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你可能喜欢英文歌曲_【原版英语动画粉红猪小妹】Peppa Pig第一季:温蒂城堡_第2页_沪江英语
【原版英语动画粉红猪小妹】Peppa Pig第一季:温蒂城堡
编辑点评:粉红猪小妹 Peppa Pig 是一部原版的英语动画。纯正的英式发音、有趣的情节、可爱的动画人物设计,受到了国内外很多家长和小朋友的欢迎。我们在这里总结Peppa Pig的重点词组,配以例句,伴你和孩子一起学习! [1]
I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George.This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig.
Peppa pig.Windy Castle!
Peppa and her family are going out for the day.
Peppa, George, today we are going to Windy Castle!
What's Windy Castle, Daddy?
It's a castle on a very high hill!
George likes castles. Windy Castle sounds like a boring thing for boys.
No, Peppa, you'll love it. There's a great view from the top of Windy Castle. You can even see Granny and Grandpa's house!
Wow! Let's go! I'll map-read and Mummy Pig will drive.
Are you sure, Daddy Pig? When you map-read, we always get lost and you get grumpy.
We will not get lost and I will not get grumpy. Windy Castle, here we come!
Are we nearly there yet? Not quite.
Oh. Would you like to play a game?
Yes, please. Let's play ''I spy!''
Okay. I'll go first.
Daddy Pig has to secretly look at something and the others have to guess what it is.
I spy with my little eye, something colored ''red''.
Red? My dress! That's red!
No. It's not your dress.
Hmmmm.The car!
That's right! Our red car.
My go. I spy with my little eye, something ''blue''
Hmmm... George's blue shirt!
Nope.Is it something in the car?
No. Give up?
The sky! The blue sky! I win.
Daddy Pig? Do you know where we are?
I know exactly where we are.
Although... this road doesn't look the same as it does on the map.
Oh, Daddy Pig! We're lost!
We are not lost. So how do we get to Windy Castle from here?
Just give me a moment. Hmmmm!
I know, we can ring Granny and Grandpa.
There's no need to ring Granny and Grandpa. I'll get us to Windy Castle, if it takes me all day.
We haven't got all day. Hello, Grandpa Pig speaking.
Grandpa Pig, we've got a bit lost on the way to Windy Castle.
Is Daddy Pig doing the map-reading?
Yes, Daddy Pig is doing the map-reading. And he's a bit grumpy at the moment.
I am not grumpy.
This is the best route: keep on the main road until you see Windy Castle up ahead.
Thank you, Grandpa Pig. We follow the main road and look out for Windy Castle.
As I thought.Look! Is that a castle?
Yes! It's Windy Castle! Come on, car!
Come on, car! You can make it!
Peppa and her family have arrived at Windy CastIe.
Wow! It's so tall! Let's go inside. The view from the top is fantastic!
Wow! Look at the view!
Mummy, is that Granny and Grandpa's house? Yes, it is! It's so far away!
Let's take a look through the telescope.
Can I look first, please?
Yes, but you must let George look next.
Wow! The telescope makes everything look bigger.
I can see Granny and Grandpa!
Look, George! Ganggy lg! Baba lg!
George is waving at Granny and Grandpa Pig.
Silly George! Granny and Grandpa are too far away to see you waving!
I know! We can ring them! Hello?
Grandpa Pig! We can see you from Windy Castle!
Wave at us! Granny and Grandpa are waving at us!
I love Windy Castle!粤语基本知识_百度文库


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