
看来步行街年薪人人30万,不能在这发帖,楼下有人我这是我等loser干的事,美帝的留学生们,麻烦你们下次去超市的时候,照个照片,来发出来给我们看看美帝的生活,一直骂我算怎么回事,我不在美帝,我也只能从网上找一些发超市图片的来看看,你们爱怎么骂就怎么骂吧2013年世界人均GDP排名(IMF数据库日发布)排名 国家/地区 人均GDP(美元)&001 卢森堡 110424&002 挪 威 100318&003 卡塔尔 100260&—— 中国澳门 87306&004 瑞 士 81324&005 澳大利亚 64863&006 丹 麦 59191&007 瑞 典 57909&008 新加坡 54776&009 美 国 53101&010 加拿大 51990&011 奥地利 48957&012 科威特 47639&013 荷 兰 47634&014 芬 兰 47129&—— 大洋洲 46270&015 爱尔兰 45621&016 冰 岛 45536&017 比利时 45384&018 德 国 44999&019 阿联酋 43876&020 法 国 43000&021 新西兰 40481&022 汶 莱 39943&023 英 国 39567&024 日 本 38491&025 中国香港 37777&—— 北美洲 37613&026 以色列 37035&027 意大利 34715&028 西班牙 29150&—— 欧 洲 28519&029 巴 林 27435&030 阿 曼 25289&031 沙 特 24847&032 塞浦路斯 24761&033 韩 国 24329&034 巴哈马 23489&035 马耳他 22872&036 斯洛文尼亚 22756&037 希 腊 21857&038 中国台湾 20930&039 葡萄牙 20728&040 特立尼达 20611&041 赤道几内亚 20572&042 爱沙尼亚 19032&043 捷 克 18858&044 斯洛伐克 17706&045 乌拉圭 16609&046 立陶宛 16003&047 智 利 15776&048 巴巴多斯 15373&049 拉脱维亚 15205&050 塞舌尔 15046&051 俄罗斯 14819&052 帕 劳 14022&053 安提瓜 13838&054 克罗地亚 13562&055 匈牙利 13405&056 波 兰 13394&057 圣 尼 13115&058 哈萨克斯坦 12843&059 委内瑞拉 12472&060 加 蓬 12302&061 阿根廷 11766&062 巴 西 11311&063 利比亚 11046&064 vbhjk 10839&065 土耳其 10815&066 墨西哥 10630&067 马来西亚 10548&—— 世 界 10516&068 哥斯达黎加 10433&—— 南美洲 10371&069 黎巴嫩 9920&070 苏里南 9240&071 毛里求斯 9160&072&尼亚 8910&073 哥伦比亚 8098&074 阿塞拜疆 7900&075 圣卢西亚 7801&076 格林纳达 7697&077 白俄罗斯 7577&078 保加利亚 7328&079 博茨瓦纳 7136&080 土库曼 7112&081 多米尼克 7034&082 黑 山 7026&083 马尔代夫 6765&084 中 国 6747&085 秘 鲁 6674&086 南 非 6621&087 伊拉克 6594&088 圣 格 6563&—— 亚 洲 5855&089 厄瓜多尔 5968&090 塞尔维亚 5907&091 安哥拉 5846&092 多米尼加 5834&093 泰 国 5674&094 纳米比亚 5667&095 阿尔及利亚 5438&096 东帝汶 5177&097 约 旦 5174&098 牙买加 5134&099 马其顿 4944&100 伊 朗 4751&101 阿尔巴尼亚 4610&102 斐 济 4606&103 汤 加 4605&104 伯利兹 4602&105 波 黑 4598&106 突尼斯 4345&107 巴拉圭 4170&108 蒙 古 3972&109 乌克兰 3919&110 萨尔瓦多 3875&111 佛得角 3837&112 萨摩亚 3832&113 圭亚那 3729&114 格鲁吉亚 3605&115 危地马拉 3513&116 印 尼 3510&117 图瓦卢 3405&118 斯威士兰 3313&119 刚果(布) 3295&120 马绍尔群岛 3234&121 埃 及 3226&122 密克罗尼西亚群岛 3215&123 亚美尼亚 3208&124 摩洛哥 3199&125 斯里兰卡 3162&126 瓦努阿图 3082&127 菲律宾 2790&128 玻利维亚 2700&129 不 丹 2665&130 洪都拉斯 2323&131 巴布亚新几内亚 2283&—— 摩尔多瓦 2229&132 苏 丹 2040&133 非 洲 1922&134 所罗门群岛 1950&135 越 南 1902&136 乌兹别克 1868&137 尼加拉瓜 1840&138 加 纳 1730&139 尼日利亚 1692&140 圣 普 1612&141 吉布提 1595&142 基里巴斯 1571&143 赞比亚 1542&144 印 度 1505&145 老 挝 1477&146 也 门 1469&147 巴基斯坦 1308&148 吉尔吉斯 1280&149 喀麦隆 1271&150 南苏丹 1262&151 乍 得 1218&152 莱索托 1194&153 科特迪瓦 1175&154 毛里塔尼亚 1127&155 塞内加尔 1073&156 塔吉克 1045&157 肯尼亚 1016&158 柬埔寨 1016&159 津巴布韦 987&160 科摩罗 920&161 孟加拉国 904&162 缅 甸 869&163 海 地 820&164 贝 宁 805&165 塞拉利昂 784&166 布基纳法索 729&167 坦桑尼亚 703&168 卢旺达 698&169 尼泊尔 693&170 阿富汗 679&171 马 里 657&172 多 哥 640&173 乌干达 626&174 莫桑比克 593&175 几内亚 565&176 厄立亚 544&177 埃塞俄比亚 542&178 几内亚比绍 524&179 马达加斯加 488&180 利比里亚 474&181 冈比亚 453&182 尼日尔 443&183 刚果(金) 398&184 中 非 334&185 布隆迪 303&186 马拉维 223约等于8斤,3.59美元&猪腰肉 2.89美元一盒番茄酱 2.5美元&汽水一大瓶59美分=0.59美元0.99美元一大袋 够当你一天的饭了,不过面包真心不爱,还是包好2.49美元 一箱 每箱24瓶惠普 台式机套装,内含18英寸液晶显示屏一台,主机是AMDsempron处理器, 3G内存,320G硬盘,带DVD刻录我在美国12.5美元买的手机,临时使用。天朝要199&美国Kirkland Signature牛仔裤,每条12.99元。松下54等离子平板电视,1499.99美元,以美国人的收入,月工资可以买两、三个。&这个地方是面向中低收入者的,1.5美元即可吃饱。 我朝一碗面才5快至于美国的房价,在的顿市区一套房子,两层楼、五间卧室、外加一个小花园,花费80万美元。这在美国东海岸算是比较高的价位。而在中部的一些城市,10万美元就能买到比这面积更大的房子。乖乖的甜筒,1.99奥利奥,2.19一袋袋的大米,1.59,我了个去这是传说中的玉米油。。2.49屌丝最爱吃的薯片,2.29男士冼面用品天朝这款冼面奶在超市一般是35元左右!牙膏1.49奶奶的,我刚刚买了一管,要14.9RMB
三文鱼和吞拿 3文鱼一磅USD6.99=RMB45 吞拿USD14.99澳洲无骨小羊腿肉一磅USD5.99无骨鸡肉一磅USD0.99=RMB6.5纽约的特产,顶级雪花牛排一磅USD13.99普通牛排一磅USD3.99精选猪排一磅USD3.491加仑的巴氏普通奶USD3.05在美国买双意大利皮鞋,50 元上下。  在中国买双意大利皮鞋,1500 元上下。一盒一美元国内炒到200块一盒的,在美国才1。69美元元47寸松下 599美元2.95美元一盒一大碗巧克力 7块两盒
[&此帖被少爷的马甲在 14:33修改&]
各种temporary price,clearance,欺负街上的人不懂英语?
美国东西的物价也是分地方的,你去Whole food买1一个橙子都要3美金,去Fred Meyer,Walmart买一磅橙子(2个左右)都只用2美金左右,去Grocery买橙子只用99美分一磅了!
普通美国人都是会选择Fred Meyer和Walmart这种大型超市购物!
引用15楼 @ 发表的:
猪腰肉 2.89美元一盒
引用15楼 @ 发表的:
1.59 是2磅的价格
因为这些东西大部分是中国生产的我来上上国内的物价106块18L橙汁,每升不到6块 RMB,也不比美国贵多少吧202块 10斤牛肉,一斤才20块,其中还有澳大利亚进口的哦78块钱 12公斤冼衣液,还送3公斤柔顺剂哦其实这些都是特价产品,LZ你贴的也基本都是特价产品,甚至算是低端产品,甚至有些明明是1磅的价格,但是说成是1包的价格我这也算是有图有真相吧
[&此帖被wojue在 12:35修改&]
引用15楼 @ 发表的:
有些的确比较便宜,但是首先这些价格都是税前的,真买下来先加个10%左右sales tax。另外里面有些图是充数的,比如台式那个是clearance,还有那辆车,07年的,今年都14年底快15年了好吗。还有那个牙刷是折叠的旅行用。大部分图里的商品都是拿同类里最便宜的比的,而且以垃圾食品居多,奥利奥,甜筒,薯片,谁整天吃那个?去拍拍ORGANIC的蔬菜,看看什么价。房价那个更要看地方,10W估计只能买荒郊野地里的房子。去看看NYC\湾区\LA的房价吧。另外,在美国生活过得都知道,短期旅游的不算,因为花钱的地方短期是体会不到的。而是房子(房产税、房租)、油费、保险、cable、电、网等等。还有各种人工费,理个发20块钱,你觉得如何?美国真正比国内便宜好多的就是车和奢侈品,这些东西谁会老买?其他的包括IPHONE等电子产品便宜的也有限吧,国内IPHONE6多少钱我不知道,说错了了欢迎指正。国内东西有多贵我不太清楚,因太久没回过国了,但是不偏袒地说,美国也绝对不是天堂。-------------------------------------------------------------------------------以下为今天的补充今天去超市随便拍了几张,主要是吃喝,以美国人的工资来看,的确不贵。但就像我上边说的,美国人的隐性支出和真正花钱的地方很多,如果物价再高的话,99%们又要去占领华尔街了。撇去两国日常支出不同之外,还有最重要的一点是,人家本来就是发达国家。美国以美元捆绑石油和大宗货物,以强大武力作为保障,使用各种手段侵略支配全球经济,从而达到剥削全世界为其高消费高能源低物价买单的目的。这点即使是欧洲和日本也望尘莫及,如果有欧洲和日本的JR能现身说法更好。我们没有人家这种实力,怎能妄想享受人家目前的地位和权力?何况即使是美国自身,也是历经西部淘金热一战二战等上百年的积累才发展起来的,美国人民就像更早时候的新大陆探险家们,含辛茹苦奋斗了好几代人,使美国制造业在19世纪末期超过英国,从而为20世纪的超级大国一举奠定基础。JFK说,ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. 如果有人对现状不满意,反思一下自己到底有没有努力工作,以为国家社会尽一份绵簙之力?一个人的力量固然微不足道,但14亿人呢?少些抱怨,多些勤勉,以中国之大,以中国人之能,如果不内乱,成为超级大国是必然的。有人会说工作很努力,可还是看不到希望。请你再给这个国家多一些耐心,罗马城不是一天建成的,强汉盛唐也同样不是。改革开放30多年,我们已经从GDP不到美国的一个零头成长为第二大经济体。10年刚刚超过日本,到现在4年不到,已经把日本拉开到将近一倍的差距。这样的增长速度不能苛求更多。如果还是有人不满意的话,那么就出国吧。离开亲人和家,完全陌生的国度,一切从零开始。先不说语言文化的差别。除非你在国内吃了上顿没下顿,但凡日子还过得下去的。来到美国只会更差,不会更好。第一代移民是最辛苦的,要说好转也只能是从第二代移民开始。那不过是当地普通人的日子而已。这还是留学生找一份体面的工作通过技术移民,要是偷渡的呢?那个苦就更不用说了。说了这么多,还是赶紧上点图吧。先去买了件衣服,顺便拍了个LEVIS的价格几种蔬菜和水果腰果挺贵的junk food肉类、面包和奶其他
[&此帖被春花与秋月在 10:02修改&]
发自手机虎扑 m.hupu.com
引用229楼 @ 发表的:
loser 是你自己对号入座的。可赖不了我 网上找点照片不辩真假就弄上来当个圣经真理的作所谓的“证明”,被指出不实造谣后 ,我出来理论两句, 成了我倒打一耙?拿03年 07年的滞销产品价格 对比2014年国内的产品价格。拿快过期的便宜淘汰次品 来对比国内新鲜干净的产品。到底谁把白的说成黑的?先给自己立个靶子说是要打某贴里吐槽美国物价不低那位仁兄的脸 拿的都是点 不符合事实依据的谣言假证据。被揭穿后 转进到人均gdp云云 ,自己立个靶子造谣指出帖子里谁谁 说中国完爆美国。你这副幼稚的转进如风和理屈词穷造谣的样子很可笑啊。
而且国内吃用的东西 除了奢侈品 车房之类的大件 ,那些有你说的贵的那么离谱?拿美国的乡下房子对比北上广 二线城市房价 你怎么不举点ny la huston的数据来给平行对比?
开始屁股就是歪的 还想弄出一幅众人皆醉我独醒 客观的样子,活脱脱的小丑
[&此帖被aosuace在 14:34修改&]
引用198楼 @ 发表的:
误写?那就吧自己原话给改回去呗。回击?点亮的那几位都现身说法了。你在这里和我较劲嘴硬有什么用?楼下 楼上几位说的还不够明白?硬要死鸭子嘴硬 揣着明白装糊涂啊?
看你这种无理取闹 的样子 还真是典型的中国loser腔调 被人点穿了一幅气急败坏的样子
引用168楼 @ 发表的:你看帖子里吗?我写着磅呢,有人别有用心误导你也相信?你自己看看你的主贴,你哪写了?
引用62楼 @ 发表的:
各种temporary price,clearance,欺负街上的人不懂英语?
美国东西的物价也是分地方的,你去Whole food买1一个橙子都要3美金,去Fred Meyer,Walmart买一磅橙子(2个左右)都只用2美金左右,去Grocery买橙子只用99美分一磅了!
普通美国人都是会选择Fred Meyer和Walmart这种大型超市购物!
这些图 选的都很针对。。用意明显
引用57楼 @ 发表的:
发自手机虎扑 m.hupu.com
发自手机虎扑 m.hupu.com
black friday快到了...
哎。。。去过美国就知道 真心生活水平高 物价还便宜 就是烟很贵 不过我不抽烟哈哈
引用2楼 @ 发表的:
black friday快到了...
日用品 老美都不低, 低的是高新产品
引用3楼 @ 发表的:
哎。。。去过美国就知道 真心生活水平高 物价还便宜 就是烟很贵 不过我不抽烟哈哈
是啊,看了某个JR 的帖子,不明真相的还以为天朝完爆美帝呢?这样的话,我们和印度有什么区别,
引用6楼 @ 发表的:
日用品 老美都不低, 低的是高新产品
引用6楼 @ 发表的:
日用品 老美都不低, 低的是高新产品
发自手机虎扑 m.hupu.com
引用5楼 @ 发表的:
引用13楼 @ 发表的:
引用12楼 @ 发表的:
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WAP3移动端  WAP1移动端谁能谈谈你对改革开放三十年来的伟大成就的认识?
09-02-19 &
中国坚定不移地推进改革开放,社会主义市场经济体制初步建立,开放型经济已经形成,社会生产力和综合国力不断增强,各项社会事业全面发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。从1978年至2003年的25年间,中国经济年均增长9.4%。25年前,中国年国内生产总值为 1473亿美元,去年已达到14000多亿美元。25年前,中国年进出口贸易总额为206亿美元,去年已达到8512亿美元。25年前,中国外汇储备为 1.67亿美元,去年已达到4033亿美元。目前,中国经济总量居世界第六,进出口贸易总额居世界第四。中国之所以能够发生这样巨大的变化,最关键的原因是我们始终坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,始终坚持改革开放,激发了全体人民的积极性、主动性、创造性。 中国虽然取得了很大的发展成就,但中国人口多,底子薄,生产力不发达,发展很不平衡,生态环境、自然资源与经济社会发展的矛盾比较突出。虽然中国人均国内生产总值已经突破1000美元,但仍排在世界一百位以后。中国要实现现代化,使全体人民都过上富裕生活,还需要进行长期不懈的艰苦奋斗。 我们已经明确了本世纪头20年的奋斗目标,这就是全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到4万亿美元,人均国内生产总值达到3000美元,使经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民生活更加殷实。
国改革开放成就斐然,通过这个大改革、大开放,实现了三个伟大的转折: 第一个伟大转折就是从高度集中的计划经济体制向充满生机和活力的社会主义市场经济体制转变;第二个伟大转折是从封闭半封闭的社会向全方位开放的社会转变;第三个伟大转折是人民的生活从温饱转向基本小康的社会转变然后逐渐成为兴旺。 如果没有改革开放就不可能实现三个伟大转变,所以,十一届三中全会提出来改革开放是当代中国命运的关键抉择。  改革开放是发展中国特色社会主义和中华民族伟大复兴的必经之路,而且提出来只有改革开放,才能发展中国,才能发展社会主义,才能发展马克思主义。我说这两段话,高度概括了我们为什么要改革,为什么改革是必由之路,为什么是当代中国命运的抉择,如果不改革开放,不可能发展中国,不可能发展社会主义,不可能发展马克思主义。所以,我们应当深刻的领会十一届三中全会提出的这种高度的理论概括。   我们30年的改革开放,不光在中国,在国际上也有深远的影响。现在按照GDP来算,中国在世界上占第四位。有人说很快会赶上德国。按照PPP(购买力评价),据世界银行公布的数字,我们中国是世界第二,因为世界上的购买力评价大概是55万亿美元,中国大概5万多亿美元,大概占到世界的9%。说明中国在国际上经济上的比重大大增加。现在中国拥有的外汇储备已经达到14000多亿,已经占到世界第一位。之所以有这个变化,都是因为改革开放的结果。   30年的改革,有两个明显的特点。第一,在党领导下的改革,改革是为了完善社会主义。每次重大改革的决策,都是中央通过决定做出的决策,说明党是主动的推进改革。第二,我们的改革是渐进式的,而不是像有的国家那样一步到位的。小平同志讲,我们要摸着石头过河。这样的话,我们的风险就比较少,而且通过试验成功了,在全国推广。如果不成功,我们就停止下来。所以这样的话,我们从改革过程当中,这条特点也是很突出的。当然,改革到了一定的时候,我们要突破,要加快步伐。当然我们要吸取历史教训:&大跃进& .在生产发展同时 要实事求是,立足于本国国情;保持稳定的发展速度另外还要照应生产力发展.这样我国就可以在改革开放的道路上迅速发展
中国30年改革开放成就举世瞩目。大国正在崛起,中国一步步走向富强,迎来中国历史上的空前盛世。经济繁荣,社会稳定,人民安居乐业。三峡工程,人类历史上的伟大工程;青藏铁路,世界上建设难度最大的铁路。我们完成一个又一个壮举。火车第六次提速,奥运场馆建设,国家大剧院落成……,我们的建设如火如荼。 十一届三中全会以来30年,是我们党团结和带领全国各族人民,解放思想、实事求是,同心同德、锐意进取,进行建设有中国特色社会主义的历史性创造性活动的30年。我们探索和开辟了建设有中国特色社会主义事业的新道路,使我国社会主义制度焕发出新的生机和活力,工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的国家政权更加巩固。我们确立了公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展这一社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,实行按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度。社会主义市场经济体制正在建立,市场在资源配置中的基础性作用显著增强,新的宏观调控体系框架初步形成。农村和城市的各项改革取得重大进展。经济增长方式正在由粗放型向集约型转变。我们实行对外开放的领域和规模不断扩大,已形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局。进出口贸易、国家外汇储备大幅度上升。利用外资为我国建设开辟了广阔的资金来源。我国经济大踏步地走上世界经济舞台。 改革开放不仅使中国的经济实力和综合国力不断增强,人民的生活水平和国民福利得到了实质性的提高,而且也使中国日益融入世界经济和主流文明之中。具体而言: 一是经济实现了持续快速增长,综合国力进一步提高。统计表明,1978年至2006年的28年间,中国的GDP年均增长9.67%,远高于同期世界经济3.3%左右的年均增长速度。与此同时,中国现已成为世界第一外汇储备大国,一九七八年以前,中国外汇储备从未超过十亿美元,二00六年末已突破一万亿美元。对外贸易成为中国经济发展的重要支柱。通过引进国外的资金、技术和管理经验,进行消化、吸收和再创新,大大提高了中国的生产力水平,缩小了与发达国家的差距。二00一年,中国加入世界贸易组织,标志着中国对外开放进入一个新的阶段。截止到去年,中国经济总量已位居世界第四,外贸总额位居全球第三。这是一个了不起的成就。 二是民生得到显著改善,人民生活总体上进入了小康水平。以收入和住房这两大最能反映生活水平的项目为例,从1978年到2006年,我国城镇居民人均可支配收入和人均住房面积都有大幅提高。尤其值得一提的是,在这30年间,中国农村绝对贫困人口数量从2.5亿下降到2148万,绝对贫困发生率由30%下降到2.3%。中国是目前全球唯一提前实现联合国千年发展目标中贫困人口减半目标的国家。 三是初步建立了一个适应经济发展的市场经济体制,是市场而不是政府,在资源配置中起着决定性作用。目前,中国基本成为一个市场经济国家的共识开始形成。很多国家包括一些发达国家,相继承认乐中国的市场经济地位。这表明,我国市场经济的基本框架已经基本确立。 著名经济学家厉以宁委员是中国改革开放三十年的亲身经历者和思想推动者,同时也是这段历史最敏锐的审视者和最深切的感悟者之一。对于改革开放,厉老在接受本报记者采访时表示,这三十年来,中国改革开放取得的最突出的成就,是完成了三件事。“第一个是农村的家庭承包制,第二个是国有企业的股份制改革以及在此基础上形成了证券市场,第三个是民营经济的兴起。”农村家庭承包制这一制度变革的主要贡献,是在当时条件下,通过调动农民的积极性来促进农民的生产,从而解放了农业生产力。从上世纪80年代中后期开始,我们进行了国有企业的股份制改革,由于股份制改革的推进,中国有了证券市场。尽管在当时它还是很不完善,但毕竟为中国的国有企业改革和证券市场开辟了道路。尽管股份制曾经受到过各种怀疑、甚至责难,但中国的股份制、国有企业的股份制改革终于取得了成就。对于民营经济,厉以宁指出,虽然当初出现时也是面临各种责难,不过在民营企业不断成长以后,大家真正感到民营企业的确至关重要。就业问题是谁帮助解决得最多?是民营企业,70%以上的新增劳动力岗位是在民营企业中,很多城市中的税收主要是民营企业提供的,我们的出口中也有不少是民营企业发挥的作用。民营经济的兴起调动了许多人创业的积极性,这对长期经济发展具有重要意义。 四是融入了世界主流文明,锁定了中国的发展道路。开放是什么?开放就是自主、自发地接受人类社会发展的普遍规则,并以此克服自身传统的特殊规则的缺陷,使其更好地推进国民福利的增加和国家的富强。而真正的对外开放,不仅要引进西方先进的技术,还要学习西方发展市场经济的经验,学习西方文明,进行制度变革。从这个意义上说,开放的重要性有时要远大于改革。中国大批留学生到国外学习,他们中的许多人成为国家建设的有用之才。通过相互学习,使人们的思想更加解放,视野更加开阔,开放意识和创新能力有了很大提高。尤其是加入WTO后,我们已义无返顾地回归到世界主流文明中,以一个主权国家的承诺和信用锁定中国改革发展的道路。 中国改革开放30年所取得的成就,是因为我们没有脱离实际,对中国所处的社会发展阶段和物质经济条件有一个清醒的认识。我们讲一切从实际出发,最大的实际就是中国现在处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段。而30年改革开放和现代化建设取得成功的根本原因之一,也就是克服了那些超越阶段的错误观念和政策。可以说,能认识到中国处于初级阶段这个事实,标志着我们的发展终于走上了实事求是和尊重客观规律的道路
1978年年底,中共十一届三中全会拉开了改革开放新时代的序幕,中国从此进入集全民族智慧谋取民族复兴的全新历史时期。2008年,我国迎来改革开放30周年,改革开放步入了而立之年;2008年的全国“两会”,是5年一次的换届大会,将选举产生新的国家领导人,组成新一届政府。2008年,举世瞩目的三峡工程提前一年基本建成峻工,这一纪念中华民族伟大复兴的标志性工程,必将再将引领世界关注。此前于日,美国《新闻周刊》发表文章认为,对美国人而言,2008年是个重要的选举年。但是,世界大多数国家和地区会目睹中国成功举办奥运会,这将成为中国期待已久的首次亮相机会。2008年的中国,还将发射神舟七号载人飞船。2008年成为华夏民族自商周立朝开国三年多年来,空前鼎盛的历史性年份,尤其标志着着中华民族无论是经济实力还是政治体制,无论是文化传播还是外交方略方面,彻底结束了晚清鸦片战争以来,中国版图任由列强瓜分侵占,中华民族任人宰割欺凌的屈辱历史,重回世界舞台中央,成为开创中华民族历史新篇章的世纪元年。 邓小平同志两次南巡&2008,改革开放步入而立之年&奥林匹克运动在单项人类活动领域里,率先营造出全球化的环境,竞技运动本身的特征和奥林匹克运动所欲传递的思想经由奥运会达成矛盾统一。2008年的中国奥运会成为中国期待已久,面向世界展示中国改革开放真实形象的亮相机会。场内,少数经过层层选拔天赋异秉的人,在少数人设计的规则下力拼胜负。场外,几十亿人通过观摩比赛,加深对社会公平与正义的理解。改革开放数十年来,北京一直力争通过成功举办奥运会,争取一次向世界亮相的机会,来展示中华民族结束屈辱,争取公平,走向复兴的开放形象。30年的改革开放,30年的上下求索,中国经济改革的成果受到世界所公认。成功的改革使相当一部分改革者变成成功者。一方面,改革改变了利益分配格局,冲击着既得利益者;另一方面,渐进的改革也不断制造着既得利益者。30年的改革开放,中国最终确定以市场作为组织经济、分配资源的基础形式。这只是一个开始。已经建立的市场亟待健全、完善,更多的市场亟待建立,迈向一个强大市场经济体的道路远还没有看到终点。否定市场的思想也始终不曾销声匿迹,质疑市场化改革方向的言论,更是时而浮起。某种程度上,改革越成功,改革的复杂强度就越高改革持续成功30年后,有不少原来改革的支持者,身穿合资企业生产的名牌服装,一边清点着今年炒股的收益,一边深谋远虑,积极批评发展妨害了公平、开放牺牲了民族利益?但无论如何,市场经济的改革开放已经成为时代潮流,浩浩荡荡,不可阻挡,某些怀疑的声音与伴随改革而衍生的问题,必将被逐一完善。2008年,中国改革开放将步入而立之年。固步自封会不会取代锐意进取?瞻前顾后会不会取代一往无前?最根本的是,中共十七大报告已经阐述“改革开放符合党心民心、顺应时代潮流,方向和道路是完全正确的,成效和功绩不容否定,停顿和倒退没有出路”。党的十七大对我国经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设和党的建设作出了全面部署。尤其是历史进入21世纪的日,第29届奥林匹克运动会将在北京隆重开幕,这将是永载中华史册的日子。来自世界各地的运动员将在28个大项、302个小项的争夺中一决高下。北京残奥会也将随后在9月6日举行。“同一个世界、同一个梦想!”通过奥运会的成功举办,一个更加开放、和谐的中国将展现给世界,也使奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国得到广泛弘扬。可以预见,今年的“两会”必将进一步落实十七大精神,国家将拿出更多的财力物力来改善人民生活。2008年的宏观经济形势,从紧货币政策与稳健财政政策,将联袂促进经济结构调整和协调发展,成为宏观调控的首要任务。中国将稳步实施城乡医疗卫生体制改革,新型农村合作医疗制度基本实现全覆盖,在全国全面实施城乡免费义务教育,这是我国教育发展史上具有里程碑意义的大事情。2008年,举世瞩目的三峡工程提前一年基本建成峻工,这一纪念中华民族伟大复兴的标志性工程,必将再将引领世界关注。神舟七号载人飞船将在2008年发射,届时中国航天员将首次出舱进行太空行走。这一系列的历史盛事集中在2008面向世界展示,至少是自600年前大明王朝郑和七下西洋之后,中华民族首次吸引世界各国目光聚焦世界东方。 美国前财长劳伦斯&萨默斯年初曾经指出,工业革命期间,欧洲的平均生活标准在他的有生之年提高了大约50%。在亚洲的中国,人均生活标准在一个人的一生中大约要上涨100倍!中国只用了20年的时间,经历了欧洲用两个世纪才完成的同样程度的工业化、城市化和社会转型。改革开放30年,中国改革的而立之年,中华民族的自豪感和民族感也与日俱增,这将在夏季奥运会上,在神舟七号
改革开放30年成就与经验 改革开放是党在新的时代条件下带领人民进行的新的伟大革命,目的就是要解放和发展社会生产力,实现国家现代化,让中国人民富裕起来,振兴伟大的中华民族;就是要推动我国社会主义制度自我完善和发展,赋予社会主义新的生机活力,建设和发展中国特色社会主义;就是要在引领当代中国发展进步中加强和改进党的建设,保持和发展党的先进性,确保党始终走在时代前列。 新时期最鲜明的特点是改革开放。从农村到城市、从经济领域到其他各个领域,全面改革的进程势不可当地展开了;从沿海到沿江沿边,从东部到中西部,对外开放的大门毅然决然地打开了。这场历史上从未有过的大改革大开放,极大地调动了亿万人民的积极性,使我国成功实现了从高度集中的计划经济体制到充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制、从封闭半封闭到全方位开放的伟大历史转折。今天,一个面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的社会主义中国巍然屹立在世界东方。新时期最显著的成就是快速发展。我们党实施现代化建设“三步走”战略,带领人民艰苦奋斗,推动我国以世界上少有的速度持续快速发展起来。我国经济从一度濒于崩溃的边缘发展到总量跃至世界第四、进出口总额位居世界第三,人民生活从温饱不足发展到总体小康,农村贫困人口从两亿五千多万减少到两千多万,政治建设、文化建设、社会建设取得举世瞩目的成就。中国的发展,不仅使中国人民稳定地走上了富裕安康的广阔道路,而且为世界经济发展和人类文明进步作出了重大贡献。新时期最突出的标志是与时俱进。我们党坚持马克思主义的思想路线,不断探索和回答什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义,建设什么样的党、怎样建设党,实现什么样的发展、怎样发展等重大理论和实际问题,不断推进马克思主义中国化,坚持并丰富党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验。社会主义和马克思主义在中国大地上焕发出勃勃生机,给人民带来更多福祉,使中华民族大踏步赶上时代前进潮流、迎来伟大复兴的光明前景。事实雄辩地证明,改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择,是发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路;只有社会主义才能救中国,只有改革开放才能发展中国、发展社会主义、发展马克思主义。改革开放作为一场新的伟大革命,不可能一帆风顺,也不可能一蹴而就。最根本的是,改革开放符合党心民心、顺应时代潮流,方向和道路是完全正确的,成效和功绩不容否定,停顿和倒退没有出路。中国坚定不移地推进改革开放,社会主义市场经济体制初步建立,开放型经济已经形成,社会生产力和综合国力不断增强,各项社会事业全面发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。从1978年至2003年的25年间,中国经济年均增长9.4%。25年前,中国年国内生产总值为 1473亿美元,去年已达到14000多亿美元。25年前,中国年进出口贸易总额为206亿美元,去年已达到8512亿美元。25年前,中国外汇储备为 1.67亿美元,去年已达到4033亿美元。目前,中国经济总量居世界第六,进出口贸易总额居世界第四。中国之所以能够发生这样巨大的变化,最关键的原因是我们始终坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,始终坚持改革开放,激发了全体人民的积极性、主动性、创造性。 中国虽然取得了很大的发展成就,但中国人口多,底子薄,生产力不发达,发展很不平衡,生态环境、自然资源与经济社会发展的矛盾比较突出。虽然中国人均国内生产总值已经突破1000美元,但仍排在世界一百位以后。中国要实现现代化,使全体人民都过上富裕生活,还需要进行长期不懈的艰苦奋斗。 我们已经明确了本世纪头20年的奋斗目标,这就是全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到4万亿美元,人均国内生产总值达到3000美元,使经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民生活更加殷实。在改革开放的历史进程中,我们党把坚持马克思主义基本原理同推进马克思主义中国化结合起来,把坚持四项基本原则同坚持改革开放结合起来,把尊重人民首创精神同加强和改善党的领导结合起来,把坚持社会主义基本制度同发展市场经济结合起来,把推动经济基础变革同推动上层建筑改革结合起来,把发展社会生产力同提高全民族文明素质结合起来,把提高效率同促进社会公平结合起来,把坚持独立自主同参与经济全球化结合起来,把促进改革发展同保持社会稳定结合起来,把推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业同推进党的建设新的伟大工程结合起来,取得了我们这样一个十几亿人口的发展中大国摆脱贫困、加快实现现代化、巩固和发展社会主义的宝贵经验。改革开放以来我们取得一切成绩和进步的根本原因,归结起来就是:开辟了中国特色社会主义道路,形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系。高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,最根本的就是要坚持这条道路和这个理论体系。
(April 12, 1986 Sixth National People's Congress passed the fourth meeting of April 12, 1986 Decree of the President People's Republic of China announced its 37th since January 1, 1987 will come into effect)
       The basic principles of the First Chapter
       The first order to protect the citizens, legal persons of the civil rights of the legitimate, proper adjustment of civil relations, the cause of socialist modernization development, in accordance with the Constitution and the actual situation in China, summed up the practical experience in civil activities, the development of this law.
       The second adjustment of the People's Republic of China and France the main equality between citizens, legal persons, and civil and legal relations between the property and personal relations.
       Third party activities in the civil status of equality.
       Article IV should be guided by a voluntary civil activities, fair and equivalent compensation, the principle of good faith.
       Article V of citizens, legal persons of the civil rights of the legitimate protection of the law, any organization or individual shall not be violated.
       Article VI of the Civil activities must abide by the law, the law does not require, and should abide by national policies.
       Article VII of the civil activities should respect the social morality, and must not harm public interests, to undermine national economic plan to disrupt the socio-economic order.
       Article VIII in the People's Republic of China in the field of civil activities, the application of People's Republic of China law, except as otherwise provided in law.
       The provisions of this Act on the citizens for the People's Republic of China in the field of foreigners, stateless persons, except as otherwise provided in law.
       Chapter citizens (natural persons)
       Section I of the capacity of civil rights and civil capacity
       Article IX of citizens from birth to play death only with the capacity of civil rights, are legally entitled to civil rights, civil obligations.
       Article X of the capacity of the civil rights of citizens are equal.
       Article XI of the citizens over the age of 18 are adults with full capacity for civil conduct, may be an independent civil activities and is totally incapacitated people civil.
       16 under eighteen years of age and older citizens, with their labor income as the main source of income as a full civil capacity of people.
       Article XII of the minors over the age of 10 are restricted capacity for civil conduct, and can be with his age, intelligence activiti other civil activities by his legal representative agent, or with the consent of his legal representative consent.
       Less than ten years of age of minors is no capacity for civil conduct, and by his legal representative agents of civil activities.
       Article XIII of the spirit of their actions tell patients there is no capacity for civil conduct, and by his legal representative agents of civil activities.
       Can not identify their own acts of mental patients is to limit the capacity of civil acts, and can be with his mental health activiti other civil activities by his legal representative agent, or with the consent of his legal representative's consent .
       Article XIV of people without capacity for civil conduct, limiting the capacity of civil acts of the guardian who is his legal representative.
       Article XV of the citizens to his residence for the accommodation of the place of residence, place of residence often inconsistent with the home, often as a residence place of residence.
       Section II of the Guardianship
       Article XVI of minors whose parents are guardians of minors.
       The minor's parents have died or no ability to care, by the following persons in the custody of the ability to serve as guardian:
       (A) the grandparents, m
       (B) brother,
       (C) is closely related to other relatives and friends willing to take on the responsibility of guardianship, the minor's parent or the local units of minors to the neighborhood home, the village committee agreed.
       As guardian of the controversial, from the minor parent of a minor where the unit or home to the neighborhood and village committees in the specified close relatives. Designated proceedings against, the people's court ruling.
       Not the first, second paragraph provides that the guardian, the minor's parent or the local units of minors to the neighborhood home, the village committee or serve as guardians of the civil affairs department.
       Article XVII no capacity for civil conduct or restrictions on the capacity of civil acts of the mentally ill, served as guardian by the following persons:
       (Iv) o
       (E) other close relatives and friends willing to take on the responsibility of custody by the spirit of the patient's unit or home to the neighborhood, the village committee agreed.
       As guardian of the controversial, from the spirit of the patient's unit or home to the neighborhood and village committees in the specified close relatives. Designated proceedings against, the people's court ruling.
       There is no guardian of the provisions of the first paragraph, and by the spirit of the patient's unit or home to the neighborhood, the village committee or serve as guardians of the civil affairs department.
       Guardian should be the 18th performance of guardianship duties, the protection of the personal guardian, property and other legitimate rights and interests, except for the interests of the guardian, the guardian shall not handle the property.
       Custody of the guardian in accordance with the law to fulfill the right to be protected by law.
       Guardianship of non-performance of duties of the guardian or ward against the legitimate rights and interests to be a guardian of property damage caused, it should be for damages. The people's court may in accordance with the relevant staff of the unit, the applicant or to revoke the eligibility of the guardian.
       Article XIX of the stakeholders of mental patients, you can apply to the People's Court declared mentally ill person without capacity for civil conduct or restrictions on the capacity of civil acts were.
       Declared to be the people's court without capacity for civil conduct or restrictions on people's capacity for civil conduct, according to the restoration of his health situation, as I apply for or interested person, the people's court may declare him a restricted capacity for civil conduct or capacity of civil acts were completely .
       Section III declared missing and declared dead
      第二十条citizens missing two full years, interested parties can request the people's court declared him a missing person.
       Missing during the war, missing time from the end of the war from the date of calculation.
       Article XXI of missing person's property by his spouse, parent, adult children or other close relatives, friends escrow. Escrow disputed, none of the above provisions of the above provisions, or is incapable of hosting, and a person designated by the People's escrow.
       Missing people owed tax, debt and other expenses payable by the custodian of the property from the missing people to pay.
       Twenty-second article of the person is declared missing, or to ascertain the re-emergence of his whereabouts, after I apply for or interested person, the people's court shall revoke a declaration of his disappearance.
       Be citizens of the twenty-one of the following cases, interested parties can apply to the People's Court declared his death:
       (A) mis
       (B) missing due to an accident, from the date of the accident, two full years.
       Missing during the war, missing time from the end of the war from the date of calculation.
       Article twenty-fourth person who was declared the re-emergence of death or the death he did not know, after I apply for or interested person, the people's court shall revoke the declaration of his death.
       Capacity for civil conduct have been declared dead in the civil law during the implementation of effective behavior.
       Twenty-fifth article of the declaration of death is revoked is entitled to request the return of property. In accordance with the law of succession, he made the property of citizens or organizations, should be retu original does not exist, given adequate compensation.
       Section IV of individual industrial and commercial households, rural households to contract for the operation
       Be citizens of the twenty-sixth the extent permitted by law, according to the approved registration, engaged in industrial and commercial operations for the individual industrial and commercial households. Individual industrial and commercial households can name.
       The twenty-seventh article of the rural collective economic organizations, members of the extent permitted by law, in accordance with the provisions of the contract to engage in commodity business, and for rural households to contract for the operation.
       Twenty-eighth article of individual industrial and commercial households, rural households to contract for the operation of the legitimate rights and interests protected by law.
       Twenty-ninth article of individual industrial and commercial households, rural households to contract for the operation of the debt, run by individuals to assu family operation, commitment to family property.
       Section V of the individual partners
       30th article refers to the individual partners in accordance with the agreement of two or more citizens, their funding, in kind, technology, partnerships, co-workers.
      第三十一条partner should be the amount of capital, surplus allocation, debt, occupation, from a mess, the termination of such matters as a partner, entered into a written agreement.
       Partner in the thirty-second article of the property, by the partners and the use of unified management.
       Accumulation of partnership property, to the total of partners.
       Thirty-third partner can be number of individuals, according to the approved registration, the registration of the approved business scope to operate.
       Thirty-fourth article of the business activities of the individual partners, have jointly decided by the partner, partners have the right to implement and monitor.
       Partner responsible person can be elected. Partner in charge of personnel and other business activities, from civil liability全体合伙人.
       Article partnership debt, funded by the partners in accordance with the proportion of agreement or agreements to the property of their outstanding commitment to duty.
       Partner of a partnership are jointly and severally liable for the debt, except as otherwise provided in law. Partner to repay the debt should be held more than the amount of their partner, other partners have the right to recovery.
       Section I General provisions
       36th article is a civil rights legal capacity and capacity for civil conduct, according to the independent enjoyment of civil rights and civil obligations of the organization.
       Legal capacity of the civil rights and civil capacity, arising from the legal establishment, to the elimination of legal termination.
       Thirty-seventh article of legal persons shall meet the following conditions:
       (A) set up in acc
       (B) the necessa
       (C) have their own names, organizations,
       (D) able to bear civil liability.
       38th article in accordance with the law or constitution provides for legal persons, legal persons exercising authority on behalf of the person in charge is the legal representative of legal persons.
       Thirty-ninth article in its main corporate office is located in his home.
       Legal person shall terminate, it should be liquidated in accordance with the law, and stop outside the scope of the activities of the liquidation.
       Corporate Section II
      第四十一条owned enterprises, collectively owned enterprises in line with the amount of state funds, organized constitution, organization and location, and be able to bear civil liability, registered by the competent authority to obtain legal personality.
       People's Republic of China established in the field of Sino-foreign joint ventures, Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, with legal requirements, in accordance with the law approved by the industrial and commercial administrative organs to register to obtain legal personality in China.
       Article forty corporate should be operating within the approved scope of registration to operate.
       Article forty-third of its corporate legal representative and other staff of the business activities of civil liability.
       Corporate separation of the forty-fourth article, the merger or change in other important matters, it should be to the registration office for registration and notice.
       Corporate separation, merger, and its rights and obligations of legal persons from the enjoyment of change and commitment.
       Article forty corporate termination as a result of one of the following reasons:
       (A) be revoked in acc
       (C) declared bankr
       (D) other reasons.
       Article 46th corporate termination, it should be written off to the registration office for registration and notice.
       Corporate dissolution of the 47th article, it should be the establishment of clearing organizations, to carry out the liquidation. Corporate was revoked or declared bankrupt, it should be by the competent authorities or organs of people's organizations and the staff set up a clearing organization, to carry out the liquidation.
       48th corporate ownership by the whole people to be conferred upon it the property of the operation and management of civil liability. Collective ownership of all corporate assets to corporate civil liability. Corporate joint ventures, Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises and foreign legal persons corporate enterprises of all civil liability of the property, except as otherwise provided in law.
       Article 49th corporate, one of the following circumstances, in addition to corporate responsibility, and the legal representative may be given administrative sanctions, fines, constitute a crime, shall be held criminally accountable:
       (A) the registration authority in excess of registration to engage
       (B) to the registration office, the tax authorities to conceal the real situation,
       (C) The flight of funds, property, con
       (D) the dissolution is revoked or declared bankrupt, the authorization t
       (E) change the termination of an application does not register in time and notice to interested persons who have s
       (F) engage in other activities prohibited by law, harm the national interest or public interest.
       Section III of organs, institutions and social groups, corporate
       50th Article of the independent agencies financed from the date of the establishment of a legal personality.
       With legal conditions and institutions, social organizations, in accordance with the law do not need to apply for registration of legal persons, from the date of the establishment of in accordance with the law need to apply for registration of legal persons, with the approval of registration, to obtain legal personality.
       Section IV of the joint venture
      第五十一条between enterprises or enterprises and institutions between the joint venture to form a new economic entity, independent of civil liability, with legal requirements, approved by the competent authority to register to obtain legal personality.
       Between the fifty-second article or enterprises and institutions between the joint venture, co-operation, do not have the legal conditions, the parties by the joint venture agreement in accordance with the funding agreement, or the proportion to their operation and management of all property or civil liability. In accordance with the provisions of the law or agreement, the agreement jointly and severally liable, jointly and severally liable.
       Article Fifty-third, or between the enterprises and institutions between the joint venture, in accordance with the contractual agreement of their own independently operated, and its rights and obligations of the contract agreed by the parties, their civil liability.
       Chapter IV of Civil Law and Deputy
       Section I civil legal
       Acts of civil law at its fifty-fourth section is a citizen or legal person to establish, change, termination of the civil rights and civil obligations of the legal acts.
       55th should be acts of civil law with the following conditions:
       (A) the perpetrator has a corresponding capaci
       (B) t
       (C) does not violate laws or social and public interests.
       Article 56th acts of civil law can be taken in writing, orally or other forms. With a particular form of law, it should be in accordance with the law.
       Article 57th acts of civil law since the establishment of legally binding. Non-actors in accordance with the law or to obtain their consent, may change or dissolution.
       Fifty-eighth article null and void the following civil acts:
       (A) no civil ca
       (B) restrictions on the capacity of civil acts were carried out in accordance with the law ca
       (C) a party to fraud, or coercion on others' insecurity, so that the true meaning of the other party in breach of the circu
       (D) malicious collusion to harm the state, collectives or the intere
       (E) in violation of the law or soc
       (Vi) economic contracts in violation of nat
       (Vii) in order to cover up a legitimate form of illegal purpose.
       Civil acts invalid from the beginning acts are not legally binding.
       It poses the following civil acts have the right to request a party to the people's court or arbitration body to be changed or revoked:
       (A) acts of conduct have a significant misundersta
       (B) The unconscionability.
       Was withdrawn from the acts of civil acts invalid beginning.
       Civil acts be part of the 60th does not work, does not affect the effectiveness of other parts, other parts remain valid.
      第六十一条civil acts were identified as invalid or revoked, the parties made by the acts of the property should be returned to the party affected by the loss. The party at fault should be compensation for the loss suffered by the other side, therefore, at fault on both sides should assume their responsibilities.
       Both malicious collusion, the implementation of civil acts harmful to national and collective interests, or a third person, it should be made to recover the two sides of the property, carried out by the state, the collective return of all or a third person.
       Sixty-second act of civil law can be conditional, the conditions attached to the civil legal act in line with the entry into force of the attached conditions.
       Section II, Deputy
       Sixty-third Article of citizens, legal persons can be agents of the implementation of the civil legal act.
       Competence in the proxy agent in order to be an agent acts on behalf of the implementation of civil law. By agents acting on the agent behavior, bear civil liability.
       In accordance with the law or in accordance with the agreement of the parties, it should be implemented by the I act of civil law, can not act.
       Including the commissioning of the 64th Acting agents, statutory agents and designated agents.
       Principal-agent agent's commission in accordance with the exercise of the right agent, legal representative in accordance with the provisions of the law to exercise the right agent, designated agent or designated units in accordance with the People's Court designated to exercise the right agent.
       65th article of the civil legal agent, can be used in writing the oral form can also be used. In writing the law, it should be in writing.
       Principal-agent of a written power of attorney shall set forth the name or the name of the agent, proxy matters, powers and during the signature or seal by the client.
       Unknown power of attorney authorized by the agent shall bear civil liability to third parties, jointly and severally liable for the agent.
       Does not proxy the 66th, beyond the agent or agents after termination of the right to act only after ratification by the agent, the agents of civil liability. Without ratification of the acts of civil liability by the perpetrator. I know others in my name without the implementation of civil acts that deny, as agreed.
       Agents do not perform their duties and to the damage caused by the agent shall bear civil liability.
       Collude with agents and third parties, damage the interests of agents, the agents and third parties jointly and severally liable.
       Acts of a third person did not know the right agent, beyond the agent or agency has the right to terminate the person with the act of civil acts to cause harm to others, and acts by a third person jointly and severally liable.
       Agents know that the 67th Article of the matters entrusted to Acting Deputy illegal activities are still carried out, or was aware of the agent agent agent acts against the law does not mean that, by agents and agents jointly and severally liable.
       Agent for the 68th article of the interests of the agent needs to be entrusted to another agent, the agent should be required to obtain prior consent. Made without prior consent by the agent should be told in a timely manner after being an agent, if the agent does not agree, by the agents of their own people entrusted to act civilly liable, but in case of emergency, in order to protect the agent the interests of people to care except for another agent.
       Article 69th of the following circumstances, the termination of the Principal-agent:
       (A) the expiration of the period or agent to com
       (B) the abolition of commission by an agent or resign from
       (D) loss of capacity for
       (E) an agent or agents as the termination of the legal person.
       Article 70th of the following circumstances, the statutory agent or the designated agent to terminate:
       (A) or an agent to obtain the restoration of capaci
       (B) The agen
       (C) loss of capacity for
       (D) of the People's designated agent or designated unit sp
       (E) caused by other agents and agents of the guardianship relationship between the eradication.
       Chapter V Civil Rights
       Section I of property ownership and property ownership and property rights-related
      第七十一条ownership of property in accordance with the law refers to all the enjoyment of their property on the possession, use, benefits and rights of action.
       Seventy-second acquisition of property ownership shall not be in violation of the law.
       In accordance with the contract or other legal means of obtaining property, ownership of property when delivered from the transfer of property, the law provides otherwise or, except otherwise agreed by the parties.
       Article seventy-state property belonging to the whole people.
       Sanctity of state property, to prohibit any organization or individual to occupy, loot, privately, interception, destruction.
       74th Article of the working people the collective organization of collective property belonging to the working people in all, including:
       (A) legal requirements for collective ownership of land and forests, mountains, grassland, wasteland, beach, etc.;
       (B) the property of collective ec
       (C) collectively owned buildings, reservoirs, irrigation and water conservancy facilities and education, science, culture, health, sports
       (D) other property collectively owned.
       Collective ownership of land in accordance with the law belongs to the village collective ownership of farmers from the village agricultural production cooperatives and other agricultural collective economic organizations or village committee manages. Already belong to the township (town) collective economic organizations of farmers of all, you can belong to the township (town) all the collective farmers.
       Collective ownership of property protected by law, to prohibit any organization or individual to occupy, loot, privately, destruction or illegal seizure, seizure, freezing, confiscation.
       75th Article of the personal property of citizens, including citizens, legal income, housing, savings, living supplies, artifacts, library materials, trees, livestock and the law allows all citizens the means of production, and other lawful property.
       The legitimate property of citizens protected by law, to prohibit any organization or individual to occupy, loot, destruction or illegal seizure, seizure, freezing, confiscation.
       76th Article of citizens enjoy rights of succession to property in accordance with the law.
      第七十七条social groups, including the legitimate property of religious organizations are protected by law.
       78th of property can be more than two citizens, legal persons total.
       There are two by a total of total and common. A total of people in accordance with their respective share of the total share of property rights, sharing obligations. There are people of common property rights, obligations.
       A total of property by the total of people have the right to request each of their share of the separation or transfer. However, in the sale, the other there are people under the same conditions, have priority rights to purchase.
       79th埋藏物be all unknown, hidden object, in the final state. Receiving unit should be turned over to the units or individuals, to give recognition or material reward.
       Lost Lost, drifting objects or animals separated, it should be returned to the owner, and the costs incurred by the owner to repay.
       80th state-owned land can be owned by units in accordance with the law can also be determined in accordance with the law by collectively owned units, the State to protect its use, the pr the use of unit management, protection, rational use of obligations.
       Citizens, a collective of collectives in accordance with the law or national collective use of all of the contracted land management rights, are protected by law. Contract rights and obligations of both parties, in accordance with the provisions of the law by contract.
       Should not purchase or sell the land, lease, mortgage or other forms of illegal transfer.
      第八十一条state forests, mountains, grassland, wasteland, beach, water and other natural resources can be used in accordance with the law by the units owned by the whole people, can also be identified in accordance with the law by collectively owned units, the State to protect its use, the procee the use of unit management, protection, rational use of obligations.
       State-owned mineral resources may be owned in accordance with the law by collectively owned units and units of production can also be in accordance with the law by the citizens of excavation. The state protects the legitimate rights of mining.
       Citizens, a collective of collectives in accordance with the law or national collective use of all the forests, mountains, grassland, wasteland, beach, the water contract for the operation of the right to be protected by law. Contract rights and obligations of both parties, in accordance with the provisions of the law by contra}


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