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If you are privileged enough to have a garden then you know the pleasure that a well-manicured lawn can bring you. If you had to work hard to get the grass to look like that yourself then you know how much time and effort is involved in getting your grass looking healthy and green. What does it take to enjoy success with a nicely edged lawn?
Besides the usual tips like proper watering, good fertilizing and regular , it is also important to have a good weed eater. Buying the best weed eater you can afford will put you in a great position to be able to edge your lawn beautifully. But which weed eater should you buy? There are so many options that it can be difficult to make a good choice. Reading
will help you to make the right choice. Here are some quick tips to help you buy the best weed eater.
While you do get electric and even battery operated weed eaters, it is best to go with the gas option if you really need a lot of power. A gas weed eater will give you great portability and is also a lot more powerful than the electric weed eaters.
Gas weed eaters come in two main types: 2 Stroke and 4 Stroke. This refers to the number of cycles the weed eater engine goes through. For the most part, 2 stroke weed eaters are more powerful than their 4 stroke counterparts but they do have some drawbacks. They are a lot more noisy than a 4 stroke engine and they also give off a lot more emissions.
4 Stroke weed eaters are plenty powerful enough and the fact that they are quieter and give off less fumes make them the best option for most home use. Even a lot of commercial weed eaters are 4 stroke these days. The advancement in engine design and the requirement for lower emissions mean that a lot of development has gone into refining these engines.
That being said, some of the
brands are getting pretty close to the kind of power that the gass weed eaters give you. Even the 2-stroke units.
If you do decide to go with a 2 stroke weed eater just remember that you need to mix fuel and oil to power it. You can buy premixed fuel / oil from the manufacturer. These usually work out a little more expensive but at least you know that the oil type and ratio is spot on. You can also mix your own if you want to save yourself some money.
Weed eaters need to be held while being used and this means that you need to choose one that is both light and comfortable to hold for long periods. Look for one that has a harness attachment. This will enable you to take some of the load off your arms during use. While weight is important, the distribution of the weight is even more so. A light weed eater with poorly distributed weight can feel heavier than one that actually weighs more but has its weight better distributed.
Weed eaters are notoriously difficult to start, especially the 2 stroke units. The newer, better weed eaters have special easy start designs and will save you from having to pull on the start cord a whole bunch to get it going.
Whichever weed eater you decide on make sure that it is powerful enough for the lawn that you are aiming to care for. Get the best weed eater for the job and you won’t be sorry.
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