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还剩 5 秒&DA-Dongle SAE J2534 JLR SDD VCI CAN/IOS OBD2捷豹路虎诊断仪【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】-中国制造网,深圳市车维科技有限公司
& DA-Dongle SAE J2534 JLR SDD VCI CAN/IOS OBD2捷豹路虎诊断仪
DA-Dongle SAE J2534 JLR SDD VCI CAN/IOS OBD2捷豹路虎诊断仪
“DA-Dongle SAE J2534 JLR SDD VCI CAN/IOS OBD2捷豹路虎诊断仪”参数说明
“DA-Dongle SAE J2534 JLR SDD VCI CAN/IOS OBD2捷豹路虎诊断仪”详细介绍
DA-Dongle J2534
SDD VCI Device for Jaguar & Land Rover Vehicles&Overview
The DA-Dongle J2534 is a low cost high-performance pass-thru (SAE J2534) vehicle interface. This unit connects directly to the vehicle OBDII (Diagnostic) it then connects to any laptop via a USB 2.0 cable. Once the J2534 Driver files are loaded, this product will allow normal operation with OEM compliant J2534 diagnostic applications.&This device supports CAN, FT CAN, and ISO protocols.
DA-Dongle J2534&Description:
The DA-Dongle J2534 is a low cost high-performance pass-thru (SAE J2534) vehicle interface. This unit connects directly to the vehicle OBDII (Diagnostic) it then connects to any laptop via a USB 2.0 cable. Once the J2534 Driver files are loaded, this product will allow normal operation with OEM compliant J2534 diagnostic applications. This device supports CAN, FT CAN, and ISO protocols.
DA-Dongle J2534&Description:
The DA-Dongle J2534 is a low cost high-performance pass-thru (SAE J2534) vehicle interface. This unit connects directly to the vehicle OBDII (Diagnostic) it then connects to any laptop via a USB 2.0 cable. Once the J2534 Driver files are loaded, this product will allow normal operation with OEM compliant J2534 diagnostic applications. This device supports CAN, FT CAN, and ISO protocols.
§&JLR Approved device
§&Replacement for JLR SDD VCM
§&Covers CAN, & ISO9141 vehicle networks
§&Most cost effective Land Rover pass-thru VCI device
§&Best suited for current and future vehicles
§&12ft USB cable as standard included
§&Easy to update for J2534 new functionality updates
Jaguar & Land Rover Vehicle Coverage DA-Dongle - 2534
JLR Vehicles
Discovery /LR3/LR4
Range Rover Sport & New Range Rover Sport
Range Rover
New Range Rover
Freelander /LR2
XJ – X300/X308
XK – X100
(Yes) – Vehicle line fully supported: (Yes*) - Vehicle line fully supported apart from viewing Data logger signals from both ECM and TCM modules simultaneously on 2006MY variants : (No) - Vehicle Line Not supported – supported by&DAVINA J2534&or&DA-ST512&vehicle interface
What does the DA-Dongle J2534 do?
The DA-Dongle J2534 connects directly to the vehicle OBDII (diagnostic) connector and then to a laptop via a USB cable for use with SDD. Once the J2534 DLL files are loaded, this product will allow normal operation with the JLR SDD diagnostic tool.
The device is designed as a replacement pass-through vehicle communications device that can be used for the majority of the JLR SDD diagnostic applications. Only SCP communications are not possible with this device.
How does the DA-Dongle operate in J2534 mode?
The DA-Dongle J2534 device is simple and easy to use.
Download the latest J2534 DLL software files from our &DVD and install these on the IDS/SDD laptop.&
§&Connect the J2534 device to the vehicle OBDII connector (the device powers from the vehicle).
§&Connect the 12ft USB cable to the J2534 device and the other end to the SDD laptop.
§&The red vehicle power (PWR) LED will illuminate to show that the device is powered.
§&During communication with the vehicle the status (STS) LED will flash green.
§&The device interacts with the SDD diagnostic tool in the same way as the existing VCM.
How does the DA-Dongle get updated for future Software Updates?
The DA-Dongle can be updated simply and easily by connecting the DA-Dongle to a laptop/PC via the USB cable that is provided with each DA-Dongle.
A PC software update application (DA App Hub) is available to download.
This application once downloaded and launched will be responsible for identifying what version of software is on the device, and whether a new version is available for update.
By connecting the device to the PC when the DA App Hub application is running, the application will read the device and connect over the internet to determine if an updated software is available and download this to the device if a newer version exists. This process takes approximately 3 minutes to complete. The device will then be updated and ready to be used on the vehicle.
Other JLR related products available.
·&EPBR&– Electronic Park Brake Release
·&SIR&– Service Interval Reset
·&TM&– Transport Mode toggle
·&PDI&– Pre-Delivery Inspection
·&DTC&– DTC clear tool (for non-warranty vehicles)
·&DA-VINA 2534&- J2534 pass-thru communications device for SDD with J1850 (SCP)
·&DPFDR –&DPF Dynamic Regeneration
·&TTMT –&Tight Tolerance Mode Toggle
·&DA-ST512 –&Multi Application Hand Held Device
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2015路虎/捷豹最新诊断仪JLR VCI sdd SDD 142软件 英国进口
货号: 5b1bd1ecac6d
商品库存: 17 件
& 国庆大优惠 全店满1001包邮 原价满1001元减20元,满5000元减200元 & & & &捷豹陆虎公司已选定英国DA公司生产的JLR VCI为专用汽车诊断仪SDD的通讯接口,JLR VCI的扩展硬件功能以及新的固件可以适用于捷豹陆虎新车型架构,之前被选用的BOSCH iView,MongoosePro JLR,DA VINA2534将逐渐不再支持SDD的各项功能。& 产品用途 & & & &路虎/捷豹汽车专用诊断仪的通讯接口,自SDD142起,JLR VCI将是唯一可支持所有车型的所有功能的通讯接口。 & &配备CF52电脑 硬件软件均保修升级1年~售后有保障& 产品性能 & & & -支持L316, L319, L320, L322, L359, L538等Land Rover车型. & & & -支持X100, X150, X202, X250, X350, X351, X400等捷豹车型. & & & -诊断故障码 & & & -数据流 & & & -执行器测试 & & & -监测 & & & -功能测试 & & & -编程 & JLR VCI JLVCI捷豹陆虎指定的专用诊断仪通讯接口,是一个高性能的车辆诊断通讯设备,一头与车辆的OBD接口相连,另一头通过数据线与 电脑USB相连接,配合SDD软件,实现各种功能.该设备支持CAN, FT CAN, ISO and SCP (J1850)协议. 此设备是2015最新的JLR诊断、汉化设备,功能上可以完全替代原先的VCM。实物拍摄图买家须知:专业的服务,一流的品质,请广大顾客朋友放心购买。本店正价产品(配件除外)保修一年,一年之后负责维修,据情节的严重程度,只收工本费用。一、发货和收货须知1、产品一经拍下,我们会及时安排发货(节假日除外)。请各位亲们放心购买!2、非包邮产品一律发顺丰到付,有异议者请事先与客服说明。3、您在收到货物时,请务必当着快递员签收,在签收前必须确认箱内的商品无损坏,无缺少,否则拒收,一旦有问题,我们才能帮您处理解决。您签收后则视为商品完好无缺,否则缺失和损坏情况我们也无法解决,敬请理解。&&二、保修细节1、产品在保期间出现问题直接返回厂家检测。须用时10~20天。2、检测报告出来后,如非人为损坏,是产品本身质量问题,我们会及时按您的要求退款,换货。3、如果检测结果是无故障或者是人为因素造成的故障,我们会及时与您联系。三、在以下条件下我们有权拒绝客户的退换货要求:1.货物出现破损,但没有在收货时当场要求送货人员换货的。2.超过退货期限的退换货要求。3.退换货物不全或者外观受损。4.货物本身不存在质量问题的。5.在质量问题产品没有经过我们检测结果之前就认定产品质量问题的。6.客户由于自身原因不会使用设备,而认定产品有质量问题的。7.有的车型可以检测,有的车型不可以检测,就认定产品质量问题的。5分+带字好评,截图给客服!送资料一份& 国庆大优惠 全店满1001包邮 原价满1001元减20元,满5000元减200元 & & & &捷豹陆虎公司已选定英国DA公司生产的JLR VCI为专用汽车诊断仪SDD的通讯接口,JLR VCI的扩展硬件功能以及新的固件可以适用于捷豹陆虎新车型架构,之前被选用的BOSCH iView,MongoosePro JLR,DA VINA2534将逐渐不再支持SDD的各项功能。& 产品用途 & & & &路虎/捷豹汽车专用诊断仪的通讯接口,自SDD142起,JLR VCI将是唯一可支持所有车型的所有功能的通讯接口。 & &配备CF52电脑 硬件软件均保修升级1年~售后有保障& 产品性能 & & & -支持L316, L319, L320, L322, L359, L538等Land Rover车型. & & & -支持X100, X150, X202, X250, X350, X351, X400等捷豹车型. & & & -诊断故障码 & & & -数据流 & & & -执行器测试 & & & -监测 & & & -功能测试 & & & -编程 & JLR VCI JLVCI捷豹陆虎指定的专用诊断仪通讯接口,是一个高性能的车辆诊断通讯设备,一头与车辆的OBD接口相连,另一头通过数据线与 电脑USB相连接,配合SDD软件,实现各种功能.该设备支持CAN, FT CAN, ISO and SCP (J1850)协议. 此设备是2015最新的JLR诊断、汉化设备,功能上可以完全替代原先的VCM。实物拍摄图买家须知:专业的服务,一流的品质,请广大顾客朋友放心购买。本店正价产品(配件除外)保修一年,一年之后负责维修,据情节的严重程度,只收工本费用。一、发货和收货须知1、产品一经拍下,我们会及时安排发货(节假日除外)。请各位亲们放心购买!2、非包邮产品一律发顺丰到付,有异议者请事先与客服说明。3、您在收到货物时,请务必当着快递员签收,在签收前必须确认箱内的商品无损坏,无缺少,否则拒收,一旦有问题,我们才能帮您处理解决。您签收后则视为商品完好无缺,否则缺失和损坏情况我们也无法解决,敬请理解。&&二、保修细节1、产品在保期间出现问题直接返回厂家检测。须用时10~20天。2、检测报告出来后,如非人为损坏,是产品本身质量问题,我们会及时按您的要求退款,换货。3、如果检测结果是无故障或者是人为因素造成的故障,我们会及时与您联系。三、在以下条件下我们有权拒绝客户的退换货要求:1.货物出现破损,但没有在收货时当场要求送货人员换货的。2.超过退货期限的退换货要求。3.退换货物不全或者外观受损。4.货物本身不存在质量问题的。5.在质量问题产品没有经过我们检测结果之前就认定产品质量问题的。6.客户由于自身原因不会使用设备,而认定产品有质量问题的。7.有的车型可以检测,有的车型不可以检测,就认定产品质量问题的。5分+带字好评,截图给客服!送资料一份
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