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发布时间: 16:09:41
作者:Kristoffer Lindstr?m
*我们将使用Texture2DArray(DirectX 10功能,相当确定OpenGL也有类似功能)
// during render (or maybe update but never seen that)
// this will also be drawn in this function, so if we dont call this
// function the buttons does not exist anymore
do_button(“my label”, x, y, function() print(“I got clicked”) end)
// during some kind of init of a scene for example
local button = create_button(“my label”, x, y)
button:set_callback(function() print(“I got clicked”) end)
// later in render (this will draw all gui elements we have created)
// here are two versions of the immediate mode that do require an id
// but the id just need to be unique per scene
ui_button(“button-id”, “my label”, onclick):draw(x, y)
ui_button({id = “button-id”, label = “my label”, onclick = print}):draw(x, y)
// this is what you do if you want to create the button beforehand
// this becomes useful when dealing with listboxes and more advanced controls
local button = ui_button({label = “my_label”, onclick = print})
// in both cases the control comes to life when calling the draw function
button:draw(x, y)
纹理阵列的局限性在于,所有纹理必须拥有同样的宽度,高度和格式,所以为了让它更易于管理,我创造了一个纹理库针对每个(宽度、高度和格式)组合托管不同的纹理阵列。之后我只需使用任间纹理查询纹理库,如果该纹理之前尚未被使用,并且不适用于任何现成的纹理阵列,我们就创造一个新纹理阵列,并向其载入纹理,并返回(id 0) 绑定新纹理阵列对象。如果我们要求绑定一个相同大小的二级纹理,它就会令当前纹理阵列处于活跃状态,并用新纹理和返回(id 0) 来更新它。
你可以通过合并更小的纹理,将其提升为更大的纹理,并添加uv补偿,这样你就可以得到一个长阵列的1024 * 1024纹理。
1024 * 1024纹理中存储着一个特定字体,它包括所有不同的大小。例如calibri标准字体、粗体和斜体就是3个1024 * 1024纹理,其中包括已渲染的不同大小字形。
其运行原理与字体渲染一样,将所有图像存储在1024 * 1024的单个纹理即可。
将字体和UI渲染整合在一起,我们可以获得能够并入同一个阵列的X数量的1024 * 1024纹理。之后,我们选择了自己要用的纹理,而不是切换纹理,并创造一个新的抽取调用将纹理索引插入一个constantbuffer,并让每个顶点提供在constantbuffer(含有我们需使用哪个纹理的信息)中的索引。
GUI(from gamedev.net)
buttons & input boxes(from gamedev.net)
text sizes(from gamedev.net)
ui_inputbox({id = i, value = string.format(“input #%i”, i)}):draw()
// this will adjust each element 40 units down from the last one
add_translation(0, 40)
// ui_textbox draw function would then look something like this
function draw(self)
local width = self.width
local height = self.height
set_blend_color(1, 1, 1, 1)
// set texture for complete gui texture sheet
draw_rect(…) // here the uv data would go in to grab the right part
// set font, and this will trigger another set_texture internally
set_text_align(0, 0.5)
// this function is essentialy just calling multiple
// draw rects internally for each character to be drawn
draw_text_area(text, 0, 0, width, height)
void IntermediateRenderer::bind_texture(Texture * texture)
// this is a texture pool that contains several arrays of similar sized textures
// lets say we want to bind texture A and that texture already exists in in the pool
// then if we have a different array bounded we must flush but otherwise we just use
// another index for the next operations since texture A was already in the
// current active array texture
auto mat = materials.get_active_state();
if (texture == NULL)
// we dont need to unbind anything just reduce the impact of the texture to 0
mat-&texture_alpha = 0.0f;
unsigned int texture_index = 0;
if (texture_pool.bind(texture, &texture_index, std::bind(&IntermediateRenderer::flush, this)))
// this means we flushed
// this will start a new draw call
// refresh the state, usually means we grab the first
// material index again (0)
mat = materials.get_active_state();
// just set the constant buffer values
// and unless we flushed nothing will change
// we will just continue to build our vertex buffer
mat-&texture_index = reinterpret_cast&float&(texture_index);
mat-&texture_alpha = 1.0f;
void IntermediateRenderer::draw_rect(const RECT_DESC & desc)
// this will switch what buffers we are pushing data to
// so even if we switch from trianglelist to linelist
// we dont need to flush but the rendering order will be wrong
// here we just get the currently active material and model states
// model contains transformation data
auto mat_id = materials.use_active_state();
auto model_id = models.use_active_state();
push_stream_ids(6, model_id, mat_id);
// currently I am not using any index list, but might do in the future if I feel
// I could benefit from it
// its important to keep these sizes known at compile time
// so we dont need to allocate temporary space on the heap somewhere
Vector3 position_data[6] =
Vector3(desc.x, desc.y, 0),
Vector3(desc.x + desc.width, desc.y, 0),
Vector3(desc.x, desc.y + desc.height, 0),
Vector3(desc.x, desc.y + desc.height, 0),
Vector3(desc.x + desc.width, desc.y, 0),
Vector3(desc.x + desc.width, desc.y + desc.height, 0)
Vector2 texcoord_data[6] =
Vector2(desc.u1, desc.v1),
Vector2(desc.u2, desc.v1),
Vector2(desc.u1, desc.v2),
Vector2(desc.u1, desc.v2),
Vector2(desc.u2, desc.v1),
Vector2(desc.u2, desc.v2)
// i will switch this from float4 to an unsigned int
// in the future so each vertex becomes much smaller
// the desc.color_top and desc.color_bottom are already
// uint32 formats
Vector4 ctop(desc.color_top);
Vector4 cbottom(desc.color_bottom);
Vector4 color_data[6] =
// this will just copy in our stack data to the vertex buffers
// instead of a normal array, we use an array of textures
Texture2DArray Texture : register(t0);
// each material is 8 floats
struct Material
float texture_
float texture_
// padding
// padding
// by having 256 different material at the same time
// we can draw 256 different entities in only one draw call
cbuffer MaterialBuffer : register(b0)
Material material[256];
struct Vertex
float4 position : SV_P
float3 vposition : Position0;
float3 normal : Normal0;
float2 uv : Texcoord0;
float4 color : Color0;
// this is how we control what material
// to use for what vertex, its only 1 byte in size
// for a value range of 0-255
uint material_id : Color1;
Result main(Vertex input)
// lookup material
Material mat = material[input.material_id];
// read from the right texture
float4 texel = Texture.Sample(Sampler, float3(input.uv, mat.texture_index));
//… rest of shader
Fast GUI Rendering using Texture2DArray
By Kristoffer Lindstr?m
A lot of the times when working with custom game engines the UI has always been a struggle, both when it comes to usability and performance. To combat this I have worked a lot with GUI rendering in mind when structuring the engine, and with this article I want to share my results.
The focus in this article is the rendering
We will be using Texture2DArray (DirectX 10 feature, pretty sure OpenGL has similar features)
This article will not be a performance comparison with other UI libraries
It is a result of working on a game
No source code/download is available
Some of source code tags will be in lua(ish) code because there is no lua syntax formatter the comments will be // instead of –
Ideas and Different GUI Styles
Immediate and Traditional Mode GUI
Immediate Mode GUI has grown to be quite common nowadays when it comes to realtime applications and for all the right reasons. It is easy to setup and easy to modify but it comes with a price.
// during render (or maybe update but never seen that)
// this will also be drawn in this function, so if we dont call this
// function the buttons does not exist anymore
do_button(“my label”, x, y, function() print(“I got clicked”) end)
Easy to create, modify and remove without restarting etc..
Really easy to make basic GUI elements
Less amount of code to write
Harder to maintain good ordering, so controls behind other controls could get activated instead
Things that require some kind of state and a lot of input data get complicated to implement
Input is usually delivered during game updates and not when rendering, can make for strange behavior when clicking stuff
You tend to pay with performance for better usability
Traditional Mode GUI takes longer to setup and it is hard to change but it tends to be more stable and when it comes to advanced UI controls it can get tricky to implement with immediate mode.
// during some kind of init of a scene for example
local button = create_button(“my label”, x, y)
button:set_callback(function() print(“I got clicked”) end)
// later in render (this will draw all gui elements we have created)
You know about all your controls before you start to draw/update them
Complicated controls with a lot of state and transformation/inheritance gets easier
Input handling gets more natural and stable
A lot more code needed
Hard to modify
Annoying to write and maintain (personal opinion)
For a simple control like a button both of the methods looks good, but for something like a scrollable listbox with a lot of items it can get messy really quick.
The reason I wanted to bring this up is because when using the traditional method the draw_gui function knows about all the GUI elements that will be drawn so it can make optimizations like a better draw order and separate them into groups depending on state changes (texture switches) etc..
The immediate GUI kinda lacks in this department and when rendering a button with text on it, we cannot assume that we can render the button first and then the text later on in another batch.
Mixing Immediate Mode with Traditional Mode
Since I like the Immediate mode GUI but wanted to have the benefits of the non immediate as well I have created a mixed kinda style that allows me to create advanced listboxes, windows, inputboxes while still drawing them in immediate mode.
// here are two versions of the immediate mode that do require an id
// but the id just need to be unique per scene
ui_button(“button-id”, “my label”, onclick):draw(x, y)
ui_button({id = “button-id”, label = “my label”, onclick = print}):draw(x, y)
// this is what you do if you want to create the button beforehand
// this becomes useful when dealing with listboxes and more advanced controls
local button = ui_button({label = “my_label”, onclick = print})
// in both cases the control comes to life when calling the draw function
button:draw(x, y)
Doing the UI in this way gives us all the functionality from the immediate mode, except that if we stop rendering an element we could end up with some state associated with it, but it will disappear and does not receive any further input. So basically we have the per element drawing and control of an element, but we also have a state associated with each control so we can make more advanced controls. This state allows us to poll input in the update loop instead of when rendering, and we can do the hidden update in reverse rendering order giving us the ability to ignore elements hidden under something.
While this is all good we still have the performance problem to tackle, we will do this by using extensive vertex buffering combined with texture arrays and texture sheets of specific sizes.
Technical Goals for the Mixed GUI
To create the Mixed UI system we need to achieve a few technical feats
Being able to have good performance even when elements have a very strange draw order
We cannot modify the draw order
Text and sprites/textures must be rendered without switching shader or adding a new draw calls
To meet these requirements we can conclude that we need a ‘pretty’ good draw_rect routine that can have different properties and textures without creating new draw calls.
Texture Arrays
This is a relatively new feature that allows us to use different textures in a shader depending on an input index that can come from a constant buffer
(this could be simulated with mega textures like 96)
The restriction with a texture array is that all textures in it must have the same width, height and format, so to make it a bit easier to manage I created a texture pool that holds a separate texture array for each combination of (width, height and format). Then I can just query the texture pool using any texture and if that texture has not been used before and does not fit in any of the existing texture arrays, we create a new texture array and load the texture in it and return (id 0) along with binding the new texture array object. If we had asked to bind a second texture with the same size it would just leave the current texture array active but update it with the new texture and return (id 1)
You could improve a lot upon this by merging smaller sized textures to a bigger one and add uv offsets, so you would end up with, let’s say, mostly 24 textures in a long array.
Text Rendering
A specific font is stored on 24 texture and it contains all the different sizes packed as well. So for example calibri normal, bold and italic would be three 24 textures filled with glyphs rendered with various sizes.
An example of a packed font with different sizes, this is far from optimal right now since you can pack bold and italic variants as well and have a better packing
GUI Rendering
This is working in the same way as font rendering by storing all the graphics on a single texture that is 24
Putting it all together
Putting the font and UI rendering together we get x amount of 24 textures that we can put in an array. Then, when we select what texture we want to use, instead of switching textures and creating a new draw call we just insert the texture index to a constantbuffer and with every vertex supply the the index in the constantbuffer that has information about which texture we want to use.
Results of Using the Mixed GUI Implementation
Since this article is aimed at the rendering part of the GUI implementation, I will not put any focus on how the buttons, inputboxes, listboxes, sliders etc… are working. Maybe in another article.
This is an image I rendered from my engine that shows 100 buttons and 10 input boxes, the most interesting part is the number of draw calls made and the vertex count.
Attached Image: mixed_texture_with_text.png
draw calls for complete scene = 5
vertex count for complete scene = 8336
Here you can see switching from different text sizes have no impact on draw calls either
Attached Image: tex_renderingt.png
draw calls for complete scene = 5 (same as before)
vertex count for complete scene = 3374
This button & inputbox image was composed using code chunks like this one
// the push and pop is a stack system of render states and in this case
// it keeps the translation local to between them
for i = 1, 10, 1 do
// this is the only place that knows about this textbox
// it is not created in some init function, but we need the id
// so it can keep track of itself the next time it gets drawn
// after the first call the ui_textbox function will return the same
ui_inputbox({id = i, value = string.format(“input #%i”, i)}):draw()
// this will adjust each element 40 units down from the last one
add_translation(0, 40)
// ui_textbox draw function would then look something like this
function draw(self)
local width = self.width
local height = self.height
set_blend_color(1, 1, 1, 1)
// set texture for complete gui texture sheet
draw_rect(…) // here the uv data would go in to grab the right part
// set font, and this will trigger another set_texture internally
set_text_align(0, 0.5)
// this function is essentialy just calling multiple
// draw rects internally for each character to be drawn
draw_text_area(text, 0, 0, width, height)
Implementation in C++ Using HLSL Shaders
Here we bind a texture object to the renderer and it will check in the active texture pool what texture is currently being used and either flush or just swap the active texture index
void IntermediateRenderer::bind_texture(Texture * texture)
// this is a texture pool that contains several arrays of similar sized textures
// lets say we want to bind texture A and that texture already exists in in the pool
// then if we have a different array bounded we must flush but otherwise we just use
// another index for the next operations since texture A was already in the
// current active array texture
auto mat = materials.get_active_state();
if (texture == NULL)
// we dont need to unbind anything just reduce the impact of the texture to 0
mat-&texture_alpha = 0.0f;
unsigned int texture_index = 0;
if (texture_pool.bind(texture, &texture_index, std::bind(&IntermediateRenderer::flush, this)))
// this means we flushed
// this will start a new draw call
// refresh the state, usually means we grab the first
// material index again (0)
mat = materials.get_active_state();
// just set the constant buffer values
// and unless we flushed nothing will change
// we will just continue to build our vertex buffer
mat-&texture_index = reinterpret_cast&float&(texture_index);
mat-&texture_alpha = 1.0f;
Since we do use bitmap font rendering we can use the same rendering function when drawing a letter, as when we would draw any other textured rect. So the next step would be to create a function to render this textured rect efficiently.
Here is my implementation in c++ for rendering a simple rect. RECT_DESC just holds attributes like position, width, color and uv coordinates. It is also important to note that model_id and mat_id will be included in each vertex in the format DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT
void IntermediateRenderer::draw_rect(const RECT_DESC & desc)
// this will switch what buffers we are pushing data to
// so even if we switch from trianglelist to linelist
// we dont need to flush but the rendering order will be wrong
// here we just get the currently active material and model states
// model contains transformation data
auto mat_id = materials.use_active_state();
auto model_id = models.use_active_state();
push_stream_ids(6, model_id, mat_id);
// currently I am not using any index list, but might do in the future if I feel
// I could benefit from it
// its important to keep these sizes known at compile time
// so we dont need to allocate temporary space on the heap somewhere
Vector3 position_data[6] =
Vector3(desc.x, desc.y, 0),
Vector3(desc.x + desc.width, desc.y, 0),
Vector3(desc.x, desc.y + desc.height, 0),
Vector3(desc.x, desc.y + desc.height, 0),
Vector3(desc.x + desc.width, desc.y, 0),
Vector3(desc.x + desc.width, desc.y + desc.height, 0)
Vector2 texcoord_data[6] =
Vector2(desc.u1, desc.v1),
Vector2(desc.u2, desc.v1),
Vector2(desc.u1, desc.v2),
Vector2(desc.u1, desc.v2),
Vector2(desc.u2, desc.v1),
Vector2(desc.u2, desc.v2)
// i will switch this from float4 to an unsigned int
// in the future so each vertex becomes much smaller
// the desc.color_top and desc.color_bottom are already
// uint32 formats
Vector4 ctop(desc.color_top);
Vector4 cbottom(desc.color_bottom);
Vector4 color_data[6] =
// this will just copy in our stack data to the vertex buffers
Then later in the shader we use the material id that is located in each vertex and lookup the material from the Material constant buffer.
// instead of a normal array, we use an array of textures
Texture2DArray Texture : register(t0);
// each material is 8 floats
struct Material
float texture_
float texture_
// padding
// padding
// by having 256 different material at the same time
// we can draw 256 different entities in only one draw call
cbuffer MaterialBuffer : register(b0)
Material material[256];
struct Vertex
float4 position : SV_P
float3 vposition : Position0;
float3 normal : Normal0;
float2 uv : Texcoord0;
float4 color : Color0;
// this is how we control what material
// to use for what vertex, its only 1 byte in size
// for a value range of 0-255
uint material_id : Color1;
Result main(Vertex input)
// lookup material
Material mat = material[input.material_id];
// read from the right texture
float4 texel = Texture.Sample(Sampler, float3(input.uv, mat.texture_index));
//… rest of shader
Libraries used
Window and input was done just using WINAPI
Font rendering was done using freetype2
I presented the theory and some code for my approach to render a real time GUI, this is far from everyone’s need but I think it could prove useful to other engine tinkerers. By using Texture2DArray we created a system to prevent creating new draw calls when switching textures and by packing the fonts in the same manner as the GUI graphic we could draw text and art at the same time.
I am well aware that this article does not include everything about the mixed immediate UI but if people are interested I might create an article about that as well.(source:)
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