A.cake by the ocean.B,hat.C.apple

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2009年小学六年级期中语文试卷 一、看拼音写词语,注意把字写得端正美观。(5分)wú gū zhū hóu kāng kǎi tuì sè ēn huì ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、按要求,写成语。(3分)1、一提起《西游记》里的孙悟空,我就会想到的成语有:_________、__________ 。2、在教学楼快要倒塌的 时刻,谭千秋老师迅速把几个孩子搂在怀里,几个孩子 ,而谭老师却永远地走了。3、这个案件错综复杂,侦探们 ,真相终于 。三、积累与运用。(16分)1、古诗“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。”让我想到这两样农具:_____ _、 _____ __,我还知道李贺借马来抒发自己为国建功立业情怀的诗句是:_____ _ , _____ __ 。(2分)2、结合事物的特点,把下面的句子写的生动有趣一些。(至少三处)(1分)夏夜是迷人的,萤火虫飞来飞去,青蛙呱呱地叫着,风吹着柳叶,柳叶摇晃着。______________________________________ ____________ ______________________________________ ____________ 3、按要求写句子。(4分)(1)、那个满脸汗水的男孩迅速扶起了在他后面摔倒的同伴。(缩写句子)_______________________ _________________(2)、如果下面没有泉水,这么旱的天气,泥土不会这样湿。(改为反问句)_______________________________________________ _(3)、妈妈对我说:“明天我要出差,这几天你能不能照顾好自己?”(改为不用冒号、引号的句子,意思不变。)____________________________________________ ________ (4)、这次比赛的结果,同学们都很满意。(用 “无……不……”改写,意思不变。)____________________________________________________ 4、仿照例句写句子。(3分)例:幸福是什么?救灾战士说:“幸福就是从废墟中救出劫后余生的人们。”幸福是什么?医生说:“_ 。”幸福是什么?老师说:“ 。”幸福是什么?我说:“ 。”5、综合改错。(错别字、标点、语病共6处) (3分) “六一”庆祝会上,宣读了优秀少先队员的名单,特别发扬了刘华的先进事迹。听了这个消息,同学们纷纷向他庆祝,刘华十分激动极了,他表明自己的决心:今后一定要再接再励,刻苦钻研,努力攀登科学高峰。6、口语交际。(3分)课文《山谷中的谜底》告诉我们:“有时弯曲不是屈服和毁灭,而是为了生存和更好地发展。”对此观点,你是赞同,还是提出异议?请表明自己的观点和理由。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 四、根据课文内容填空。(16分)1、 、 的长江让我自豪。古代许多诗句中也写到了长江:如“无边落木萧萧下, 。” “ ,碧水东流至此回。”(2分) 2、子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”这句话中的“子”是 ,这句话出自他和他的学生的语录集 ,告诉我们 。(2分)3、《记金华的双龙洞》作者是 ,按 顺序依次写了路上的见闻、外洞的 、孔隙的 、和内洞的 ,表达了对 的赞美。(3分)4、“大自然__ __!广袤的大地是她___ ___,茂盛的森林是她_ _____,温暖的太阳是她__ ___,和煦的轻风是她_ __ _ ……”写得真美!这里的“她”指的是__ __,省略号表示__ 。请你再接着写一句:___ _________ _ 。(4分) 5、在__________里,在__________里,在_________里,看不出有什么_____________的时候,也看不出有什么___________的时候,无日_____________。这句话写出了夹竹桃__________的特点。作者喜欢夹竹桃,是因为夹竹桃___________,还能__________。月光下的夹竹桃,在季羡林眼里是____________、是____________、是____________,真是浮想联翩、妙趣横生啊!(4分)6、告诉我们有时批评的话语虽然尖锐,但对我们的成长有很大的用处的格言是:(1分)五、阅读天地。(26分)《天游峰扫路人》片段 (9分)“如今游客多,您老工作挺累吧?”
我抬头望了望在暮色中顶天立地的天游峰,上山九百多级,下山九百多级,一上一下一千八百多级。那层层叠叠的石阶,常常使游客们气喘吁吁,大汗淋漓,甚至望而却步,半途而返。可是这位老人每天都要一级一级扫上去,再一级一级扫下来……我不禁倒抽了一口气。 1、“顶天立地”的意思是_____________________________。这个成语写出了天游峰的________________________________________。(2分)2、“我不禁倒抽了一口气。”中的“禁”应读_______,用它的另外一个读音可以组成词语:___ __。“我不禁倒抽了一口气”。是因为_____________________________。(2分)3、片段中的“___________”、“__________”这两个词语写出了游人爬山时吃力的样子;“___________”、“__________”这两个词语写出了游人爬山时的畏难的情绪。短文拿游人和老人作对比,写出了老人_______________ _____ _。(3分)4、你觉得老人每天这么干活真的像他说的“不累”吗?他为什么说不累? (2分)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ (二)拥你入怀她病了,去医院诊断,是绝症。医生要她务必及时入院治疗,否则顶多只能再活一年。她拒绝了。那笔庞大的治疗费足以压(跨 垮)大多数中国家庭,更何况她还是一名单身母亲,一个月只挣800元钱。她的女儿才8岁,念小学三年级,很聪明,读书也很用功,上学期还拿了三好学生奖状,得了几支圆珠笔和一大摞作业本。她回家了,女儿还未放学,她泪流满面地拿出女儿的照片。家里穷,照片还是女儿满周岁的时候拍的。那时女儿的父亲还在南方做生意,可一场突如其来的灾祸不仅埋葬了父亲,还给这个原本就不富裕的家添了一大笔债(zài zhài)务。这些年,她与女儿相依为命。她尝尽了人间冷暖。如今,她要走了,女儿……女儿,她还能指望谁?她想:与其
,不如 。她抹掉眼泪,出了门。屋外,寒风凛凛,像一把三棱(líng léng)尖刀,捅入喉咙,并在里面搅动着。她吐出了一口痰,痰里有血,腥腥的。她买了很多菜,拎回家,做出了满满一桌子好吃的,有鱼有肉,还有女儿最爱吃的小鸡炖蘑菇。女儿回家了,兴奋的大叫,忙问今天是什么好日子。她心如刀绞,坐下来,不停地为女儿夹菜。女儿吃得很开心,似乎没有注意到隐藏在她眼角的泪水。这天晚上,她紧闭了门窗,旋开了煤气阀,然后早早地上了床,把女儿搂入怀里,使劲地亲吻女儿额头。就在这个时候,她忽然听见女儿喊:“妈妈,妈妈!”“怎么了?”她问。“妈妈,今天考试了,我语文、数学都考了100分!”女儿得意地说。“真乖……”她哽咽(yè yàn)着,说不下去了。“妈妈,上次你说我考了100分,你就答应我一个愿望。”女儿仰起脸,一双眼睛因为(期待 等待)而闪闪发亮。女儿撅起小嘴:“妈妈,你不会耍赖吧?”“妈妈不……不耍赖。”她用枕巾挡住女儿的视线,并把枕巾的一角塞入自己的嘴里。她整个身子都在颤抖,已经没有办法控制泪水。眼泪这种液体似乎能把人烫伤,她的脸上火辣辣的。“那你以后再也不要哭了,好吗?妈妈!”女儿的声音迟疑而又(亲切 热切)。“不哭……妈妈不哭!”她赶忙用枕巾擦去眼泪。还有 妈妈 女儿小声说 如果你实在想哭 就请等我长大 能把你搂入怀里时再哭 好吗 “好的,妈妈一定做到。”她“哇”的一下哭出声。她松开女儿,下床,关了煤气,打开了窗子。1、在括号里选择正确的读音、字或词语,打上“√”。(3分)2、写出下列词语的近义词和反义词。(2分)迟疑 近义词( ) 反义词( )隐藏 近义词( ) 反义词( )3、仿照例子写出四个含有打比方的成语。(2分)例:心如刀绞 、 、 、 4、为文中画横线的句子加上标点符号。(3分)5、文章中的妈妈陷入绝境,先后做出了两种选择:第一种是
,她为什么这样做呢?请把她当时的想法填写在文中的横线上。第二种是 ,促使她改变决定的原因是 。(4分)6、用“ ”在文中画出两处点明题目的语句,并分别写出你读后的感受。(4分)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 六、习作。(30分)那是一个令国人永远忘不了的时间:日下午14时28分,四川汶川发生了里氏8.0级的地震。瞬间,多少孩子失去亲人,多少人失去家园……看着这揪人心痛的一刻,你的心情一定不会平静。为了和你同龄的孩子继续读书,你会……,为了帮助灾区重建家园,你会……请你结合发生在自己身边的人或事,记录下那份浓浓的爱吧!题目自拟,语句通顺,感情真挚,450字左右。 (文中不得出现真实的校名、人名) 七、写字。4分 六年级下册数学期中调研试卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一、填一填(每空1分,共28分)1、0.6= =( ):35=6÷( )=( )%2、16吨是20吨的( )%;18米比15米多( )%;3、一桶油用去25%,还剩( )%,如果还剩30千克,用去( )千克。4、某商城按营业额的5%缴纳营业税,上个月缴营业税31万元。该月的营业额是( )元。5、一件衣服打八折出售,如果这件衣服的原价是240元。现价是( )元。6、把圆柱的侧面沿着一条高剪开,展开可以得到一个长方形,长方形的长等于( ),宽等于( )。7、一个圆柱和一个圆锥等底等高,如果圆柱的体积是12立方厘米,则圆锥的体积是( )立方厘米;如果圆锥的体积是5立方厘米,则圆柱的体积是( )立方厘米。8、如图,三角形以一个直角边为轴旋转一周后得到的立体图形是( ),它的体积是( )立方厘米。9、 =5,X和Y成( )比例, =a,b和a成( )比例。已知2X=3Y, X:Y =( ):( )。10、有12支篮球队参加比赛,比赛以单场淘汰制(即每场比赛淘汰1支球队)一共要进行( )场比赛后才能产生冠军。11、一个圆柱的底面半径是3分米,高2分米,它的侧面积是( )平方分米,表面积是( )平方分米,体积是( )立方分米。12、李婷在1:8000000的地图上量得北京到南京的距离约为15厘米,两地实际距离约为( )千米。13、甲乙两数的比是5:4,那么甲数比乙数多( )%,乙数比甲数少( )%。二、选一选(选择正确答案的序号填在括号内,共5分)1、将5克糖放入20克水中,糖完全溶解后,糖水中含糖( )A 25% B 20% C 5% 2、去年汽车的销量比前年增产16%,去年的产量是前年的( )
A 160% B 116% C 84% 3、做一节圆柱形的通风管要用多少铁皮,是求通风管的( )A 体积 B 侧面积 C 底面积4、圆柱的高不变,底面半径扩大2倍,体积扩大( ) A 2倍 B 4倍 C 8倍5、一种彩票的中奖率是1%,买100张这种彩票,就( )中奖。A 一定 B 一定不会 C 有可能 三、操作实践(7分)1、根据下面的描述,在平面图上表示出各场所的位置。(3分)(1)不夜城在市民广场南偏西45°方向800米处。(2)青少年活动中心在市民广场北偏东30°500米处。(3)体育馆在市民广场北偏西60°方向700米处。 北 不夜城2、画一画。(4分)红旗小学的操场长150米,宽60米,请你选择合适的比例尺在下面的空白处画出操场的平面图。(请你先选择比例尺,求出图上的长宽厘米数再画图)A、1:1000 B、1:3000 C、1:6000选择第 种比例尺。四、计算(共24分)求未知数X X+ X = 2 X—35%X=0.52 X: =12: =0.5 X+ X=35 = 五、解决问题(每题6分,共36分) 1、新泰林场今年培育了880棵松树苗,比原计划多培育10%。比原计划多培育了多少棵树苗?2、番茄中的水分大约占 ,糖分大约占 。5千克番茄中大约含糖多少千克?3、吴叔叔年底奖金4000元,把收入的75%存入银行,定期一年,年利率2.79%。到期后应得利息多少元?4、有一个近似于圆锥形状的碎石堆,底面周长12.56米,高是0.6米。如果每立方米的碎石重2吨,这堆碎石大约重多少吨?5、有三堆围棋子,每堆60枚。第一堆黑子与第二堆的白子同样多,第三堆有 是白子。这三堆棋子一共有白子多少枚?6、装订一批簿本,如果每本24页,可以装订500本。现在每本装订30页,可以装订成多少本?(用比例解)六年级英语期中试卷听力部分(30分) 一、选出你所听到的单词。(10分) 得分 ( )1、A.sign B.sing C.song( )2、A.cake B.cage C.age( )3、A.dauguter B.doctor C.danger( )4、A.taking B.talking C.telling( )5、A.January B.June C.July( )6、A.away B.day C.always( )7、A.twenty B.twentieth C.twelve( )8、A.fourth B.fifth C.first( )9、A.grass B.glass C.class( )10、A.litter B.little C.candle二、根据所听内容,选择正确答案。(10分)( )1、A.It’s Sunday today. B.Time to go to school. C.It’s the first of September.( )2、A.No, thank you. B.All right. C.I’d like a coat.( )3、A.I like dolls. B.I’d like a toy car. C.Thank you.( )4、A.It’s Saturday today. B.It’s the 4th of April today C.It’s on the 4th of April.( )5、A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I’d like. C.Yes, I’d like to.三、听对话,填上所缺单词。(10分)A:Hi, May. Tomorrow is my .B:Is it What is it todayA:Today is the 2nd of .B: you have a birthday A:Yes, you like to comeB:Sure, what you like a birthday A:I’d like some .笔试部分(70分)一、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同写“S”,不同写“D”。(8分)( )1、sweater mean ( )2、hear year( )3、family apple ( )4、touch mouse( )5、know now ( )6、cage make( )7、please breakfast ( )8、three fifth二、中英互译(10分)1、谈论她的生日 6、blow out 2、问一些问题 7、keep off the grass 3、散步 8、stay away from 4、在五月 9、after school 5、第十二课 10、keep quiet 三、选择填空(12分)( )1、What does this sign
It you shouldn’t walk on the grassme A.mean means B.means means C.mean mean( )2、 you see the sign over there A.Can B.can’t C.Can’t( )3、The park keeper a sign on the grass. A.points B.point to C.points to( )4、There’s English book over there. English book is Helen’s. A.the An B.an The C.an An( )5、Which is the first day of the week A.Monday. B.Sunday. C.Tuesday.( )6、He is taking his hat. A.on B.down C.off( )7、Would you like to have breakfast with us A.Yes, please. B.Yes, I’d like to. C.I’d like a hamburger.( )8、Do not . A.littering B.little C.litter( )9、We should smoke here. A.don’t B.not C.not( )10、Can I a film No, you must books. A.see looking B.see read C.watch reading( )11、 that sign interesting Yes, I think so. A.Does B.Do C.Is( )12、I’d like TV. A.to watch B.watching C.watch四、用所给词适当形式填空。(10分)1、Sam (make) a card in the classroom now.2、My father (come) to our school every week.3、What the sign on the wall (mean)4、The sign means “ (not park).5、It is the (five) of October.6、 (be) there any bread in the fridge. No, there .7、Would you like (go) to the cinema五、按要求写句子。(10分) 1、Keep off the grass.(改为同义句) Don’t the grass. 2、I’d like some puzzles. Would like puzzles3、My birthday is on the first of June. is birthday4、I would like a toy bike. I have a toy bike.5、you, have, like, party, would, to, a birthday () (连词成句)六、排序(5分) A、What’s the matterB、Let’s swim in this river.C、Oh, I see. Let’s go quickly.D、No, we can’t.E、Look at this sign, it means “Danger”.七、在II栏中选出与I栏相对应的句子(5分) I II( )1、What’s the date today A、I’d like a yo-yo.( )2、What would you like as a birthday present B、It’s Monday today.( )3、What day is it today C、It’s on the first of May.( )4、Can I help you D、It’s the tenth of September.( )5、When’s your father’s birthday E、I want to buy some birthday presents.八、阅读对话,判断正误(10分) Andy:How old are you, Tony Tony:I’m twelve years old. How old are you, Andy Andy:My birthday is coming soon and I’ll be twelve years old. Tony:When is your birthday Andy:My birthday is this Saturday, the 24th of August. When is your birthday Tony:My birthday is on the 19th of November. I had a lovely birthday party last year. Do you like birthday parties, Andy Andy:Yes, and I’m going to have a birthday party in the park. It’s on Saturday. Would you like to come Tony:Oh! Thanks, Andy. I’d love to come. Andy:Good! I live in 22 Hill Street. And the party starts at two o’colock in the afternoon. Tony:Ok, I’ll come.( )1、Andy is twelve years old now.( )2、Andy’s party is on Sunday afternoon.( )3、Andy is going to have a party in her house.( )4、Tony’s birthday is on the 24th of August.( )5、Andy lives in 22 Hill Street.附:听力答案一、选出你所听到的单词。 1、sign 2、cage 3、doctor 4、taking 5、July 6、always 7、twentieth 8、fourth 9、grass 10、candle二、根据所听内容,选择正确答案。 1、 What date is it today2、Let’s make a card for him.3、What do you like4、When’s your father’s birthday5、Would you like to come to my birthday party三、听对话,填上所缺单词。 birthday date June will party would as present flowers
考题有错 其中的(e)A、hen
C、duck 这里边最后一个 没有e
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Letter A Alphabet ActivitiesActivities and
Letter A Printouts:
The printable page has a capital letter, a lower case letter, and four words that start with A, with pictures of the words to color.
Match the upper-case and lower-case letters from a to e.
Match the lower-case letters a-e to pictures.
The pictures are: apple, airplane, butterfly, balloon, corn, cake, elephant, earth.
Match the upper-case letters A-E to pictures.
The pictures are: anchor, arrow, bat, bag, carrot, cat, dragon, dog, eye, elephant.
Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has a long "a" sound. The long "a" sound is the vowel sound in date, way, bake, rail, and eight.
Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has a long "a" sound. The long "a" sound is the vowel sound in date, way, bake, rail, and eight.
Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has an "air" sound. The "air" sound is the vowel sound in fair, stare, and care.
Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has a short "a" sound. The short "a" sound is the vowel sound in act, as, and at.
Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has a short "a" sound. The short "a" sound is the vowel sound in act, as, and at.
Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has an "aw" sound. The "aw" sound is the vowel sound in all, chalk, and sauce.
Match 10 words that start with A. The words are arm, apple, ape, arrow, airplane, acorn, award, ant, anchor, alligator and anchor.
Circle 10 words that start with A. The words are airplane, apple, arrow, arm, ape, acorn, award, ant, anchor, and alligator.
Trace and learn to write words that start with the letter A, including apple, ape, ant, ax, and arm.
Finish the sentence and illustrate it - A. The sentence starts, "Ants are always angry when..."
Finish the sentence and illustrate it - A. The sentence starts, "Ants are always angry when..."
Write a story about the picture - A. The picture is of four ants, each carrying an acorn.
Find the words in the A words wordsearch puzzle, then use the extra letters to find the secret word: "alligator." Or .
Color words that start with a, including apple, anchor, arrow, arm, ant, acorn, alligator, ape, airplane, and ax.
Draw and color words that start with a, including apple, anchor, arrow, arm, ant, acorn, alligator, ape, airplane, and ax.
Connect the Dots then fill in the blanks for words that start with A. The words are ant, airplane.
Find the missing letters in words that start with A, and then color the pictures of the words. The words are apple, add, arrow, arm, ant, acorn, award, ape, anchor, and ax.
Circle the correct spelling of the words that start with A, and then color the picture of the word. The words are apple, add, arrow, arm, ant, acorn, award, ape, anchor, and ax.
Unscramble words that start with A, and then color the pictures of the words. The words are apple, add, arrow, arm, ant, acorn, award, ape, anchor, and ax.
Put 10 A words in alphabetical order.
The words are: able, acorn, add, air, all, ape, apple, art, ask, ax.
Label each of the words that start with "A" on this worksheet.
The words are: apple, ape, arm, arrow, acorn, airplane, award, ant, alligator, anchor.
See if you can think of and write eight words that start with A.
See if you can think of and write eight words that start with A in eight categories: a person's name, an animal, a food, an astronomy word, a verb (action word), something from the sea, a plant, and a place.
Sample answers: Ann, ant, apple, asteroid, act, anemone, acorn, Asia. This is a tough worksheet and works well as a group brainstorming activity!
The student writes and draws pictures of eight words that start with the letter A.
For each of the 10 'A' words, write whether you like the item or not, and explain why.
Words: apples, almonds, avocados, acorns, apes, airplanes, ants, awards, archery, alligators.
Use the list of 'an' words to answer simple questions.
Words: an, ban, band, can, fan, hand, man, pan, ran, sand, tan, van.
Use the list of 'ar' words to answer simple questions.
are, arm, barn, car, far, hard, park, part, smart, star, yard, yarn.
Use the list of 'at' words to answer simple questions.
Words: at, bats, cat, chat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, spat, vat.
A short, printable book about simple words that start with A -- for early readers.
The book has pages for the student to assemble, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "Apple starts with a.").
The words include: aardvark, acorn, add, Africa, airplane, alligator, alphabet, anchor, animal, ant, ape, apple, arm, armadillo, arrow, and ax.
A tiny, printable book about simple words that start with short A -- for early readers and writers.
The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
The words are: ant, apple, arrow, arm, ax, anchor, and "What else starts with a?
A tiny, printable book about simple words that start with long A -- for early readers and writers.
The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
The words are: acorn, aim, angel, ape, April, apron, and "What else starts with a?
A short, printable book about simple words that start with A -- for early readers.
The book has pages for the student to cut out, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "Apple starts with a.").
The words include: apple, acorn, arm, ape, airplane, ant, arrow, ax, anchor, and alligator.
A short, printable book about simple words that start with A -- for early readers.
The book has pages for the student to cut out, connect-the-dots to do, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "I can draw an...").
The words include: acorn, airplane, alligator, anchor, ant, ape, apple, arm, arrow, and ax.
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with 'ad' -- for early readers and writers.
The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
The words are: dad, glad, lad, mad, pad, sad, and "Can you think of another word that rhymes with ad?"
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with 'all' -- for early readers and writers.
The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
The words are: ball, call, fall, hall, small, tall, and "Can you think of another word that rhymes with all?"
A book for early readers with words that have the "an" sound, like can, fan, man, van, and pan. Each page has a sentence to copy.
Pages include: Dan ran.
Fran has a can. Jan can use a fan.
The man has a van.
The plan began.
A pecan is in the pan.
Nan is from Japan.
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with 'ar' -- for early readers and writers.
The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
The words are: bar, car, far, jar, scar, star, and "Can you think of another word that rhymes with ar?"
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with 'at' -- for early readers and writers.
The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
The words are: bat, cat, hat, fat, rat, sat, and "Can you think of another word that rhymes with at?"
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with 'ail' -- for early readers and writers.
The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
The words are: mail, nail, pail, quail, snail, tail, and "Can you think of another word that rhymes with ail?"
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with 'ake' -- for early readers and writers.
The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
The words are: bake, cake, flake, lake, snake, rake, and "Can you think of another word that rhymes with ake?"
Practice printing the letters and numbers (traditional style printing).
Practice writing letters and numbers (D'Nealian-Style).
Practice writing cursive letters and numbers.
Word Hunt Printouts:
How many 2-, 3-, and 4-letter words can you make using the letters from the word angelfish?
How many 2-, 3-, and 4-letter words can you make using the letters from the word artichoke?
Alphabet Activities:
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