crime and punishmentspree 什么东西,萌新求教

"We were in the middle of a corruption crime spree, and we wanted to stop it, " Fitzgerald said.
Darras is serving a life sentence for the killing of a Mississippi man during the same crime spree.
Littleton's crime spree on Nantucket, which he attributed to his drinking problem, brought him swiftly to the forefront of speculation in the investigation of Martha Moxley's murder.
Eithan Teanby was granted leave from HMP North Sea Camp, in Boston, in May but he absconded and went on a crime spree, seriously injuring two people.
The two-day crime spree sent shock waves throughout Los Angeles.
Authorities aren't certain when Keyes' crime spree began or ended.
"I believe the evidence is very strong, that this family didn't have any money to continue the crime spree if she hadn't participated in the bank robbery, " Ruybalid said.
This massive crime spree must be brought to an end and all, and I do mean all, of its perpetrators brought to justice, and furthermore, made to make restitution.
The crime spree spanned across a wide swath of Southern California, prompting several police agencies, including the FBI and US Marshall Service, to form a joint investigative task force.
Colin Drane recalls a crime spree that unfolded near his home in Baltimore a few years ago just as scrap metal prices were on the rise: Copper downspouts were disappearing.
The brothers, carrying an arsenal of explosives, fired guns and threw pipe bombs in the fight after an overnight crime spree that left dead an officer of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, authorities said.
Three New York men were indicted on charges of conspiracy to interfere with voting rights -- accused of targeting and attacking African-Americans in a brutal crime spree soon after Obama was declared the winner on November 4.
The court heard that Berry's crime spree was temporarily halted when a fast-thinking farmer's wife at Denbury, near Newton Abbot, South Devon, realised he and two friends were trying to break in and shut her outside gate to trap their car.
Since mid-July, Caracas, Venezuela's capital, has been racked by a spree of vigilante killings as crime-weary residents take the law into their own hands.
- 来自原声例句
crime spree
的喜剧《黑道追杀令》(Crime Spree ) 就是很难找到了
之前看到了一部黑色喜剧:黑道刺杀令(Crime Spree),虽然没有从头看,而且它也已经重播了不少次,不过就看到的部分推荐一下。
spree是什么意思,spree中文翻译,spree语法用法 ... Killing Spree大杀特杀;杀戮盛宴 Crime Spree黑道追杀令;黑道刺杀令;黑帮追杀令 buying spree抢购风;狂购乱买 ...
An Amish splinter group has gone on a crime spree, forcibly cutting the beards off of their rivals.
Reportedly, he and his clan killed and consumed nearly 1000 individuals during a 25-year crime spree.
After escaping, the Texas 7 went on a crime spree, robbing numerous stores which led to the death of a police officer.
"We were in the middle of a corruption crime spree, and we wanted to stop it, " Fitzgerald said.
Darras is serving a life sentence for the killing of a Mississippi man during the same crime spree.
Littleton's crime spree on Nantucket, which he attributed to his drinking problem, brought him swiftly to the forefront of speculation in the investigation of Martha Moxley's murder.
- 来自原声例句


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