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【经济学人双语+音频】China’s left-behind generation 中国的留守儿童
China’s left-behind generation 中国的留守儿童Pity the children 帮帮这些孩子吧There are 70m reasons to ease China’s curbs on internal migration 中国是时候改善户籍制度Oct 17th 2015 | From the print edition声音资源加载中...IMAGINE you are a young married man or woman in rural China. There are no jobs, so you find work in a big city, perhaps 1,000 miles away. But government restrictions mean that if you take your children with you they will almost certainly not be able to attend schools where you live, or visit a state doctor. And if your parents come to share the child care, their pension will be too small for them to live on. What do you do?设想你是一个中国已婚青年,在千里之外的大城市找到工作。但如果你带上孩子一起去,政府的一些限制措施意味着在大城市几乎不可能找到接收学校孩子,生病也没办法从好医院得到治疗。如果由孩子的祖父母千里迢迢来带孩子,那么老人的养老金少的不足以维持温饱。你要怎么办?For the parents of 61m Chinese children, the answer is to leave them behind in the villages where they were born, to be looked after by grandparents (often illiterate) or other relatives. Another 9m are left in one city by parents working in another. The 70m total is almost the number of all the children in the United States.于是,六千一百万孩子的父母选择留下孩子,交由孩子的祖父母(多半是文盲)或其他亲戚照顾。另外,有九百万孩子被工作在别处的父母独自留在一个陌生的城市。 这七千万留守儿童相当于美国儿童的总和。These so-called “left-behind children” are a dark facet of China’s shining economic development. They make up a disproportionate share of the population in the countryside, where children are four times as likely to be short for their age as urban ones, a measure of malnutrition. A survey this year for a charity called Growing Home found that left-behind children were more likely than their peers to be depressed or emotionally unstable.这些所谓的“留守儿童”,就是目前正在高速发展的中国那不为人知的一面。留守儿童在农村人口中占了极大的比重,由于营养不良,这些儿童身高不达标的可能性是城市儿童的四倍。根据今年由“自给自足“慈善组织做的一个调查显示,留守儿童比其他儿童更可能出现抑郁或者情绪紊乱的情况。Researchers in Shanghai found that left-behind children underperform at school, and that their emotional and social development lags behind. Stories of abuse
evidence suggests that left-behind children are more at risk of turning to crime.上海的研究人员发现,留守儿童的学校表现更差,同时情感和社交方面发展严重滞后。而且,关于他们受虐、自杀的新闻被频频报道。有证据显示,留守儿童更容易走上犯罪的道路。This is a common pattern in other countries where parents move away from their families for work. Studies from the Philippines show that children of mothers working abroad struggle at school. In Sri Lanka left-behind children are almost twice as likely to be underweight as the average. But China’s problem is both much larger—it has more left-behind children than the rest of the world put together—and largely self-inflicted, the result of restrictions on migration within the country.这在其他父母离家工作的国家也是常见现象。来自菲律宾的调查显示,母亲在国外工作的孩子更不能适应学校生活。在斯里兰卡,留守儿童体重不达标的可能性是其他儿童的两倍。但是,中国面临的问题更严重。因为,中国留守儿童数量超过剩下其他国家留守儿童的总和。而且,这一问题主要是由限制内部人口迁移的户籍制度引起的。China could transform the prospects of its left-behind children by abolishing hukou—a kind of internal passport that gives people and their children subsidised schooling and health care, but only in the place where they are registered. There has been a modest easing of restrictions, allowing skilled workers to change hukou and unskilled ones to move to smaller cities. But far more radical reforms are needed so that migrant labourers in the big cities benefit, too. China’s government should also give those living in the countryside the same property rights as urban residents. This would allow them to sell their homes, and thus help more of them to move to cities with enough cash to settle with their families.中国可以通过取消户口制度来解决留守儿童的问题。户口虽然能给家庭提供教育机会和医疗保障,但这些保障却只在户籍所在地有效。实际上,现存在允许技术工种变更户口方面和非技术工种迁往偏远城市方面的政策松动。但是,也需要有更彻底的户籍制度改革来让大城市的民工受益。像城市一样,政府也该完善农村人民与城市居民一样的处理房产的权利。这样农村人就可以自由卖房,从而获得更多资金与家人搬到城市定居下来。Stop the self-harm 停止自我伤害More could also be done to help the most vulnerable children. Numerous recent cases have come to light of sexual abuse of left-behind children in rural schools, suggesting that teachers are failing them, or worse. In a country with almost no child-welfare system, the government is training “barefoot social workers” to find children who have been not so much left behind as abandoned. But this program is to reach only 250,000 children, which hardly scratches the surface.其实,帮助弱势儿童,能做的还有很多。近期大量案例都直指“留守儿童在农村学校遭受性虐待”问题。这一情况说明,老师也不重视他们,或者对他们更糟糕。在一个几乎没有儿童福利体系的国家,中国政府仅是训练了一些“赤脚社工”来帮助那些还算不上被遗弃的留守儿童。目前,这个项目仅联系上25万留守儿童,这与留守儿童总数相比几乎是九牛一毛。Companies that employ migrant workers could also contribute by, for example, making it easier for parents to phone their children during working hours or even setting up schools on site. At a time when many factories struggle to find workers, helping their families makes business sense, too.雇佣民工的公司则可以通过允许那些职工与子女在工作期间通话,甚至为其子女提供就近入学的机会来有效改善这一问题。而且,这也可以让企业更好的预防“民工荒”的问题。As China becomes richer it is producing a disturbed, and perhaps disturbing, generation. Some social dislocation may be the cost of wild growth and mass movement from farms to factories. But China should at least stop the self-harm.中国崛起的同时也出现了挣扎中的一代人,或者说是制造问题的一代人。某些社会问题就是高速的经济增长和从农村到城市的大规模人口迁移所付出的代价。但至少中国应该停止自我伤害。译者:Vicky Pan译审:JoyceFrom the print edition: Leaders在金融圈混,你不得不知的五大微信
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(Charlie Brown)经济学人中英对照:酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
AFTER three years of stagnant loan growth, The Peoples Bank in Coldwater, Ohio, has noticed a change. Clients who two years ago would not have qualified for a loan now find that they can. One customer who was working for only 35 hours a week two years ago is now working 45 to 50 hours. &That was his reason for coming in: he had steadier income,& says Jack Hartings, president of the seven-branch bank. Since the bank&s main alternative to lending money is buying Treasury bonds that yield only 1%-2%, Mr Hartings is eager to make new loans.
Across the country, bank lending, which shrank almost steadily from early 2009, is growing again (see chart), thanks to modest employment growth, stabilising home prices in many regions, and the Federal Reserve&s Herculean efforts to hold down interest rates.
This is helping. In the fourth quarter, America&s economy grew by 2.8% at an annual rate, the fastest in an otherwise dreary year. Much of that was from inventory restocking which will not be repeated. Still, consumer spending rose at a 2% annual rate and house building expanded by 11%, the most since 2004.
Both of these sectors were helped by easier credit. Moderate job growth, skimpy pay rises and higher petrol prices held growth in income after taxes and inflation to just 0.9% last year. Consumption grew faster because households borrowed more and saved less. Saving, which had topped 5% as a share of disposable income in the wake of the recession, had fallen to 3.5% in November.
This was not sustainable, and indeed the saving rate jumped back to 4% in December. Are further increases in store? If so, that would hold back consumption, which accounts for roughly two-thirds of GDP. And indeed that is the main reason recoveries after financial crises are usually sluggish: households and businesses have to hack back the debt they accumulated during the boom years, a process called deleveraging. Households have as expected reduced their debts relat much of that has come by defaulting on their loans. More such defaults are probably in store. The question is, will consumers also divert more of their income from consumption? That would cause the saving rate to rise further.
Nathan Sheets, an economist at Citigroup, reckons that household debt, now running at 120% of disposable income, should be 100% to 110% given the current configuration of interest rates, unemployment and asset values. This, he reckons, can be achieved with a saving rate of just 4.5%, not much higher than it is now. But the Bank Credit Analyst, a financial forecasting service, thinks households& current net worth is more consistent with a saving rate of 6%.
A higher saving rate would be much less painful for the economy if it were achieved through increased income rather than lower spending. That could happen. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in its economic outlook released on January 31st, reckoned that real disposable incomes would grow by 3% this year thanks both to faster wage growth and a big drop in inflation. That, it reckons, should support growth in consumption and overall GDP of 2%.
Plenty could go wrong with this scenario. Oil pric banks, worried about Europe, could tighten their lending standards, as they already have done for some business loans. And at the end of 2012 an even bigger threat looms: taxes will automatically rise and spending shrink unless Congress votes to override existing legislation. The CBO reckons that would slice the deficit in half, but at the cost of pummeling the economy. For private deleveraging to proceed, public deleveraging may have to wait.
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