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Q&A:LT生存现状堪忧 致力提高游戏体验
&作者:佚名 来源:网络
  the first part of the Cyprus meeting is finally completed, this is a resume of the conversation we had with Markus, Florian and Slava, tomorrow will start working on Viktor Kislyi's aka second part:
  Rita 沉寂了好多天,过去的一个月几乎都没什么新闻。一方面是因为外国人也要过年啊!圣诞+元旦就是他们的新年,推出个捷克线够全世界玩家玩一年假了。另一方面 原因就是Rita出访位于塞浦路斯的WG总部(王八蛋WG卷钱带着小姨子跑去地中海逍遥快活了你还不知道嘛),WG大佬维克多亲切会见了 Rita,Rita高度赞赏了WG在过去一年中所取得的成就,双方就WOT未来一年的发展方向开展了亲切友好的会谈。WG重要负责人Serb准备早宴欢迎 Rita的到来。当日,Rita与Markus、Florian 、Slava举行开门磋商会议,下面请听详细报道。
  -If we stopped introducing content and made 2016 the year of fixes, would this be enough? - No.
  - 如果我们在2016年停止引入新内容而只是做游戏修补工作,这样可行吗? - 显然不可能。
  -Although there was a lot of content released in 2015, Wargaming admits the regularity of the patch releases could have been more consistent.
  - 尽管在过去的一年游戏内已经加入了好多好多新东西,我们也还没有江郎才尽,WG承诺保证新版本的推出节奏。
  -With the melown of the Russian market, the Russian team had to come up with ways to reinvent the game to attract RU players back to the game as well as improve retention of existing players and this obviously has a knock-on effect on content released everywhere else.
  - 关于俄服市场的大血崩,俄服团队已经采取措施试图让俄服玩家们回归游戏,同时也致力于避免现有玩家的流失,这显然在内容发布等各方面都有连锁反应。
  -The conversation group in consensus asked to bring back fun events (like Karl 8-bit and Chaffee Race) every 6 months (specially during IRL events like World Cup who tend to drain playerbase away) which was WG agreed with and will explore possibilities.
  - 与会人员强烈谴责了WG不再推出娱乐模式(比方说红白机卡尔臼炮和霞飞竞速)的恶劣行径,一致要求每6个月就出一个供大家玩耍,以特别针对因那些现充跑去围观世界杯等重大赛事而出现的玩家流失情况,WG对此深表赞同并将就可行性开展讨论。
  -Wargaming admits that Rampage mode its &not so good, to put it midly&.
  - WG承认巅峰战模式&不是那么好,呃,说得委婉一些是这样的&。
  -Instead of keep on adding games, they want to focus in making the game better (fixes and tweaks of already existing content)
  - 重点不是要一直一直往游戏里加新元素,他们希望将工作重心放在把这个游戏做得更完美上(修复和改善已经存在的内容)
  -When Artillery was initially introduced it was meant to stop camping and had Light Tanks and other SPGs as natural enemies but nowadays the biggest issue about it is that Light Tanks are obsolete and unable to spot/kill SPG due to corridor maps.
  - 引入火炮的初衷是终结蹲坑,并给LT和其他火炮塑造一个天敌出来。而现在最主要的问题在于大量走廊地图使LT的施展空间被严重压缩,不能有效地点亮/击杀火炮。
  -&There is no point in playing Light Tanks at the moment unless you are completing Personal Missions&
  - &现状是除了做个人任务,完全没必要去玩LT嘛&
  -The game nowadays is more static because there are no flanking maneuvers giving more power to artillery, instead of preventing camping is causing the oposite desired effect.
  - 这个游戏现在越来越蹲了,因为玩家们不再去打侧翼包围穿插使得火炮更加强势。本来是想用火炮终结蹲坑的,结果事与愿违。
  -Because of all the equipment/consumables available the tanks are now more precise than they were 5 years ago making Lights Tanks easier to shoot, also, because of New Physics, Light Tanks have a harder time getting one point to another.
  - 因为各种配件/补给的存在,现在坦克比5年前更加精准,使LT更容易射击目标。同样因为新物理引擎,LT得花更多时间从某个位置向另一个位置转移。
  -A newER physics will be implemented hopefully by 9.15 (It still needs further testing)
  - 有希望在9.15版本推出一个更新的物理引擎(它还需要更多测试)
  - Although map sizes are the same, they have become smaller. WG experimented with making maps bigger but the idea wasnt viable due to vehicles like T95 and Maus. Currently they are exploring the idea of adding extra map spawns to facilitate slower tanks.您当前的位置: > 游戏辅助 -> 攻略 ->坦克世界T-10替换IS-8 坦克世界T-10改动了什么
坦克世界T-10替换IS-8 坦克世界T-10改动了什么
  来源:斗蟹游戏网  编辑:
  在10.0版本中,IS-8的名字被改为T-10(当年受赫鲁晓夫那次运动影响),性能稍微有点改动,下面小编就给各位带来详细的,《坦克世界》T-10替换IS-8调整细节与装甲改动!  稍微提升了稳定性;  车身转速从30增强到32;  履带适应性从 1.055/1.247/1.918 增强到 0.959/1.055/1.822。  装甲也有改动,正面稍微增强了一些,炮塔正面更硬了:
游戏大小:396.98 MB
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