
【日期】日【连接】&无需翻墙 Are there any black Chinese?有黑色的中国人吗?===============quora外国网民讨论:===============转载自【五毛网】Kaiser Kuo, Lived in Beijing for 20 years, from 1996 to
2016Written Jun 3, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?Now you have! Meet Lou Jing, a singer who enjoyed some
popularity—and, alas, had to endure a shameful amount of racism—when she
appeared on a popular singing competition called Go Oriental Angel in China in
2009. Her father was an African-American, and her mother Shanghainese. She was
born in China and is a Chinese citizen.原始问题:为啥我没见过黑色的中国人?现在你能看到了!来认识下娄婧,一个小有名气的歌手——当她2009年在中国去参加一个叫做东方天使的流行歌唱比赛的时候,很可耻的一件事情是不得不忍受种族歧视。她爹是非裔美国人,她娘是上海人,出生在中国是中国公民。(娄婧这个翻译君表示真个是很恶心,赶紧去死吧,特么一夜情的私生女还有脸出来说,不介意这妹子黑点,不管咋滴都是中国滴,在身边交朋友也木有问题,可是她那个不要脸的老娘那个态度让我觉得很膈应……)这个丁辉是中非混血,2011年加入了中国国家排球队Derek Harkness, Living and working in China since 2006.Written Jun 5, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?Simply because China didn't have a history of slave trading with
Africa and exploiting millions of Africans as slaves in cotton, tobaco and sugar
cane plantations.Another reason is that it is neigh near impossible for a
non-Chinese person to change with nationality to Chinese. Thus the only black
looking Chinese people you see are mixed blood.Not all mixed blood children end up with black skin: many look
quite Chinese. One Nigerian I work with has a young son with a Chinese woman. If
you didn't know the father was Nigerian, you would never guess the child was
anything other than Chinese. The boys hair is slighty curly but some Chinese
have curly hair too.Note: China did (does) have a slave industry but not sourced
from Africa and not on the scale that the European colonies undertook.因为中国没有在非洲大搞黑奴贸易,在历史上他们也没有抓过几百万黑奴放进种植园种棉花,烟草和甘蔗。另外一个原因就是他们几乎不可能给非本国人中国国籍,所以黑人只能勾搭中国人,而你看到的都只能是混血儿。也不是所有的混血都是黑皮肤,不少看起来都很中国。和我一起工作的一个尼日利亚人,和一个中国女人生了个儿子。如果不告诉你他父亲是尼日利亚人,你永远猜不到他有非中国血统,他的头发有点卷曲但是和一些有卷卷毛的中国人差别不太大。注:中国也有(过)奴隶产业,但是没在非洲这么干过,规模也没法和欧洲殖民者相比。——————————————————————————————————————————————Deborah Gahm, Life's adventurerWritten Jun 5, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?I came across this question today, shortly after listening to an
interview with Paula Madison, who is half Jamaican half Chinese.&&She has a new
documentary about her life and search to discover her Chinese roots.&&我今天看完宝拉麦迪逊的视频后也遇上了这么一个问题,宝拉是牙买加和中国混血儿。她拍了个关于她生活以及去中国寻根的纪录片,网址在这里——————————————————————————————————————————————Ryan Hou, Software developer / Fighter / And always be a
studentWritten Jun 4, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?Well, do you mean Chinese people with dark skins or just have
black people's descent ?For Chinese people with dark skins, I can tell you a famous
singer Ji ke jun yi (吉克隽逸) who once
joined a popular singing competition called The Voice of China. Now she is a
singer and also shows up in some movies, besides, Snoop Dogg thinks highly of
her. I'll show you some pictures.呃,你是想说中国人是否有皮肤比较黑比较深色的,还是指黑人中国人?如果是说皮肤比较深色的,我可以告诉你一个著名的歌手叫吉克隽逸的,他参加过中国好声音流行歌手大赛。现在是枚歌手也参演一些电影,此外史努比道格(不是那只黑白花的狗狗,是黑色滴美国嘻哈巨星HIP-HOP饶舌歌手,据说叫史努比是因为他当年觉得儿子长得像那只狗狗,就给他整了这么一个名字)对她大加赞赏。我有几张她的照片Plus: She is a 彝族 girl
from Sichuan Province. You can learn more about her by searching
it.注:她是来自四川省的彝族姑娘。你可以自行搜索她的信息。转载自【五毛网】——————————————————————————————————————————————Matthew Hartzell, Lived in China from , 知乎大VWritten Jun 8, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?The question is vague and the label &black& not too helpful. I'm
going to assume that the questioner doesn't mean &African& and is simply talking
about variation in skin pigmentation. Significant variety of skin colors can be
observed within China's borders. Some of that variation is due to latitude,
environment, and working conditions, and some is due to ethnicity.In Yunnan Province (see lefthand map below) where I lived for
six years, one-third of the population belongs to an ethnic minority, and many
of them are indeed darker skinned than the average Han Chinese. One ethnic group
in particular, the Wa (also written as Va, or 佤族 in Chinese), don't look Chinese at all.这问题有点模糊不清啊,光说个黑色指代不明。我只能假设你是在说皮肤比较黑而不是指非洲黑人的黑。皮肤颜色差别在中国边境的确比较明显。这些肤色较暗是因为维度,工作环境以及气候。当然还有种族。在云南省(左下角那嘎达),我在那里生活了6年,那里三分之一的人民是少数民族,他们当中不少人肤色是比普通汉族人深。尤其是一个叫做佤的民族(通常汉语的发音是WA,或者佤族),看起来不像中国人。(俺们都没嫌佤族同胞黑呢你个老外操啥心像不像中国人o(╯□╰)o)The Wa look much more like an ethnic group out of Burma, and
sure enough, they live straddled right along the border (see righthand map
above), with two-thirds on the Burmese side and one-third on the Chines
side.毫无疑问的,佤族人更像缅甸的种族,他们就生活在两国边境,三分之二作为缅甸人生活在那边,三分之一是中国人生活在这边。In Ximeng, one of the two Wa autonomous counties in China,
representatives from the local school and culture bureau act as hosts at a
rehearsal for a performance in honor of the 91st anniversary of the Chinese
Communist Party. The lady and gentleman on the right are Wa (as are 90% of the
population in Ximeng), while the gentleman on the left is one of Ximeng's
minority Han.西盟,中国的一个佤族自治县,上图是当地学校和文化局在91年党庆演出的节目主持人。右边的女士和男士是佤族(在西盟县占了人口的九成),左边那位男士是西盟县的少数民族汉族。Wa tweens in Cangyuan walking back to town from a picnic at the
reservoir near the Burmese border, with thanaka smeared on their faces.佤族少年们在靠近缅甸边境的水库野餐后回沧源的路上,他们脸上涂满檀娜卡(缅甸、泰国妇女常用的一种传统化妆品,主要是黄香楝树枝干晒干后加其它天然材料磨粉调制,鉴于楝树驱蚊效果杠杠滴,所以翻译君猜测应该是主要为了驱蚊)My friend Lao Han here is a musician. He idolizes Bob Marley,
has his own reggae band, and tours the country at music festivals. He sure looks
the part!我的朋友老韩是个音乐家。他很崇拜鲍勃·马利,他有自己的乐队,在全国进行巡回演出。他看上很适合这个角色。Traditional Wa traditions such as the &pulling of the wooden
drum& have been transplanted from the sacred forests to the city, and moved up
the calendar to accommodate Chinese tourists at Chinese New Year.传统的佤族宗教节日像是“拉木鼓”被从神圣森林带到了都市,并且在新年期间为了适应中国游客做了调整。Members of Ximeng's Song and Dance Troupe giving an sneak
preview of the evening's performance (in a county of 80,000, this organization
employs 100 full time employees, and they tour both nationally and
internationally)西盟的歌舞演员们整晚都在预演(该组织雇佣了100个全职人员,在全球巡回演出)Playing guest in a Wa family's rural mountaintop home. They are
subsistence farmers, growing corn, rice, and vegetables, and they make a meager
income from rubber. Tapping the rubber is backbreaking work and in recent years
world rubber prices have plummeted causing ripple effects through the local
economy, with some deciding that tapping the rubber just isn't worth the effort
anymore.佤族家庭在山顶田园风光中招待来游玩的客人。他们是自给自足的农民,种植玉米,大米和蔬菜,他们会通过橡胶来回去一些微薄收入。割橡胶是个辛劳的工作,如今世界橡胶价格跳水造成的涟漪效应,从当地经济角度来看收割橡胶不是太划算。My friend's brother and nephews我朋友的弟弟和侄子们Wa guys warm up before the Festival of the Wooden Drum. Even
though to a foreigner's eyes these festivals look a little too scripted to be
authentic, to their participants they are a joyous occasion, an opportunity for
merrymaking and ethnic pride.在木鼓节前热身的佤族小伙。即使是从一个外国人的角度来看,这种活动也太教科书化了失去了它的真实性,对参与者来说这是个快乐时刻,也是一个机会,用来狂欢和展示民族自豪感。Wa ladies beaming with pride as they await their turn to
perform. Every township in the county sent a delegation of dancers, who rehearse
their dance for months before the big celebration.佤族姑娘们自豪的微笑着等待她们的表演时刻。该县各乡镇派出舞者组成代表团,在大庆祝活动来临前她们要排演好几个月。The village of Wengding is a bit of a tourist attraction, with
traditional Wa thatched roof huts preserved in perpetuity for tourists'
enjoyment. During peak times like the annual Mud Splashing Festival, villagers
perform rituals like this courtship dance for tourists' benefit.翁丁村是个旅游景点,有很多传统的佤族茅草顶的小屋提供给游客。在每天泼泥节的高峰期,村民们会跳一种“求爱舞”从游客那里获利。These young ladies welcome tourists to Wengding village这些翁丁村的小姑娘在欢迎游客的到来Yunnan Minorities Village is a ethnic theme park in Kunming,
showcasing each of the 25 minorities inhabiting the province. Here is a
scheduled show from the &Wa village& within the park.云南的民族村是昆明少数民族主题公园,展示了25个民族的居住区。上图是公园里佤村的预定节目。——————————————————————————————————————————————William Ranger, My existence had been on he edge for decades. Is
solid with the Nichiren method.Written Jun 5, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?Expect that to change.Africa's largely untapped resources are causing CCTV to expend
large amounts of programming time on integrating Africa in Chinese minds, and
showing the many efforts the government makes to establish great relationships
in Africa. They are creating fascination with foreign in order to have willing
people to work there. They will also start to soften the definition of
'Chinese'.In times past, Large Chinese cities were far more cosmopolitan
than any European city.期待改变非洲有很多未开发的资源,这就是为啥中国首脑们同意CCTV花费大把时间在非洲整合上,政府在建立伟大的中非关系上也做出很多努力。他们创造出一种特别的美丽以吸引人们去那里工作。他们也开始软化“中国人”的定义。在过去时间里,中国大城市比任何一座欧洲城市都国际化的多。——————————————————————————————————————————————Michael W, semi-distilled chemical engineerWritten Jun 5, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?He's called Brother Hao Di. I'm not sure if he's from China but
he sings some Red Songs quite well (Attention! For those anti-CCP, I'm not
saying the Red Songs are good, it's just he sounds very chinese). Take a
look..他叫Brother Hao Di。我不太确实他是否来自中国,但他长的一些红色歌曲不错(那些反共党的注意!我不是说红色歌曲好,只是他唱的非常中国)自己去看吧——————————————————————————————————————————————Robert Leo, I think for Quora pointsWritten Jun 5, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?In ten years you are going to see a lot more of them:/magazines/post...There are 200k Africans in the vicinity of Canton along, and
many Chinese has settled in Africa, all happened in the last 10 years or so, so
intermarriage and Afro Chinese children are just growing up.Racism and xonophobic is there, both ways, while discrimination
dies hard, both sides are getting along, little targeted violence.在未来十年里你会看到更多的他们/magazines/post...广州有20万非洲人,并且不少中国人在非洲定居,这些发生在过去10年左右,通婚非裔中国孩子正在长大。种族主义和xonophobic(错别字不认识)共存,歧视根深蒂固,但是双方相处很少有针对性的暴力。——————————————————————————————————————————————Zhenyu Tan, Voice actor, entrepreneur, IT professional,
Marketing professionalWritten Jun 6, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?Well, I guess you haven't been to Guangzhou in Canton. In recent
ten years, quite a lot black people went to Guangzhou legally or illegally.
According to an unapproved data, there are over 500,000 black people in
Guangzhou. Some Chinese girls were lured to have sex with them and even had
babies with them. It now has become a social problem in China.你肯定没去过广州。在过去的十年,很多黑人跑到了广州,合法非法都有。非官方统计,目前广州有50万黑人。一些中国女人被引诱同他们发生性关系且生下孩子。目前这已经成为广州的社会问题。——————————————————————————————————————————————Peter Richie Putra, asian.Written Jun 4, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?Because:Mainland chinese seldom intermarry let alone marrying those of
African descent.There are not many African descent in China.Some (pure) Chinese do have darker skin tone similar to
Indonesian or Indian people only more oriental in looks.Dark skin tone is generally still frowned upon in Chinese
society, even youngsters worship those who have white pale skin, the symbol of
rich and luxury in China. This is also why people like American Chinese and
mainland Chinese look very contrast compared to each other. American Chinese are
&whitewashed& and enjoy tanning and outdoor activities while mainland Chinese
enjoy indoor activity. Darker skin tones also have stigmas of poor farmer/worker
who have to work under intense sunlight to make ends meet.中国大陆很少和外族通婚更别说嫁给那些非洲人了。中国没有多少有非洲血统的人。一些纯种的中国人会有印尼和印度那样深色的肤色,看起来更东方一些。深肤色在中国社会一般不太受待见,即使是年轻人也喜欢那些苍白的肤色,这在中国是富有和奢华的象征。这也是为何美籍华裔和中国大陆人明显差异的地方。美籍华裔更喜欢户外运动而中国大陆人喜欢室内活动。只有扛着锄头的贫困农民和在强烈阳光下工作糊口的工人才有深肤色。(这段翻的好气啊,这个无知又自大的货哪里听来的东西在这里胡说八道)——————————————————————————————————————————————Bai Xuexiao, Chinese Single DogWritten Jun 5, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?in the Northern Song Dynasty,Bao Zheng南宋时期有个包拯——————————————————————————————————————————————Curtis Wang, Chinese-Canadian // YYZ --& SFO --& LAXWritten Nov 17, 2015Yes! My adorable twin cousins. Their father is Jamaican and
their mother (my aunt) is Chinese.有啊,我那对可爱的表姐妹。她们的父亲是牙买加人母亲,我姑姑中国人转载自【五毛网】——————————————————————————————————————————————Chaoqi YanWritten Jun 4, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?There are many peolple who are the Nationality Yi, distributed
over Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou.eg我们家的彝族有不少啊,他们分布在云南,四川和贵州——————————————————————————————————————————————Caleb Oki, Written Jun 4, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?It may suprise you to know that Tiger Woods is 'Black
Chinese'你可能会觉得奇怪但是老虎伍兹是“中国黑人”——————————————————————————————————————————————Joe Hall, Enjoy factual TV & Radio
programmesWritten Nov 21There are a fair few in The Caribbean.Michael Lee-Chin, Jamaica' has biracial
black and Chinese Jamaican parents on both sides of his family. He is a US
dollar billionaire.牙买加也有一些,麦克李成,牙买加首富,他有黑人血统父母来牙中。他是美国亿万富翁英国超模娜奥米坎贝尔,她妈妈是中牙混血The Caribbean Chinese live mostly in, Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad,
Suriname, Guyana, The Dominican Republic, & The Cayman Islands. Mostly Hakka
Chinese people. They also live in Canada and the United States. The Jamaican
Chinese are mostly business people. They own corner shops, restaurants, and
garment factories supplying the United States. There is a Wikipedia article
about the overseas Chinese people of The Caribbean. Chinese Caribbean -
Wikipedia.中国人大多生活在加勒比地区,古巴,牙买加,特立尼达,苏里南,圭亚那,多米尼加共和国和开曼群岛。主要是客家人。他们还生活在加拿大和美国。牙买加的中国人大多数是做生意的。他们拥有街角的商店、餐馆和给美国供货的服装厂。维基百科有一篇关于加勒比华侨华人的文章。中国人 加勒比—维基百科。——————————————————————————————————————————————Vince Parker, Love people, travel, and exploring life. Read,
work, and play endlessly :)Written Jan 28I know tons of Black Chinese.&&This is just the typical mixed
breed where since Black is a dominant color, anything mixed with Black is
considered Black.But then we are all Black, so there is a huge perception issue,
and huge denial issue that we are all basically the same and equal.我认识不少中国黑人,就是那种典型的混血品种,因为黑色是种显性颜色,所以有黑人血统的我们都叫黑人。因为我们都是黑人,所以有巨大的感知问题和巨大的否认问题(这两词儿啥意思啊求科普),我们基本上是相同的平等的。——————————————————————————————————————————————Wai Sing-Rin, Primitive Carbon-based lifeformWritten Jun 5, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?There are black Chinese people.&&They're just not Chinese,
yet.&&They're found in a seaside village in Kenya off the Indian Ocean.&&Some of
the men from one of Zheng He's voyages of discovery and friendship shipwrecked
there.&&The people have mixed African and Han features.&&China hasn't applied
the same rationale yet it uses to claim the rest of the South and East China
Seas to claim Kenya, yet.&&When China chooses to, then, under Chinese laws,
these people would have been born on Chinese land, and will therefore be
subjected to Chinese laws as citizens of China.&&Once declared, Kenya, India,
Sri Lanka, Maldives, anywhere Zheng He ever landed, will unquestionably be, by
default, sovereign Chinese territories.&&No history of administration there by
China is needed, as clearly, no one has ever administered uninhibited islands
and semi submerged rocks.&&Does not matter.有中国黑人,但他们还不算是中国人,他们被发现存在于肯尼亚靠近印度洋附近的一个村庄,一些人可以追溯到郑和下西洋时,船队到达过当地并且失事同当地人建立了联系。那些人兼有非洲和汉族人的特点。中国尚且没有使用南海和东海那样的理由宣称拥有肯尼亚。一旦他们这样做了,按照中国法律,这些人出生在中国的土地上,因此是受中国法律保护的公民。一旦他们这样宣称了,郑和当初到过的地方肯尼亚,印度,斯里兰卡,马尔代夫,将毫无疑问在默认情况下成为中国的领土主权。就算中国在这里没有设置行政管理的历史,但显然没人会在荒岛和半淹的礁石上设管理区。这都无所谓。(大家来猜猜这个阴阳怪气的货啥品种)——————————————————————————————————————————————Alex Li, A Chinese. Wish to see different views.Written Jun 4, 2015Originally Answered: Why haven't I seen any black Chinese
people?Most black in China lives in Guangzhou. Many of them would go to
Sacred Heart Cathedral Every Sunday. I see a lot of black married Chinese, and
they have babies.大多数在中国的黑人生活在广州。他们当中不少人周日会去圣心大教堂。我看到很多同黑人结婚的中国人,他们都有孩子转载自【五毛网】
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