
****NOW FEATURES MULTIPLAYER CO-OPERATIVE PLUS A LIMITED 60% 0FF SALE PRICE ****A fast-action shooter with high-quality visuals and plenty of weaponry! Watch the gameplay trailer: ! “Top 10 most anticipated iPhone games for 2010 – It's everything we've been asking for in a twin-stick shooter: depth, variety, and rewards. Guerrilla Bob finally delivers the three elements of which others in the genre have been so starved.” – PocketGamer "Achievement In Art" Finalist in International Games Festival Mobile Awards 2010 “John Rambo has nothing on Guerrilla Bob.” – GameTrailers “More gunfire and explosions than a Michael Bay action trilogy.” – Cinema Blend “The art design is phenomenal. I said oh, wow! That's something else.” – TouchArcade Get your finger on the trigger and prepare to fire! Guerrilla Bob is an action-packed shooter game with stunning visuals, plenty of kick-a*s weaponry, unique enemies, explosive ammunition and non-stop humor. KICK-A*S WEAPONRY Bob can collect money from the enemies and use it in the shop to unlock a huge variety of weapons, each with their own upgrades: o Machinegun o Timed Bombs o Molotov Cocktail o Shotgun o Double Uzis o Flamethrower o Rocket Launcher o Grenade Launcher o Sticky Bow o Chaingun FAST-PACED SHOOTER COMBAT VERSUS DEADLY ENEMIES Face an army of fearsome foes wielding weapons of every variety. This is a challenge not for the faint of heart! MULTIPLAYER CO-OP Fight missions with friends over local Wi-Fi. Join forces and share unlocked weapons in cooperative battles. Play multiplayer games between different devices! An iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Mac can all work together! SECRET AREAS AND POWER-UPS The story mode levels offer non-stop action with numerous gameplay twists plus exploration to discover hidden areas, secret Power-Ups and bonus items! EPIC BOSS FIGHTS The gateway to each new level is guarded by imposing boss enemies with uniquely powerful weapons and tactics. You will even have to face John Gore himself!A VARIETY OF GAMEPLAY MODES Dive into the Story Campaign where Guerrilla Bob fights through dangerous canyons, steep deserts and dreadful towns. The story mode is split into Arcade mode, where Bob fights for fame, and Mercenary mode, where Bob fights for fortune. Alternatively, engage in Classic Survival Mode where endless enemies come at Bob from all directions in a closed arena environment. In Wave Attack Mode you fight waves of baddies and access the shop to purchase new arsenal. Extra difficulty modes are for players who think they’re experts! ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK AND PROFESSIONAL VOICES Immerse yourself into this humorous military shooter with an original soundtrack and professionally scripted voice-overs. CRYSTAL LEADERBOARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Players can see how they compare to the best digital soldiers in the world via a comprehensive scoring system, online leaderboards and achievements through Crystal!
Guerrilla Bob
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游击队鲍勃 Guerrilla Bob
奥克斯V929B游击队鲍勃 Guerrilla Bob怎么多开
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新奥克斯奥克斯V929B下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的游击队鲍勃 Guerrilla Bob攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
一款充满了紧张刺激和火爆要素的射击过关游戏,整体的风格颇有当年那款射击过关《古巴英雄》的风范。令人感到惊讶的优秀画面,细致的场景表现力和丰富的色彩,每一关内极富个性有诙谐感的敌人和强大的BOSS,让人在游戏的时候能够享受到更爽快的视觉效果。加上节奏感十足的战斗背景音乐,和Bob那充满了幽默感的豪放感的话语,更令人感受到更多的游戏乐趣。操作方面采用了虚拟按键的模式,左边的按键控制方向右边的按键控制射击和射击角度,非常的简单易懂,而且手感相当流畅。游戏的关卡流程相当多,足够玩家享受一场刺激火爆的战争之旅。注意屏幕左侧的雪茄,那里代表了 Bob 的生命值和剩余生命数。游戏还提供了机枪、散弹枪、红箭筒和火焰喷射器 4 种武器,每一种武器都可以进行升级。而且还有各种加分道具和辅助道具,可以回复 Bob 的生命和提高移动速度或者攻击力。
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奥克斯集团创于1986年,现拥有总资产122亿元、员工2万名,产业涵盖电力、家电、通讯、地产、医疗、投资六大领域,并在宁波、南昌、天津、上海、深圳、东莞等地建立七大产业基地。集团位列中国500强企业、中国信息化标杆企业、国家高新技术企业,并为国家工程技术中心和国家级博士后工作站的常设单位,拥有“三星”和“奥克斯”两项跨行业中国驰名商标和两个中国名牌产品。 专区提供最新手机游戏免费下载。


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