
你可能喜欢上传用户:koqqkxkxlk文档下载 :『』&&『』『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)由于保险合同中格局条目具有很强的专业性和技巧性,投保人经常遭到专业常识的限制,对保险营业和条目内容不甚熟习,有时刻对条目内容的懂得也因人而异,能够会涌现误会、误差,在保险变乱产生后,被保险人、受害人的好处能够得不到预期的保险保证。为了包管保险合同中投保人的权力不受侵占,更好的完成保险的诚信和公平,就必需确立保险人解释责任司法轨制,特别是要完美保险人明白解释责任这一轨制,该轨制是国度保险司法系统的构成部门之一,有益于我国保险业的协调成长。本文以某市旅游局诉财险金川公司(以下简称财险金川公司)保险合同胶葛一案为主线,经由过程深刻剖析本案存在的核心成绩,提醒保险人的解释责任与保险人的免责条目明白解释责任在保险合同胶葛中存在的广泛性成绩及处理该类成绩的方法办法,和其须要进一步研讨的主要性,从而更好的促使保险合同的运转。本文共三部门,第一部门,引见了由于保险人对免责条目未实行明白解释责任,招致免责条目不产生效率,保险人继而对响应丧失予以赔付一案的案情及争议核心;第二部门,从我国今朝司法框架下保险人对免责条目的明白解释责任理论操作的角度动身,剖析结案件两边争议的核心,对明白解释责任的司法划定、及完成方法、尺度停止剖析;第三部门,对相似案件在司法理论中碰到的迷惑停止了归结和陈说,同时侧重立法完美机制的能够性,提出一些处理相似案件的司法建议。Abstract:Because of the pattern of items in the insurance contract has a strong professional and technical, the insured was often limited professional knowledge, of insurance business and item content is not very familiar with, a moment of content items know also varies from person to person, can arise misunderstanding, error, in accident insurance, the insurer, the victim's benefits may not be expected of the insurance guarantee. To the power of the guarantee insurance contract the insured from encroachment, better to complete the insurance good faith and fair, it is necessary to establish the insurer explaining liability legal system, in particular, to perfect the insurer explain the responsibilities of a rail system. The rail system is judicial system of national insurance constitute one of departments, beneficial to the coordinated development of the insurance industry in our country. The City Tourism Bureau v. insurance Jinchuan Company (hereinafter referred to as the Jinchuan company insurance) insurance contract glue Gregory case as the main line, through profound analysis of the existence of the case the core question to remind insurance duty of explanation and the insurer exemption entry understand accountability exists in the insurance contract glue Gregory extensive performance and processing the results of the method, and the need further study, so as to better promote the insurance contract operation. This paper consists of three departments, the Department introduced the first, because the insurer is not subject to understand accountability on Exemption items incur exemption entry does not produce efficiency, facts and controversial core insurance shall be paid in case
the second sector, from China's current judicial frame under the insurance of exemption clause objective to understand the interpretation theory of liability operation perspective, the core of case analysis on both sides of the dispute, the judicial interpretation of the rules, understand the responsibility and complete method, the third sector of similar cases met in the judicial theory of confusion in the stopped down and said that at the same time focuses on legislation to perfect the mechanism, judicial suggestions some similar cases.目录:中文摘要3-4Abstract4目录5-6引言6-7第一章 某市旅游局保险合同纠纷案及法律争议焦点7-11&&&&1.1 某市旅游局保险合同纠纷案情简介7-8&&&&&&&&1.1.1 案件审理查明事实7-8&&&&&&&&1.1.2 案件审理及判决情况8&&&&1.2 案件的法律争议焦点8-11第二章 某市旅游局保险合同纠纷案争议问题的法律分析11-18&&&&2.1 保险人是否履行了明确说明义务11-17&&&&&&&&2.1.1 我国新旧《保险法》关于保险人明确说明义务的规定11-12&&&&&&&&2.1.2 保险人的明确说明义务及特点12-13&&&&&&&&2.1.3 保险人明确说明义务的界定13-16&&&&&&&&2.1.4 本案中的保险人是否履行明确说明义务16-17&&&&2.2 保险人未履行明确说明义务的赔付责任确定17-18第三章 本案引发的法律思考18-22&&&&3.1 此类案件在当前司法实践中的困惑18&&&&3.2 关于解决此类案件的法律建议18-22&&&&&&&&3.2.1 统一界定明确说明对象18-19&&&&&&&&3.2.2 统一界定明确说明方式19-20&&&&&&&&3.2.3 合理分配明确说明义务之举证责任20-22结语22-23参考文献23-24致谢24分享到:相关文献|查看收益 >>
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