
[FS]Windows 7 Pro Professional OEM 32/64Bit SP1 COA/Paper Licence x16-96100 - Classifieds
[FS]Windows 7 Pro Professional OEM 32/64Bit SP1 COA/Paper Licence x16-96100
Here is sale for Windows 7 Pro OEM 100% Genuine, Never Used. Selling here coz ebay does not allow to sale OEM licence without any OEM hardware.Quantity: 5 nosPrice: 50$ per LicencePayment method: PaypalDelivery Method: Digital Delivery i.e EmailReturn accepted(14 days)* Original Disc will be only provided if buyer pays delivery charge otherwise I will upload a image on server/Cloud storage.* Those who want COA sticker need to pay delivery charges.Need More details then just PM meSanju|Nazien
More about windows pro professional oem 64bit sp1 coa paper licence x16 96100
well, legally you can't sell an OEM license to any because OEM Windows licenses are owned by the hardware and not the user.
You can only sell Retail licenses...
OEM lic belong to the motherboard they are originally sold with, in this case, your Acer.
So, its still not legal to sell them here.Dry
I'm not entirely sure that will even work, legal or not. Those OEM stickers are pretty specific to the machines they're made for. Even hardware-less OEM licenses that you can buy latch onto machines and require a call to Microsoft to maybe possibly do a transfer.That sticker looks like it was attached to a specific branded machine - from India, no less. I doubt that a custom built US machine with no particular manufacturer with American parts (the majority of this forums audience, I think), or other American OEM brand, or even an American Acer machine, will activate properly with those stickers. Or at least, you may not see Microsoft willing to re-activate it. You may at least *need* the Indian version of Windows to have a chance. But I'unno. Don't mean to spit all over the thread.. just.. expressing concern.
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I believe that those licenses will only work in India -- the activation servers will not activate them in other countries because MS locks them to certain regions due to the price differences that they sell the products for in different countries.
Have already sold 3 of them on ebay. one using it on a lenovo laptop in US with digital river windows 7 pro 32 which is working fine and another one is from Greece(not sure need to check) on custom PC which is also working fine and last one is also from US but he did not share any info. So it will work fine in Whole American /European country. Again these keys are never used with any PC. Otherwise I am also offering refund.And also no one is owner of this licence at all according to best of my knowledge.Sanju/Nazien
Some recent experiences in a recently closed thread in this sub-Forum makes we wonder if that thread isn't a good place to suggest some form of escrow arrangement where funds can be held over until a successful installation activates and passes Windows Genuine Advantage tests.$50 may be a throw away amount of money for some but to others it would have come hard-earned.
A Windows 7 Professional system can cost up to &350 British and Amazon UK currently has it around &190.Seems to me, the first rule of Internet deals must be if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!
Some recent experiences in a recently closed thread in this sub-Forum makes we wonder if that thread isn't a good place to suggest some form of escrow arrangement where funds can be held over until a successful installation activates and passes Windows Genuine Advantage tests.$50 may be a throw away amount of money for some but to others it would have come hard-earned.
A Windows 7 Professional system can cost up to &350 British and Amazon UK currently has it around &190.Seems to me, the first rule of Internet deals must be if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!I can't figure out your point. I am selling it for 50$ coz I got it for free and it is a OEM COA Licence sticker and I have no use of it andalso not in India as most of user here use either boxed licence or Cracked OS. DVD bundled licence cost ~100$ here in my country and after all I am also offering 14 days return in some case.Sorry for my bad english.Sanju/Nazien
Clearly this is not for a legitimate sale and no amount of trying to explain is going to change that -- To anyone purchasing these it may activate but eventually may be invalidated by Microsoft so if you want to throw away $50 on the chance it may work knowing that you are supporting Piracy - it is your decision but you have been warned so do not complain if\when your product is flagged as illegal and you are forced to purchase another license.@nazien -- information and link to this advert have been reported to MS so you may be contacted by them !
Counterfeit Software ReportThank you for submitting your counterfeit reportWe appreciate your effort to report the sale of counterfeit software and will look into this matter as quickly as we can.
nazien said:
And also no one is owner of this licence at all according to best of my knowledge.Sanju/Nazien
An OA or OEM license cannot be owned by a person and therefore cannot be sold by a person.
The OA lics are purchased by the laptop/PC maker and are married to the motherboard of the computer.You, Sanju, as a person CANNOT legally sell an OA or OEM sticker off a laptop or other Windows PC. Its a violation of Microsoft's OEM terms.Dry
Time to close this one I think.
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