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ORACLE database backup error LRM-00108& invalid positional parameter value &as&
Sys user with full database backup, the system has prompted LRM-00108 error
[Oracle @ net test] $ exp sys / oracle as sysdba file = DB__BAK.dmp full = y log = exp.log
LRM-00108: invalid positional parameter value 'as'
EXP-00019: failed to process parameters, type 'EXP HELP = Y' for help
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
The solution:
Single quotation marks to enclose the user name and password, pay attention to add the escape character \
exp \ 'sys / oracle as sysdba \' file = DB__BAK.dmp full = y log = exp.log
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Encountered LRM-00108: invalid positional parameter value, surf the Internet and related information recorded. Sys user with full database backup, the system has prompted LRM-00108 error [Oracle @ net test] $ exp sys / oracle as sysdba file = DB_2010
oracle stored procedure, the array as import parameters, the operation of the database accordingly. 1. To create a similar type of table as rec_ create or replace type rec_tab as object (Field 1 VARCHAR2 (16), Field 2 VARCHAR2 (15), .... ); 2. To
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First, the parameter file and server parameter file parameter file (Parameter File) are usually referred to as the initial file (init file), or the init.ora file. The default name is init &ORACLE_SID&. Ora text file. SPFILE generate PFILE: create pf
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Several concepts are often oracle was very faint, and the company to do pl / sql colleagues in discussion, but also to the online search, now the concept of personal understanding of this to be a few notes: first, under the interpretation of popular
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People new to ORACLE instance and the database will certainly puzzled by the representative examples in the end what? Why the emergence of this concept? ORACLE instance = process + process using the memory (SGA) Instance is a temporary thing, you can
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processed in 0.032 (s). 13 q(s)ORA-01078: 和 LRM-00109:解决方法
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