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360 N6Pro手机更改按键布局的操作方法 - 河东软件园
360 N6Pro手机更改按键布局的操作方法
时间: 10:37作者:GSS来源:河东软件园人气:453(0)
  360 N6Pro手机按键布局怎么更改?现在的智能手机几乎都是在手机的下方设计虚拟按键,然而这些虚拟按键的默认布局也都差不多,很多用户使用一段时间后,发现自己不太喜欢默认的按键布局,然后想要更改;但是又不知道应该去什么地方进行更改,所以河东小编今天想来帮帮这些用户,下面带来更改按键布局的操作方法,有需要的用户随小编一起来了解一下吧。
  到这里小编就把更改手机按键布局的方法给大家讲完了。虚拟按键有好几种按键布局,如果您觉得不喜欢默认的就可以点击去更改自己喜欢的,当然如果您是不知道怎么去更改,那么现在可以跟着小编的步骤自己来试一下。360手机N6 Pro评测:不止全面屏,体验更全面
  【PConline 评测】提到手机,&全面屏&想必是今年的关键词。不可否认的是,18:9的修长&身形&,一定程度上改变了大众对大屏手机&傻大黑粗&的印象,这也使得&全面屏&有望接替&八核十核&,成为下一个&香饽饽&。搭乘2017年的尾班车、阅尽友商大乱斗的360手机,终于按捺不住,祭出了全面屏新作&&360手机N6 Pro。到底体验如何,请看下面的评测。电商价格读取中...配置简述  360手机N6 Pro采用一块5.99英寸FHD+分辨率的屏幕,内置一颗骁龙660处理器,并配以4+64/6+64/6+128GB的存储组合。摄像头为前置800万,后置1600万+200万的景深双摄组合。其他方面,N6 Pro保留了3.5mm耳机接口,电池容量为4050mAh,并支持Micro-USB接口的18W快充。360手机N6 Pro 参数RAM4/6GBROM64/128 GB(支持存储卡拓展)屏幕5.99英寸 IPS LCD,比例18:9摄像头后:1600万+200万像素虚化景深双摄,F2.0,PDAF相位对焦前:800万像素,F2.2系统360 OS 3.0(基于Android 7.1.1)尺寸157.2&75.6&8.1mm,182g颜色极夜黑、深海蓝电池容量4050mAh、18W充电网络制式双4G全网通特色功能游戏加速器、Hybrid Engine价格4+64GB:1699元6+64GB:1899元6+128GB:2399元  值得一提的是,4050mAh是全面屏阵营中比较少见的容量,配合骁龙660处理器,N6 Pro在续航方面应该会有惊喜。360手机N6 Pro测评:外观篇  作为全面屏手机的一员,360手机N6 Pro采用一块5.99英寸FHD+分辨率的屏幕。这块18:9比例的全面屏,有85%的NTSC色域覆盖,以及支持更低亮度的夜光屏模式。  全面屏的体验打出了差异化,但也对厂商的排布功力构成了很大的挑战,好在360手机N6 Pro表现不错。正面在维持听筒、摄像头和传感器的情况下,仍保持了84.5%的屏占比。不仅如此,手上这台极夜黑的N6 Pro为全面屏配备了近似银色的面板,加上屏幕边缘的2.5D弧面效果,整机的质感抬升了一个档次。  来到背面,黑色玻璃增强了手机的一体感。不同光线下,呈现纯黑色或银黑色的镜面效果,低调而不失精致。双摄稍微突出,与指纹识别区域呈现和谐的中轴排列。  中框部分,N6 Pro也延续背面的冷峻风格。干净利落的金属中框,上有耳机接口,下有扬声器、Micro-USB接口,以及上下均有的浅灰色天线。  整体来看,360手机N6 Pro顺应全面屏的潮流之余,更多是前代产品的延续。相似的双面玻璃机身,依旧冰冷的金属中框,注定是这个冬天无法忽略的存在。360手机N6 Pro测评:性能&续航篇  作为N系列的延续,除了4/6GB内存,360手机N6 Pro还继续搭配了中高端的骁龙6系处理器,不过这次是骁龙660。  骁龙660采用八核心的Kryo 260架构,以及更先进的14nm制程工艺,实现功耗和性能的稳步提升,辅佐今年多款热门手机赢得了市场的认可。  从跑分来看,360手机N6 Pro发挥了骁龙660的主流水平,安兔兔113704分,Geekbench单核得分1617,多核得分5740,综合情况与上代旗舰821比较接近。相比之下,4K随机读写51.91MB/s和17.25MB/s的成绩相对中规中矩。  考虑到N6 Pro 4050mAh的电池,我们进行了五小时标准续航测试。在1/3屏幕亮度、1/2媒体音且连接Wi-Fi的情况下,得出了以下的结果。  五小时测试后,剩余电量50%。  同时,我们还进行了安兔兔电池续航测试,得分为9090。不出所料,N6 Pro的续航表现相当出色。重度使用,一天足矣;中轻度使用,两天亦无大碍。  充电方面,N6 Pro从自动关机到充满合计95分钟,1小时充电72%左右,速度还是比较理想的。  考虑到N6 Pro是一款中高端性能的产品,以及主流水平的18W快充,N6 Pro的续航水平无须担心。360手机N6 Pro测评:系统篇  系统方面,360手机N6 Pro搭载基于Android 7.1.1的360 OS 3.0系统。  系统界面简洁明了,直观的一级菜单,扁平化标准的图标,口味相对&大众&。  简单的体验下来,这套逻辑也不陌生。不过,某些细节上,仍然值得称赞。  首先是全凭手势。全面屏增加了浏览的区域,但是容易被虚拟按键遮挡。虽然按键可以隐藏,但呼出又增加了操作的步骤。面对这个看似矛盾的问题,全屏手势再度兴起。配合按键布局的调整,N6 Pro的全凭手势亦可以做到左右手的操作更换,更大程度地保留全面屏的优势。  其次是游戏加速器。游戏加速器提供了更为积极的性能调度,保障了游戏体验的流畅。配合可自主设置的提醒模式,减少对游戏的干扰。  在这个页面,360 OS 3.0还提供了一些相当实用的设置,例如限制下载速度的网速保护,以及锁屏不挂机的后台挂机模式。配合N6 Pro大内存,避免切换应用导致的游戏中断,    即便游戏有电话打进,超常发挥不受影响,同时重要的信息也不会错过。  除此以外,常规的特色应用也得到了保留,例如360卫士、来电秀、财产系统等等。  有了Hybrid Engine性能调度智能引擎的加入,N6 Pro给人留下流畅不卡顿的印象。成熟的360 OS 3.0系统,无疑为N6 Pro锦上添花。360手机N6 Pro测评:拍照篇  来到N6 Pro这代,360手机N6 Pro也跟上了今年流行的双摄,后置采用1600万+200万虚化景深双摄。前置为800万像素,配备F2.2的光圈。除了常见的美颜功能,还支持测脸龄、测颜值等打发时间的小功能。  为了充分展示这副景深双摄,N6 Pro配备了一系列的功能,如虚化模式、微距模式、专业模式、慢动作、慢门光影、延时摄影等等。  开启虚化模式后,相机会利用双摄计算照片的虚化程度,按下快门约1s后就会生成一定虚化效果的图片。  从实际样张来看,虚化模式的背景虚化相当充分。配合相对鲜艳的色彩,N6 Pro的成片很适合放在朋友圈展示。  微距模式的定位也类似,可以在5-10cm的距离下实现相当的虚化,虚化效果显然也更自然。如果能手动选择对焦点,实用性还能再上一个台阶。  下面展示更多的样张:  光线充足的前提下,N6 Pro的成片率比较高。另外,色彩也相对饱满,对焦速度让人惊喜。而较暗的场景,对焦干净利落,噪点控制也比较恰当,这点值得称赞。总结起来,N6 Pro的拍照体验可圈可点,照片的质量同样令人满意。总结    以往&大屏幕+大电池&的稳妥搭配,受到今年功耗优秀的处理器的影响,以及出于偏向轻薄的机身考虑,在今年的全面屏市场愈发少见。正因为这样,像360手机N6 Pro这样均衡的做法更值得鼓励。整体来说,360手机N6 Pro是一款均衡但不失特色的产品。Type-C、3.5mm接口的缺失确实是遗憾,但瑕不掩瑜,骁龙660、全面屏、4050mAh电池、18W快充,这个价位能有如此配置,其竞争力不容小觑。相关阅读:周鸿祎谈N6 Pro:360有史以来最好的手机360李开新:N6 Pro在性能上甚至超出同行旗舰机李开新:360手机N6 Pro有信心超越同行旗舰机型
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移动叔叔. 版权所有,专业的网络售后平台 (
商务合作||||360 EC-FPGA – OneSpin. Formal Verification.360 EC-FPGA |
Functional correctness of FPGA synthesis from RTL code to final netlist
Systematic design errors, introduced by automated design refinement tools, such as synthesis, can be hard to detect, and damaging if they make it into the final device. Formal equivalence checking has been used for ASIC design flows for many years. As FPGAs become bigger and critical system components, exhaustively verifying the functional equivalence of Register Transfer Level (RTL) code to synthesized netlists and the final placed & routed FPGA designs is mandatory.
360 EC-FPGA is an automatic sequential equivalence checking tool that provides a fast and efficient method to ensure that aggressive synthesis optimizations have not introduced systematic errors that could disrupt the final design.
360 EC-FPGA HighlightsEnsures that complex FPGAs are free of synthesis and optimization errorsDramatically accelerates the design implementation and debug loopAllows risk-free use of advanced synthesis optimizationEliminates gate level simulation and stimulus, easy to setup and applySupports all FPGA synthesis optimizations, including complex sequential retimingThe Need for Formal Equivalence CheckingBus connecting orderingCoincident read discrepanciesWrong FSM re-encodingUndriven or unconnected wiresIncorrectly coded pipelineIncorrect BRAM parameter settingsClock gaiting for low power issuesP&R connecting issuesAdditional, unspecified logic added
FPGA Design Flow Issues
Formal Equivalence Checking (EC) has become a standard part of the ASIC development flow, replacing almost all gate level simulation with a rigorous consistency check between pre- and post-synthesized code.
In the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) space, EC is still a relatively new concept but is rapidly becoming important given the large devices being employed today. For the largest FPGA, debugging a synthesis mismatch, some of the hardest systematic errors to discover, can take days through the traditional method of prototyping on the actual final device.
Furthermore, the latest FPGA synthesis tools employ advanced optimizations, including retiming the circuit, and these can lead to errors. Often the only way to effectively discover an issue is to switch off those optimizations until the problem disappears, leaving the device to operate at less efficiency than its potential.
Furthermore, the latest FPGA synthesis tools employ advanced optimizations, including retiming the circuit, and these can lead to errors. Often the only way to effectively discover an issue is to switch off those optimizations until the problem disappears, leaving the device to operate at less efficiency than its potential.
360 EC-FPGA Enables Advanced FPGA Optimizations
A major benefit of the 360 EC-FPGA is to ensure that advanced FPGA synthesis optimizations, used to achieve competitive functionality, performance, power consumption, and cost targets, do not introduce functional errors. It supports all sequential synthesis optimizations performed in FPGA design flows. It verifies whole-chip, flat netlists, allowing for the most aggressive optimizations to be leveraged.
360 EC-FPGA verifies the optimized design 'as is' without gate-level simulation, design modifications or design restrictions, such as disabling synthesis optimizations. It eliminates the need for extensive scripting and many 'side files' generated by synthesis tools, providing a greater level of independence from the synthesis process.
The tool is “self-starting” by providing automated setup capabilities that detect mapping information, clocks and resets, and other initialization settings. An advanced debugger is also included, which displays mismatches both directly in source and schematic windows, as well as through generated waveform traces.
360 EC-FPGA handles gate representations to which all FPGA&synthesis optimizations have been applied, for example:Stuck-at (constant) registersRegister duplication and mergingFSMs with safe- and unknown encodingsTRM optimizations (triple modular redundancy)Asynchronous feedback loopsIO cells and different bus resolution schemesFixed gated clocksDSP48 optimizationsSRL Optimizations, such as asynchronously resettable register chains and inference into different memory modelsRAM / ROM, including Distributed- & Block RAMPower optimizationsPipeliningRetiming360 EC-FPGA supports all major FPGA technology families from Xilinx, Microsemi, and&Intel FPGA (Altera). In addition, EC-FPGA includes the OneSpin
to provide a focused formal-based structural code analysis that can catch other common coding errors.
360 EC-FPGA Technology
Sequential & Combinational Comparison Combined
360 EC-FPGA follows a conventional EC verification flow: design setup, mapping and comparison, and optional debug. However, the underlying sequential equivalence checking technology utilized in 360 EC-FPGA, which makes use of the OneSpin formal property checking engines, eliminates many of the design restrictions necessary with other solutions, as follows:Mapping: The pairing of RTL to gate flops does not need to be complete in 360 EC-FPGA to provide conclusive resultsComparison: 360 EC-FPGA deploys sequential verification engines, generating counterexamples for some compared points independent of the mapping of other compared pointsDebug: 360 EC-FPGA utilizes simulation trace based debug. Static failing patterns are generated on demandSimulation Trace Based Debugging in 360 EC-FPGA
A typical verification script will simply configure the flow for the respective FPGA vendor and synthesis tool and then run the steps of the flow. Synthesis independence is maintained.
The tool is designed to execute quickly and with the high capacity necessary to handle large FPGAs in both hierarchical and flat modes. It can operate over a network of multiple machines for additional performance.
Industry Support
OneSpin collaborates closely with its FPGA and synthesis partners including Xilinx, Altera, MicroSemi and the Synopsys Synplify team. 360 EC-FPGA is used internally at multiple companies, as a golden accuracy standard to test their design flows.
Support for all major FPGA Devices:Xilinx: Vivado flow for&the following devices: ?Spartan 2/2E/3/XL/6/7, Virtex E/2/2p/4/5/6/7,&Artix 7, Kintex 7, Kintex UltraScale
and UltraScale+MicroSemi: Synplify &&Libero flow for&the following devices: ?Fusion, ProASIC3/3E/3L, IGLOO(E), Axcelerator, 54sx(a), ex, 3200dx, 40/42mx, SmartFusion(2), IglooPlus, Igloo2, Rad-Tolerant FPGAsIn beta: Intel FPGA (Altera) flow for the Stratix10 and Arria10 devicesFlexible, all inclusive design flow support:Synthesis flows, including Xilinx Vivado(TM), Synopsys Synplify(R) &&Standards: Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, EDIF & Mixed LanguagePlatforms: Linux, WindowsParallel & Distributed Operation
Get in touch!
Exhaustively verify the functional correctness of your FPGA synthesis flow and try OneSpin 360 FPGA now!
Press Contact
Nanette Collins>>&>>&+1 617 437 1822}


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