports was still in effect.   【全真测试】A. 天然气 B. 汽油 C. 石油   【译
文】前苏联和美国的石油产量在继续下降,伊拉克的石油产量也保持一个较低的水平,而联合国对伊拉克的石油出口限制禁令仍然有效。   【四级词义】n.
汽油(gasoline)   【巧 记】pet(宠物)吃掉roll(卷形物)的一个l后,变成了石油。  10.
decay   Dr. Li of the U.S Department of Agriculture, have found
that oranges can be prevented from decaying by the use of certain chemicals
containing sulfur compounds.   【全真测试】A. 发展 B. 腐蚀 C. 衰退   【译
文】美国农业部的李博士发现橙子能够阻止因使用含硫的特定化合物而引起的腐蚀。   【四级词义】v. 腐烂,腐蚀,分解;衰退,衰落   【巧
记】de-(向相反方向发展)+cay(珊瑚)=由于人们违背(de)自然珊瑚岛衰落了。  11. delay   I&m sorry for the delay, and our technician will have the michine
fixed as quickly as possible.   【全真测试】A. 出事 B. 延误 C. 提前   【译
文】很抱歉耽误大家,我们的技术人员将尽快将机器修好。   【四级词义】vt. & n. 推迟,延误,耽搁   【巧
记】de(向相反方向发展)+lay(躺,放置)=躺着不起来,就会耽误,延误事情。   【名师导学】此词在词汇选择题中出现较多(见练习)   12. route   If you know
exactly what you want, the best route to a job is to get specialized
training.(2003.9)   【全真测试】A. 建议 B. 方法 C. 道路   【译
文】如果你确定的知道你想要的,那么找工作最好的方法是接受专业的训练。   【四级词义】n. 渠道,(一种达到目的的)方法   【词义扩展】n.
路,路线   13. decent   My friend Ling has no education so its hard for her to find a decent job
and earn enough money for her family.   【全真测试】A. 舒服的 B. 体面的 C. 合适的   【译
文】我们朋友玲没有受过教育,因此对于她来说找一个体面的工作并赚钱来养家是困难的。   【四级词义】adj. 体面的,像样的   【巧
记】de-(向相反方向发展) + cent(分) =decent 少花一分钱就会很像样的,体面的   【词义扩展】adj. 相当好的、像样的 He
made a decent record. 他成绩尚佳。   14. ruin   But it doesn&t have to ruin your
life.(2003.12)   【全真测试】A. 毁坏 B. 丰富 C. 培养   【译 文】但你没有必要毁了你的生活。
  【四级词义】① v. 毁坏,破坏 ② n. 毁灭   【巧 记】天不下雨(rain)下油(u),它把地球毁坏成一片废墟。
  【词义扩展】[pl.]ruins废墟 He studied the ruins of ancient Greece. 他研究古希腊遗迹。
  15. sake   Ours is a profession which traditionally has been
guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering the truth for truth&s
sake, and that is as far as possible do no harm.   【全真测试】A. 维持 B. 缘故 C. 事情
  【译 文】我们的职业传统上恪守一个信条,那就是尽可能的不造成伤害,这是胜过一个为讲真话而讲真话的美德。   【四级词义】n. 缘故,理由
  【巧 记】蛇(snake)缺少了n后,就没有活下去的理由。   16. satellite  We
receive television pictures by satellite.   【全真测试】A. 恒星 B. 航天飞机 C. 卫星
  【译 文】我们通过人造卫星接收电视图像。   【四级词义】n. 卫星   17. scale   It may be possible for large-scale change to occur without leaders with
magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow.   【全真测试】A. 面积
B. 规模 C. 范围   【译 文】缺乏独特个人魅力的领导者也有可能推动大规模的变化,但变化的进度可能会慢一些。   【四级词义】n.
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Terrified parents clutch their children asthey are evacuated from school after four officers are injured in shootout in Brussels between police and Paris massacre jihadists四名警察在布鲁塞尔和巴黎大屠杀的圣战者发起的在枪战中受伤后,被吓坏了的父母他们的孩子们撤离学校。Two men with AK-47 assault rifles openedfire on police officers as they prepared to storm house in Belgian capital在比利时首都两人用AK-47突击步枪向准备突袭他们房子的警察开火Armed police lock down the area and orderresidents to stay indoors after one of the gunmen fled during shootout在其中一名枪手在枪战中逃离后,警察封锁该地区并命令居民留在室内。The police commandos deployed and snipersclimb onto rooftops to surround building where suspects were hiding警察突击队和狙击手爬到屋顶部署包围隐藏嫌犯Officers said to be acting on tip offrelated to November's attacks in Paris when 130people were killed by ISIS cell警察说根据去年十一月ISIS人员在巴黎造成130人丧生的恐袭相关信息发起了此次行动。Worried parents led their children awayfrom a primary school in a Brussels districtwhere police were hunting a jihadi cell linked the Paris terror attacks.忧心忡忡的家长带着孩子离开警方正在搜捕恐怖分子所在区域的布鲁塞尔区的一所小学Officers killed at least one AK-47 wieldinggunman during a siege on the safe house in the Forestdistrict of the Belgian capital, but two other suspects are still on the run.警方至少打死一名挥舞AK-47突击步枪的恐怖分子,另两人在逃。Police were preparing to storm a suspectedjihadi safe house in a southern district of the Belgian capital when the menopened fire with assault rifles.警察正准备进攻疑似圣战在的比利时首都在南部的一个区的藏身处时,有人从这里向警方开枪。'As soon as the agents rang the doorbell,gunfire was directed at them from inside. A number of officers were wounded,'said Eric Van Der Sypt spokesman for the Belgian federal police.比利时联邦警察发言人说“当特工按了门铃,枪声就从里面直冲了出来来,一些警员受伤”。Worried parents led their children awayfrom a school in a Brussels district wherepolice were hunting a jihadi cell linked the Paris terror attacks警方正在在布鲁塞尔区搜捕一个与巴黎恐袭有关的圣战者,忧心忡忡的家长带领孩子离开学校。Terrified parents were picturedclutching their children tightly following the shootout in the Forest district of Brussels earlier today今天早些时候,在布鲁塞尔森林区吓坏了的父母仅仅地抓着孩子。Police ordered residents to stay intheir homes and shut down a local primary school after a shootout broke outbetween officers and suspected jihadis在警方与疑似圣战者发生交火后,警方要求居民呆在家里,并关闭了当地一所小学。A victim is removed from the scene where shots were fired during apolice anti-terror raid in Brussels linked tothe Parismassacre suspects在布鲁塞尔与巴黎大屠有关联的杀嫌疑人与警察交火中的一个伤者。Officers were preparing to storm asuspected jihadi safe house in Brussels when they drew fire from two men(pictured, a sniper taking his position on the roof)警察准备突袭在布鲁塞尔的圣战者躲藏处(狙击手在屋顶上)Police officers take positions on a roofas they surrounded the building where other suspects are believed to holed up警察占据楼顶并包围了据信有其他嫌疑人躲藏的楼房A masked police officer takes up position on top of a roof during apolice operation linked to the Parismassacres在警察逮捕涉及巴黎恐袭行动中一个带着面具的警察占据屋顶位置Police secure an area after an apartmentraid in Brussels which was linked to suspectsinvolved in the Paristerror attacks警方在布鲁塞尔的一个公寓袭击后对该区域加强保护,袭击与巴黎恐怖袭击事件有关Belgian officials said a dead body wasfound inside the besieged apartment but it is not known whether it was a seconddead suspect or the same one killed in a garden shootout比利时官员说,尸体被发现在被围困的公寓,但不知道死者是枪战中被击毙的嫌疑人还是另外的人。Police commandos were deployed whilesnipers climbed onto rooftops to surround the building where other suspects areholed up警方突击队部署并包围在嫌疑人躲藏地方周围的屋顶Four policemen were wounded during theraid - three during an initial search of a property and the fourth as policemobilised outside (pictured, armed police surround the property in the Forest suburb)四名警察在袭击中受伤-三在开始搜索是受伤,一人在外围受伤(警察包围了森林郊区物业区)The house that was raided is locatednear the main north-south railway linking Parisand Amsterdamand an Audi car factory被突袭的房子位于主要的南北铁路连接巴黎和阿姆斯特丹以及一个奥迪汽车厂Police hunting for the Paristerror attack suspects have killed an AK-47 wielding gunman following ashootout in Brussels(pictured, a sniper taking his position near the besieged property)警察围捕涉嫌巴黎恐怖袭击的嫌疑人并随后击毙一名挥舞AK-47的枪手(狙击手占据被包围房子附近的房顶位置)A helicopter flew overhead as police commandos and snipers surroundedthe building where the Parisattack suspects were thought to be hiding一架直升机飞过警方突击队和狙击手包围的建筑物,那里躲藏有涉及发动在巴黎发动袭击的嫌疑人。Locals suggested the police mishandled theraid, with one saying: 'You would have thought they would have checked to seeit was empty before ringing the doorbell... They gave those in time plenty oftime to start firing, and then to escape.'当地人认为警放的突袭处理不当,有人说“你觉得在按响门铃前先要检查房子是空的…他们给了那些人充裕的时间开强射击,然后逃跑”A spokeswoman for the police, who wereacting on a tip off about the terror attacks, said two officers were lightlywounded in an initial incident and a third was also slightly hurt later.警方女发言人解释说在行动开始时有两名警察受轻伤,在随后的行动中另一名警察受轻微伤。Pictures showed a victim being loaded intoan ambulance on a stretcher but it was not clear whether it was a policeman ora suspect.照片显示一名受伤者被担架抬上救护车,但还不清楚是否是警察或嫌疑犯。A spokesman for Belgium'sfederal prosecutor said: 'This operation is connected to the Paris attacks.'比利时联邦检察官发言人说:“这一行动与巴黎的袭击有关。”The house that was raided is located nearthe main north-south railway linking Paris and Amsterdam and an Audi carfactory. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said French police unitswere also involved in the siege.被突袭的房子位于主要的南北铁路连接巴黎和阿姆斯特丹,以及一个奥迪汽车厂。法国内政部长伯纳德说,法国警察部队也参与了围攻。Investigators believe much of the planningand preparation for the Paris attacks werecarried out by young French and Belgians, some of whom fought in Syria.调查人员相信,大部分对巴黎袭击的策划和准备是由年轻的法国人和比利时人进行的,其中一些人曾在叙利亚做过战。Local media reported the raid took place inthe Forest neighbourhood which is close to Molenbeek, where several jihadisbehind the Parisattacks lived.据当地媒体报道,袭击发生在林区附近,靠近伦贝克,几个圣战分子在袭击巴黎后生活在那里。A police officer runs to take up his position during the raid on asuspected jihadi safehouse in Brussels suburb ofForest在对布鲁塞尔郊区林区疑似圣战藏身突袭中一个警察跑来占据自己的位置Police officers stand at the site of ashooting during an anti-terror road on Dries-Driesstraat at Forest-Vorst in Brussels在布鲁塞尔林区沃斯特的锥斯-锥斯特拉特枪战现场警察站在道路上A police officer runs in the street near the site of a shootout onDries-Driesstraat at Forest-Vorst in Brussels在布鲁塞尔林区沃斯特的锥斯-锥斯特拉特枪战现场,一名警察在奔跑Among them was Salah Abdeslam, who is saidto have fled to Brusselsafter the attacks, before completely disappearing.嫌疑人中据说就已经完全消失了的在巴黎恐袭后逃窜至布鲁塞尔的萨拉-卜德斯拉姆Abdeslam, 26, who is believed to haveplayed a key logistical role, fled across the border to Belgium hours after the November 13 killings andis now one of the most wanted men in Europe.阿卜德斯拉姆,26岁,被认为在巴黎恐袭中起到了关键的后勤角色,他于11月13日巴黎大屠杀几小时后越过边境逃到比利时,现在是欧洲最想要被逮捕的人。But a police source said he was not thetarget of today's raid. His associate Mohamed Abrini is also still atlarge.但警方消息人士称,他并不是今天袭击的目标。他的同伙穆罕默德-阿布里尼仍然在逃。In January, Belgian authorities said theyhad found two apartments and a house used by Abdeslam and other suspects in therun-up to the attacks.今年一月,比利时当局表示他们已经发现了阿卜德斯拉姆和其他犯罪嫌疑人在袭击巴黎之前使用两处公寓和一处的房子。A fingerprint belonging to Abdeslam wasfound in the apartment along with traces of explosives, possible suicide beltsand a drawing of a person wearing a large belt.在公寓中发现一处属于阿卜德斯拉姆指纹并有炸药的痕迹,以及可能用于制造自杀腰带和绘有穿着自杀腰带的人形图。Authorities also found DNA traces fromBilal Hadfi, another of the attackers.当局还发现了另一个参与袭击的比拉尔-哈德费的DNA痕迹。The other premises were a flat in Charleroi, a town south of the capital Brusselswhere a major airport is located, as well as a house in the rural village of Auvelais near the French border.另一处位于布鲁塞尔南部小镇的查勒罗伊(靠近当地机场)的平房,以及在欧沃莱法国边境附近的村庄的房子。Anti-police get kitted up. Two men withAK-47 assault rifles opened fire on officers when they arrived at a house inthe Belgian capital反恐警察穿戴装备。在有关人员刀达比利时首都的一栋房子时,遭两人用AK-47突击步枪开火射击。Officers are said to be acting on a tipoff related to last November's terrorist attacks in Pariswhen 130 people were murdered by an ISIS cell官员说,行动起源于去年十一月的巴黎恐袭情报,当时130人被ISIS成员杀害On the run: 'World's most wanted man'Salah Abdeslam (left) and Mohamed Abrini (right) are still being hunted overthe Parisattacks在逃犯:“世界头号通缉犯”,萨拉-阿卜德斯拉姆(左)和穆罕默德-阿布里尼(右)从巴黎恐袭至今仍是捕捉对象Bodies are covered in white sheets asrescue workers help survivors at Le Carillon restaurant in Parisduring a series of co-ordinated gun and suicide bomb attacks by an ISIS cell that killed 130 people last November去年11月巴黎连环枪击案及自杀炸弹袭击造成130死亡,当救援人员帮助巴黎萨立龙餐厅的幸存者时,给死者盖上白色床单。The Belgian capital, home of the EuropeanUnion as well as Western military alliance NATO, was locked down for days afterthe Paris onfears of a major incident there.比利时首都,欧联行政机构及西欧北约所在地,在巴黎发生重大事件后,封闭了几天。Brussels has maintained a high state of security alert since then, withmilitary patrols a regular sight.自那时以来,布鲁塞尔一直保持着高度戒备状态,并军队巡逻队的常规巡逻。Soldiers were on streets in central Brussels on Tuesday as the operation in the southernsuburb of Forest continued.本周二士兵在布鲁塞尔中心南郊树林地带街道开展行动_______________________以下是小编的分割线___________________
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