
没办法 谁让他们深处水深火热呢米国节日打折才是真打折(捶地
都是周期性的。真正电子家电的折扣是在boxing day
╮(╯_╰)╭ 关键打折了也不知道买那个的飘过。。。。
群聊得经验打够十五字早晚各一次每群冒一下复制各种爽吐泡术。O o 0 °使用技能:诈尸技能效果:防踢技能冷却:一天
平板打折也挺厉害的——来自 HTC Windows Phone 8X
回复 左眼的蓝火BRS :。。。别水经验要不然我每次看见都会下意识召唤基邱
——V-MODA M100耳机体验[原创]
十一回家,去姨家拜访,闲谈中表妹突然说有兴趣买个好一点的耳机。她是专业的大学音乐教师,对听感自然有非常专业的要求,但在如何选择耳机上,却不是很在行。闲谈中她说了几个品牌,因曾都有所体验,而将真实的感受告诉了她,觉得根据我的体验,都不能达到她所期许,于是便建议她选别的试试。最近有体验V-MODA这个品牌,个人觉得也还不错,于是便推荐给她。之前曾与喜欢音频的一些高玩有过一些交流,V-MODA也是一线耳机中相当不错的品牌,拥有不凡的实力。更有友人,推荐其旗下Crossfade M-100这款耳机,据说这是由Head-Fi的专家,网友和媒体投票选择决定的产品,曾斩获8项国际性媒体大奖,包括美国最大产品评论网CNET2012年的编辑之选和国际科技产品评论网Digitaltrends2013年的编辑之选,并且在亚马逊网站上的评分高达4.8分,排名第一,是家用最满意的耳机。
V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机从包装上就透漏出浓郁的艺术气息。产品包装的整体偏重于凝重深沉的基调——以黑色为主。但是各个层面在黑色的背景衬托下,有展现出不同的灵动。正面是银白色耳机的侧面,正对着的是银色的金属耳机保护罩,采用电镀钝化保护的金属支撑骨架,以及头戴的软垫,隐约看到其上的V-MODA的标记,在Vmoda的标记及耳机听筒之间,是醒目的白色字体的产品型号CROSSFADE M-100。耳机正下方V-MODA的logo再次出现,左侧则是3D打印保护罩的标记。
反面则是产品亮点的详细图解!50mm大口径双振膜动圈单元,记忆功能的海绵听筒,人体工学设计弯钢内置的头戴,以及V型钢的连接,双输入插口,可客户定制的金属保护罩,采用3D打印或者激光打印技术。CLIQFOLD折弯,可以实现耳机的折叠,让耳机更加便携。V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机是在意大利的米兰设计,有两年的质保期,最右侧再次出现了V-MODA的logo!
其实V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机,刚开始在收纳盒中,是折叠放置的这样折叠,可以充分节省空间,并且不会损伤音频线材。。要注意耳机放置的样式,虽然在说明书中有详细的图示,还是有些熊孩子用户折叠成了其他的样子。
V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机的折弯,采用双侧金属折弯,这样可以避免双侧的应力,虽然没有采用弹簧,但是其具有内卡扣,耳机展开后会固定起来,而不会自由弯转,耳机两侧都具有插孔,可以让耳机具有更好的输入。不用的时候,有深灰色的塑料塞子,将插孔封住,避免灰尘或者其他杂质进入,从而保护良好的音质。
V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机区分左右耳,在耳机的内层,有L和R的标记。头戴内有韧性的钢骨架,可以增强头戴的强度,并且外侧为皮质,并印有V-MODA的logo,内侧则为软质的透气海绵垫。在两侧有两根内接的线连接听筒,其上各有银色的V-MODA的logo,耳机采用音色和白色为主色调的设计,搭配深灰色的点缀,让产品显得深沉而优雅。听筒,采用的是深灰色的记忆海绵,一方面可以降噪,另外一方面让耳机佩戴起来更加舒适,我曾经乘坐长途火车,一直用V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机听音乐,3个小时以内耳朵没压迫和酸胀感。
V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机的金属保护罩,可以根据用户的喜好进行定制,采用激光打印和3D打印技术,给用户更多彰显个性的选择。
V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机,可以供手机,平板,笔记本电脑和台式机使用,通过3.5mm的通用音频接口,就可以方便的实现很好的音频享受。
保加利亚著名电子小提琴家Diana Boncheva的《Beethoven Virus》。这是一首小提琴的交响曲,改编自贝多芬的第八刚请悲怆奏鸣曲(Grande Sonate Pathétique)第三乐章回旋曲Rondo Allegro。重低音的部分,深沉而有力,小提琴的节奏明快而富于变化。整个曲子,铿锵而圆润,小提琴的的协奏非常的明快和突出。重低音的鼓,更加的沉郁,中音的鼓则是厚重而有力声调适中,高音的鼓,则略显单薄。电子打击弦乐,则是清脆而短促。整体的声场,在中音部分更加集中。弦乐的部分略显单薄。特别是电音的部分,就显得有点飘了。
综合下来,V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机确实有着自己独特的风格,在产品的设计上,考虑到了设计的艺术性以及实用性,可以方便的进行折叠,从而更加便携。可以定制3D打印和激光打印的保护罩,而彰显个性。采用记忆海绵的听筒,佩戴更加舒适。在音乐的表现力度上,偏向于中音的柔化,低音的浑厚,但是在高音过于单薄,则有些苍白而过脆了,但是在交响乐和多乐器的民乐中,可以很完美的展现,音乐的不同层次和空间深度,对人的声音无论是中音还是高音,都进行了适度的柔化,可以表现出不同感情的变化,以及不同的声场带给人的震撼。V-MODA CROSSFADE M-100耳机是一款很不错的HiFi音质的耳机,也难怪会有排名第一的评价!
今日搜狐热点亚马逊特价 硕美科多折叠简约耳机65元_网易数码
亚马逊特价 硕美科多折叠简约耳机65元
&&& 编辑点评:可多折叠的设计,整体的重量轻巧,耳壳的部分采用了特殊的处理看起来更加个性,这些都是硕美科的这款MH423耳机的特点,这些特点集中整理下就是这款耳机拥有着个性时尚的外观,舒适的佩戴性和简单的携带性等等,这些都是这款耳机受欢迎的原因,而如果朋友们没有听过这款耳机的话,相信还不能完全体会硕美科的用心,这款耳机整体的声音温润耐听,对于人声的拿捏较为到位,可以很好的聆听流行音乐,是一款非常轻巧时尚的头戴式耳机产品。
硕美科 MH423
[优惠价格]<FONT color=#c0元
[促销商家] Z.CN&
分享至好友和朋友圈 Plantronics Voyager Pro HD Wireless Bluetooth Headset - Compatible with iPhone, Android, and Other Leading Smart Devices - Black: Cell Phones & Accessories
$68.60 Prime
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Used: Like New
Used: Like New
Comment: 30 Day 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! | Looks almost brand NEW but in the OPEN Plantronics BULK package! | Comes with ALL accessories including the Travel Charger, USB Charger, extra ear buds and main Headset unit.
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Plantronics Voyager Pro HD Wireless Bluetooth Headset - Compatible with iPhone, Android, and Other Leading Smart Devices - Black
Available from .
HD AUDIO BLUETOOTH HEADSET: Signature Plantronics audio technology features crisp high definition audio.
SMART SENSOR TECHNOLOGY: Our technology senses when the headset is being worn so it can automatically answer calls as you place the headset on your ear or redirect audio to your phone when you set down your headset.
LONG LASTING BATTERY: Bluetooth hands free headset battery lasts for 6 hours of talk time and up to 5 days of standby time.
NOISE CANCELLING TECHNOLOGY: WindSmart technology uses an electronic filter within the mic circuitry, making call audio sound more natural and clearer on the iPhone, iPad, Android, and other smart devices.
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Product Description
Plantronics Voyager PRO HD Over-the-ear with Smart Sensor technology redefines hands-free convenience, so you can answer calls simply by putting it on. Apps that offer tips, tricks and tools for your Android-based phone, brilliant HD audio and superior comfort make this the smartest headset for smartphones.
The Plantronics Voyager PRO HD with Smart Sensor technology redefines hands-free convenience. This headset is so smart, that by simply placing it on your ear, it automatically answers your phone or transfers calls back and forth between your phone and headset. The Voyager PRO HD also boasts award-winning sound quality, noise cancellation, and three layers of wind noise reduction technology to ensure that your voice is heard clearly regardless of the sort of environment you're in.
The Plantronics Voyager Pro HD (). &
Ergonomic all-day fit ().
The Voyager PRO HD takes you beyond the headset, with the Plantronics MyHeadset app that gives you tips, tricks and tools for Android-based phones, combined with HD streaming audio plus natural sound and superior comfort and you've got the smartest headset for smartphones. Key Features
Revolutionary Smart Sensor technology manages your calls and automatically performs time-saving functions
Experience brilliant, HD streaming audio plus natural, clear calls Streams music, podcasts, GPS directions, and other audio
Up to 6 hours of talk time, up to 120 hours (5 days) of standby time Voice alerts announce talk time, volume, connection and more
Monitor your headset battery level on your iPhone or Android (3.0 or higher) smartphone
Plantronics MyHeadset app for Android-based phones
Smart Sensor Technology Making and receiving calls is simpler with Smart Sensor technology in the Voyager PRO HD. The headset knows when you are wearing it so it cleverly routes calls to the headset when it's on your ear and to the handset when it's not. The Voyager PRO HD also has a locking call mechanism when it is not worn to eliminate accidental calling, and you can answer incoming calls simply by putting the headset on your ear--no buttons to press, applications to open or voice commands required. And if you are listening to music or other audio taking off the headset will automatically pause the stream. The Voyager PRO HD also features enhanced voice alerts that announce remaining talk time, connection status, battery-level, and mute.
Smart Sensor technology knows whether to send calls to your mobile phone or your headset ().
WindSmart Noise-Canceling Technologies WindSmart technology incorporates enhanced stainless steel windscreens and GORE acoustic vents, as well as an electronic filter within the mic circuitry, making call audio clearer and sound more natural. Use Multipoint One Call at a Time Once you have activated multipoint and paired your two phones, it's easy to answer calls from either phone. When already on a call, you will hear a ringtone notification of the incoming call from the second paired phone. To answer a second call from the other phone, you must end the current call (tap Call button) so new call automatically answers. If you choose not to answer the second call, it will go to voicemail.
Get the most from your Plantronics headset with apps for Android The MyHeadset app will do a sound check and familiarize you with the added functionality of your headset, such as streaming music. One touch conference call connection InstantMeeting automatically identifies conference calls and dialing details from your calendar, reminds you just before the meeting is scheduled to begin, and, with one touch, connects you to your conference call. Specifications
Bluetooth version: 2.1
Bluetooth profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution (A2DP), Audio/Video Remote Control (AVRCP), Hands-free v1.5 (HFP), Headset v1.1 (HSP), Secure Simple Pairing (SSP)
Charging connector: Micro USB
Talk time: Up to 6 hours
Standby time: Up to 5 days
Service and support: 1-year limited warranty
What's in the Box Plantronics Voyager PRO HD headset, three sizes of ear tips, charger, USB cable, operating instructions
Product details
Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please
[368kb PDF]
Product Dimensions:
9 x 4.8 x 2.4 0.64 ounces
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces
Item model number: PL-VOYAGER-PRO-HD
Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required.
Average Customer Review:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#42,465 in Cell Phones & Accessories ()
Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please
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Verified PurchaseI was in the market for a new Bluetooth headset as my old Plantronics 510 had finally gotten too flaky for regular use. I've tried a couple of different Bluetooth headsets and was disappointed and I absolutely hate wired headsets.A couple of prerequisites for the new headset were:--Best in class noise canceling as I wear my set both inside and outside and since I tend to speak softly, background noise is a big concern--A2DP streaming was of significant interest so I could listen to music or watch video without disturbing the others around me--Styling that isn't too obnoxious and no blinking "I am a tool" lights--Standard port for charging--Ability to manage more than a single device pairingThe Voyager Pro HD fulfills all of these requirements and more. Noise cancellation is good enough that I can again use a headset in my car, which is by no means quiet. While background noise is still present during a conversation, as soon as I speak, the headset blanks out the racket and only my voice is heard at the other end.The quality for both calls and streaming audio is outstanding. Tones have a solid and rich tone without being boomy.While a large 'set, the Voyager wraps around and hangs from your entire ear, rather than needing to have the bud stuffed into your ear canal (which gets uncomfortable after a few hours of wear). Most of the unit hides behind your ear with the most noticeable part being the mic boom which projects forward to your mouth. The unit is all black and dark gray, so it is, at minimum, unobtrusive.The Voyager uses a microUSB port for charging. The USB port is also a data connection, but I haven't really explored what can be done with it.. Perhaps you could use it as a wired headset on your computer if your workspace is particularly noisy from an EMI perspective.So far, I have paired the device to: My Windows 7 PC, my Android 2.3 phone, my iPad 2, my MacBook Pro and my Hackintosh. It handles connection requests from these devices with aplomb and largely switches between them without drama (eg, while watching a Youtube video on my iPad, if my Android phone rings, it automatically switches to the phone for the duration of the call).I can listen to music all day and talk for a couple of hours and still use the set for a couple of days before recharging.My only real gripe is the packaging was a little bit of a pain to disassemble - I'm of the opinion that every manufacturer needs to buy an example of every Apple product and learn about how to package your items...Overall, this headset is outstanding...
Verified PurchaseI drive motorcoaches with plug-style doors.Oftentimes, these doors don't seal well, causing annoying howling and whistling noises in the front of the bus.
Kind of like you're driving with your car window open, except dramatically louder because it's the leading edge that isn't seated properly.Most bluetooths I've tried are useless in these conditions -- no one can hear me over the wind and the whistling.Not the Plantronics Voyager Pro.
I am on my fifth one now (from loss or damage), and actively seek them out over its replacement (the Voyager Legend) because the Pro uses a standard micro USB cable to charge (I can't keep up with the headsets at all, much less with some proprietary magnetic charger that I need to keep at home and in my car and on the bus!!!).Many coach and bus drivers use huge Road King (or other) over-the-ear headsets that make them look like helicopter pilots.
They need all that for the noise.Keep on truckin, y'all.
I'm perfectly fine with my Voyager Pro.
Verified PurchaseBought this as a friend suggested it and he told me it had good noise cancelling and was the best headset he has owned (trucker so he's tried a few).
He assured me the occasional bath tub dripping water sound was his phone as his previous headsets didn't do that.
When my wife started singing &#34;Rubber Ducky&#34; when I called her I knew it was the headset!
Noise cancelling on this phone is almost non-existent (Blue Parrott I owned was head and shoulders better).
This also broke before the 1 year warranty was up.
Plantronics wouldn't take the call when you pressed button for warranty replacement.
First call was for 7 mins was picked up and no one would answer.
I gave them the benefit of a doubt and called back and again same thing, this time I decided to leave the call go on.
Was disconnected after 9 mins.
I decided to outsmart them and use the sales number.
A person answered immediately and started return process.
I was told I would have to register product online to get warranty return.
I registered product and set a password and then needed to log in and SURPRISE! the password I just set didn't WORK!
Again I gave them the benefit of a doubt and clicked reset password (I mean I could have had a typo...)
Website said link to reset password would be sent to email.
No link ever showed up in inbox or junk mail so I did it again and then once after.
No link showed up even in 72 hours!
I called next business day and they answered the phone and immediately knew my name!
Surprised I persisted?
Rep sent link to reset my password to my email and lo and BEHOLD it showed up in my inbox in less than a minute!!
I finished the registration process and
received an email that status of my order was pending and I would be notified when the status updated.
In two days I received an email notifying me that my proof of purchase was rejected!
At this point the handwriting was on the wall so I decided to contact Amazon which I will be doing in the future FIRST!This headset is not good in wind or noisy environments.
Stem between electronics behind ear and ear piece has two places that will break at some point. Ear piece (goes inside ear) has broken on multiple units other drivers have had and been lost.
I highly suggest a different headset and after dealing with Plantronics I will NEVER, EVER buy anything from them again! In fact, my experience with them deserves a NEGATIVE star rating!!
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