一个叫【我从来没有过】的游戏(we are never everhave i ever)玩法

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Never Have I Ever - The Game of Poor Life Decisions
开发商:INI, LLC
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Never Have I Ever, also known as I've Never or Ten Fingers is a great game for two people, five people, large groups and bachelorette parties.
This app Includes 485 Never Have I Ever Questions. This game is all about the players! Try to find as many crazy players as you can, because the more they've done, the more fun you will have. And when, they've done something, they have to be honest. So, get ready to laugh at each other's past actions and embarrassing moments.Frequently used as an icebreaker, this highly verbal game will reveal interesting facts about your friends and family that you may never have known about before, including things that don't normally come up in polite conversation. For example: Never have I eve Never have I ever played strip poker (which is a great game, by the way!).Like most adult party games, this has adult content, which makes for the most deviant fun. So, if you're the spiteful sort of person and someone has wronged you in the past, you now have the chance to wrong them back. If you know they've done something a little worthy of embarrassment, go ahead and say, "Never Have I Ever...." in that evil little tone.Obviously, this can be played as a drinking game. Be warned of hangovers in the morning and take precautions for it. Don't drink and drive and have a sober friend help out or retain enough basic functions to call yourself a cab.
版本 1.6.1 中的新功能
Minor bug fixes
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.6.1大小: 9.3 MB语言: 英语开发商: INI, LLC偶尔/轻微的现实暴力频繁/强烈的亵渎或低俗幽默频繁/强烈的烟酒或毒品使用或相关内容频繁/强烈的色情内容或裸露频繁/强烈的成人/性暗示题材兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
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好莱坞会员Never have I ever...Never have I ever listened to my mom.Never have I ever been here.19726Click to see a random statement
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Never have I ever
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Play the entartaining drinking game
Play the entartaining drinking game Never Have I Ever!The statements are directly from
which means the app is always updated with the newest statement. It's even possible to add your own statements and let other users use them!Rules:Never have I ever... is a drinking game that reveals a lot of fun stories.You will see a random statement (e.g. Never have I ever... Done anal)All players who have done that have to take a sip of their drink.Sometimes there will be "EVERYBODY DRINKS!"-statements and everybody has to take a sip.Have fun!
Never Have I Ever/TheNeverGame
1.0.2 安装包安卓安装包


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