athenabbc capital 是什么是哪个国家的公司?

Draper Athena
- Portfolio
Global Venture Capital
Global Venture Capital
Draper Athena
is a venture capital firm that invests in leading technology startups and
exceptional founders around the world. Our expertise is in Big Data, Mobile,
Energy Tech, SaaS, Semiconductors, Robotics, FinTech, Machine Learning, and
The principals bring a broad
array of technical, financial, and operational experience to making each
investment decision and supporting each portfolio company. As a member of the Draper
Venture Network, we offer world-class business development and market
intelligence capabilities.
Athena Technology Ventures was founded in 1997 as an early-stage venture capital firm in Silicon Valley. Recognizing an increasing importance of Korean technologies to the global economy, the team launched DFJ Athena together with Draper Fisher Jurvetson in 2007, focusing on cross-border investments between Korea and the global markets. In 2015, the team further expanded its investment scope to include Greater China and re-named itself to Draper Athena. The firm is focused on investing in cross-border opportunities across the U.S., Korea and China that bring significant advantages over others.
Brought on by the convergence of multiple technological and social trends, the world is going through massive changes.
The pervasiveness of silicon technologies, the penetration of Internet and smartphones, the growth of communications bandwidth, and the advent of energy tech have engendered the need for new products and services.
At Draper Athena, we invest in companies with core technologies that serve this need – companies innovating the components and systems for next-generation infrastructure, the software and services for new communications and social network platforms, and the energy technologies that solve the world’s energy and environmental problems.
Draper Athena is a member of Draper Venture Network. The Draper Venture Network is a global network of venture funds that bring together leading investors and entrepreneurs from broad sectors and geographies under one umbrella in order to share knowledge and opportunities. The Network currently has over 30 offices globally, manages $1.6 billion in AUM and has 450+ portfolio companies. This is the largest VC network in the world with unmatched access to deals, insights to leading trends, and scale of GP network.
The team that oversees Draper Athena has diverse and complementary backgrounds and skills, with extensive management, technical, financial, and investing experience.
Managing Director
Managing Director
Managing Director
Managing Director
Venture Partner
Venture Partner
Venture Partner
Current Portfolio
Seoul, Korea
CallGate enables businesses and consumers to push targeted data services to smartphones via the smartphone’s voice channel. The company’s technology allows enterprises to improve customer service, increase revenues, and lower operating costs through more efficient and effective call center operations. Using the CallGate app, sales agents and call centers are able to connect seamlessly with customers using a rich variety of media options during and after phone calls.
Seoul, Korea
Coinplug develops Bitcoin platforms including the Bitcoin exchange, electronic wallet service, online POS (Point-of-Sales) service, and mobile Apps. These platforms will become the most promising online payment methods in a mobile environment. They are the first in Korea to provide direct transactions between customers and merchants using B and to provide a network of ATMs enabled for Bitcoins.
Taipei, Taiwan
IDEA Automation is a fully integrated robotics systems company.
Initially developed for semiconductor chip packaging, its systems are now used for food packaging industry.
With a strong IPs and deep experience, the company is opening operations in China to expand its reach into food packaging industry in China.
Seoul, Korea
Minigate is a provider of mobile platform technology focused on e-education and sports marketing. Its technology allows content providers to seamlessly deliver and manage content to their end-users. Key applications include children’s education, professional education, and sports marketing.
San Francisco, CA
MXD3D solves the problem of “fixing” in 3D printing. Most 3D files need hands-on “fixing” before they can be printed and the file does not print equally in all 3D printer models. With its cloud-based software, MXD3d solves these problems.
Its plug-in software to online games also enables the real time capture and printing of gameplay moments.
Nexia Device
Seongnam, S. Korea
Nexia Device Company Ltd. designs and manufactures multimedia non-memory semiconductors. The company's products include 2D-to3D real-time image conversion chips, living appliance device processing chips, portable multimedia device processing chips, and SoC embedded IP. Nexia Device markets its products worldwide to multimedia device manufacturers.
El Segundo, CA USA
OGPlanet is an online game and community portal. The companies brings casual MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) games from Korea and markets in the US and Europe. Games span across a broad genre and
include: Uncharted Waters, Metro Conflict, La Tale, and Legends of Honor.
Seoul, Korea
Ramsway is a developer of mobile and M2M memory products. The company has the full design, test and packaging capability. It develops MCM combining NAND and DRAM memories for broad applications to customers globally.
Milpitas, CA USA
Relay2 develops a single, unified WiFi platform that lets you leverage the cloud and your network edge to build, deliver, and manage money-making business apps that engage customers and rapidly grow your business.
With its unique architecture of multi-level and multi-tenancy, Relay2 partners with service providers to deliver its infrastructure as a service.
PAST Portfolio
Creative Design Systems
(Acq/ Maxtor)
Santa Clara, CA USA
Creative Design Systems provides a hot-pluggable thin-server solution enabling the NT
and Unix network attached storage markets. The company addresses the market
need for cost-effective and high-performance solutions for data access.
(Acq/ IBM)
San Francisco, CA USA
DemandTec provides pricing optimization software for retail stores with large numbers of SKUs. Its algorithm leverages differences in price elasticity for different SKUs to optimize storewide profitability.
Imparto Software
(Acq/ Primus / ATG)
Mountain View, CA USA
Imparto develops marketing automation software enabling enterprises to manage web content, with tools to keep sites up-to-date, manage outbound email campaigns, and reduce time spent on administrative details.
(Acq/ PRN)&
Dublin, CA USA
Impli delivers a rich mix of information, entertainment, and advertising to customers waiting in line. Strategically placed video screens capture and hold consumers' attention and provide an unbeatable advertising opportunity. Impli's screens are placed where customers often have to wait - at gasoline pump islands, in grocery checkout lanes, at convenience store registers, and at ATMs.
(Acq/ Intel)
Poway, CA USA
IPivot provides an intelligent content routing load-balancer that increases the reliability, performance, and scalability of web-sites, e-commerce servers, and corporate intranets.
Daejeon, Korea
Khancera develops high performance products for the automotive and industrial diesel engine markets. The company has developed an innovative Diesel Engine Particulate Filter (DPF). The revolutionary product design enables low cost manufacturing while maintaining high performance. Its products are targeting the global market but initially Korea and China.
(Acq/ Samsung)
Palo Alto, CA USA
Mobeam is transforming mobile commerce with its patented light based communications technology. Mobeam overcomes the technical barrier preventing mobile phones from interacting with laser scanners and provides universal access at point of sale (POS), enabling the transmission of coupons, gift cards, tickets, and other barcode data at retailers worldwide.
Persist Technologies
(Acq/ Hewlett-Packard)
Pleasanton, CA USA
Persist provides application-centric storage software for enterprises who need simple, high-performance solutions for scalable content management. With Persist, users can cost-effectively store and retrieve high volumes of static content.
(Acq/ Oracle)
Cambridge, MA USA
ProfitLogic provides markdown optimization software for retailers in the fashion industry. ProfitLogic processes sales data and, using advanced algorithms, provides pricing markdown solutions to optimize net income for its retailer customers.
Vivid Semiconductor
(Acq/ Natl Semiconductor)
Chandler, AZ USA
Vivid Semiconductor designs and markets mixed-signal analog integrated circuits for high volume computer and consumer applications. The company developed a patented process for manufacturing extended voltage ICs using a standard digital CMOS process.
(Acq/ Autonomy)&
Pleasanton, CA USA
ZANTAZ provides digital Safe archiving servics and patent-pending Indexing Technology, and a Rapid Response Professional Services team that help clients capture, restore, archive, and instantly retrieve electronic documents, while complying with governmental and industry regulations.
To learn more about Draper Athena, contact us at世界顶级公司最难的 27 个面试题,你会吗
世界顶级公司最难的 27 个面试题,你会吗
] 【IT168 评论】全球招聘公司 Glassdoor 已经更新了最难的面试问题清单,详细介绍了全球几大顶级公司最难的 27 个面试题。这些问题基于 27 个不同的领域,并根据专家分析和社区反馈最终确定的。根据新的 Glassdoor 经济研究报告指出,以下是面试困难的因素:面试的轮数,公司规模,雇主类型 ( 公有或私人 ) ,教育水平和年龄。虽然这几大因素并不令人惊讶,但调查发现医院的求职面试过程最艰难,难度比平均水平高出 9.7%。该报告同时指出,非营利性组织为 9.6%。报告还发现,性别对面试没有任何影响——大多数雇主对男性和女性候选人似乎同样严格。不过,在某些领域,比如互联网公司中,男性员工的数量似乎远多于女性,比如女程序员的周围通常有一大堆男程序员,男女比例严重失调。以下面试题也涉及到了顶级的科技公司,希望会对程序员的求职有帮助。" 你如何向没看过、没使用过自动售货机的人解释它呢 ?" - 全球数据分析师,彭博社" 洛杉矶县有多少消防栓 ?" - 软件工程师,迪士尼互动工作室" 如果你现在的雇主为你举办了一个周年纪念日,你认为蛋糕上会写哪五个字形容你 ?"- 区域经理,Express" 你最想和哪位历史人物共进晚餐 ? 为什么 ?" - 乘务员,PSA 航空公司" 证明圆柱形压力容器中环形压力是纵向压力的两倍 "。 - 测试工程师,SpaceX" 加拿大的首都是什么 ?" - 团队领导,OpticsPlanet ( 这个问题 小编也没看懂 ) " 命名一个品牌,让它可以代表你或者其他一个人 " - 品牌策划师,Twitter" 预估那个房间中有多少员工 ?" - 数据科学家,风险管理解决方案" 你认为在 Facebook 上一天会有多少生日快乐的帖子 ?" - 销售,Facebook" 如果你打算邀请一个人和你去旅游,你会邀请谁 ? 为什么 ?" - 教育家,lululemon" 如果你有一台 3D 打印机,你打印的第一件物品是什么 ?"-Linux 系统管理员 I,Rackspace如果你只可以把一件物品带到荒岛,那会是什么呢 ?" - 客户服务专员,Squarespace" 请描述一个你在缺少必要信息的情况下,而做出决定的例子。" - 分析师,athenahealth’ " 如何在 Unix 命令行上翻转文本字符串 ?" - 程序员,Capital One" 如果你有一块巨大的石头,你把它放进了湖里,你要如何比较放进石头前后的水位变化呢 ?" - 机械设计工程师,苹果" 你被要求主持一场数百万美元的多年期捐款,涉及多家公司和大学,你将如何开始 ?" - 研究科学家,福特汽车公司" 卖给我一个 idea,然后尝试在卖给竞争对手公司。" -Solarwinds 管理员,暴风雪娱乐公司的" 你将如何在一个特定区域内,快速找到五个优秀的 Java 程序员。"- 技术招聘人员,Google"1 到 60,000 之间不是数字 6 的整数倍的数的概率是多少 ?"- 定量开发者,AKUNA CAPITAL" 如果让你参演 Muppet,你希望是哪个角色 ?" - 捐助家庭倡导者,LifeNet Health使用六个硬币,给我 48 美分。告诉我六个硬币的价值。" - 人力资源经理,Wintec" 写一个方程式来优化 Facebook 和 Twitter 之间的营销支出比例。"- 分析师 ( 数据科学家 ) ,Uber"3:15 的角度是什么 ?" - 实施顾问,Fast 企业" 你看报纸喜欢先从哪一部分看起,今天这部分说了什么 ?" - 审计,BDO USA" 如果一个同事有一个烦人的习惯,并且妨碍了你的工作,你会如何解决它 ?"- 生产技术员,宝洁公司" 把你的简历放在一边,告诉我你是一个什么样的人。" - 销售主管,Zillow" 你如何找到 1.2 的平方根 ?" - 硬件工程师,Jump Trading如果你知道答案,不妨留在评论里,以便大家互相交流 !原网页已经由 ZAKER 转码以便在移动设备上查看
【导读】上市在即,阿里巴巴的业绩吓坏美国人,对美国来说,阿里巴巴上市算得上一件好事,是去美国给美国股民送钱。。。同时也揭开了你不知道的内幕!随便查查你就知道,阿里巴巴注册在(英属)开曼群岛,公司属地是开曼!办公地在中国。本质上这公司是个英国公司!根本不是中国公司!对比美国著名公司,美国没有一个著名公司是注册在开曼之类的离岸金融地!这就是区别!理由是另外一码事!反正他不是中国公司!不是中国公司,日本等国家控股着阿里巴巴。而他却赚着中国人的钱,然后再去美国上市,向美国输送财富。。。最后,弄得连美国人都看不下去了。。。令人瞩目的阿里巴巴集团IPO现被舆论称为将是大陆公司规模最大的一次融资,外界预计这次IPO可能融资金额高达200亿美元,阿里巴巴公司市值可能超过2000亿美金。但马云并没有公布所有股东的信息,也没有说明少数股东复杂而深厚的政治背景。阿里巴巴未公布所有股东资料按照纽约股票交易所IPO的常规流程,阿里巴巴公司在其备案文件中公布了70%的股份持有者身份,除董事会主席马云和副主席蔡崇信等公司高层外,包括美国雅虎、日本软银(Softbank)等外国知名跨国公司。但其它股东的详细信息可谓少之又少,尤其是有关中国大陆的主权基金、博裕资本、中信资本、国家开发银行的投资机构国开金融(CDB Capital)和新天域资本(New Horizon Capital)等相关信息。美奇金(北京)投资咨询有限公司(Beijing firm J Capital Research)联合创始人杨思安(Anne Stevenson-Yang)表示,在众多的国家部门中,阿里巴巴拥有许多方面的利益盟友。四名股东背景深厚在上述四家大陆企业中,有20多名高官的子孙担任这些公司的高层,显示高层与金融界有着非同一般的关系。博裕资本,通过其子公司Athena China Limited持有阿里巴巴股份。其投入的4亿美金,得到的回报已超过10亿美元。国家开发银行也是如此。中信集团投资中信21世纪医药数据公司(Citic 21CN ),而马云在今年1月通过自己成立的一家投资基金公司,与阿里巴巴一起收购了该医药数据公司的多数股份。阿里巴巴所有权结构错综复杂2011年成立的Legacy Capital,在2013年底已拥有博裕资本基金I(Boyu Capital Fund I)、新天域资本IV(New Horizon Capital IV)和Athena China等离岸公司股份,而这些公司都是阿里巴巴的股东。其中博裕资本是通过注册地在英属维尔京群岛的Athena China Limited持有阿里巴巴的股份,而Athena China Limited却是由一家离岸公司Prosperous Wintersweet BVI所控股,Prosperous Wintersweet BVI的所有人则是开曼群岛的博裕资本基金I。如此层层通过加勒比海的离岸空壳公司持有股份,都是为了避免美国《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)的追查。摩根大通中国投资银行CEO就因涉嫌雇傭高官子女谋取经济利益,触犯《反海外腐败法》而辞职。虽然这些公司所持有的股份不大,但其深厚政治背景的影响力却很大,令人不禁质疑阿里巴巴的运营透明度。外界分析人士预计,这次IPO可能让阿里巴巴的市值超过2000亿美金。如此以来,持有1%的股份都价值20亿美元。目前,阿里巴巴、中信资本、国开金融、博裕资本和Legacy Capital都拒绝对股权关系发表任何评论。中国电子商务巨鳄阿里巴巴,赴美上市后,又被外媒爆出争议事件,华尔街日报今天指出,创办人马云的投资行为模糊了个人和企业利益的界线,可能对阿里巴巴股东带来不利影响。〝阿里巴巴创办人近期交易引发外界警觉〞(Alibaba Founder's Recent Deals Raise Flags)!斗大的标题,华尔街日报今天指出。马云与合伙人谢世煌、史玉柱在4月以人民币65.4亿元,约新台币313.92亿元,入股有线及网路电视业者华数传媒(CN-000156),当时阿里巴巴将入股所需大部分资金,借给公司高层谢世煌投资。报导指,马云同时持有阿里巴巴和华数传媒股权,造成潜在利益冲突。由于阿里巴巴不直接持股,若马云或其他合伙人牺牲阿里巴巴,以华数传媒的利益优先,股东基本上束手无策。中央大学经济系教授邱俊荣:〝它的确不是一个非常好的监理制度,他的公司治理是有问题的,这样子,没有规范的资金挪移,对其他的合伙人,或是其他小股东来讲,当然都是一个非常不公平的事情,对于一个想要在美国上市的公司,当然理论上应该要受到更严格的监督〞专家警告,这类投资,模糊个人和企业利益的界限,其实,阿里巴巴和马云成立的私募股权基金〝云峰基金〞,持续联手投资其他公司,包括今年1月及4月分别宣布收购中信21世纪和优酷土豆。更多精彩内容,尽情关注“钻石小妞”
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