
秋冬季节眼睛容易干燥疲劳,尤其是久看电视会导致视色素消耗过多,眼睛越发干涩难忍,严重者还会影响柱细胞感光能力,在黄昏或夜间看不清东西.除了多吃点含维生素A的食物,关键还在于电视影像的清晰度,甜果时光高清电视拥有的高像素清晰度足以让人舒适的观看,哪怕是小字也能清晰展现,电视画面不再模糊不清,眼睛看起来也不会太费力,缓解看电视时的眼睛疲劳程度. &(字节数: 584) [原创
15:49:01]&&去年用600元/年装了某宽带的4M速率,觉得挺优惠,白天网速凑合,一到晚上连打开网页都蜗牛似的,报故障的电话都打了多次。在这慢宽带还有4个月到期的时候,有次去朋友家串门,蹭了下她家的珠江宽频WIFI,感觉网速很快,马上就致电969368进行报装,没想到还真有信号覆盖到我那,还不用另外拉网线,直接通过家里的电视线就可以了。980元/年15M的极速宽带,加100元还可以换购4个月!同时还享受了“转网用户(非联通品牌的他网宽带用户)可凭他网单据,获得1-3个月的转网优惠补贴。”的优惠,我符合3个月的条件,...&(字节数: 853) [原创
12:16:48]&&近年底了,新房子要收楼了。又是忙着置办家具电器的时候了,听人说,珠江数码的甜果时光高清互动电视,能够支持大屏幕的高清播放,所以我专门挑了一套50多寸的高清电视,等到收楼的时候,一并报装甜果时光的高清互动,让一家人好好享受一下高清的视频享受。过年的时候还可以围在一起,看看高清春晚,那感觉真是……倍爽呀!&(字节数: 449) [原创
14:44:17]&&随着广电总局的一纸文书,网络机顶盒基本已经接近宣告终结,选来选去还是用甜果时光放心划算.如果说广电总局是网络机顶盒全国市场的终结者,甜果时光则堪称广州地区的网络机顶盒终结者.首先从直播节目的清晰度和流畅度来说,网络机顶盒根本就没有正规的电视直播频道,只能通过各种手段装上视频聚合平台,已经遭到广电总局封杀,且画质惨不忍睹.甜果时光画面的清晰度和流畅度都有保证,从几个体育高清频道的画面细节就可以显出明显优势.其次丰富的点播资源虽然是网络机顶盒的强项,但甜果时光也有自己的点播平台,且资源更...&(字节数: 1280) [原创
14:34:50]&&2015全新升级后的珠江宽频再次刷新广州宽带产品最低资费,而且针对用户的不同需求提供了更精细化的宽带定位。比如对网络需求一般的用户,除去基本上网需求,平时也会观看高清电影等,那么选择珠江宽频15M宽带,实惠的价格加上流畅的网络,带给用户满意的感受。再比如对网速要求较高的重度互联网用户,如大型网络游戏玩家、网络电商的店家等,则可选择25M宽带产品,相较于目前同等资费宽带产品,珠江宽频25M宽带的带宽更高,速度最快,能全面支持重度互联网用户日常上网需要,让用户花一样的钱,享更好的宽带速率。&(字节数: 785) [原创
17:33:04]&&15年春运的时候身边很多用珠江宽频的朋友都感叹用珠江宽频抢火车票真给力,一抢一个准.还有几个月又是春运,又面临拼网速的时候了,去年没抢到票的朋友都打算转网用珠江宽频了,不仅每年网费便宜,提速后的15M和25M带宽也非常给力,关键是春运抢票会更给力,自己抢票轻松,帮朋友抢票也无压力,用珠江宽频,大家都可以回家过年了!&(字节数: 530) [原创
11:58:10]&&因为住址更换需要移机甜果时光高清机顶盒,所以首先需要知道甜果时光机顶盒使用的新地址是否具备开通条件,咨询969368客服就能确定.确认符合开通条件后,带新旧地址有线电视的户主身份证原件和复印件到迁入地的珠江数码营业厅办理移机手续,缴纳50元移机安装调试费后珠江数码技术人员上门安装就完成移机了. &(字节数: 498) [原创
7:40:10]&&近两年珠江宽频主推15M和25M宽带业务,带宽速率比以前提升数倍,稳定性也有了质的改变.珠江宽频引进推广的CCMTS下移技术,从前端机房下移到每个小区或者每栋楼,扩容了宽带容量,提速也就是必然了.CCMTS其实就是完成反向上行的传输,以前的光机反向上行是在前端机房完成传输,新一代的技术就是将CCMTS设备反向上行传输下移到小区或者每栋楼,因此从本质上提升了珠江宽频带宽的速率及稳定性.&(字节数: 607) [原创
8:25:14]&&早先的几年还是BTCHINA和电驴疯狂的年代,网络电影电视剧和游戏基本上是信手拈来,尤其是电影电视剧,基本上各大BT网站随处下载,而那时候的宽带速度也局限2M左右,现在网络发达了,但那些电影电视剧的下载资源却越来越少,其实并不奇怪。这些年来随着网络电视和智能电视的兴起,行业内也不断推陈出新,大力倡导正版影视资源的传播和使用,使得国人对于正版影视资源的逐步依赖性。甜果时光就是在这样的一个环境下诞生,充满众多精彩的影视资源,各大院线的电影不出2月必在甜果时光闪亮登场,人们不再为了资源到处寻找了。&(字节数: 796) [原创
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Slideshow:To get everyone ready for Sunday's Academy Awards, we take a look back at the worst fashions to walk previous Oscar red carpets.We've all made fashion mistakes, but our mistakes usually aren't viewed and discussed by people all across the U.S. To get everyone ready for Sunday's Academy Awards, we take a look back at the worst fashions to walk previous Oscar red carpets.SLIDESHOWMarriage is coming after the baby carriage for Kim&Kardashian and Kanye&West.& The couple got engaged at the AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants.& Check out these photos of the two through the years.Marriage is coming after the baby carriage for Kim&Kardashian and Kanye&West.& The couple got engaged in front of family and friends at the AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants.& Check out these photos of the two through the years.SlideshowThink you know the most successful NFL franchises? Click now to see if your favorite team is among the best.Think you know the most successful NFL franchises? Click now to see if your favorite team is among the best.Higher education is certainly an opportunity to study and learn, but college can also be the most fun four years in someone's life. Business Insider compiled the top 20 most fun colleges in America.Higher education is certainly an opportunity to study and learn, but college can also be the most fun four years in someone's life. Business Insider looked at 10 categories from the Princeton Review's 2014 college rankings to compile the top 20 most fun colleges in America.
SLIDESHOW(AP Photo/Matt Sayles)Though most famous for her role as Bella Swan in the Twilight saga, Kristen Stewart has been working as an actor since being discovered at age 8 by a talent scout during a grade school Christmas play.Though most famous for her role as Bella Swan in the Twilight saga, Kristen Stewart has been working as an actor since being discovered at age 8 by a talent scout during her grade school performance in a Christmas play.SlideshowCarInsurance.com has released it's list of the most favorite and least favorite license plates in America. Here's the top 10 on either end of the list.CarInsurance.com has released it's list of the most favorite and least favorite license plates in America. Here's the top 10 on either end of the list.SLIDESHOWUrban myth or not, hundreds of places across the United States are said to be haunted. Check 25 of the most haunted places in America as listed by USA Today, the Travel Channel and Time Magazine.Urban myth or not, hundreds of places across the United States are said to be haunted.& Check&25 of the most haunted places in America as listed by USA Today, the Travel Channel and Time Magazine.SlideshowSure! We love the big holidays, but these unusual holidays might inspire you to create some new traditions each month.Sure! We love the big holidays, but these unusual holidays might inspire you to create some new traditions each month.
(Source: WISN via CNN)VIDEOPortland police have arrested a man they say shoved an elderly woman against a parked car and then walked away. MORE: Portland police have arrested a man they say shoved an elderly woman against a parked car and then walked away. MORE: TimbersThe Timbers have won 15 straight home openers with a 3-2 victory over Minnesota to open up their 2018 campaign at Providence Park.&The Timbers have won 15 straight home openers with a 3-2 victory over Minnesota to open up their 2018 campaign at Providence Park.&Four people are dead in three states after a deadly crime spree, at the root of which is an incestuous relationship.Four people are dead in three states after a deadly crime spree, at the root of which is an incestuous relationship.
(Meredith)(Meredith)Police in Los Angeles have confiscated $700,000 worth of bootleg makeup after discovering they contained animal feces, bacteria and human waste.Police in Los Angeles have confiscated $700,000 worth of bootleg makeup after discovering they contained animal feces, bacteria and human waste.(Meredith)(Meredith)Rose Acre Farms is recalling more than 206 million eggs in nine states after discovering they have the potential to be infected with Salmonella.Rose Acre Farms is recalling more than 206 million eggs in nine states after discovering they have the potential to be infected with Salmonella.(Unsplash)The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner than those who drink less.The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner than those who drink less.(Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP). Illusionist David Copperfield, center, looks on during opening statements in a civil trial at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas on Friday, April 13, 2018.An attorney for a British man who says he slipped, fell and injured while he participated in a disappearing illusion at magician David Copperfield's Las Vegas show says the act was "an accident waiting to happen.".An attorney for a British man who says he slipped, fell and injured while he participated in a disappearing illusion at magician David Copperfield's Las Vegas show says the act was "an accident waiting to happen.".(CNN)(CNN)A Michigan man is out on bail after police said he fired a shotgun at a teenager who had stopped at his house to ask directions.A Michigan man is out on bail after police said he fired a shotgun at a teenager who had stopped at his house to ask directions.Image: KPTVTwo men were killed and a third man was injured in a shooting outside a Salem bar early Saturday morning.&Two men were killed and a third man was injured in a shooting outside a Salem bar early Saturday morning.&(CNN)(CNN)It&s not just Visa. American Express, Discover, and Mastercard are also ditching signatures.It&s not just Visa. American Express, Discover, and Mastercard are also ditching signatures.Pyrosomes. Photo: Hilarie SorensenPyrosomes. Photo: Hilarie SorensenStrange sea creatures called pyrosomes continue to be found in the water&on the Oregon coast.Strange sea creatures called pyrosomes continue to be found in the water&on the Oregon coast.A 3.2 magnitude&earthquake near Salem hit&around 8:45 p.m. Saturday.&&A 3.2 magnitude&earthquake near Salem hit&around 8:45 p.m. Saturday.&&Clackamas County Deputies arrested a man in connection with a nail gun assault at a Happy Valley construction site.Clackamas County Deputies arrested a man in connection with a nail gun assault at a Happy Valley construction site.Portland, OR News, Weather, Traffic, Sports | Oregon - KPTV - FOX 12
Portland, OR News, Weather, Traffic, Sports | Oregon - KPTV - FOX 12
Thank you for visiting KPTV.com's Closures and Delays. Below is a list of closures and delays being reported for today. Reporting school districts are listed by county and private schools and universities are listed under "Private." If your school is not listed, the district is not reporting any delays or closures at this time. Will you need to get closures out to the public this winter? The Portland news media get their closure messages from a news clearinghouse. Visit
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Deputies said 24-year-old Tobias Helms-Reese and 21-year-old Tyler Longacre both died from gunshot wounds.
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A family spokesman says former first lady Barbara Bush is in &failing health& and won't seek additional medical treatment.
KPTV file image
According to the Portland Police Bureau, officers were called to the 6100 block of Southeast Holgate Boulevard at 3:15 a.m. Sunday morning.
President Donald Trump has announced that the U.S., France and Britain together launched military strikes in Syria.
A quiet neighborhood in southeast Portland became an intense scene for Portland Police Bureau officers Saturday morning. Police tell FOX 12 a man who was asleep with a gun in a stolen truck woke up and led them on a chase.
A 3.2 magnitude&earthquake near Salem hit&around 8:45 p.m. Saturday.&&
Police said at around 11:15 p.m. Friday, 26-year-old Carl Hollingquest went up to a woman sitting in her SUV in her driveway, told her he had a weapon and demanded the SUV.
Image: KPTV
Police are searching for a suspect after a marijuana shop robbery in southwest Portland.
Image: KPTV
The Rose Festival Court made its first public appearance Saturday at the annual Blessing of the Festival and Memorial Service. VIDEO
Portland police have arrested a man they say shoved an elderly woman against a parked car and then walked away. MORE:
Photo released by Oregon State Police
A Grants Pass man attempting to pass a dump truck died in a crash on Highway 260, according to police.&
Image: KPTV
Evan Turner has been honored with the Maurice Lucas Award, the Trail Blazers announced this week.&
Clackamas County Deputies arrested a man in connection with a nail gun assault at a Happy Valley construction site.
Portland Police are looking for a person they found sleeping in a stolen car with a gun.
Director Milos Forman, known for his work on Oscar-winning films &One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest& and &Amadeus,& has died, his agent said. He was 86 years old.
KPTV photo.
Die-hard Timbers fans hoping to be first in line Saturday&and for all future home games&will have to get creative.&
Hart family photo from family friend (KPTV)The Latest on a family who went over a California cliff in their SUV (all times local):
KPTV photo.
Thousands of young adults&many unemployed&met with local and national employers Friday in Portland&s Lloyd District.
Image: KPTV
The Washington County Sheriff's Office is investigating a shooting that happened in Aloha early Friday morning.&
Image: KPTV
A motorcyclist died in a crash in Fairview on Friday night.
Image: KPTV
Tulip farms are&seeing a double-edge sword effect, so to speak. The cool weather is keeping the flowers in bloom longer, but it has also been keeping some folks away from taking in the sights.&
(CNN / Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment)(CNN / Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment)After a wobbly start, Dwayne Johnson muscled his way to a No. 1 opening for &Rampage& & but just barely.After a wobbly start, Dwayne Johnson muscled his way to a No. 1 opening for &Rampage& & but just barely.(AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)(AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)Former first lady Barbara Bush is in failing health, a source close to the Bush family tells CNN.Former first lady Barbara Bush is in failing health, a source close to the Bush family tells CNN.(AP Photo/Chris O'Meara, File)As the second anniversary of Prince's death approaches, his heirs have yet to collect a dollar of his estimated $200 million estate. But bankers, lawyers and consultants have earned millions from it.As the second anniversary of Prince's death approaches, his heirs have yet to collect a dollar of his estimated $200 million estate. But bankers, lawyers and consultants have earned millions from it.(AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)(AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)Boston marked the fifth anniversary of the deadly Boston Marathon bombings Sunday with solemn remembrances and charitable acts.Boston marked the fifth anniversary of the deadly Boston Marathon bombings Sunday with solemn remembrances and charitable acts.Buyers beware! Sometimes when you spot a good makeup deal, it's too good to be true. The Los Angeles Police Department says it confiscated counterfeit makeup that tested positive for high levels of bacteria and animal waste.Buyers beware! Sometimes when you spot a good makeup deal, it's too good to be true. The Los Angeles Police Department says it confiscated counterfeit makeup that tested positive for high levels of bacteria and animal waste.(CNN)(CNN)Eighty people were displaced and three adults and a child suffered minor smoke inhalation injuries after multiple fires broke out at an apartment complex in Anaheim Saturday night.Eighty people were displaced and three adults and a child suffered minor smoke inhalation injuries after multiple fires broke out at an apartment complex in Anaheim Saturday night.(CNN)(CNN)Beyonc& performed for throngs of screaming fans Saturday night at Coachella after a year's wait. Excited fans had a new nickname for this year's festival: Beychella.Beyonc& performed for throngs of screaming fans Saturday night at Coachella after a year's wait. Excited fans had a new nickname for this year's festival: Beychella.(CNN)(CNN)A Michigan man is out on bail after police said he fired a shotgun at a teenager who had stopped at his house to ask directions.A Michigan man is out on bail after police said he fired a shotgun at a teenager who had stopped at his house to ask directions.
(Meredith)(Meredith)Police in Los Angeles have confiscated $700,000 worth of bootleg makeup after discovering they contained animal feces, bacteria and human waste.Police in Los Angeles have confiscated $700,000 worth of bootleg makeup after discovering they contained animal feces, bacteria and human waste.(Meredith)(Meredith)Rose Acre Farms is recalling more than 206 million eggs in nine states after discovering they have the potential to be infected with Salmonella.Rose Acre Farms is recalling more than 206 million eggs in nine states after discovering they have the potential to be infected with Salmonella.(Unsplash)The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner than those who drink less.The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner than those who drink less.(Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP). Illusionist David Copperfield, center, looks on during opening statements in a civil trial at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas on Friday, April 13, 2018.An attorney for a British man who says he slipped, fell and injured while he participated in a disappearing illusion at magician David Copperfield's Las Vegas show says the act was "an accident waiting to happen.".An attorney for a British man who says he slipped, fell and injured while he participated in a disappearing illusion at magician David Copperfield's Las Vegas show says the act was "an accident waiting to happen.".(CNN)(CNN)A Michigan man is out on bail after police said he fired a shotgun at a teenager who had stopped at his house to ask directions.A Michigan man is out on bail after police said he fired a shotgun at a teenager who had stopped at his house to ask directions.Image: KPTVTwo men were killed and a third man was injured in a shooting outside a Salem bar early Saturday morning.&Two men were killed and a third man was injured in a shooting outside a Salem bar early Saturday morning.&(CNN)(CNN)It&s not just Visa. American Express, Discover, and Mastercard are also ditching signatures.It&s not just Visa. American Express, Discover, and Mastercard are also ditching signatures.Pyrosomes. Photo: Hilarie SorensenPyrosomes. Photo: Hilarie SorensenStrange sea creatures called pyrosomes continue to be found in the water&on the Oregon coast.Strange sea creatures called pyrosomes continue to be found in the water&on the Oregon coast.
Image: KPTVImage: KPTVPolice are searching for a suspect after a marijuana shop robbery in southwest Portland.Police are searching for a suspect after a marijuana shop robbery in southwest Portland.Surveillance image: Autolane/KPTVSurveillance image: Autolane/KPTVA pair of wanted suspects were caught on camera stealing expensive truck parts from Autolane in southeast Portland.&A pair of wanted suspects were caught on camera stealing expensive truck parts from Autolane in southeast Portland.&KPTV file imagePolice are searching for suspects in the shooting deaths of three bald eagles south of Albany in the Tangent area.&Police are searching for suspects in the shooting deaths of three bald eagles south of Albany in the Tangent area.&KPTV file imageKPTV file imagePolice are searching for suspects who drove away from the scene of a stabbing in northeast Portland.Police are searching for suspects who drove away from the scene of a stabbing in northeast Portland.Image: KPTVImage: KPTVMultiple food carts were burglarized in Beaverton and the suspect is on the loose.&Multiple food carts were burglarized in Beaverton and the suspect is on the loose.&KPTV imageA Salem school is struggling to transport kids to and from local schools after one of their vans was stolen from their parking lot earlier this week.A Salem school is struggling to transport kids to and from local schools after one of their vans was stolen from their parking lot earlier this week.A marijuana shop theft suspect was identified by Beaverton police as Devonte Gregory Stewart. (Images: Beaverton PD/KPTV)Beaverton police are searching for a suspect who swiped a jar of marijuana worth $1,000 from a shop Saturday morning.&Beaverton police are searching for a suspect who swiped a jar of marijuana worth $1,000 from a shop Saturday morning.&Surveillance imageSurveillance imageA Salem man is hoping someone has seen his car that was stolen from an apartment complex with his&tools and his National Guard uniform and boots inside.A Salem man is hoping someone has seen his car that was stolen from an apartment complex with his&tools and his National Guard uniform and boots inside.
TimbersThe Timbers have won 15 straight home openers with a 3-2 victory over Minnesota to open up their 2018 campaign at Providence Park.&The Timbers have won 15 straight home openers with a 3-2 victory over Minnesota to open up their 2018 campaign at Providence Park.&BeaversNew Oregon State football head coach Jonathan Smith brought his squad to the new turf at Mountainside High School in Beaverton for an open scrimmage in the Dam City Showcase.&New Oregon State football head coach Jonathan Smith brought his squad to the new turf at Mountainside High School in Beaverton for an open scrimmage in the Dam City Showcase.&Image: KPTVImage: KPTVEvan Turner has been honored with the Maurice Lucas Award, the Trail Blazers announced this week.&Evan Turner has been honored with the Maurice Lucas Award, the Trail Blazers announced this week.&Oregon Duck basketball signee Bol Bol notched a 12 point, 14 rebound and 7 block night at the 21st Nike Hoop Summit.&Oregon Duck basketball signee Bol Bol notched a 12 point, 14 rebound and 7 block night at the 21st Nike Hoop Summit.&TimbersNow in his eighth season in Portland, Diego Chara has become a fan favorite and team leader. He's also a proud papa to two little girls. Fox 12's Nick Krupke went one-on-one with the Mr. Smiles.&Now in his eighth season in Portland, Diego Chara has become a fan favorite and team leader. He's also a proud papa to two little girls. Fox 12's Nick Krupke went one-on-one with the Mr. Smiles.&TimbersAfter a five-match road trip to open up their 2018 campaign, the Portland Timbers finally return home to Providence Park. Fox 12's Nick Krupke went one-on-one with PTFC head man Gio Savarese.&After a five-match road trip to open up their 2018 campaign, the Portland Timbers finally return home to Providence Park. Fox 12's Nick Krupke went one-on-one with PTFC head man Gio Savarese.&(KPTV)(KPTV)Damian Lillard had 36 points and 10 assists and the Portland Trail Blazers snapped a four-game losing streak with a 102-93 victory over the Utah Jazz Wednesday night to earn the Northwest Division title.&Damian Lillard had 36 points and 10 assists and the Portland Trail Blazers snapped a four-game losing streak with a 102-93 victory over the Utah Jazz Wednesday night to earn the Northwest Division title.&Kaia Alexander (KPTV)Kaia Alexander (KPTV)For every single athlete at South Salem High School, they have to Google the accolades and achievements of track and field throws coach Dave Johnson. The bronze medalist from the Barcelona Olympics is passing his knowledge to a young national champion javelin thrower for the Saxons.&For every single athlete at South Salem High School, they have to Google the accolades and achievements of track and field throws coach Dave Johnson. The bronze medalist from the Barcelona Olympics is passing his knowledge to a young national champion javelin thrower for the Saxons.&FOX 12 wants to do YOUR job! Let us know what you do for work and why you want to see us do it.&FOX 12 wants to do YOUR job! Let us know what you do for work and why you want to see us do it.&Do you know of someone who is making a positive difference in their community? They could be featured as part of a 'Be the Change' story on FOX 12. Fill out the nomination form.Do you know of someone who is making a positive difference in their community? They could be featured as part of a 'Be the Change' story on FOX 12. Fill out the nomination form.While you may already use Amazon's Alexa voice assistant for playing music, turning on your lights or ordering your favorite goodies, did you know you can also use it to hear the latest news from FOX 12 Oregon?While you may already use Amazon's Alexa voice assistant for playing music, turning on your lights or ordering your favorite goodies, did you know you can also use it to hear the latest news from FOX 12 Oregon?
President Donald Trump is again calling former FBI Director James Comey a "slimeball" ahead of the publication of his new book.President Donald Trump is again calling former FBI Director James Comey a "slimeball" ahead of the publication of his new book.(AP Photo/Wade Payne). A person walks along the track in the rain before a NASCAR Cup Series auto race, Sunday, April 15, 2018, in Bristol, Tenn.NASCAR is still hoping the Cup Series race at Bristol Motor Speedway will be run on Sunday.NASCAR is still hoping the Cup Series race at Bristol Motor Speedway will be run on Sunday.Milos Forman, Oscar-winning director of "Cuckoo's Nest," "Amadeus," dies at 86.Milos Forman, Oscar-winning director of "Cuckoo's Nest," "Amadeus," dies at 86.(AP Photo). This combination photo shows, from left, Carrie Underwood, Bebe Rexha, Keith Urban and Julia Michaels who will perform at the Academy of Country Music Awards on Sunday, April 15 in Las Vegas.Country music is making a major return to Las Vegas with the 2018 ACM Awards, six months after a lone gunman killed 58 people at a country music festival in the nation's deadliest mass shooting.Country music is making a major return to Las Vegas with the 2018 ACM Awards, six months after a lone gunman killed 58 people at a country music festival in the nation's deadliest mass shooting.(AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh, File). FILE - In this Aug. 7, 2001, file photo, The Cars lead singer Ric Ocasek, right, guitar Elliot Easton perform during the Lollapalooza music festival at Grant Park in Chicago. Boston-based The Cars, who combined New Wave and...Bon Jovi, the Cars and four first-time nominees, including Nina Simone, will be inducted as the 2018 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame class.Bon Jovi, the Cars and four first-time nominees, including Nina Simone, will be inducted as the 2018 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame class.(AP Photo/File). FILE - In a July 14, 1955, file photo, Zsa Zsa Gabor arrives at London Airport from Paris, in a Crimson dress and a straw hat. An auction of late actress Zsa Zsa Gabor’s personal items, including scripts, costumes, jewelry and other it...Costumes, memorabilia and other items owned by late actress Zsa Zsa Gabor have sold at auction for more than $909,000.Costumes, memorabilia and other items owned by late actress Zsa Zsa Gabor have sold at auction for more than $909,000.( AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File). FILE - In this Nov. 4, 2016 file photo, Beyonce, center, and Jay-Z perform during a Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton campaign rally in Cleveland. Beyonce performed a 2-hour set at Coachella, Saturday, Apr...Beyonce's headlining set at Coachella may have been delayed by a year, but it did not disappoint.Beyonce's headlining set at Coachella may have been delayed by a year, but it did not disappoint.(AP Photo/Darron Cummings). In this Thursday, April 12, 2018, photo, Center for Ray Bradbury Studies director Jonathan Eller points out the location of Gale Crater on the Mars globe, in Indianapolis. The globe presented to Ray Bradbury for his support ...A vast trove of manuscripts, correspondence and memorabilia that science fiction-fantasy writer Ray Bradbury amassed during his more than 70-year career is headed into a yearslong undertaking to sort and preserve...A vast trove of manuscripts, correspondence and memorabilia that science fiction-fantasy writer Ray Bradbury amassed during his more than 70-year career is headed into a yearslong undertaking to sort and preserve his legacy for the ages.
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SLIDESHOWImages of Mother Nature's wrath leave many people in awe.& Check out some of the most amazing snapshots of all kinds of storms and the destruction left behind.Images of Mother Nature's wrath leave many people in awe.& Check out some of the most amazing snapshots of all kinds of storms and the destruction left behind.LOOKIt's hard to beat the beauty of the 2018 Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Woodburn.&It's hard to beat the beauty of the 2018 Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Woodburn.&SlideshowThousands of people are&participating&in the March for Our Lives rally and march in downtown Portland Saturday.Thousands of people are&participating&in the March for Our Lives rally and march in downtown Portland Saturday.Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and local chocolate shops are already preparing for the big day..Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and local chocolate shops are already preparing for the big day..The Coast Guard crew was responding to a different call when they received word of a possible plane crash.The Coast Guard crew was responding to a different call when they received word of a possible plane crash.IMAGESA car lot fire at Northeast 75th Avenue&and Northeast Killingsworth Street grew to five alarms Monday and sent thick dark smoke billowing through the metro area.A car lot fire at Northeast 75th Avenue&and Northeast Killingsworth Street grew to five alarms Monday and sent thick dark smoke billowing through the metro area.PHOTOSImages from Air 12 and FOX 12 photographer Michael Heinrich show the Portland area blanketed in snow on Wednesday morning. (2/21/18)Images from Air 12 and FOX 12 photographer Michael Heinrich show the Portland area blanketed in snow on Wednesday morning. (2/21/18)VIEWER PHOTOSFOX 12 viewers shared their photos of snow on Tuesday.FOX 12 viewers shared their photos of snow on Tuesday.SlideshowViewers in the Portland metro area, Salem and southwest Washington shared photos of the snow that hit the region Sunday.&Viewers in the Portland metro area, Salem and southwest Washington shared photos of the snow that hit the region Sunday.&SlideshowViewers in the Portland metro area, Salem and southwest Washington shared photos of the snow that hit the region Sunday.&Viewers in the Portland metro area, Salem and southwest Washington shared photos of the snow that hit the region Sunday.&
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