
09-03-01 &匿名提问 发布
引  言90年代以来,随着计算机的普及,互联网及相关技术的日趋成熟,作为网络的一个重要用途----电子商务开始在人们的生活中占有了一席之地,并逐渐得到了人们的赞同和认可。    伴随着电子商务的发展,与这种新型的商务形式相对应的一系列政策、环境、技术和管理方面的问题逐渐展现在人们面前。国家的政策法规,政府的支持,安全认证,电子支付,物流配送等一系列工作摆在人们的面前,并逐渐提到议事日程上来。如何使这种最为新型的商业形式发展下去并逐渐深入到人们的日常生活中去,已成为当前人们所作的工作重点。在这其中,物流配送环节的高成本和资源浪费就是阻碍电子商务发展,增加电子商务成本的重要方面。如何管理好物流配送,提高物流配送的水平和质量,降低物流配送的成本是至关重要的一环。    物流配送被经济学家称为继劳动力、自然资源之后的“第三利润源泉”。然而,长期以来,我国许多厂商把经营重点都放在生产和销售环节上,对物流管理比较粗放。为了获取更多的利益,目前许多商家都十分重视降低生产成本,想方设法从这两个环节中获得利润,却往往对物流中潜在的利润视而不见。随着我国加入WTO,国外跨过物流企业进入中国市场,其成熟的现代物流管理体系占有明显优势,对我国的物流企业形成了极大的威胁,我国企业着手建立和完善现代物流体系的任务已十分紧迫。1  物流在电子商务中的作用    电子商务时代,物流企业迅速发展,电子商务物流随之产生。电子商务物流就是信息化、现代化、社会化的物流,也就是说,物流企业采用网络化的计算机技术和现代化的硬件设备、软件系统及先进的管理手段,针对社会需求,严格地、守信用地按用户的订货要求进行一系列分类、整理、分工、配货等理货工作,定时、定量的交给没有范围限制的各类用户,满足其对商品的需求。由此定义不难看出,物流在电子商务发展中是起着十分重要作用的。1.1  物流是电子商务的重要组成部分    众所周知,电子商务=网上信息传递+网上结算+物流配送。一个完整的商务活动,必须通过信息流、商流、货币流、物流等四个流动过程有机构成。电子商务的特殊性就在于,信息流、商流、货币流可以在互联网上实现,可形象的称之为“鼠标”;电子商务的物流配送部分则不可能在网上实现,最多可以通过网络来优化,可形象的称之为“车轮”。也就是说,电子商务=鼠标+车轮。所以在一定意义上物流是电子商务的重要组成部分,是信息流和资金流的基础和载体。同时从“鼠标”和“车轮”两者的速度与效率相比较,物流恰恰成为电子商务的“瓶颈”。1.2  物流是电子商务所具优势正常发挥的基础    电子商务的开展能够有效的缩短供货时间和生产周期,简化订单程序,降低库存水平,同时使得客户关系管理更加富有成效。但是,电子商务的任何一笔交易都离不开物流,商品生产和交换的全过程,都需要物流活动的支持,没有现代化的物流运作模式支持,没有一个高效、合理、通畅的物流系统,电子商务的优势就难以得到正常发挥,没有一个与电子商务相适应的物流体系,电子商务就难以得到有效的发展。1.3  物流系统不断升级直接关系到电子商务的效率与效益的提高    随着电子商务的快速发展,物流业越来越受到重视,许多先进技术在物流系统中被采用,如EDI(电子数据交换)、BAR  CODE(条形码)、RF(射频技术)、GPS(全球定位系统)、GIS(地理信息系统)等,物流系统不断升级,物流业迅速发展,直接的效果便是能够更快的满足顾客对商品的需求,从而使交易量大幅度上升,提高电子商务的效率和效益。1.4  物流业的壮大发展支持电子商务的快速发展    电子商务的不断发展,计算机网络技术应用的不断进步,对物流的要求越来越高,物流业直接影响着电子商务的长足进步,其发展壮大支持了电子商务的快速发展。目前,全球电子商务的增长呈指数上升曲线,2003年全球电子商务交易总额已超过1. 4万亿美元。传统商务逐渐萎缩,电子商务将成为本世纪最具竞争力的商务形式。2 电子商务环境下物流配送的特点电子商务环境下的物流配送与传统的物流配送有所不同,其特点主要有以下几个方面:2.1  物流配送自动化
   自动化的基础是信息化,自动化的核心是机电一体化,自动化的外在表现是无人化,自动化的效果是省力化,另外自动化还可以扩大物流作业能力,提高劳动生产率,减少物流作业的差错等。物流自动化有条码/语音/射频自动识别系统、自动分拣系统、自动存取系统、自动导向车、货物自动跟踪系统等。这些设施在发达国家已普遍用于物流作业流程中,而在我国由于物流业起步晚,发展水平低,自动化技术的普及还需相当长的时间。2.2  物流配送网络化物流领域网络化的基础也是信息化,这里指的网络化有两层含义:一是物流配送系统的计算机通信网络,包括物流配送中心与供应商或制造商的联系要通过计算机网络,另外与下游顾客的联系也要通过计算机网络通信。比如,配送中心向供应商提出订单过程,就可以使用计算机通信方式,借助于增值网(value-added  network,VAN)上的电子订货系统(EOS)和电子数据交换技术(EDI)来自动实现,物流配送中心通过计算机网络收集下游客户的订货过程也可以自动完成;二是组织网络化即所谓的企业内部网(Intranet)。如台湾电脑业20世纪90年代创造的“全球运筹式产销模式”,其基本点是按照客户订单组织生产,生产采取分散形式,将全世界的电脑资源都利用起来,采取外包的形式将一台电脑的所有零部件、元器件、芯片外包给世界各地的制造商去生产,然后通过全球的物流网络将这些零部件、元器件和芯片发往同一个物流配送中心进行组装,由该物流配送中心将组装的电脑迅速发给订户。物流配送的网络化是物流信息化的必然趋势,是电子商务下物流配送活动的主要特征之一。全球网络资源的可用性及网络技术的普及为物流的网络化提供了良好的外部环境,物流网络化不可阻挡。2.3  物流配送智能化这是物流配送自动化的一种高层次应用。物流配送作业过程大量的运筹和决策,如库存水平的确定,运输搬运路径的选择,自动导向车的运行轨迹和作业控制,自动分拣机的运行,物流配送中心经营管理的决策支持等问题都需要借助大量的智能化载体来解决。在物流自动化的过程中,物流智能化是不可回避的技术难题。目前专家系统、机器人等相关技术在国际上已经有比较成熟的研究成果,物流智能化已经成为电子商务下物流发展的一个新趋势。2.4  物流配送柔性化柔性化原是生产领域为实现“以顾客为中心”而提出的,但要真正做到柔性化,即真正根据消费者需求的变化来灵活调节生产工艺,没有配套的柔性化物流配送系统是不可能实现的。20世纪90年代以来,生产领域提出的FMS、MRP、ERP等概念和技术的实质就是将生产、流通进行集成,根据需求端的需求组织生产,安排物流活动。柔性化物流正是适应生产、流通与消费的需求而发展起来的新型物流模式。他要求物流配送中心根据消费者需求“多品种、小批量、多匹次、短周期”的特点,灵活组织和实施物流作业。3 电子商务环境下的物流配送模式不同的国家,拥有不同的适合自己国情的物流配送模式,下面简要介绍国外的几种物流配送模式和中国的主要物流配送模式。3.1  国外电子商务物流配送模式西方发达国家为了在21世纪获得战略性竞争优势,都在极力推动电子商务的发展,构建了成熟的、高效的电子商务物流配送模式,网上销售额急剧上升,2002年美国网上销售和服务的营业额已达3270亿美元,日本在2003年也已达到31600亿日元。3.1.1  欧美物流整体化模式美、英、法等发达国家现推行一种整体化、系统化物流管理模式。所谓物流整体化就是以物流系统为核心,由生产企业、物流企业、销售企业、消费者构成的供应链的整体化和系统化。其实质是以供应链作为一个完整的物流系统,充分发挥供应链中各个环节专业化优势,并加以整合,从而达到系统功能最大化,实现整个物流过程的效率最大化。3.1.2  日本连带式物流模式日本在开展电子商务物流时,把物流过程看成是生产、流通、消费的循环过程。其中每一个环节都会对其他环节产生连带影响作用,最终影响到整个物流效率。其实质是把纯物流领域的物流问题转化成涉及供应、生产、销售、消费的物流问题。3.1.3  联邦快递公司联邦快递公司主要受理包裹、邮件、货物等托运及快递业务。该公司业务中的电子商务物流主要通过“联邦快递动力船计划”和一套免费的联邦快递船软件来实现。前者为客户提供了一条进入联邦快递计算机系统的途径。后者是该公司工作人员能随时掌握供货时间及产品预计抵达的时间。3.1.4  美国连锁店配送中心美国企业在开展电子商务时,把连锁店组建成配送网络,将原来的仓库改为配送中心,统一向各连锁店配送货物。各连锁店可以通过EDI直接向配送中心订货。配送中心通过计算机对装载、搬运、保管实行标准化操作,实现了对供应链的实时化管理。该配送中心主要有批发型、零售型和仓储型三种。3.1.5  第三方物流第三方物流是指物流服务的供给方和需求方以外的第三方提供物流配送业务的运作方式。第三方是专业化的物流企业或配送公司。他与物流交易的供应商之间存在着委托代理关系,因此,第三方物流也称作物流代理。这种委托代理关系通过合同确定下来,代理方按合同要求为委托方完成物流配送代理业务。有些代理商本身缺乏配送工具时,可依赖外界的配送资源来完成物流服务。3.2  中国电子商务物流配送模式由于中国物流业起步较晚,所以中国的物流配送模式相对来说比较落后,主要有以下几种模式。3.2.1  企业(集团)自营配送模式这是目前国内生产、流通或综合性企业(集团)所广泛采用得一种物流模式。企业(集团)通过独立组建物流中心,实现对企业内部各部门、场、店的物品供应。这种物流模式中揉合了传统的“自给自足”的“小农意识”,形成了新型的“大而全”、“小而全”,造成了新的资源浪费。显然,这种模式还不能适应电子商务时代对物流的要求。但是就目前来看,在满足企业(集团)内部生产材料供应、产品外销、零售厂店供货或区域外市场拓展等企业自身需求方面却发挥了作用。较典型的企业(集团)自营型模式,就是连锁企业的物流配送。大大小小的连锁公司或集团(比如北京华联、沃尔玛、麦德龙等等)基本上都是通过组建自己的物流中心,来完成对内部各场、店的统一采购、统一配送和统一结算的。3.2.2  第三方物流配送模式物流外协第三方,即通常所说的第三方物流是由相对“第一方”发货人和“第二方”收货人而言的第三方来承担企业物流活动的一种物流形态。第三方物流模式是指交易双方把自己需要完成的配送业务委托给第三方来完成的一种配送运作模式。这一配送模式正逐渐成为电子商务网站进行货物配送的一个首选模式和方向。他的服务内容包括设计物流系统、电子数据交换能力、报表管理、货物集运、信息管理、仓储、咨询、运费支付和谈判等。电子商务企业采用第三方物流方式对于提高企业经营效率具有重要作用。(1)  集中精力于核心业务企业应把自己的主要资源集中于自己熟悉的主业,而把物流等辅助功能留给物流公司,这样可以提高自己主业的市场竞争力。如果一家规模不是很大的企业投入太多的资金自己搞物流,那么该企业投入到主业上的资金就会相应的减少,则该企业主业的市场竞争力会受到很大的影响。(2)  灵活运用新技术,实现以信息换库存,降低成本由于科学技术的日益进步,普通的单个制造公司通常在短时间难以更新自己的资源和技能,不同的零售商可能有不同的、不断变化的配送和信息技术等需求,此时,第三方物流公司能以一种快速、更具成本优势的方式满足这些需求,而这些服务通常都是制造商一家难以做到的。同样,第三方物流供应商还拥有满足一家企业的潜在顾客需求的能力,从而使企业接洽到零售商。(3)  减少固定资产投资,加速资本周转企业自营物流需要投入大量的资金购买物流设备,建设仓库和信息网络等专业物流设施。这些资源对于缺乏资金的企业特别是中小企业是个沉重的负担。而如果使用第三方物流公司不仅可以减少设施的投资,还能够免去仓库和车队方面的资金占用,加速资金的周转。与自营物流相比较,第三方物流在为企业提供上述便利的同时,也会给企业带来诸多不利。主要有:企业不能直接控制物流职能;不能保证供货的准确和及时;不能保证顾客服务的质量和维护与顾客的长期关系;企业将放弃对物流专业技术的开发等。3.2.3  物流一体化配送模式物流一体化是在第三方物流的基础上发展起来的。所谓物流一体化就是以物流系统为核心的由生产企业,经由物流企业、销售企业,直至消费者的供应链的整体化和系统化。在这种模式下,物流企业通过与生产企业建立广泛的代理或买断关系,与销售企业形成较为稳定的契约关系,从而将生产企业的商品或信息进行统一组合,处理后,按部门订单要求,配送到店铺。这种配送模式还表现为在用户之间交流供应信息,从而起到调剂余缺,合理利用资源的作用。在电子商务时代,这是一种比较完整意义上的物流配送模式,它是物流业发展的高级和成熟阶段。在国内,海尔集团的物流配送模式可以说已经是物流一体化了,并且是一个非常成功的案例。3.2.4  共同配送模式共同配送是为提高物流效率对某一地区的用户进行配送时,由许多个物流企业联合在一起进行的配送。它是在配送中心的统一计划、统一调度下展开的。主要包括两种运作形式:一是由一个物流企业对多家用户进行配送,即由一个配送企业综合某一地区内多个用户的要求,统筹安排配送时间、次数、路线和货物数量,全面进行配送;二是仅在送货环节上将多家用户待运送的货物混载于同一辆车上,然后按照用户的要求分别将货物运送到各个接货点,或者运到多家用户联合设立的配送货物接收点上。目前,大型现代化配送中心的建设跟不上电子商务物流的发展要求,实行共同配送是积极可行的选择。从微观角度来说,企业可以得到以下几个方面的好处:首先,达到配送作业的经济规模,提高物流作业的效率,降低企业营运成本;不需投入大量的资金、设备、土地、人力等,可以节省企业的资源。其次,企业可以集中精力经营核心业务,培养自己的核心竞争力,更好的适应激烈的市场竞争。第三,从社会的角度来讲,实现共同配送可以减少社会车辆总量,减少闹市区卸货妨碍交通的现象,改善交通运输状况;通过集中化处理,提高车辆的装载效率,节省物流处理空间和人力资源,实现社会资源的共享和有效利用。共同配送也涉及一些难以解决的问题:首先,各业主经营的商品不同,不同的商品特点不同,对配送的要求也不同,共同配送存在一定的难度。其次,各企业的规模、商圈、客户、经营意识也存在差距,往往很难协调一致。还有费用的分摊,泄漏商业机密的担忧等等。4 当前电子商务物流配送存在的问题当前,我国的电子商务物流配送已有了一定程度的发展,专门从事物流的速递公司在全国各地如雨后春笋般地兴起,以邮政和交通两大部门为首的电子商务物流配送渠道正日趋通畅。独立配送模式、组合配送模式和第三方物流模式在国内已经进行了不少的尝试,以8848为首的一部分电子商务先行者在这一方面进行了有益的探索。然而同国外的电子商务物流配送相比较,我国电子商务物流配送仍存在着很多的问题,主要表现在以下几个方面:4.1  中国企业对物流和配送缺乏正确和充足的认识虽然对物流和配送的研究早在上世纪80年代就已开始,学术界和政府有关部门对物流配送有较多的了解和认识,但就全社会而言,对物流和配送的认识还非常模糊,特别是企业。许多企业没有将物流放在企业发展的重要位置,尤其没有放在企业发展战略的主要地位。很多企业领导人的概念还停留在成本中心和利润中心的深度,而没有将物流配送纳入到服务中心和战略中心的高度。4.2  物流和配送方面的人才短缺,是物流和配送发展的巨大障碍从国外物流和配送的发展经验来看,企业要求物流和配送方面的从业人员应当具有一定的知识水平和实践经验。相对于国外而言,我国在物流和配送方面的教育还非常落后,在高等院校中设物流专业和课程的仅有几十所,仅占中国全部高等院校的1%;研究生层次的教育刚刚开始起步;博士生方面的教育还未开始;职业教育更加滞后,通过委托培训方式培训员工的企业也不多见。据北京一家专门为外国企业服务的公司介绍,一些外国公司或其所属合资企业对物流经理的需求近年来开始增加,北京市场上基本符合企业要求得物流经理人选非常少。4.3   物流和配送发展所需的制度环境还有待进一步深化改革 物流和配送发展所需的制度环境方面,也就是企业开展正常经营活动的制度环境或市场环境,主要是指融资制度,产权转让制度,人才使用制度,市场准入或退出制度,社会保障制度等。这些制度方面的改革,目前还远远不能适应企业经营的需要,也不能适应市场经济体制改革的需要。企业在改善自身物流效率时,必然要涉及到各种物流资源在企业内部和企业与市场之间的重新配置。而由于上述制度改革尚未到位,企业经济合理原则对物流资源的再配置就会受到障碍。例如,企业,特别是国有企业在选择外部物流服务时,由于企业处置原有的仓储、运输等设施和人员时遇到障碍,必然会影响企业物流效率的改善。因此,进一步深化制度改革,是当前中国经济改革与发展面临的最紧迫的任务,也是物流和配送发展的必要条件。4.4  布局不合理,重复建设严重在配送中心发展建设过程中,由于宏观管理职责不明、规划不当,造成宏观上区域布局不合理,存在相互重复、冲突现象,导致社会资源浪费。由于企业行为不规范,微观上企业不结合自身实际能力,发展需要和市场环境状况,盲目上马,简单拼凑,导致配送中心无法开展业务。这种状况,尤以随着连锁经营“一哄而起”而建成的大批小规模配送中心更为突出。例如,在地区性配送中,速递公司由于其速度而深受消费者青睐。然而,在一些地区,速递公司近年来一哄而上,多如牛毛。例如,在北京地区,现在有名的速递公司就有北京速递中心、奇讯速递中心、双臣快运有限公司的宅急送、保罗快递公司等二三十家之多。这些速递公司的一哄而上,从整个社会角度来讲,使物流配送难以专业化发展,而且单个公司由于其规模较小,难以形成规模效应。同时,也使物流配送设施重复建设,浪费了大量的社会资源。4.5  片面追求速度,导致配送成本过高很多物流配送方式在追求速度的同时,却无形之中提高配送产品的成本。现在越来越多的消费者对于高昂的包裹费用表示不满。例如北京地区送货,EMS特快专递的发送费为15元。在往外地送货时EMS特快专递的发送费为30元;如通过快递8公司专递,则泸、深、穗地区送货费为10元,其他地区送货费为15元。如此高额的送货费用,显然是用户所不愿接受的。同时物流中浪费的成本也把电子商务成本低的优势抵消了。4.6  配送设备落后,配送效率太低由于配送没有规模,没有效益,因而配送中心也就没有能力来更新现有的配送设备。在很多配送中,有时是以自行车甚至公共汽车作为交通工具。设备的落后,也导致了配送的成本过高,配送的效率过低。大多数配送中心各种软硬件设施落后,无法实现管理科学化、作业机械化,更不用谈自动化了。配送效率太低的另一个原因是业务量低,资源闲置。我国的配送中心数量庞大,但大多数都是企业为自身服务而营建的,其中连锁企业自建的就三分之二多,其业务量低,无法达到经济配送规模。据考察,由于连锁不正规及商品、运输、管理等方面的问题,我国连锁配送率一般为60%—70%,差的仅有30%,甚至更低,而它们几乎都有自己的配送中心。另一方面,配送中心60%左右的人员、设施处于闲置状态。这种状况不同程度的存在于批发企业、储运企业、企业集团等建设的配送中心。5 电子商务环境下物流配送的发展趋势随着人类社会迈进网络经济时代,随着国际间经济合作、交往的日益频繁,全球经济一体化的趋势越来越明显。受其影响,商品与生产诸要素在全球范围内以空前的速度自由流动。新时期经济环境的发展变化,使物流配送的发展面临着严峻的形势,也为物流配送的发展提供了良好的外部环境。根据国内外物流配送的发展情况,电子商务环境下的物流配送呈现出以下发展趋势。5.1  物流配送的系统化趋势物流配送的系统化使物流向两头延伸并增加了新的内涵,使社会物流和企业物流有机结合在一起。可以这样讲,现代物流包含了产品的整个流动过程,既要达到利益最大或成本最小,同时又要满足用户需求不断变化的客观实际。物流配送系统也就成了一个跨部门、跨行业、跨区域的社会系统。物流配送的系统化可大大节约流通费用,提高流通的效率与效益,从而提高整个国民经济的质量与效益。5.2  物流配送的国际化趋势随着工业在世界范围的发展和世界贸易的不断扩大,使得从世界各地获得商品的现象十分普遍。跨国生产与日俱增,环球市场已逐渐形成。现代企业成功地适应全球市场环境的关键在于能否以合理的、有竞争优势的成本,使自己的产品和服务进入跨越国界的流通。为达到这一目标,各企业必须及时地对物流配送系统的各要素进行调整,选择最佳物流配送模式,这也向物流配送业提出了开拓国际物流系统、开发国际物流产品的要求。国际化趋势为物流配送的发展拓宽了道路。5.3  物流配送的社会化趋势物流配送的社会化趋势是网络化的进一步发展。随着市场经济的发展,专业化分工越来越细,一个生产企业生产某种产品除了一些主要部件自己生产以外,大都外购。生产企业与零售商所需的原材料、中间产品、最终产品大部分由不同的配送中心提供,以实现自己的少库存或零库存。这种物流配送中心不仅可以进行集约化物流,在一定半径内实现合理化物流;而且可以节约大量的社会流动资金,这也是目前国际上第三方物流业迅猛发展的原因。5.4  物流配送的信息化趋势物流配送的信息化是整个社会信息化的必然要求,没有物流配送的信息化,任何先进的技术装备都不可能用于物流配送领域,信息技术在物流配送中的广泛应用将会彻底改变世界物流配送的面貌。电子数据交换技术与国际互联网的应用,使物流配送的效率更多的取决于信息管理技术;电子计算机的普遍应用提供了更多的需求和库存信息,并提高物流配送信息管理的科学化水平,使产品流动更加容易和迅速。可以说,物流配送信息化在当今的物流发展中将发挥日益重要的作用。6   结束语现在大家都对物流配送业十分关注,看好这个行业的发展,必将吸引资金、人才进入这个行业。同时电子商务的发展,将对一些现有的采取传统经营方式的流通企业带来压力与挑战,一些流通企业可能会转向物流配送业,或与发展电子商务结合,并为电子商务的发展提供配送服务。我国物流配送企业要看准电子商务发展的大趋势,抓紧时机,抓住机遇,利用自己原有的物流设施和业务熟练的专业人才基础,积极创新,进一步提高物流配送的社会化、专业化、现代化、网络化程度,努力降低物流配送成本,加快物流速度,提高物流配送效率,搞好物流业务的整合,逐步建立Ba Jin was born in Chengdu, Sichuan host a bureaucratic families. Father in Guangyuan County, Sichuan county magistrate to do, honest officials, after the resignation Seclusion Revolution. Mother's death in 1914. Father died in 1917. Extension of the division at an early age to study at home. 54 democracy movement and the anarchist ideas accepted. Old at the end of 1920, his grandfather passed away, Ba Jin fortunate &nobody at home can dominate& his action. From 1920 to 1923 foreign language school in Chengdu (Sichuan University, the predecessor of one) to study English, participate in the progress of the publication, &half& of the work of participating organizations &are social,& an anti-feudal campaigns. In 1922 the &Hong Kong Daily News Newsletter旬刊Literature& publish &the cries of the victim& and other poetry. Went to Shanghai in 1923, near the middle school affiliated to Nanjing Southeast University study, the summer after graduation in 1925, frequently published papers and asked to promote anarchy. Going to France in 1927, completed the following year in Paris the first novella, &perish& in 1929, &Novel Monthly& has aroused strong repercussions after the publication. Winter home in 1928, ranking in Shanghai, a few years, many books. His major works are &dead sun&, &new&, &D sand&, &infancy& and the famous &Love Trilogy& &Fog,& &Rain&, &power.& In 1931 in the &Times& on the famous serial novel &torrent trilogy& of &home&, is the author's masterpiece, but also the history of modern literature, one of the most outstanding works.
&Cold Night& Office in Beijing in 1934, &Literary Quarterly& editorial. East of Japan the same year in autumn. The following year returned to office in the cultural life of Shanghai Press editor-in-chief, published &Literature Series&, &cultural life series&, &Literature Series.&靳以founded in 1936 with &The monthly quarter,& Lu Xun and others in the same year and have jointly issued a &Declaration of the Chinese literary and art workers& and &my colleagues in the arts and freedom of expression for the unity of the Universal Declaration御侮.& Was removed during the War of Resistance against Japan in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chongqing, was &The Scream& magazine (later renamed the &war&), publisher, editor-in-chief, as the previous All-China Federation of literary and art circles of the governing association to resist the enemy. And 1938, respectively, in 1940 published a novel, &Spring& and &Autumn&, the completion of the &torrent trilogy.& From 1940 to 1945 writing the &Anti-Japanese War Trilogy,& &Fire.& The latter created the Anti-Japanese War novella &open garden& and &Fourth Ward.& Completed in 1946 novel &Cold Night.& Short stories of &God&, &ghost& as the well-known. After the defeat of Japan is mainly engaged in translation, editing and publishing. In 1949 to attend the first national text on behalf of Council, elected to the Standing Committee of the joint text.市文联Shanghai in 1950 as Vice-Chairman. Twice to visit the Korean front, series of &living in the middle of heroes&, &defend the peace,& two essays communication sets. Radio 1960 was elected Vice-Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the China Writers Association. &Cultural Revolution&, were brutally persecuted. In 1972, Ba Jin萧珊his wife died. 1978, in Hong Kong &Ta Kung Pao& essay series, &Caprice recorded.& Office in 1983, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association. His initiative, established in 1985 in China现代文学馆. 80 In the mid-20th century after the publication of the &Capriccio recorded& and &disease& and &Untitled Set& and other works. At 19:00 on October 17, 2005 death of 6 hours in Shanghai. He was 101 years old. Ba Jin - the pen name origin Ba Jin wrote his life more than 9,000,000 words, used by more than 20 signed. Most frequently used was &Ba Jin& name. &Ba Jin& was a pseudonym derived from his understanding of France in the study of a Pakistani student's surname巴恩波(a founder of the anarchist Bakunin said that). Or sand it in France and more - Girija town, Ba Jin finished the debut &extinction,& the publication would like to return the country and do not want to use the real name Li Yao-tong, it reminds me of a northern巴恩波students, live in less than a month, he would went to Paris in the second year in the heat of投水suicide. To commemorate him, on the use of this rare百家姓&Pakistan& then the philosophy of a school friend Anhui them to see the table of Ba Jin is translated Kropotkin () of & Ethics &, on the proposed access to the& gold &is used. A very casual, very common signature, and later became anarchist Ba Jin faith &evidence&: Pakistan is the first word Bakunin, gold is Kropotkin's last words, his worship of anarchy two representatives of the interpretation does not allow any other. Ba Jin - Love and year-end parties
Ba Jin's family Ba Jin's life never had a sex scandal Chuan,萧珊love him and his wife for eight years,相守life and become a model for the literary scene. Xiao Qian, who said: &Ba Jin was in love, but not love.&萧珊young female students of his admirers, that she take the initiative to Ba Jin wrote about his meeting with his own. Ba Jin said her life as &Mr. Palestine.& &Cultural Revolution& period, the protection of her husband萧珊everywhere, suffered as a result of suffering flesh, passed away prematurely. Ba Jin萧珊not able to see today's brilliant, but she is the happiest woman in the world because of the great love she Bajin a person from beginning to end. Her death, the 68-year-old Ba Jin, however, more than 30 years, his steadfast wife, he described the &萧珊miss& a text, so that the good image of the Oriental woman forever engraved in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of readers. Regards known ink Shanghai in 1936 a big, old 32-year-old Ba Jin literature and translation in both is reputable, especially his novel &home& to awaken the younger generation deeply. Ba Jin was the pursuit of many people, but he did not catch anyone. He wrote a letter to the patriotic students in a girls up to his letter addressed to her handwriting娟秀, few words, always signed &one teenage girl.& The girl's letter to Ba Jin was particularly impressed by their communication up to half a year ago, has not met. Finally, the girls wrote: &writing such harmony, why can not interview them? Hope that Mr. Lee (formerly known as Ba Jin Fu Li Gan) would accede to my request ... ...& The letter is not only about the timing, location, but also folders with a photo of her. According to the letter of the agreement, that morning, with a curious feeling of Ba Jin, the hotel came to an agreement. While, a student梳着head, dressed in uniforms of the girls appeared to have no taste, such as Ba Jin, the girl had seemed cheerful as an acquaintance called up: &Oh, Mr. Lee, you come back.& Ba Jin modest smile: &Oh, ah as early as you can.&忽闪忽闪her big eyes looking at Ba Jin, gentle, happy smile, said: &Lee, you may be better than I guess a lot younger.& poor language Ba Jin's sudden fewer binding, said happily: &You also better than I imagined it like a doll! can now tell me your name?& So, 18-year-old萧珊(pen name of Chen Yun-jin) and introduced themselves. Since then, the two began a love affair 8 years. Love and year-end parties know each other In Ba Jin's view, take the initiative to love萧珊her own right, is her heart pure natural beautiful show, and their love萧珊, but the temptation for躲不过, and even the desecration of the feelings of the suspects. Therefore, Ba Jin is still萧珊When the children treated. And萧珊of Ba Jin's love, Ba Jin works for the good of life, passion and noble personality touched by the power generated. One day, Ba Jin萧珊pleased to come to the residence, and pretty soon, it tears down and upstairs. Good friends with the hospital to pull萧珊asked: &Mr. Lee you bully you, I am scared to find him.&萧珊sorry to say: &My father wanted me to marry a rich, I'll ask him decision, he said, this matter to consider your own. &At this time, then down to explain the Ba Jin said:& I mean, she is also a small, once considered immature will regret for life. If she grew up a strong-minded, mature, but also willing to be my old man, then I will live with her. &Ba Jin a heartfelt expression of a more determined pursuit of love萧珊determination. 30 wind and rain set相守 In 1942, as a result of the War of Resistance tight, Ba Jin has left some of my colleagues working at the time of publishing and cultural life of Guilin, which makes Ba Jin顿感sad silence.萧珊range of体贴入微graduated from the University of Ba Jin came around: &Do not sorry, I will not leave you, I said around you.& Ba Jin's love to help girls through the most difficult days. More than a year in the next time, Ba Jin desperately to earn a living writing, translation books, series books, he can not be plagued by economic problems and should not affect their quality of creative state of mind and creativity. He wrote &Fire,& the third volume, the end of translation of Turgenev's &Father and Son,& &virgin land.& In this way, his nephew, niece with tuition fees, the cost of marriage did not Chengjia problem. May 1, 1944, the east coast of Ba Jin Li River in Guilin, borrowed a friend's木板房when the new house, they did not acquire a trace of a cotton, a stool table, and only when 4-year-old Ba Jin's group photo with his mother, as ancestral precious possessions. No arrangements can be made only his younger brother Li Jisheng commissioned by the name of both parents, to friends and relatives to marry issued a travel &notification.& The following year, they gave birth to a daughter, Li Xiaolin, 5 years later, his son李小棠added. Nearly 30 years to love each other,相濡以沫, they never once吵过planes, one red face. In the &Cultural Revolution& years, and Ba Jin萧珊mutual support and care. Ba Jin萧珊do not know how many times to hide their inhuman treatment suffered by, for Ba Jin萧珊also bear the beaten copper belt first. By the end of July 1972, the spirit has been destroyed萧珊suffering from cancer. Before surgery,萧珊on Ba Jin said: &It appears that we have to separate the! Bajin hand gently cover your mouth萧珊, and lowered his head, splitting liver and gallbladder. August 13, 1972 at noon, passed away萧珊. She has been reading in the death of Ba Jin's name.萧珊passed away, her ashes have been placed on Ba Jin's bedroom, Ba Jin's bedside placed the translated萧珊. Bajin always spellbound in front of these items. Bajin of萧珊a deep feeling to write the &萧珊miss&, &Yi萧珊again&, and &a pair of beautiful eyes& and other articles. Ba Jin - Brothers love
While for Ba Jin, one brother left behind, the middle for the San Ba Jin said that his brother is the deepest love, and San is the most concerned about him. Ba Jin also said that three brothers in common that they are willing for the sake of others, to pay a little more. &Two brothers of great help to me, I would like to help them and, consequently, not chance. I may not have been forgotten, I hope people remember that they can be.& Ba Jin's hope they can keep in mind the aspirations of people not only because of brotherhood, but also because of the two brother's true feelings. &Ba Jin's two older brothers,& a collection of Ba Jin about his brother's two articles and my brother's letter to Ba Jin. There are memories of friends and family to write the article. Full of the truth in their text, the reader is not only felt by the three brothers of the brotherhood of Ba Jin, wipe it away is that the true feelings among people. Ba Jin - People Inspiration Life-long process of a century,淌过Chongshan, flowing over mountains, through valleys, stayed at this moment. Ba Jin, the number of people calling the name, the number of people who mourn the Chinese literary scene in the giant trees had fallen. &Motherland forever in your side& In 1927, Ba Jin's first novel, &perish&, was recognized after its own light and heat, and gradually become a leader in the Chinese literary scene. Ba Jin's wealth, 26 volumes of his immortal works and the wonderful 10-volume translation. Ba Jin's wealth, on which he has lofty spiritual realm and the force of personality is perfect. Patriotism is a wealth of Ba Jin's an important foundation for the two. Ba Jin was 12 years old read a &full-Chuan Yue said,& was deeply patriotic spirit of Yue Fei, the national spirit shock. The'90s, Ba Jin was persuaded by the people to rest in Hangzhou. He never troubles of others, one day has made the request to go Sun Yue grave. In Wen Zhengming &Azolla&碑前words, over 90, usually not very clear articulation to speak of Ba Jin, such as primary and secondary school students from as这首词to recite, sound is becoming increasingly clear, resounding: &残碑dust, Imperial Flying word, one worthy of reading ... ... laugh District, a cypress can亦何every of its wish. & In 1979, the Chinese writer Ba Jin delegation's visit to Paris. This is a departure in Paris half a century later, Ba Jin and then the first set foot on this piece of land. Tour returned, for any person, there will be a lot of emotion. However, every morning, sitting quietly Bajin window, could see the street is not Paris, but Beijing's Chang'an Avenue, Shanghai's Huaihai Road,西子湖Hangzhou, Chengdu eyes Well, Guangzhou rural ... ... He said: &out of the territory, regardless of where you are, I always feel that there is a pair of loving eyes follow me. no matter what you go to the ends of the earth, you can not always out of the motherland, the motherland is always at your side.&
Great Ba Jin &So that everyone will have a spring& &Let everyone have housing, I have every饱饭, each received a warm heart,& Ba Jin has always been the heart of this beautiful collection of desire. Ba Jin was born in Chengdu, a feudal family of nations. Caring mother, is his life's first teachers. Here he learned from his mother love, to understand the tolerance. Ba Jin, another young teacher is轿夫weeks old. Old Zhou said to him: &done to people, to real people, no matter how you are going to be other people that they are not diverted the footsteps of the total.& &Fire to the hollow, loyal people.& Ba Jin adulthood, have been pondering this question: What is the spirit and strength, so that the old thin week, as the poor conditions, say this profound truth. This is the virtue, morality, loyalty love. And it is these, it is the root of the spirit of the Chinese nation, much of this. Ba Jin to his love, he thought, reflected in his works. Anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, anti-oppression, to invoke equality, freedom, happiness, is the main contents of Ba Jin's works. Ba Jin's literary theory in the many, we can read him like a fire of words: &We should be the credo of life: acts of the faithful to warmly love the people that need love to help.& &The goal of my life, no one not in helping people, so that everyone will have a spring, each had a bright mind, everyone had a happy life, everyone had the freedom of development. & Zhang, Xiao Wu,巴老came from the rural areas around the work. The twinkling of an eye for many years have passed, one day, then party secretary of the China Writers Association Zhai Taifeng to visit巴老Q What are the requirements? Never any request to the organization, he put forward without hesitation: I hope that arrangements for Zhang, Xiao Wu's work. Love, loyalty, justice, self-discipline and humanitarian life accompanied by Ba Jin. Ba Jin - to commemorate the evening
Shanghai Literature and Art of Ba Jin's famous poem Yi Mr. Ba Jin quietly through a century of his life. In October 2006 the evening of 14, the Shanghai art scene of many famous and Ba Jin's alma mater, Shanghai Nanyang Middle School teachers and students in a total of more than 600 people gathered in a holding &to the heart to the readers - on the night of Ba Jin's literary event.& Show by the Shanghai Writers Association and the Shanghai Media Group, jointly organized秦怡,奚美娟, Chen alcohol, into a time when Lou, Bing Zhao, and many other best-known artists in Shanghai debut in full, to bring the audience a series of brilliant and moving program of poetry readings. At a piano and a violin accompaniment, the evening to reading literary works mainly Ba Jin. Divided into three sections: &of the soil willing to,& &Love Literature& and &full of human love.& Among them, &Let the soil of& Mr. Ba Jin has shown love for the motherland, love the people of deep sentiment, Lou occasion into a recitation of &a fighter&, Xu first reading of &of the soil willing to&奚美娟, strong reading of the drama Song &home& segments, &Love Literature& is the first choice of a number of Ba Jin and his works during his lifetime favorite Prose - Turgenev's &threshold&, a well-known voice actors from the Shanghai Cao Lei reading literary crystallization of Ba Jin, the truth ideal deep emotional attachments. The highlight of the evening is the third part - &full of human love& in his favorite, Mr. Ba Jin's &Pathetique& piano sound, the well-known actor in Shanghai Xu first reading of this most beloved of Ba Jin's letter to &miss萧珊&:& I will wait until close their eyes and let my ashes mix together with her &soul talk巴老the smell from moving, he had the sorrow, pain, deep love, tears are flowing in this drop of blood of the text, so that all the scene was shocking the audience hearts. At the end of the evening part of the famous performing artists of秦怡reading &Let me live a& life is more than the performance of Ba Jin, and explore more than the pursuit of more than a spiritual pursuit and noble character, and a Sichuan accent秦怡to shout &Let me re-live once, &into the atmosphere of the evening will be the climax. Finally, the artists collective巴老reading the online readers of poetry for the creation of Ba Jin's &Laughter in Paradise,& all the readers to express the sincere wish巴老. Ba Jin - learning to Masters
Ba Jin wax Ba Jin: &My only wish is: into the soil, to remain in the footprints of people in the warmth of.& &We all have more love, more compassion, more energy, more time than is used to maintain the survival needs of their own much more, we must take them for others, so that our life will blossom, moral and selfless life is a flower. & &I would like everyone has housing, each opening has饱饭, each received a warm heart. I would like to wipe away everyone's tears no longer allow anyone to pull out other people's hair.& Ba Jin's childhood, a help轿夫old home cooking weeks old Zhou said: &The people loyal to the fire to be hollow.& Ba told reporters in old age: &millions of words, I work less than eight weeks old words. & Ba Jin in the career of 70 years, a total of 10 million words more than four million books and translation of the word. Works have been translated into 20 languages, widespread throughout the world. He is one of the largest number of international honors Chinese writers. In 1999, the international code of 8315 asteroids have been named &Star Ba Jin.& November 25, 2003, the State Council awarded him the &author names& the honorary title. Ba Jin spent his life is a favorite red roses, the most favorite music is Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony, &Pathetique.& Centenary of his birthday that day, CCTV &Oriental Son& program broadcast special programs: &There you are, lamps lit.& Ba Jin said: &There you are, turn on lights&, which is Ba Jin's words of Bing Xin, is now used to describe our Ba Jin's memorial service. Ba Jin is to us, has a special significance: we need the kind of independent thinking, the intellectual spirit of freedom of expression. This spirit, for any age, will not be &obsolete&, and very valuable. Ba Jin - famous epigram
Ba Jin 1: The struggle is life, life can only move forward. 2: Love the truth, faithful life, and this is the first approach to life. 3: I love life, so I would like those who like a maniac as into the sea of life. 4: friendship in the past life, like a beacon,照彻my soul, I have a little bit of the glory of survival. 5: Health and everyone should abide by the rules, the fate of personal contact in the nation's destiny will be on the survival of individual groups in the survival. 6: I love my motherland, love my people, to leave it, leave them, I will not be able to survive, will not be able to write 7: I am春蚕, eating the leaves will be silk, even on the pot, dead wire also continued to give Tim a little human warmth. 8: disposable fighters faith action. He was able to endure all hardships and suffering, and to reach his chosen target. 9: that the truth should not be a difficult thing. I was not referring to the so-called truth, the truth does not mean correct. Their own thinki themselves would like to how to say how that is to say the truth. 10: &dead& is more valuable approximation of the &Health& can deal with life more valuable time. Understand their dead at any time, he refuses to waste time, he has to the rest of his life in this limited in doing certain things. 11:倘使have a pair of wings, I am happy world of moths. I would like to fly on hot ball, let me in front of a light body with a hot moment, loss of consciousness, and into一阵烟, a group of gray. 12: love the truth, faithful life, and this is the first approach to life. No hypocrisy, no forgiveness, for their loyal, faithful to the others, you can conduct your own magistrate. 13: I am not pessimistic. I would like to live for. I would like for our socialist motherland to life the work of the last interest rate. 14: friendship in my past life as a beacon,照彻my soul, I have a little bit of the glory of survival. 15: for the pursuit of light and heat, people would rather give up their lives. Life is lovely. But the cold, lonely Health, but not as good as dead vigorous. Ba Jin - self-evaluation
Ba Jin &I am not a writer, but I am writing for over fifty years. Every person close to the road from a different literature. I like to read novels from a young age, and sometimes sleepless nights, but not to learn, but take their pastime. I can not imagine that their dream will become a novelist. I began to write novels, only to find a way out. & - &Literature in fifty years of life& Ba Jin for example, &friendship is a long life light& and now friends have passed away one by one, and he was very lonely, and he said: &Longevity is a form of punishment.& Ba Jin - Personal impact
Ba Jin's pen Ba Jin, in his own way at the end of that one is great. He was looking at so many events unreasonable, ears are not accustomed to listening to the voice of the people at the end of suffering, so, he also called for a revolution. The revolution will certainly be the death of a great figure, so his heart dead Du ( &extinction&), his character destroyed revolution ( &the death of the sun&), since he needs for the justice of &revenge& for the end of a nation are trampled upon and made a &dream Harbor,& the voice for the public and have his &Satin& and &fog.& In short, all his works are a human flu at the end of evil and anguish for the end of the world, unfortunately, at the end of the fate of mankind and cried. But at the end of every one of his works can be brought to each of the young people a great feeling, a feeling towards the light. Naturally, his thoughts on how, among other issues. But you can guarantee is this: He can not in general the so-called writers at the end of the general stench, especially little &slogan& and &slogans&, and color-color and so on so-called &sense of justice.& Like to hear other people talking about as the nation, when it comes to the country, it is dismissed as backward thinking, this type of dirty habits, but also can be said to be no. Ba Jin - People evaluation
Ba Jin's original handwriting &Through a century and witnessed the vicissitudes of a century, depicts the history of changes, a life was so thick. He burning in between the lines, the number of people who lit th his life to walk in good faith, how many people叩响the door of the soul. He throughout the text and passion in life, anxiety, conscience, will be forever in literary annals of the glorious shining bright. & - Moved by the words of China 2003 Award &for the Chinese people comment on the conscience of Ba Jin& Shen Cong-wen Zhao's wife and 90 in the birth of Ba Jin He said the message: &You live太苦, tired,太不容易!& Ba Jin to his own personal stance in the history of. I find it difficult to use a single metaphor to sum up his. He sometimes such as electricity, thundering, sometimes if the clouds, such as fog, such as water. Different stages of life, showing the feelings of different forms of life. He is such a unique way through a century of life. He created all of China for centuries, and his thinking, spiritual, work, and his complex, contradictory character, have become a huge presence for us to read a hundred years of China's political, ideological, cultural, and provides a rich connotation example. Ba Jin said he wrote for the readers, for readers and alive. In fact, he is also alive to history. He admitted his own frustrations and difficulties of life, but the fate of his support against persistent towards the end of life, is always right, and firmly believe that the ideal love. Ideals and beliefs is a fire, ignited the passion of Ba Jin's mind, but also ignited Ba Jin's moral courage. When he was young, so old age remains the case. There is no better pursuit of the ideal, not a pursuit of the perfect personality, the elderly will not write a masterpiece of Ba Jin's &Capriccio recorded.& In his &Capriccio recorded& his &Capriccio recorded& in- his &Capriccio recorded& a fresh start in
his &Capriccio recorded& in the completion of the molding of a real personality.
Ba Jin manuscripts Mr. literature and modern Chinese counterparts, has always been known as the master, but it is a beautiful misunderstanding. He always admired the revolutionaries, he would have been ideal for a giant to change the world, so a spirit of the principles of justice and freedom to rearrange the order of the heroes of Earth. Halo master in literature, he is a warm and majestic in fact, the idea of soldiers. The reason why Ba Jin has won the respect of Chinese and foreign readers, and not just because he著作等身, but also because his heart full of love. He is not only one in the fifties on the authors take the initiative to give up wages, or a hard work of editing and publishing more than half a century home. He discovered and helped countless people over the literature. He only wants to help people, not harm. It seems today is the bottom line of human nature, but frequently during the campaign, in fact, life on the bottom line is not an easy task. For the lucky and difficult to cross the centuries-old history of the death of the elderly, we do not need grief, but also do not need to give him too much to wear the hat too. The important thing is how to evaluate and inherit his spiritual legacy left to us. &How to evaluate the& relationship with the elderly to a fair turn of the century, &How to inherit& relationship with our own future well-being. Ba Jin from youth to old age, has said he did not understand literature, not a writer. In particular, it frequently during his later years, if the only think that this is modest words, may not be accurate. He did not want people from the literary point of view to his position, perhaps in the Enlightenment from the other aspects of people should be concerned about him, understand him, what is this other point of view, of course, the spirit of the angle. But we have not made any response at all. Ba Jin suffered in later years has been a strong sense of failure, whether with the future generations do not understand him? Just drive to the West of the Cape of centenarians, I do not know when can瞑目. Ba Jin the elderly since the early 80s was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, the disease is still under the creation of the torture. Even when his writing pen拿不稳are sometimes just write a few words, can not move a finger on, it is necessary to横横do not come out, do not write to write-off, the elderly can only use his left hand to push the right hand. 26 volumes of &The Complete Works of Ba Jin&, 10-volume &is translated as Ba Jin& and &cherish the memory of Cao Yu&, &bid farewell to the readers& and other books and articles, are in the 90-year-old after he finished proof-reading and written. Each word of his creation is difficult and weight is blood. Ba Jin has been through a century and witnessed the vicissitudes of a century, depicts the history of changes, a life was so thick. Reading between the lines, his burning passion, the number of people who lit th his life to walk in good faith, how many people叩响the door of the soul. He runs through the text and passion in life, anxiety, conscience, will be forever in the annals of literature bright shining brilliance. Ba Jin - People experience
Ba Jin in their prime 1927 (in sixteen years) 23-year-old Leave France, go to Marseille and then to Paris, and started writing the first novella, &perish& and in the same year to complete. 1944 (In Thirty-three years) 40-year-old 〔Guilin - Guiyang - Chongqing〕 Guilin, the United States in the event of the spring return of Lin Yutang. Back to Chongqing Fujian靳以via Guilin Ba Jin Department at a few days to live. April &Fire& Part III of Chapter III of &Megumi World& was published. In early May, with肖珊starting from Guilin to Guiyang. 8 in the outskirts of Guiyang &huaxi rest& of marriage. In mid-Sichuan travel肖珊sent. The beginning of creation novella &Recreational Park.& Late, was admitted to the Central Hospital of Guiyang Third Ward, for correction of nasal septum, such as surgery, a total of 10 days of hospitalization. It was during this period of life for hospital observation and experience, and later created a novella, &the Sixth Ward.& Discharged from hospital in early June. China Travel Service hostel living, live in the outskirts of more than 10 days after the Huaxi Guest House's business. Left to reach Chongqing, Guiyang, living in the cultural life of the road Press editorial board, and Feng Xuefeng nearby, often between. This month, translated as &virgin territory& (Turgenev book) published. Jul &open garden& text node. 王鲁彦informed of the death in August for &Yan wrote to brother.& He Qifang来渝since the summer of Yan'an, Ba Jin and Yau-kai rock &week Kungkuan& Comrade Zhou Enlai visited. October &open garden& from the cultural life of the Chongqing Publishing House. Started early, &Cold Night&, and soon cease. At the end of December, literary and art circles attended the forum in Chongqing, Zhou Enlai to attend and made a speech.
Ba Jin's portrait 1945 (In三十四年) 41-year-old 〔Chongqing - Shanghai - Chongqing〕 January 18 friends informed缪崇group died on the 14th, anxious to offer condolences to the tomb of the North-pui, in April for &a good friend to commemorate.& In February, and Lao She, Mao Dun and other 300 people in Chongqing, &Xinhua Daily& published a joint &cultural situation into words.& May 4 to attend the All-China Federation of literary and art circles to resist the enemy and cultural associations in Cao Hall Lane resistance and set up the seventh anniversary of the first literary festival ceremony, Guo, Hu Feng, Lao She, Shao Lizi, WANG平陵such as over a hundred people will. Created this month, &the Fourth Ward.& Translated as &prose& (Turgenev book) published. June 24, Guo, Lao She, Ye Shengtao, Hong Shen, Chen Baichen, such as Ba Jin Shen Yanbing 24 were initiated to celebrate the fiftieth birthday in the southwestern Chongqing Industrial Building. 29, Liuzhou recover. July 27, Guilin recover. On &Fire,& published in Part III. August 15, Japan declared surrender. Sent a telegram to the Shanghai-San-Yao Lin and links. 28, Mao Zedong to Chongqing, the first time to see Mao. The initial victory, the All-China Association of the arts organizations to resist the enemy &laws against the cultural commission of inquiry&, the Commission by Lao She, Xia Yan, 18-member Ba Jin, the task is responsible for the investigation of the motherland betrayed, traitor to join the literati of the Japanese Puppet Regime crimes. October 10, the All-China Association of literary and art circles to resist the enemy changed its name to All-China Federation of literary and art circles Society ( &INAC&). 21, Wen Chang Association in Chongqing Evening Garden Club members was held, and Guo, Hu Feng, Ye Shengtao, Feng Xuefeng, who attended. Zhou Enlai invited to participate in the propaganda of Mao Zedong on the literary and artistic approach to services for the workers, peasants and soldiers on the literary and artistic activities of Yan'an. Early to start writing, &Cold Night&, written part. November 1, from Chongqing to Shanghai to begin preparations for the restoration of the cultural life of Press. Pregnancy肖珊stay in Chongqing. Sick in Shanghai and San-yao, Lin lived with Sophia Square Xiafei霞飞路the third floor of No. 59. December 8, and Guo, Mao Dun, such as Kunming, 18 schools were sent a telegraph to the teachers and students to pay tribute to the KMT because of the destruction of agents and the military attacks and the killing of teachers and students in schools. Yao-San Lin deceased person encoffined arrangements, burial. Three days later, back to Chongqing. 16, Li Xiaolin, the eldest daughter (name the country annoying) was born in Chongqing. 17, Shanghai gathering literary and art circles, the establishment of the text of the Association Shanghai Branch, Ba Jin did not attend, are still being selected as the branch director. The final month before the founding of a collection of short stories, &small things& published by the cultural life.
High-spirited 1946 (in thirty-five years) 42-year-old 〔Chongqing - Shanghai〕 January 20, and 21 were joint, such as Mao Dun the &capital's Political Consultative Conference, members of the arts to the book&, the letter called for the Abolition of cultural policy, the establishment of a democratic culture-building policy. This novella &Fourth Ward& Liangyou rehabilitation from published books. April 10, essay collections &journey Miscellanies& published. At the end of肖珊and her daughter returned to Shanghai. This month, and Zhang Lan, Shen Junru, Guo, such as a joint publication of &To the U.S. Congress for peace books.& May 5, the text at the National Association for Zhang Garden in celebration of literature and art festival held in the General Assembly. 11, attended the text of the literary association launched the forum. 21, left Chongqing to Shanghai. Shanghai in June and from all walks of life, such as马叙伦a letter to Chiang Kai-shek, Marshall and the political parties, called for a lasting peace. This period is responsible for the cultural life of all agency Press Treasury, and began to edit the &literary series& eighth, ninth, tenth set. July 16, and Mao Dun, Ye Shengtao 260 people, such as a joint publication of &China's cultural反内战, freedom Declaration.& In August, &Cold Night& in &The Society& Shanghai Branch of the publication &Renaissance& on the series, in this previously in the &Global& Illustrated published a number of chapters. December 31, full-length novel, &Cold Night& text node. This is the final creation before the founding of a novel. 1947 (In三十六年) 43-year-old 〔Shanghai - Taiwan - Shanghai〕 In March, &Cold Night& by the Shanghai Morning published. Friends in June for the death of Lu edit &Lu collection of short stories&, and &postscript.& July 19, and Guo, Mao Dun, Ye Sheng-tao, Hu Feng and other 13 people at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to denounce the KMT's secret service to assassinate Park Li, Wen Yiduo crimes. The end of a trip to Taiwan, Taipei to live at home黎烈text. In August from Taipei to Keelung, a boat to Shanghai. Essays on &miss& the publication.
Ba Jin Comics Edit September自选集&Selected Works of Ba Jin&, published the following year by the spring book. Editor in November to participate in &The Association&, the &Chinese writers& magazine. 1948 (in thirty-seven years) 44-year-old Shanghai 〔〕 March translated as &The Happy Prince Collection& (the British Oscar Wilde book) published. Princess in April started translating the memoirs of National Grid study. May 31 letter to the French scholar Mingxing ceremony, talked about their acceptance of the Western European political thought and literature. June translated as &laughter& (waiting for奈米洛夫) Publication. Jul缪崇Friends group for the death of essays edited and published &under the landmark essay,& and for &postscript.& Revised in August 1938, published in &Dawn of Spain&, renamed &Dawn of Spain&, published in January the following year. Princess in September translated Seoul Grid read the memoirs of the second volume, &Twenty years in prison,& published in February next year. I continue to translate, but failed to publication. Essays on &the tragedy of Night,& published. 1949 (in thirty-eight years) 45-year-old 〔Shanghai - Beijing - Shanghai - Beijing - Shanghai〕 The beginning of March loker鲁多夫translation of the &six&, published in October. Ma Rong in early April to participate in the public funeral ceremony. May 25, the liberation of Shanghai. Afternoon to the cultural life of黄裳Press View, and then go on the road to see the People's Liberation Army into the city of Nanjing. Press the cultural life of the summer of directors to increase the number of consultations, the nomination of Ba Jin, Zhu wash, Miss Frances, complete repair spoon, Zhang Jin, Managing Director of thought, Zhu wash for the chairman, general manager of康嗣group, Ba Jin was editor-in-chief. From Shanghai to Beijing in June. July 2, held in Beijing to attend the first National Congress of Literary and art workers. Write &I have come to learn.& Closing on the 19th General Assembly, elected to the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles National Committee. 23 All-China Federation of Literary Association established the National Committee elected members of the Council. Back to Shanghai in early August. From September 1 to the cultural life of Publishing and Social Services to pay康嗣group. This month for the Chinese People's Political Consultative elected representatives to Beijing to take part in the middle of the first plenary session. October 1 to participate in the founding ceremony in Tiananmen Square. November translated Turgenev's novella, &Bunin and Baburin,& published in December. Dec translated Gorky's &Chekhov recalled,& published in January the following year.
 Japanese writer Ba Jin and Yasuo Inoue 46-year-old in 1950 〔Shanghai - Beijing - Soviet Union, Poland - Beijing - Shanghai〕 January 4, Jin Jiang Hotel in Shanghai to attend the discussion held Liuqing &Valley of mind& of the forum. Feb translated Gorky's &memories of Tolstoy,& published in April. Press resigned in March, managing director of the cultural life of the post. April 24, resigned from the post of director of publishing and cultural life. May translated Gorky's &Brock recalled,& published in July. July 24, Theater in Shanghai to participate in the liberation of literature and art workers in Shanghai the first Congress. During the General Assembly for six days, closing on the 29th, was elected vice chairman of the Shanghai joint. 28, the son of a small tong Health. August 25th Press resigned as editor in chief of the cultural life of their duties. Pavlodar Petrovsky translated this month's &Turgenev recalled,& published in the same month. Four short stories translated in September Golgi, together with a written translation of an old, new for the &Prairie& and published in November. October 30, headed by Guo to participate in the second session the General Assembly to defend the world peace delegation to Poland, the Soviet Union to visit. Prior to departure, the delegation met with by the late Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. Xun translated迦尔this month's collection of short stories &red.& Published in November. Arrived in Moscow on November 9, 13, arrived in Warsaw, the second on the 16th to defend world peace and the opening of the session, closing on the 22nd. This Adams visited Auschwitz and Krakow city. 29 delegations participated in the working people of China, from Warsaw to Moscow, visited Moscow, Leningrad and Siberia and other places. Dec 18 to leave the Soviet Union奥特波尔home, returned to Beijing on the 21st. Beijing to attend the 24th Sino-Korean people from all walks of life to celebrate the war victory, and welcomed the delegation to return the General Assembly, Zhu De, Song Qingling, Li Ji-Sum, Shen Junru attended. To return to Shanghai this month 47-year-old in 1951 〔Shanghai - Shandong, Jiangsu - Shanghai〕 Feb compile essays, &Warsaw, Poland City festival dates Miscellanies,& published in March. Compiler &date Auschwitz Nazi murder factory.& Will be published in 1938 &Spanish blood& and &the suffering of the Spanish& co-edited two books changed its name to &the blood of Spain.& Were published in March. Mar-China Esperanto Association, elected as directors. Xun translated迦尔this month's &a matter of accident,& published in June. Essays in June &letter and other& collective, published in July. In July, &Selected Works of Ba Jin& by the publication of an open book. Old on the 25th base of the delegation to participate in the North East China at Mission, he was appointed deputy head. Accompanied by靳以, side orders, such as Ru. More than a month, the visit to Jinan, Yinan, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Yancheng, Xinghua, such as cities and towns, the end of the end of August. Nov迦尔Xun translated the &虾蟆skin disease and the Rose&, published in January the following year.
 Ba Jin 48-year-old in 1952 〔Shanghai - Beijing - North Korea - Beijing - Shanghai〕 Jan translated Turgenev's &Wood&, published in May. In February in Beijing organized by the Preparatory全国文联&North Korea mission field,& headed. Its literature, eighteen artists. Since starting on the 10th to Korea before the study. Leaves left on March 7, 15, arrived in Andong, over the Yalu River on the 16th, on the 20th arrived at the Korean front, Peng, commander of the 22nd meeting. Finished on the 25th, &We met with the commander Peng.& Read the article on the 28th after the reply Peng Ba Jin, propose amendments. 31, arrived in Pyongyang. April 1 and other 20 authors published a joint complaint to the people of the world to expose U.S. imperialism, the use of bacteriological weapons offenses. By Kim Il Sung on the 4th meeting, and participated in the General Federation of Korean literature and art, held a forum, and then the front line to Kaesong. October 1 at the beginning and near the city of volunteers had joined the National Day. Return this month from North Korea. 49-year-old in 1953 〔Shanghai - Beijing - North Korea - Beijing - Shanghai〕 January 1 New Year's workers participate in a drama festival in east China. North Korea in February on the first collection of essays &Living in the middle of heroes,& the publication. March 24, the All-China Association of Literature of the Standing Committee held in Beijing in the sixth enlarged, by Mao Dun, Zhou Yang,柯仲平, Lao She, Ba Jin and other 21 people on behalf of the National Association for the text of the Preparatory Committee. March - July, &New Life&, &Sea of Dreams&, &Electric Rain Fog,& &Home&, &open garden&, &travel essays,& &revive grass& and &Father and Son& (New translation) have published revised. First half of the year in Shanghai, wrote &Hero Story& focused on the short story, published in September. Korea visit again in August. 15, in Sariwon City to participate in the Yellow Sea Road, a mass rally of 54,000 people to commemorate the eighth anniversary of Korean liberation. September 2, at Kaesong. 23 to October 6 in Chinese literature and art workers second Congress held in Beijing. In North Korea was unable to attend, write a &heartfelt congratulations& one text. October 1, in the open forward position of front-line city, and volunteers together to celebrate the occasion. On the 9th, the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles second session of the National Committee held its first meeting, was elected member of全国文联. That same month, China Federation of Literary Association reorganized as the Chinese Writers Association, was selected as the Chinese Writers Association, the second member of the Council, Vice-Chairman. During this period, written in Korean, &to defend the peace,& the essays focus, close-up. November 6? Japan, East China Writers Association, founded in Shanghai, Ba Jin was unable to attend the General Assembly, was elected as director. North Korea in December to leave for home. 26, 15 by Ba Jin and other creative people in east China Writers Association Committee, the organization members of the general line learning during the transition period, the total mission.
 Ba Jin 50-year-old in 1954 〔Shanghai - Beijing - Moscow - Beijing - Warsaw - Beijing - Shanghai〕 January 14 in Beijing to attend the Second National Radio second enlarged Bureau of the Committee to discuss the work plan for 1954. June translation of &family drama& (Herzen a) modify this publication. Arrived in Moscow on July 13, was invited to participate in the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Chekhov. Chekhov on the 14th to attend the opening ceremony of the memorial, the French novelist Bo rydal, Romania纽克other poets to go with the car. Writer and the Soviet Union first meeting fee. 15 am to the &new monastery of Our Lady& for Chekhov' night, in the union building at the &Chekhov of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the General Assembly& for &learning to Anton Chekhov's& speech. 16 the evening of arts and culture in Moscow, see the &million Scania uncle.& 17 pm, Theater in Gorky Park to participate in open-air &to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Chekhov's& evening. 18, Ke-Fu Theater in Vakhtang see &Seagull.& 21 went to Yalta,罗士托夫City, Grand冈罗格, Stalingrad and other places to visit to visit. August 4, left after the meeting. September 4, was elected the first National People's Congress (Sichuan representative). From 15 to 29, the first session of the National People's Congress held in Beijing to attend the General Asse}


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