
跟着一个逗比去的地下室,有个吸血鬼巢穴,两年前玩过阴影现在才下的这个,吸血鬼多了个把人打倒吸血的技能,虽然用刀+医疗包(杀了蛮多人拿的)没死, 但是对我造成了心理阴影,完全不敢进入地下室和房子,真不知道游戏要怎么继续了,只要是关于地下室or高楼里面的支线我都不做,因任务到高楼里的话,例如暗杀佣兵和报信者,打完马上找了个口子跳下去,如果有队友的话
看见LZ这样说有阴影我笑了 允许我笑 第一次见到吸血鬼是我玩阴影1.004时候见到的 早闻吸血鬼会隐身 我第一次也是被打了个措手不及 原因是因为我不知道那里有吸血鬼 但是不怕它过来 就怕它不来让我提心吊胆地蹲着走COP里面的吸血鬼洞穴呢 不怕的 因为都在睡觉 只要不碰到 不要站着走 不制造噪音就没事 出去有另外的方法屠了他们 单单对付一两只真的小意思 尤其是后期 不过我试过一次在洞穴里直接搞起 12连喷+手雷 就在那一条窄窄的小道把他们清理了 要点就是保持距离和躲避攻击 绕圈子会不 实在不行LZ你就准备几个F1手雷往死里扔
都是硬着头皮过的,心理暗示 这只是个游戏,自己枪法又好。硬着硬着现在也不当一回事了,一个人去那里都可以。
如果编号后有“-”号,则后面的是触发条件。0Begin结局介绍开始1For successfully completing his investigation, Degtyarev was rewarded with an early promotion to Colonel. He declined an offer of a cushy office position and instead requested to be sent to the Zone as the Security Service’s permanent observer.德格特雅里夫中校由于成功实施了调查行动而被晋升为上校. 在委婉谢绝了去乌克兰国防部和国家战略统帅部任要职之后, 他表述了想永久的在特异区视察国家安全防卫情况的意愿....2The information about psy-devices obtained by Degtyarev put his superiors on alert. All the information on X-designated laboratories was removed from military archives and filed as Top Secret. USS personnel working in the Zone were ordered to prevent the disclosure of information about the work done in these laboratories at any cost.德格特雅里夫中校最终得到了电磁设备的情报, 由于害怕他发现真相, 所有关于"X实验室"的情报和相关资料都被从军队档案馆中移出, 并且统统标上"无限期最高机密"的字样. 在特异区的所有USS单位被命令要不惜一切代价防止目前的所有信息被泄露. 3Several experimental samples were made on the basis of technical documents for item 62. Following a series of tests, it was decided not to go ahead with large scale deployment of the weapon due to the high cost of ammunition. Nonetheless, there is evidence that further secret development of the Gauss rifle is ongoing.按照工业保密文件"第62号文献"研制出的几种武器原型在经过一系列测试后, 便被放弃了大规模生产和装备, 因为弹药成本过高. 不过, 似乎有证据表明, 其中的高斯枪在经过秘密改良后, 仍然装备了一小部分部队. 4a-获得了“Boss”成就Sultan and his gang left the Skadovsk after their attempts to capture the ship failed. The ensuing feeling of relative safety among stalkers led to a massive increase in the number of artifacts sold to Beard, causing his business to boom, while the Skadovsk became almost as popular as the famous 100 Rads bar.在试图控制"斯卡多夫斯克"的计划失败后, 舒尔坦和他的人马离开了这艘船. 随着这股危险势力的离去, 更多的潜行者们开始汇集到这里, 商人和小生意人们开始公然反抗强盗们, "斯卡多夫斯克"名声大振, 几乎与"X射线100"酒吧齐名. 4b-获得了“One of Ours”成就
Sultan’s social order settled firmly into place on the Skadovsk, and the vessel became a bandit base. Unwilling to continue paying protection fees, Beard set off with a group of stalkers to explore the yet uncharted regions of the Zone.
Stalker attempts to regain control of the ship quickly ceased after a few unruly characters were made example of by being thrown off the vessel to die in emissions.舒尔坦在"斯卡多夫斯克"定下"规矩"后, 这艘船就成了强盗的基地. 比尔德和一些不想向强盗缴纳贡金的潜行者们搬到了还未探索过的特异区深处, 试图恢复潜行者们昔日快乐的生活, 但不幸的是, 一场突如其来的大风暴击碎了他们的梦想, 他们遭遇了劫难. 4c-没有获得“Boss”和“One of Ours”成就Skadovsk remained home to all those lucky enough to reach it. Bandits tried to establish their so-called “order” on the ship, but stalkers kept them at bay.
A fragile peace broke out on the vessel."斯卡多夫斯克"仍旧是个对运气足够好, 能够找到它的人们的最佳避难所, 也可以说是天堂吧. 强盗们试图把这里变成在他们统治下的地区, 但普通潜行者们可不吃他们那套, 似乎这脆弱的平静就会这么一直持续下去吧. 5a-Zaton的吸血鬼巢穴没有被摧毁Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. Bloodsuckers from the lair near the Skadovsk made their way to the ship. When bloodsucker attacks began to occur even in broad daylight, a mission was launched to deal with the problem. Unfortunately, the operation failed to clear the tunnels, and soon afterwards a wave of predators swept the ship’s residents away into oblivion.可惜好景不长, 居住在周边巢穴中的吸血怪们, 通过隧道来到了这里, 甚至大白天也开始公然袭击人们, 人们展开了大扫荡行动, 但他们没能扫清隧道, 随后跟来的一波脑波怪彻底淹没了"斯卡多夫斯克". 5b-Zaton的吸血鬼巢穴被摧毁了Following the destruction of the bloodsucker lair, mutants were unable to significantly affect the state of affairs on the Skadovsk.
For a while, the old ship became a center of relative stability in the ever-changing world that is the Zone.在周边吸血怪巢穴被彻底摧毁之后, 特异区似乎已经不能阻止这勃勃生机了. 有时, 这艘老旧的轮船似乎也成为了特异区天翻地覆的变化的见证人.
6a-完成下面4项任务:1、向自由团揭发Flint;2、把和强盗交易的人的PDA交给自由团;3、把纪律团创始人的PDA交给自由团;4、帮助黑石小队加入自由团Freedom managed to earn the trust of stalkers at Yanov station. Duty organized an assault in an attempt to regain lost ground, but Lieutenant Colonel Shulga was killed in the ensuing firefight. The Duty squad quickly fell apart after losing its commander.自由团得到了"亚诺瓦"的潜行者们的信任, 为夺回失去的地区, 纪律团组织了武装突击, 但是在一次遭遇战中, 苏尔加中校战死, 失去指挥官的这个纪律团分部在不久后就消失了. 6b-完成下面4项任务:1、向纪律团揭发Flint;2、把和强盗交易的人的PDA交给纪律团;3、把纪律团创始人的PDA交给纪律团;4、帮助黑石小队加入纪律团New recruits and growing popularity among stalkers allowed Duty to drive Freedom out of Yanov station.
Loki and his Freedom squad were killed after a fierce battle.在拥有不断增强的实力, 且在一般潜行者中的名声越来越好的情况下, 纪律团把自由团的战士们逐渐驱逐出了"亚诺瓦"车站, 在之后的几次凶猛攻击中, 由洛基带领的自由团被摧毁了. 6c-下面4项任务没有全部交给纪律团或自由团:1、揭发Flint;2、和强盗交易的人的PDA;3、纪律团创始人的PDA;4、帮助黑石小队加入团队A fragile balance was reached between Freedom and Duty squads at Yanov station. Tired of the pointless struggle, fighters of both factions started leaving their squads and joining the free stalkers. 纪律团和自由团在"亚诺瓦"车站地区的力量达到了一个不是很稳定的平衡状态. 厌倦了无休争斗的双方, 开始把注意力转移到大量招收普通潜行者作为下属的事上去了. 7a-获得了“Research Assistant”成就The scientific research expedition organized by Professors Hermann and Ozersky was a success. The data they collected facilitated the development of several unique devices and drugs. In light of this, funding of research programs in the Zone was vastly increased.赫尔曼和奥泽斯基教授的研究成功结束了: 他们获得的信息成功促使了几种新型装置和药物的研发, 而他们的研究工作也随之得到了更多的资金援助. 7b-没有获得“Research Assistant”成就The scientific research expedition organized by Professors Hermann and Ozersky did not collect enough data and was withdrawn. On returning to the outside world, the two scientists proceeded to engage in unrelated work.赫尔曼和奥泽斯基教授没有找到什么有价值的文件, 研究被迫中止. 两位教授随后回国参与其他方面的研究.
8a-军队的人活着离开了PripyatGarry’s stories about the army’s struggle against the dangers of Pripyat interested many, and various groups soon began exploring the ghost town. Despite the constant Monolith attacks, stalkers managed to dig in at the former army camp, which they used as a base to launch raids deep into the city, making steady progress.盖瑞的关于对抗战争威胁的故事为人们知晓并很感兴趣, 不久各方都开始了对"鬼城"普利皮亚季的研究. 尽管不断受到"黑石组织"的攻击, 潜行者们还是在旧军事基地站稳了脚, 并开始攻入城市, 不断向外扩展地盘. 8b-军队的人在撤离行动中全部牺牲Garry’s story about the army’s fate scared stalkers away from Pripyat. The few who dared to venture into the city ran into inexplicable and terrifying phenomena, which added further dark strokes to an already gloomy picture of the dead city.盖瑞的关于战争命运的故事吓坏了潜行者们, 没有几个人敢一探究竟, 鬼城普利皮亚季的黑暗传说将永远笼罩着人们. 9-将Oasis神器交给科学家The Oasis was no longer the stuff of legends. The identity of those who managed to find a way to this secret anomaly became an increasingly regular topic of conversation among stalkers. The number of adventurers trying to follow suit remained high - something the bandits continue to take advantage of. Rookies are fooled by their offers to lead them to the Oasis, which usually end in muggings at a safe distance from other stalkers.绿洲的传说已经不是一个传奇了: 更多的潜行者们开始谈论那些已找到通往这个秘密变异点方法的幸运家伙. 寻找它的人流从此没有中断过, 他们甚至比强盗们还乐此不疲. 许多新手试图寻找前人们留下的足迹, 以便迅速进入绿洲, 但他们往往会遭到坏人的打劫. 10-接到以客户身份在佣兵中做卧底的任务后没有完成,或任务失败Mercenary squads continue to be active in the Zone. Their interest in the secret laboratories has grown and attracted the intense attention of the USS. Despite this, attempts to establish the identity of the client behind the mercenaries proved unsuccessful.在特异区里不断出现的佣兵团引起了USS的注意, 佣兵们试图找到秘密实验室. 经过多番努力后, USS还是无法得知这些人的幕后操纵者是谁.
11a-获得了“Mutant Hunter”成就The area around Yanov station continues to attract growing numbers of stalkers. The lack of dangerous mutants and abundance of anomalous areas have led to the area being referred to by stalkers as a “treasure trove” with increasing regularity."亚诺瓦"周边地区吸引来了很多潜行者. 因为在它周围没有任何危险了, 并且那里有很多神秘的区域, 许多潜行者都认为那里藏有丰富的神器. 11b-没有获得“Mutant Hunter”成就The area around Yanov station gained the reputation of being one of the most dangerous places in the Zone. Fewer and fewer stalkers made it back from raids, many dying at the hands of mutants within view of the camp. One of those missing is Zveroboi, who set out to track down a chimera on what appears to have been his last hunt."亚诺瓦"周边地区开始变的非常危险. 很多潜行者都是一去无回, 他们刚走出营地就被变异怪物给杀害了, 其中一个牺牲者是夹兽者, 他在一次狩猎奇美拉归来途中遇难. 12a-Zulu没有死在隧道里,并且在Pripyat遭到史诺克围攻时获救Zulu returned to Duty’s main base at the Rostok plant. Nobody knows what he discussed with the leader of Duty, General Voronin, but several days later he was spotted at the head of a large squad on its way to the center of the Zone.祖鲁返回了纪律团的主基地. 没有人知道他和沃罗宁将军的谈话内容, 只知道几天后祖鲁带领着大队的纪律团战士向特异区中心地带进发了. 12b-Zulu死了,或者在Pripyat没有被发现Rumors of Zulu’s fate reached the leader of Duty, General Voronin. To everyone’s great surprise, Voronin decided to posthumously award Zulu with the Silver Shield, Duty’s highest decoration.祖鲁牺牲的消息传到了沃罗宁将军那, 他做了一个让很多人都诧异的举动: 追授祖鲁银盾勋章, 这可是纪律团最高的荣誉....13a-Vano随同小队一起前往Pripyat,并且没有死Vano headed off to the Freedom-controlled military warehouses, where his cheerful personality and optimism quickly earned him the popularity they merited. Ultimately, he took charge of a small group of researchers involved in investigating anomalous areas.瓦诺回到了自由团的车站营地, 他还是一如既往的平易近人, 乐观向上. 最后他为一小队研究人员做起了向导. 那些研究人员是专门研究变异点的. 13b-Vano随同小队一起前往Pripyat,并且死掉了
Stalkers at Yanov station still think of the cheerful Vano from time to time, recalling his light-heartedness and natural stalker skills. The consensus is that given his luck, Vano made a big mistake in deciding to look for a road to Pripyat."亚诺瓦"的潜行者仍还记得瓦诺, 他的乐观态度, 还有他与生俱来的潜行者技能. 所有人都认为, 瓦诺真不应该去寻找通往普利皮亚季的道路. 14a-黑石小队长Strider随同小队一起前往Pripyat,并且没有死A new stalker group appeared in the Zone. They are well-trained but their objectives are not known. Unconfirmed rumors suggest that they used to be Monolith fighters, with the squad led by a man known as Strider.特异区来了一队新的潜行者. 他们装备精良, 但没人知道他们的目标是什么. 据不可靠消息称, 他们曾是黑石组织的战士, 他们的队长绰号叫神行客. 14b-黑石小队长Strider随同小队一起前往Pripyat,并且死掉了Few noticed the disappearance of Strider, the only man concerned with understanding what happened to those who fell under the Monolith’s spell, and helping them.很少有人注意到神行客消失了, 他是唯一一个试图了解黑石组织到底怎么了, 并要去帮助他们的人. 15a-Sokolov随同小队一起前往Pripyat,并且没有死Senior Lieutenant Sokolov continued to fly over the Zone and was shot down by mercenaries over Limansk. Two weeks later he was picked up by a patrol near the Cordon, his survival being a minor miracle.
Sokolov left the air force soon after, joining a civil airline instead.索科洛夫中尉在特异区利曼斯克上方飞行时被击落, 两星期后他被一个路过的巡逻队救出, 这不得不说是个奇迹. 索科洛夫不久后就离开空军转入了民航领域. 15b-Sokolov随同小队一起前往Pripyat,并且死掉了The list of casualties suffered in the course of Operation Fairway was amended with yet another name: “Senior Lieutenant O.N. Sokolov. Died in the line of duty.”在"坦途"行动失踪人员名单上有另外一行: 索科洛夫中尉在执行军事任务时不幸身亡.
16-获得了“Man of Balance”成就Owl established good contacts with clients outside the Zone. He trades in information, and if rumors are true, one of his major clients is the USS.猫头鹰一直和特异区外的买主保持着良好关系, 他做着倒卖情报的生意. 有谣言称他为乌克兰国家安全局提供了很多情报. 17-见到了Noah博士,并且Noah博士还活着A group of stalkers was forced to seek shelter on Noah’s old barge during an especially powerful emission. The barge was attacked by a horde of snorks soon after, and the stalkers quickly realized that the barge was a small but formidable fortress.
Even more astonishing was a litter of pseudodog puppies that Noah himself led into battle against the snorks.在大风暴来临时, 一队潜行者被迫来到一艘破旧的驳船上寻找避难所, 但不久就遭到史诺克和其他变异怪物的攻击. 在慌乱之中, 他们突然发现自己正身处一个很小但可防御的要地里. 在诺阿的帮助下, 他们奋力击退了驳船上的变异怪物. 18a-帮助技师Kardan找到了两个死去的朋友的PDAOn discovering his friends’ fates, Cardan gave up dreams of a stalker career. Having overcome his alcoholism, he moved to Yanov, where he partnered up with Nitro to set up a full service repair shop. Both technicians gladly devote all their spare time to building a vehicle suitable for the Zone’s unforgiving environment.卡丹在得知他朋友的遭遇后, 便决定放弃当一名潜行者. 戒酒后他到了"亚诺瓦", 并和硝基合伙开了家能修任何东西的修理店. 在空闲时间, 他以极大的热情制造着一种能在特异区严酷环境下运行的交通工具. 18b-没能帮助技师Kardan找到两个死去的朋友的PDAHaving overcome his alcoholism, Cardan left the Skadovsk. Stalkers said that he went to look for his missing friends. Several days later he returned, wounded and suffering from radiation poisoning. As soon as his wounds healed, he left the Zone forever.戒酒后卡丹离开了斯卡多夫斯克. 潜行者们说他去寻找他久不见面的战友去了. 几天后, 他突然出现在亚诺瓦, 浑身伤痕累累并受到了严重辐射, 由于伤势太重, 他永远的从特异区里消失了. 19a-史特列洛克活着离开了PripyatStrelok passed on the information he obtained at the Chernobyl NPP to the USS commanders. This prompted the Government to create a Scientific Institute for Research of the Chernobyl Anomalous Area. Strelok took up the position of Chief Scientific Consultant to the Institute.史特列诺克把在核电站里弄到的关键数据交给了政府. 这些数据促使政府建立了一个切尔诺贝利特异区研究机构, 他有幸成为了首席科学顾问.
19b-史特列洛克死掉了Strelok’s knowledge was lost with him. The information he found at the Chernobyl NPP, which could have been used to solve the Zone’s riddles, never reached the outside world. It seems the Zone knows how to keep its secrets.史特列诺克和数据一起消失了. 政府没能得到可以揭开切尔诺贝利神秘面纱的相关数据. 特异区又一次成功守护住了它们的秘密. 20a-Kovalsky上校活着离开了PripyatWhen Colonel Kovalsky, commander of the Stingray group, returned from the Zone, he reported to his commanders on the reasons for the failure of Operation Fairway. Following a dragged-out investigation and the brass’ failed attempts to pin the blame on him, the Colonel was finally given an honorable discharge.带领部队撤退的科瓦尔斯基上校从特异区返回后, 向他的上司报告了为什么"坦途"行动失败的原因. 在经过漫长的调查后, 为了挽回政府声誉, 科瓦尔斯基上校引咎辞职. 20b-Kovalsky上校没能活着离开PripyatColonel Kovalsky, commander of the Stingray group, found his resting place not far from the majority of his squad. Their bodies were taken in by the Zone, with nothing but old faded photographs in a specialized military museum left to remind the country of their sacrifice.试图带领部队撤退的科瓦尔斯基上校和他牺牲的部下永远在一起了, 他的遗体为特异区所掩埋. 现在在荣誉陈列馆中还展示着他们那一张张昔日的照片. 21End结局介绍结束
我接佣兵任务时BUG,人物定住不动,只好放弃,另外,偶想知道佣兵的幕后操纵者是谁,还有带史小强到皮镇的向导,史小强说他是一个传奇般的潜行者&& 17:19 回复&&怎么接的佣兵任务?
你要和他一起走,大部队会在前面等你们两个。如果你和前面的大部队一起走,他就无法及时登上直升机,被丢在特异区等死。。。&& 17:21 回复&&原来如此
回帖有3个目的:1、对LZ对特异区的贡献表示表彰!2、黑石决定对LZ颁发脑残最彻底奖!3、对LZ借助Alex MOD通关表示及其强烈的鄙视!
音乐不错 收藏之
埃大强势吐槽 终于知道我那半吊子英文看不懂跟理解错误的东西了


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