final business case的重要 是不是合同定稿

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Making the Business Case
Making the Business Case
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ISBN: 978-87-
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About the book
Ziauddin Syed
20 March 2014
A very good book. Must read for wish-to-be-entrepreneur :)
Fernanda R. Savory
15 September 2013
Very good book for those who are business minded. Having a business caase is a very wise move that we should consider to weigh options and possibilities. This is a great guide.
Do you have an idea for a business? This book will help you to determine how to go about turning your idea into reality and cash. More importantly, though, as a first step it will help you determine if the idea is even worth pursuing in the first place. To get partners and investors, you must make a business case. This means having the answers to some tough questions, the most important question being: How will your idea make money? You will also learn how to best communicate your idea using an effective Executive Summary and a well-honed elevator pitch.
Do you have an idea for a business? This book will help you to determine how to go about turning your idea into reality and cash. More importantly, though, as a first step it will help you determine if the idea is even worth pursuing in the first place. To get partners and investors, you must make a business case. This means having the answers to some tough questions, the most important question being: How will your idea make money? You will also learn how to best communicate your idea using an effective Executive Summary and a well-honed elevator pitch.
From Concept to Company
The Business Case
Who is your audience?
Odds of failing
Have you got what it takes?
You can be a millionaire!
Making it Happen
Communicating Your Idea
Telling Your Story
The Executive Summary
Investor Presentations
Next Steps
Product or Service
What are you selling?
How much is it?
Intellectual Property
What is your unique advantage?
Will someone steal my idea?
Keeping it secret
Trademarks, Copyright and Industrial Designs
Do you really own it?
Market Need
Who needs it?
Market Scope
How big is the market?
Sizing the Market – An Example
Does Size Matter?
Where’s the Market?
Forecasting Sales
How will your product get to market?
How will customers know about it?
Who will eat your lunch?
What about timing?
Who’s on Board?
What are the numbers?
How many years out?
The hockey stick forecast
Investment returns
What’s the biggest risk?
Business Plan
What needs to be done?
Business Model
Business Model Canvas
Information Sources
Business Evolution
Selling Out or Building Out
What’s your Exit Strategy?
Why worry about it?
Final Thoughts
Additional References
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Follow us on Facebook!FINAL BUSINESS Essay - 5810 Words
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: June 25, 2015
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Contents Page
Executive Summary……………………………………………………………....……………………………………………………………………Page 2
Recruitment and Selection (Theory, Practice and High Flyers) …………………………………………………………………… Pages 3-4
Induction and Training (Theory, Practice and High Flyers) ………………………………………………………………………... Pages 5-6
Performance Management (Theory, Practice and High Flyers) …………………………………………………………………..Page 7
Career Development (Theory, Practice and High Flyers) ……………………………………………………………………….….. Pages 8-9
Conclusion……………………………………………………………....…………………………………………………………………………….….Page 10
Interview Transcript (Questions and Answers) ………………………………………………………………………....................Pages 11-16
Bibliography……………………………………………………………....…………………………………………………………………………….Page 17
Appendix……………………………………………………………....…………………………………………………………………………….….Pages 18-20 Executive Summary
This report was commissioned to analyse how a human resource manager would theoretically and practically attract, retain and motivate high flyers in comparison to regular employees to their respective firms. A high flyer within a corporation is any preexisting or potential employee whom is identified as having above normal characteristics in terms of intelligence and ability and a strong desire to be successful and is therefore expected to achieve a lot.1
In a business, the way to create a competitive advantage in 2015 is to employ the right people and maximise their skills and abilities. This aspect of any business is pertinent to human resource management. Investment into human resources is now seen as a vital facet to any business, as an organisation cannot build a good team of working professionals without competent human resources.2 Human resource management can be defined as the management of the employment relationship - the relationship between the organisation and the employee. Broadly speaking, it covers establishing, maintaining and terminating employment. Establishing employment involves the manager (or team) responsible for human resource management in making decisions about taking action on aspects of a business regarding recruitment of staff and staff selection. Maintaining employment involves decisions regarding the business pertinent to incentive and motivation, training, career development and employee relations.
What this report highlights is the way in which Corporation XYZ work with these aspects of human resource management pertinent to establishing and maintaining employment, to attract, retain and motivate talented employees. Corporation XYZ has many divisions across Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Banking both nationally and internationally. The critical analysis within the reports refers to the Wealth Management division of the Australian Operations.3 Through critical analysis the results show Corporation XYZ has specific strategies implemented across its human resource divisions in order to attract, retain and motivate high flyers. Corporation XYZ
recognise the competitive advantage of having high flyers in a modern business context, and the proper execution of such strategies prove that Corporation XYZ are consistently successful in attracting, motivating and retaining high flyers.
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection Theory
Recruitment and selection of staff only takes place after an organisation’s human resource needs have been analysed and planned according to the organisation’s objectives.
The recruitment process has two main steps: communicating the existence of vacant positons to potential applicants, and making initial contact with applicants.
The communication of vacant positions within a business can be done through various methods such as external and internal advertising. External advertising is the most common direction taken by businesses to get the word out about existing job positions. Print and electronic media are popular mediums.
Internal methods can be adopted and include...
...Associate Program Material
Appendix A
Final Project Overview and Timeline
Final Assignment Overview
The final assignment for COM/156 is a 1,450- to 1,700-word research paper on an instructor-approved topic of your choice. The subject of your paper should provide you with ample opportunities for research. You are required to use three to five references to support your thesis. The final paper must follow APA guidelines and
must include the following elements:
o A title page
o An introduction including the thesis statement
o A body with at least three paragraphs, including supporting evidence and in-text citations
o A conclusion
o A reference list of citations with at least three to five sources, two of which must come from the University Library
Final Project Timeline
Budget your time wisely and work on the assignment as directed throughout the course. As outlined below, some midcourse assignments are intended to help you create your final essay. If you complete all course activities and use the feedback provided by the instructor and writing center resources, you should be able to successfully complete your essay.
□ Suggested in Week One: Read the Final Assignment Overview and Timeline in Appendix A.
□ Due in Week One: Research Plan assignment. Submit a research plan for your paper.
□ Suggested in Week One: Brainstorm... required in paragraphs.
Structure of the final work in word
1. Summary of study
2. General aspects of the company: company name, stock price, target price, graphic evolution of prices, market profile through a chart indicating their volume, beta, dividend yield, market capitalization, book value, and other outstanding performance .
3. Business Description: Relevant company information, company’s sector, product line, time in the market and others.
Industry Overview and Competitive Positioning: market behavior, participation of the company, supply and demand of the good or services.
5. Investment Summary: key indicators for investment.
6. Valuation: determining the intrinsic price through the Discounted Cash Flow, sensitivity analysis to establish the possible price based on changes to relevant variables.
7. Financial Analysis: description of the financial statements and ratios relevant to establish the financial position of the company.
8. Other relevant securities of the company: growth potential, access to finance and others.
9. Investment risk: internal and external risks facing the company and that can influence the performance of the share.
10. Identify the main problem of the company.
11. Name two secondary problems.
12. Suggest at least two alternative solutions to solve the main problem and two alternatives for secondary problems, argue the pros and cons of each alternatives.
13. Conclusion and recommendation:...
Final Project
Scenario Solution
Darren Coco
May 5, 2013
Statement of Opportunity
The services provided for high school dropouts will require a knowledgeable staff in different fields to obtain the skills needed to gain employment. Offering education courses and tutoring in basic reading and writing skills, with the goals of getting the students ready to take a GED test or working towards a high school diploma.
Impact on Organizational Structure
A professional staff that works well with high school children, volunteers who are willing to be patient and work with the professional staff.
The need for a human resource department is very important, and will represent the collective capabilities and experiences of its people. Usually with high school dropouts it is based on social background and academic behaviors. The organizational structure needs a...
...Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración
International Business Program
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración
International Business Program
Instructional Guide for the Final Project |
The Managerial Process |
Professor: Lic. Ana Esperanza ?lvarez García |
January - June 2013 |
Final Assignment
Assignment is an integrated business where, the first semester final assignment will serve as a base for making this semester final assignment.
I. General Requirements
Please consider that delivering in time your Integrated Business project, does not necessarily means it is going to be graded. It has to meet certain Style and Format Requirement that we are going to describe in this document.
1. Spiral bound, in a binder or any way you feel your project needs to be delivered.
2. Cover page
a. UANL and FACPYA logos.
b. University FULL name
c. School FULL name
d. Program Name
e. “Name of the Company”
*For the following, please use: Arial 12 font*
f. Student’s FULL name
g. Student’s ID Number
h. Group (NOT classroom number)
i. Due date
3. Numbered pages
a. You’re not allowed
b. No errors of
c. If I find any kind of...
...executive and an art director and many of our esteemed clients have threatened to take their business elsewhere. On January 10, 2011 I visited the Roanoke Branch to conduct an investigation regarding recent client complaints, excessive overtime, and compensation issues. My investigation identified the following problems: 1. Communication is the core problem at the Roanoke branch. Management does not subordinate any information, which gives the impression that it is ok to
proceed as you wish and that it is acceptable to work independently and not as a team. Without being given input on the new clients, their expectations, their concepts and/or ideas for the new projects, and the project deadline, someone could spend weeks on a project only to be told the correct criteria had not been followed and they need to start over, often resulting in excessive overtime and frustration with management. 2. Excessive overtime plays a major contributing factor to low employee morale. Because of the bonus incentive, new projects with unreasonable deadlines are being accepted and
Carolyn Isherwood, ID # Exam 8 Angelus Hill Road, Hemet, CA 92545 isherwoo@ employees are expected to work “whatever” hours necessary to complete the projects. As mentioned above, communication is essential, but nonexistent. 3. The clients are complaining about the excessive number of errors in the final project as well as deadlines, which are missed...
The theme for my final GCSE Art and Design assignment was ‘Ordinary and/or Extraordinary’.
I was given the exam paper just prior to going on a family holiday to the desert in Southern California and I decided that as Borrego Springs (the place that we visited) is such an unusual and extraordinary place, I would use it as my starting point in developing my ideas and investigations based on the theme.
Borrego Springs provided me with both an intriguing place to
develop some visual ideas as well as allowing me to discover and explore the theme from the perspective of the ‘natural world’ within the desert.
Borrego Springs has been blessed with an extraordinary portion of nature’s attributes and this has distinguished this area as one of the most unique and intriguing places to visit in America.
There are no traffic lights in the town and the night time lighting is kept to a minimum to protect the extraordinary magnificence of the starlit sky.
This project has been very personal to me as Borrego Springs has been a huge part of my childhood.
I began by looking at the work of Armand Vallee.
A large amount of his work is both for sale and is exhibited at a local gallery in the town centre.
I collected some postcards from the gallery to help with my ideas.
I was particularly struck by Vallee’s work which is colourful and inspiring yet refreshingly simple.
His desert landscapes are an unusual combination of shape, pattern, texture and...
This pack of BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper includes:
Social Networking with Wal-Mart
Business - General Business
Final Paper
The final assignment for this course is a Final Paper. The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by completing a final research project on organizational communication processes. The
Final Project represents 25% of the overall course grade.
Focus of the Final Paper
The final research project requires you to choose a specific topic relevant to organizational communication processes, research that topic incorporating sources (literature review), analyze the issue in a real world organization, and present your findings. The final paper should be 8-10 pages (excluding title and reference pages), double spaced, and formatted in APA.
Identify an organizational communication concept that is particularly interesting to you and that you would like to learn more about. Potential topics include: international and intercultural communication, communication competence in the workplace, diversity and communication, leadership communication, communication and decision making, communication in groups/teams, and communication technology in organizations.
Identify an organization with which you are familiar and...
TYPE OF SPEECH________________________________
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Gained attention and interest
Clear transition sentence
Previewed body of
Main points clear
Main points fully supported
Evidence cited during speech 10
Organized, well planned
Language clear, concise
Language appropriate
Transitions were fluid
Prepared audience for ending 5
Reinforced central idea
Left audience with ending
Maintained eye contact
Presented visual aids well
Used voice effectively
Used nonverbal communication 5
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More great study tools:Business Case - Context and Relevance
FAA Acquisition System Toolset (FAST)
Acquisition Management System (AMS) establishes agency-wide policy and guidance for all areas of lifecycle acquisition management.
FAST is the official record of AMS.
Investment Analysis Process Guidance
Documented guidance through the Investment Analysis phase of AMS lifecycle including Initial and Final Investment Analysis.
JRC Process Guidance
This guidance is supplemental to the information in the Acquisition Management System (AMS) policy. It explains the types of decisions and prerequisite actions, roles and responsibilities, and procedures required to receive an investment decision from the JRC.
The Business Case is fundamentally a story where operational, financial and technical facts are joined and woven together. It is the heart of Investment Analysis but more than just a document.
To be successful, the Business Case must convincingly and concisely answer four basic questions:
What is the problem that needs to be solved?
What is the range of alternatives that could address this problem?
What are the costs, benefits, and risks associated with each alternative?
Based on the above, what is the recommended course of action?
While answering these questions, it is imperative that all stakeholders understand the philosophy or thought process that surrounds not just the creation of a document, but the entire Business Case process. It is a way of thinking, of always considering the value of a particular course of action and constantly updating the decision framework based upon an ever-changing financial and operational environment.  
It is this focus on value that establishes a Business Case climate. This concept demands more than simply building a business case document by checking items off a list or placing words into a template. This philosophy requires every member of your team to ask questions they may not have thought of before. The resulting discourse brings together costs, benefits, risks, technical requirements and project schedule and shows how a proposed investment overcomes current system shortfalls and takes the FAA into the future.  The Business Case then becomes the basis for the resources, budgets and baselines required to implement and manage the selected alternative to minimize risk and maximize the benefits of the investment. Although the FAA is not a &business&, it is charged with being a good steward of public funds. And an excellent way to ensure that it remains a good steward is to maintain a Business Case climate.
In addition to the necessary flexibility required to rationalize a solution to a shortfall, it is also imperative that stakeholders understand the importance of constantly communicating. Communicating the results of your business case, or “telling the story”, effectively, to decision-makers is as important as the analysis itself. The goal is to communicate clearly and succinctly, while providing sufficient information to support decisions.  Communicating your business case does not mean “Selling” your business case.  A robust business case sells itself! 
Communicating your business case is not something that is done after all of your analysis is completed and documented.  It actually begins when you determine that closing a shortfall or implementing a technological opportunity has value; when you have captured the factual data that quantifies and substantiates how much appropriate metrics can realistically improve.   There are many AMS process milestones that have been developed to provide a framework for the discussion, but these should not replace “walking the halls” and daily interaction with key stakeholders to ensure the problem and potential solution allow the FAA to be a good steward of public funds.  
IP&A will help communicate your Business Case through the AMS milestone decisions but more importantly, the team is available to consult on communication and analytical issues to ensure Business Cases are as clear, content-rich and decision-driving as possible.
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