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Walk and Talk
"Five-oh! Everybody, !"
Having the characters walk from one end to the other of a large, contiguous set while talking to each other, while a
operator walks backwards in front of them, allowing for a continuous, moving, . Can take a lot of takes to get right, but can give us some impressive examples of . However, they never seem to watch where they're going.
Also known as a pedeconference (by analogy to teleconference), especially on . May overlap with .
According to a
director, they use these to give the scene more energy and convey how busy the characters are.
This shooting technique was
by , who used it first on
and developed the technique further on . Works deliberately evoking Sorkin's style will tend to have the characters using
as they go. It's also common in computer-animated works, where it appears to serve as a 3-D alternative to the .
&&&&open/close all folders&
Parodied by
- in All You Need Is Cash, a reporter is giving a walk and talk to a camera on the back of a van. However, the van slowly accelerates, until the reporter is breathlessly sprinting after the camera.
Parodied and lampshaded in
when Johnny and Lil go on a walk... and talk. After a very long time, they stop, look around and realize they must have left the city hours ago and are now out in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere.
Johnny: "Where the hell are we?"
Used in the film
when Sam Lowry is trying to catch up to his new superior after a promotion and gets lost in the crowd of people following him. His new boss's name, Mr Warrenn, is a
to the network of corridors.
combines it with
on route to fight Vigo in at the New York Museum of Fine Art.
Used extensively in 's . In the director's commentary, they claim
was ripping them off.
The 1997 film
by having walk and talks in the White House. Director Mimi Leder was a former producer and director for ER, and steadicam operator Guy Bee had also worked on ER.
movie, does this to (re)introduce the main cast and the layout of the ship. It's somewhat different, in that while everyone talks, the only one doing the walking is Mal, and the
follows him.
Used in Something the Lord Made, a biopic about African-American medical pioneer Vivien Thomas, to help establish the Jim Crow-era setting. An early scene has Thomas and his friend, also black, walking and talking along a footpath — but they have to keep pausing the conversation and stepping off the footpath to let white folks past.
Used in . In the director's commentary, it was admitted that in the scenes with Ben Stiller and ' characters on screen together, this mechanic just seemed to fit.
Happens quite a bit in the
In the beginning of
Darth Vader and an Imperial officer have a more brisk "Sorkin style" one on board Tantive IV discussing Princess Leia and the stolen Death Star plans.
when Anakin is complaining to Obi-Wan about not being promoted to Jedi Master.
is . The sequel features a bit less of it and the third film has only one scene where they walk to the hotel and .
An unconvincing version in the film adaptation of , thanks to the view suddenly switching to the actors walking against a dramatic CGI background of the future city once they've finished talking, with the actors walking at a completely different speed now they don't have to worry about running over the camera crew.
Done in the first scene after the opening of , where Anne and Jean walk and talk down a Parisian street. Lampshaded by Anne:
Anne: Look, I'm in a hurry. Tell me what's wrong as we walk.
Parodied in
when Detective Frank Drebin does this , concluding with "...and where the hell was I?" because he's walked so far he's left the city.
makes hilarious use of this as Doc Brown rattles off exposition to Marty while running back and forth...and Marty chases after him, trying to get the next thing he's about to say.
Early on in , Inspector Pe&a gets informed about the case at hand by an assistant on their way through the corridors of the hospital a corpse disappeared from.
Used twice in , both times when
(either Richard Robau or Christopher Pike) is giving orders to his
(George Kirk or Spock) about how to deal with the Narada.
&&&&Live-Action TV&
This is called the "Walk and Talk" on .
is not above
its use of the device, though: as early as the fourth episode, Josh and Sam realize that neither of them had any idea where they had been going, and each thought he was following the other. "Let's not tell anyone about this," Josh concludes. Also Lampshaded during a flashback episode to their first days in the White House when Sam asks Josh, "Do you mind if I talk to you while we walk?" and Josh says that they'll have to get used to having meetings in the hallway (due to not being able to read the White House maps).
When Will Bailey first arrives at the White House he comments to Josh that "...you get a pretty good aerobic workout talking to someone in this building." Josh responds that .
Toby and Sam had a walk and talk outside going to a breakfast place. Toby stops and wonders where the place is. Sam points behind them and says it was on the last street. He didn't want to stop their discussion.
There's also one where Josh asks Donna her opinion on the topic of the meeting he's about to have. She begins to respond, but isn't done before he reaches the meeting place. He turns around and says, "You've got to go faster next time, I'm here already."
Then there's the one where Josh, Donna, and Josh's intern are walking and the intern falls over and asks if they always walk so fast.
When Martin Sheen appeared on The Graham Norton Show, they did a Walk And Talk homage to . Watch it
(starts about 2:48 min in).
has been doing this for years, predating The West Wing. The fact that the Sun Hill set is one continuous set makes this possible.
also uses the Walk and Talk extensively. Thomas Del Ruth, director of photography for the pilot episode of ER, went on to be cinematographer on the pilot of The West Wing too.
Factors heavily into the
sketch joked that the first rule for an extra on that show was "never stop moving."
This method also appears often on , and has been
on at least two occasions, one in which Wilson points out they ended up back where they started, and another where House explains to a camera crew filming his team trying to diagnose the patient of the week that their walking around creates the illusion of the plot moving forward.
has also done the walk-and-talk-that-ends-up-back-where-they-started gag. May or may not have been a
That particular example was in "Jack the Editor." Liz and Pete take four consecutive left turns in the performance area, realize it, say they were following each other, then part ways, with Pete saying "Good walk and talk."
They parodied it once, too.
Liz: Can you walk and talk? Kenneth:
Openly parodied when
appeared as himself, advising Liz as she faced redundancy. The scene included an overt jab at Studio 60.
Countless times on
and . Corridors are the ubiquitous set for this, often while giving .
Used and played with in . JD is apparently so familiar with his Walk and Talk with Dr. Cox that he can run off to check on patients and get back without him noticing.
Parodied on The Armstrong And Miller Show. One recurring sketch has a
character marching down a corridor while his subordinates dash up to him with obviously nonsensical information or bits of interesting trivia.
Any show that takes place inside a school, if they have the budget for a long enough hallway.
onward, a good third of any given episode is dedicated to exposition, which is commonly done while walking down seemingly endless corridors on whatever Ship/Station/Planet the story is set on.
didn't have it as much, but it was certainly present.
What they did have, though (including the later series), was the "stand and talk" variation where the characters would board a turbolift that would conveniently take exactly as long to reach its destination as it took for the conversation to end. In certain episodes of the original series, it's laughable how long the turbolift can take to get from the bridge to a deck that is only 3-4 stories down in the ship.
In early designs of the Enterprise-D, they were going to have a transporter room right off the bridge, but Roddenberry wanted the characters to have conversations en route to the transporter, so this was dropped.
Happened regularly in 's , .
Done to death (heh heh) in nearly every episode of
(Las Vegas) as the investigator- walk through the hallways of the lab. Which is such a maze that
calls it the "Labitrail".
Done frequently on ; and almost as often
for humour value. Especially when someone new shows up. Tony once calls this the "mobile campfire."
Canada knows this trope via its usage in Rick Mercer's Rants from
and . Most of the time it was only Mercer himself in the shot, giving the impression that the audience was the second person.
Aaron Sorkin's first use of it was pretty much
of . Notably subverted in one scene of one episode, where two characters, about to have a very private altercation, take a long walk to one's office...and barely a single word is spoken throughout the entire trip.
Happens in an episode of , when George is walking and talking with Wilhelm, his boss at Yankee Stadium. Wilhelm is in the middle of giving George an important assignment when he abruptly steps aside into the restroom. George politely waits outside for him, only to eventually realize that Wilhelm just kept on talking while using the restroom. George spends the rest of the episode trying to figure out what his assignment is.
does this in spirit if not a continuous take. Typical sitcoms will have an outside hallway to the characters apartment or just a porch to someones house. The show puts Leonard and Sheldon as neighbors across the hall from Penny, also in the stairwell set on the fourth floor of a building that doesn't have a working elevator. Thus, to give room for conversation, it shows them walking the stairway, each floor except the lobby just marginally redressed from the main set.
Done frequently on ; both at the headquarters building in Falls Church and on board Navy ships.
often in the hallways of SHS and UC Sunnydale.
where three of the Scoobies have a conversation while walking down the street while the residents of Sunnydale
featured the same lampshading as , with the protagonists ushering Alex the long way around to avoid meeting the girl he's crushing on, ending up with Meredith wondering: "Where was I going?" Might also be subtle foreshadowing because
Meredith is at risk of developing Alzheimer's syndrome.
. Lampshaded by Olenna Tyrell: "If I have to take one more leisurely stroll through these gardens, I'll fling myself from the cliffs." Of course there are practical reasons for her doing so in the
of , as walking .
Spoofed in
III where a sequence of walking-and-talking is constantly lampshaded by the characters as only being to make this fairly boring
scene look more exciting and they aren't actually going anywhere. Also, as they walk through the police station, it actually . In a later scene, posters on the walls even display images fitting what they're talking about as they go past them.
Spoofed in , which preceded The West Wing on NBC Wednesdays for its entire run. Phil and Shirley walk in approximately a figure-eight path within the bowling alley over the course of their rapid-fire conversation, concluding with:
Shirley: Why are we walking like this?
Phil: I dunno, I saw it on The West Wing, it makes everything seems important. [they abruptly walk off in opposite directions]
In the classic
episode "", a strike at
led to locations and film cameras replacing the smaller studio sets with less mobile (at the time) video cameras, resulting in quite a number of Walk and Talk shots that were otherwise unusual for this era.
&&&&Video Games&
Used a few times in
when the heroes are shown walking from one place to another as part of a cutscene rather than under player control. Locke and Edgar tell Terra about
while on chocoboback, and several characters have brief conversations with each other while getting into position for the battle at Narshe.
as a deliberate
to/parody of The West Wing, showing the Boss (now President of the United States) walking and talking with Pierce Washington and Benjamin King.
uses this in a few cutscenes, though it ends up looking odd because when the camera switches between characters, the background jumps back to the starting point of the walk.
In , when you get to Nia Khera part of the exposition is delivered while they walk through the village. It's not the only instance of it happening in the game.
In the second
game River of Time, the water sprite imprisoned on the isle behind the troll bridge is supposed to explain her predicament to the heroes while walking around the island. Unfortunately, the effect is lost by a couple of obvious scenerey cutrs while the water sprite is animated continuously.
&&&&Web Original&
original webseries
did an episode called "Walk And Talk" where Tom
Walk And Talk by tricking Dana into illustrating the trope. The show also regularly uses Walk And Talk as a device, even in episodes that aren't named for the trope.
mentioning this whenever characters are walking and talking, usually mentioning
(usually by saying that the "scene is guest directed by ").
Mike Nelson (as ): C'mon, let's do an
&&&&Western Animation&
Parodied in , when the Griffins watch Aaron Sorkin's new show, The Kitchen, where the characters walk in their kitchen and have a fast-paced dialogue about buying milk.
Also parodied on the DVD version of Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story with a cutaway showing Chris guest-starring on The West Wing, with him doing this with the show's stars. Afterward, the scene then zooms out to reveal that Chris is inside a mouse maze, and he then finds the cheese.
parodied this in "Board Games," when Peggy is "briefed" by Bobby while going to meet with Minh and Nancy.
&&&&Real Life&
Aristotle called his philosophy school the Peripatetic school after the peripatoi or colonnades of the Lyceum in Athens, where the members used to meet. However, peripatetikos also means "wandering", "walking about", and so, after Aristotle's death, the (false) notion emerged that Aristotle's school was named for the master's habit of walking and talking. The myth, however, is .
Often happens when a reporter tries to get a comment from a subject who has no interest in talking. Sometimes it can backfire, though....
Used by spies, criminals, and . Being constantly on the move (especially in a crowded area) means anyone trying to bug your conversation must either walk closely or use some kind of rifle microphone.
Alternative Title(s):
Sorkin Walk,


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