my Father 以前的老房子着火很久没住,终于坍塌了,然后,Father 大哥的儿子

CCTV5最近的一部NBA宣传片的音乐叫什么名字?歌词里有一句my father told me。_百度知道
CCTV5最近的一部NBA宣传片的音乐叫什么名字?歌词里有一句my father told me。
CCTV5最近的一部NBA宣传片的音乐叫什么名字?歌词里有一句my father told me。宣传片开头是科比,中间有艾弗森,还有一些明星球衣退役的片段
《My Father Told Me》歌词 - Pastor Troy现在还没有歌词类似的歌曲When I was just a little girl, 当我还是个小女孩,I asked my mother, 我问妈妈,&What will I be? “将来我会变成什么样子呢?Will I be pretty? 会漂亮吗?Will I be rich?& 会富有吗?”Here's what she said to me: 她对我说:&Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求Whatever will be, 顺其自然吧。The future's not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求,What will be, will be.& 顺其自然吧。”When I grew up and fell in love. 当我长大并恋爱了,I asked my sweetheart, 我问我的心上人,&What lies ahead? “我们将来会怎么样呢?Will we have rainbows day after day?& 生活每天都美好吗?”Here's what my sweetheart said: 我的爱人对我说:&Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求Whatever will be, 顺其自然吧。The future's not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求,What will be, will be.& 顺其自然吧。”Now I have Children of my own. 现在我有了自己的孩子,They ask their mother, 他们问我,&What will I be?& “将来我会变成什么样子呢?Will I be handsome? 会英俊吗?Will I be rich?& 会富有吗?”I tell them tenderly: 我轻声地回答:&Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求Whatever will be, 顺其自然吧。The future's not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求,What will be, will be. 顺其自然吧。Que Sera, Sera!& 顺其自然吧。”
豪华的装修,贪婪的喝了一口,我激动地接过矿泉水!” 我回眸一笑百媚生回应到,因为矿泉水实在太过耀眼 ,我怕有些不法分子会盯上我,对了,可能来买矿泉水的人都得要求先试喝吧,毕竟2元&#47今天我终于狠心买了一瓶矿泉水尝尝:“是你的矿泉水,爽滑的口感 不是我以前喝的自来水所能比拟的美丽漂亮的女服务员热情的向我讲解矿泉水的配料和制作流程,在谈话中我得知他刚从韩国首尔大学毕业主修酒店管理双硕士学位,回国后她拒绝了去星巴克当店长的机会 来到矿泉水专卖店工作, 刚要走出店门时服务员朝我喊:“你的矿泉水, 我花了2个小时半来到市中心的矿泉水专卖店,所以我用我美丽的签名挡住了我俊朗的面庞,友善的服务员热情的接见了我,我兴奋得不能自己,还是忍不住和我的矿泉水合照了;瓶的价格不是说买就买的,可能是太过紧张了 我开口要求试吃,刚说完我就脸红,可是服务员并没有感到诧异,我完全被那种气势震住了,回到家,我也为她的明智选择而感到欣慰,毕竟进入矿泉水专卖店是多少代人的梦想与追求。临走时我掏出带着体温的4元钱买了2瓶。”服务员当时就脸红了, 我随即以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃儿响叮当之势走出门口 我想 ,服务员肯定会把所有的矿泉水从柜子上都拿下来 一瓶一瓶的数 “他明天会来,他明天不会来。昨天我发了压岁钱, 在经过激烈的思想斗争之后 , 真羡慕那些有钱人,我也感觉对人生更加有信心了..” 走在大街上我喝着矿泉水,大家都向我投来羡慕的目光。嘘..。每当我在大街上看到喝矿泉水的人 ,我都会偷偷瞄一眼。第二天,小心翼翼地拧开了瓶盖, 这时的我已经忘了要注意绅士风度,我怀着忐忑不安的心情走进了专卖店,面积达8平米的营业大厅布置和外面一样豪华..,能喝上矿泉水一直是我的梦想,我终于下定决心明天去买瓶矿泉水喝, 我没有告诉我的父母 ,他们知道后一定会阻拦我的 ,我激动的一宿没睡
是the nights,我听过
应该是the nights吧
the nights
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。老人坚持住300年老房子,儿子竟大力支持,原因很简单老人坚持住300年老房子,儿子竟大力支持,原因很简单神都侣行百家号李大伯的家是一座300多年的老房子,至于房子什么时候盖得,村里大多数人都不清楚,只知道这几座房子是清末本地地主家的,后来因为地主家缺乏男丁,再加上土匪横行,10个银元卖给了另外一户富裕人家。解放后,宅子充公,李大伯一家分到了这栋宅子的正房,一个弟弟分得了偏院,至今弟弟一家已经另外盖房,偏院荒废坍塌。李大伯不愿意搬离老宅,儿子竟也非常支持老人的想法,在城里工作的儿子每个星期都会回来,陪老人过上两天。春节前,儿子打算接李大伯到城里过年,李大伯和老伴儿商量了一下,同意了。李大哥感觉很意外,已经劝了好几年了,每次都不行,这次为什么同意了呢?李大伯说:原来村里有四所老宅子,除了自己家的院子,现在塌的塌,拆的拆,同龄人也大多都不在了,过年回来的年轻人也不来村子最后面的老宅,老人感觉有些孤独。以前,村子里有戏,热闹,这两年,村里啥也没有了,看戏需要到城里,每年做的过年食品一直吃到二月,还吃不完……李大伯住的老宅子是完全的土坯建筑,过几年就需要用泥土和麦秸混合之后,糊上一层,这几年村子里没有人种小麦了,糊墙也找不到麦秸,房屋的墙角逐渐裸露出来里面的土坯。李大哥之所以支持父亲留在老宅,倒不是不想他们进城,而是觉得老宅子住着人,还是房子,一旦不住人了,坏的快。李大哥指着墙上的砖雕说:现在没有人再做青砖了,这些砖雕都是几百年的老古董了,没人管着可惜了。栎木门的门脚已经腐朽,李大哥想找一些材料进行修复,两年了,还没有找到合适的木料,可用的栎木原木太少了,山上的大树基本没有了,只能收购拆老房子的旧木料,自己平时工作忙,遇上的机会很少。李大哥叔叔家的房子已经坍塌掉了两间,只剩下用来存放杂物的三间,后坡的瓦片也破损了大半,裸露着瓦片下面的荆编,李大哥说:主是没钱,要是有钱了,我还想把老宅子修缮一下,现在房子虽然好,没人情,老宅讲究的是文化,我不想这种传承在我手里没了……本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。神都侣行百家号最近更新:简介:说说农村邻里间的故事作者最新文章相关文章查看: 11883|回复: 144
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& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & & &纪念赛珍珠专辑第二辑& && && && && && && && && && && && & 《儿子们》翻译、解析和导读& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &原著作者:赛珍珠 Pearl. S .Buck& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &翻译、解析和导读人:余震南 & && && && && && && & & && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & 前言 & &看过了《大地》与其说我们离赛珍珠更近了不如说我们离王龙更近了,离一名封建体制下经历着人生轨迹、自然周期律、社会变革、逃难历程、财富变更和家庭变迁的普通中国农民更近了。我们和他一起从最初的婚姻理想、家庭现实、望天收、敬畏地主、城市奇遇、思想转变、自甘堕落和迷蒙的自我发现等等一系列事件中一同进行了企盼、憧憬、幻灭、梦想与回归。他的每一种心里感受似乎都成了读者的心里感受,时而武断像个真正的男子汉、时而逡巡左右为难、时而像个孩子般徘徊在地主家门口即便老地主已无权无势被社会抛弃还对其敬畏三分,甚至对粮食收购站不过认识几个字的记账员崇拜。因为他能写得出“王龙”这两个字,分辨得出聋子的“聋”和龙王的“龙”有什么不同。在一帮市侩的天下,王龙英雄气短,在儿子们各种难以理解的“奇怪思维中”长吁短叹,但最终依旧部分实现了生活追求在日复一日之单调中老去。& &这名生活在接近社会底层的普通中国农民男子汉并不是真正伦理意义上的底层,因为封建男权制度下还压着玉兰,从而另一方面愈加衬托出了性别压迫的畸形现实。王龙对玉兰的好感不过相当于自然界中异性之间的好感,因为生理上为他生了孩子又能劳动。他在生存状态和经济状态好转以后又暴露出了男人的弱点,虽然其社会地位并没有发生本质性的改变,但这样的意识形态便成为千年以来中国封建社会的轮回观念。第一部收尾,无论如何王龙老去了。儿子们不管怎样在发生着思想变迁或者说思想变化。可我们万万不能武断地称其为思想革命,到目前为止还不知道思想变化是否具有真实意义上的进步性。我就是带着对此的好奇打开了《大地》系列第二部《儿子们》,同时也邀请广大网络读者一起去看个究竟。& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&&&Preface& && && && && &After finish reading The Good Earth I feel we’d rather say we approached WangLung nearer than approached Pearl. S. Buck. We familiarize our self with an ordinary Chinese peasant under the old feudalist system and go along with him in his life cycle, the encounter of nature harvests and disasters, social change and revolution, flee from calamity, up and down in fortune and family born and death. We grow up with him from the initial marriage dream, family reality, risky agriculture income, fear of the landlord, city adventure to the change of his mind, going corruption and partial self realization etc. We expect with him, hope with him, depressed with him, pick up with him and return to ordinary life with him. It seems that every of his mental mechanism became ours, sometimes so arbitrary like a real man, sometimes hesitated for a move and he can wander about at the doorsteps of the landlord like a child even at the time when the dictator had lost his power Wang still got afraid of him. He even respects the casher at the grain purchasing who can only recognize a few Chinese words for he can tell the difference of Chinese character “聋”in “聋子”(a deaf) and “龙”in “龙王”(Dragon King). Among the clouds of philistines this country man was so helpless and among all the “strange thinking” from his son he sighed. Finally he returned to his ** and repeated life in his old. Time passes monotonously. & && && &&&This ordinary Chinese peasant man who lived near the bottom of the society is in a sense not the real one who born the whole weight for there was his wife O-lain under the mechanism of manpower feudalism. From another angle the story exposed the reality of twisted ** role and ** oppression. WangLong’s good sense towards O-lain is something near biological for she born him sons and can work for his comfort. When his living condition changed and the family economy took a good turn the shortcoming of biological man again exposed. Though his social status not in a sense upturned in essence his mental mechanism just repeats the millennium life cycle of feudalist China. At the end of Good Earth Series (1) anyhow WangLong grew old. Anyhow the concepts of his sons changed or alternated. So far we can not call the change revolution or evolution for so far we do not know these changes have any significance in progress. With this curiosity I opened Book Two of the series The Sons in the mean time invite all the net work BBS readers to see what will happen along with me. & && && & & && &
本帖最后由 老树叶 于
09:56 编辑
(正在前期研读,正式翻译、解析和导读将在元月进行)& && && && && && && &&&纪念赛珍珠专辑第二辑& & ...
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本帖最后由 九州方圆 于
09:27 编辑
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & & && && &第一章Wang Lung lay dying. He lay dying in his small, dark, old earthen house in the midst of his fields, in the room where he had slept as a young man, upon the very bed where he had lain on his marriage night. The room was less even than one of the kitchens in that great town house, which was his also, where his sons and their sons now lived. But he was content to die here in the midst of his lands, in this old house of his fathers, in this room with his rude, unpainted table and benches, under his blue cotton bed curtains, since die he must.For Wang Lung knew that his time had come to die, and he looked at his two sons who were beside him and he knew they waited for him to die, and his hour was come. They had hired good physicians to come from the town, and these came with their hired good physicians to come from the town, and these came with their needles and their herbs and they felt his pulse long and looked at his tongue, but in the end they gathered their medicines together to depart and they said, “His age is on him and none can avert his destined death.”Then Wang Lung heard those two sons of his whisper together, who had come to stay with him in this earthen house until he died, and they thought sunken in sleep, but he heard them, and they said staring at each other solemnly, “We must send south for his other son, our brother.”And the second son answered, “Yes, and we must send at once, for who knows where he is wandering under that general he serves?”And heard this, Wang Lung knew they prepared for his funeral. Beside his bed stood his coffin which his sons had bought for him and placed there for his comfort. It was a huge thing, hewn of a great tree of ironwood, and it crowded the small room, so that who came and went must circle and press about it. The price of silver, but even Wang the Second had not begrudged the spending, although usually money passed through his fingers so slowly it seldom came out so much as it went in. No, his sons did not begrudged the silver, for Wang Lung took a vast comfort in this fine coffin of his, and every now and then, when he felt able, he stretched out his feeble yellow hand to feel the black, polished wood. Inside there was an inner coffin also, planed to smoothness like yellow satin, and the two fitted into each other like a man’s soul into his body. It was a coffin to comfort any man. But for all this Wang Lung did not slip off into death so easily as his old father had done. It was true his soul was ready to start on its way half a score of times, but every time his strong old body rebelled that it must be left behind, its day ended, and when the struggle began between these two, Wang Lung was frightened at the warring he felt in himself. He had ever been more body and soul and he had been a stout and lusty man in his time, and he could not lightly let his body go, and when he felt his soul stealing away he was afraid, and he cried out in a hoarse gasping voice, wordlessly as a child cries. Whenever he cries out thus, his young hand, and his two sons hastened forward to comfort him with the tales of the funeral they would give him, and they told him over and over all they would give him, and they told him and over all they planned to do. The eldest son stooped his great, satin-clad body to the small, shriveled, old, dying man, and he shouted into his ear, “We will have a procession more than a mile long, and we shall all be there to mourn you, your wives weeping and mourning as they should, and your sons and your son’s sons, in white hempen garments of woe, and all the villages and the tenants from your land! And your soul’s sedan shall go first and in it the picture we have waiting for you, and we have rented embroidered cloths of scarlet and of gold to be spread over your coffin as it is carried through the streets of the town for all to see!”
翻译:王龙正躺在床上死去。躺在那所小屋里,自家田间的那所小屋,又黑又旧的泥巴房子。打年轻时就睡在这屋子里,结婚那天晚上也正躺在同一张床上。同镇上那些大房子相比,小屋还不如厨房,大房子也是王龙自己的,而今住着他的儿子,还有儿子的儿子。但能在自己的田间死去,在父亲的老屋子里和屋内制作粗糙没有上漆的桌椅在一起,在蓝棉布帷帐之下,王龙感到满足。既然一定要死,这样便好。& &&&王龙知道自己死期已至,他望了望坐在身边的两个儿子,知道他们正在等那个时刻到来,那一刻要到来了。儿子们已经从镇子上雇请了好郎中,和郎中们一起从镇子上来过。他们带着针灸和草药,把了很长的脉又看了舌苔,但最后收起全部药品走了。只留下一句话:“他老的不行了,没有人能改变命中注定的死亡。”& &&&随后王龙听见自己的两个儿子在窃窃私语,他们将会呆在这所泥巴屋子里直到自己死去。儿子们以为王龙在深睡,但他还是听见了。两人严肃地对视着说:& &&&“我们必须把去南方的弟弟叫回来。”& && & 老二回答到:“是的,得赶快把他找回来。谁知道在那个将军掌管下他会在哪里闲逛?”&&& && &听见这些话,王龙知道儿子们在准备自己的葬礼。& && &王龙床边放着棺材,是儿子们买的,放在那里让他感到舒服。 这是一口大棺材,用一棵硕大硬木树上砍下的木材打造。棺材使小屋显得拥挤,所有来来往往的人都得绕着棺材挤来挤去。至于花多少银子,即便老二也不在乎。虽然钱在老二指尖流通得如此之慢,很少出手的比入账多。 不,儿子们不会吝惜花银子,因为王龙对自己这口好棺材感到非常满意。时不时在自己能够的时候,王龙伸出泛黄而乏力的手去感受一下亮泽的黑漆木头。大棺材里还有一口内棺,刨得很光滑,就像**的绸缎。两口棺材契合在一起就像灵魂和身躯的契合一样。这口棺材能使任何人感到满意。不管怎样王龙没有像自己父亲一样轻易睡去。是的,他的灵魂几个时辰之后就会准备上路, 但每次自己又老又强壮的身体都在反抗,身躯必须得留下,它的时日已到。灵魂和躯体斗争开始之时,王龙被体内如此之战斗惊吓了。他从来是个欲望超越灵魂的人,一生都是名长得结实和精力充沛的人。他不会轻易抛弃自己的躯体。感到自己的灵魂正在溜走,王龙害怕了,用嘶哑而喘息的声音喊了出来,就像孩子般不知所云。&&每次这样喊,他年轻的帮手和两个儿子都匆匆走向前来告诉他会准备怎样的葬礼以此安慰王龙。他们一遍又一遍地说会给父亲怎样待遇,把计划要做的一切都告诉了他。大儿子弯下穿着缎子的硕大身躯靠近这名矮小的、干枯的、正在死去的老人,对着他的耳朵喊:“我们会有超过一里地的送葬队伍。所有人都会在那里哀悼。你的姨太太们该怎样恸哭就怎样恸哭,该如何悲哀就如何悲哀。还有你的儿子们和儿子的儿子们都披麻戴孝一样恸哭悲伤。队伍里还有村民和你的佃户们。你的灵车将走在最前面,车上有我们请画师为您画的肖像,往后就是那口光彩照人的大棺材,你穿着准备好的新袍子像皇帝一样躺在里边。我们还租了大红的锦缎布料以及撒在棺木上的碎金。棺木通过镇上街道时所有人都会看得见。”解析:“He lay dying in his small, dark, old earthen house in the midst of his fields, in the room where he had slept as a young man, upon the very bed where he had lain on his marriage night.”这句话的翻译中我们要看一看先说和后说。“small, dark, old earthen house” 前面一些列形容词都是中心词 “house”的修饰限定成份。从单纯语法角度上看确实这样。“他躺在自己田间又小又暗又老的泥巴屋子里死去,”然而在讲诉中国小说或故事的时候,这样表诉显得异化而累赘。因此我们要掌握故事体的叙事特征“躺在那所小屋里,自家田间的那所小屋,又黑又旧的泥巴房子。”导读:《大地》紧紧围绕的主人翁—王龙,在第二部一开头就已经走到了生命尽头。他的死同两千年来中国农耕社会上到帝王将相,下到百姓臣民的死一样。凡有所地位便不过如此。在最后灵魂与肉体搏斗过程中,唯有那口上等棺木能使王龙平静,还有儿子们关于葬礼规模的承诺。王龙是一个肉体超越灵魂的人,离开这个世界也要大讲排场。后来人们会得出结论大凡王龙这样的人都肉体超越灵魂,人类在现代教育升华之后才产生了一些灵魂超越肉体的社会精英,然而王龙不可能那样。于此他是卑微的,然而没有人可以责怪他。
本帖最后由 九州方圆 于
10:17 编辑
Thus he shouted until his face was red and he was breathless, for he was a very fat man, and when he stood erect again to pant more easily, Wang Lung’s second son took up the tale. He was a small, yellow, crafty man, and his voice came out of him through his nose and piping and small, and he said,“There will come the priests also, who shall chant your soul into paradise, and there will come all the hired mourners and the bearers in red and yellow robes who shall carry the things we have prepared for you to use when you are a shade. We have two ** and reed houses standing ready in the great hall, and one house is like this and one like the town house, and they are filled with furniture and with servants and slaves and a sedan chair and a horse, and all you need. They are so well made and so made of ** of every hue that when we have burnt them at your grave and sent them after you, I swear I believe there will be no other shade so fine as yours, and all these things are to be carried in the procession for everyone to see, and we pray for a fair day for the funeral!”Then the old man was vastly cheered and he gasped out, “I suppose—the whole town—will be there!”“The whole town, indeed!” cried his eldest son loudly, and he flung out his big, soft, pale hand in a large gesture. “The streets will be lined on either side with all the people who come to see, for there has not been such a funeral, no since the great House of Hwang was at its height!”“Ah—”said Wang Lung, and he was so comforted that once more he forgot to die, and he dropped into one of his sudden, light slumbers. But even this comfort could not go on forever, and there came an hour in the early dawn of the sixth day of the old man’s dying when it ended. The two sons were not accustomed to the hardships of a cramped house like this where they had not lived since they were young, and, exhausted with their father’s long dying, they had gone to bed in the small inner court he had built long ago in the days when he took his first concubine, Lotus, in the days when he was in his prime. They told Pear Blossom when they went at the beginning of the night that she was to call them if their father began his dying again suddenly, and they went to their rest. There upon the bed which Wang Lung had once thought so fine and where he had loved so passionately, his eldest son now lay down and he complained because the bed was hard and rickety with age, and he complained because the room was dark and close now that the season was spring. But once down he slept heavily and loudly, and his short breath caught in his thick throat. As for Wang Lung the second, he lay upon a small bamboo couch that stood against the wall and he slept lightly and softly as a cat sleeps. But Pear Blossom did not sleep at all. She sat the night through in the still way she had, motionless upon a little bamboo stool so low that as she sat beside the bed her face was near the old man’s, and she held his dried old palm between her own soft palms. She was young enough in years to be Wang Lung’ yet she did not look young, either, for she had the strangest look of patience, which is not like youth. Thus she sat beside the old man who had been very kind to her and more like her father than any she had ever known, and she did not weep. She looked at his dying face steadfastly hour after hour, as he slept as sleep as still and nearly as deep as death. Suddenly at that small hour when it is blackest night and just before dawn breaks, Wang Lung opened his eyes, and he felt so weak that it seemed to him his soul was out of his body already. He rolled his eyes a little and he saw his Pear Blossom sitting there. He was so weak he began to be afraid, and he said whispering, his breath caught in his throat and fluttering through his teeth, “Child—is this—death?”翻译:大儿子就这样喊着,直到面色发红,上气不接下气。他是个大胖子,站起身来喘口气的时候二儿子又接着话往下说。二儿子是个精明小巧的人,长得干黄,说话声不大,从鼻子里发出来,嗡嗡的:“法师也会来的,他会将你的灵魂超度到天堂。雇佣的悼丧者也会前来,穿着大红袍子或大黄袍子的人会带上为你准备好在阴间使用的物品。大厅里有两栋扎好的纸房子,其中一栋就像这里,还有一栋像镇上的宅子。房子里有家具,仆人,佣人,一顶轿子和一匹马以及你所需要的一切。这些祭品做的如此美妙,用不同色彩的纸做成,我发誓当在墓地点燃给你捎去后就不会有比你更好的阴曹地府。所有这一切都会行进在送葬的队伍中,给所有人看。让我们祈祷葬礼那天有个好天气!”老王龙非常高兴,他喊了出来:“我想,整个镇子上的人都会在那儿!”“是的,整个镇子!”大儿子高声喊出了口,一边挥动着苍白无力的大手做了个大手势。街道两边会站满所有前来观看的人,因为黄家大宅门登峰之后就再也没有过如此的葬礼。“啊!”王龙说着感到如此舒坦,又一次忘记了死,即刻陷入又一次浅浅的昏睡。”可即便这样的舒适也不会持续下去,在老人躺着将要死去的第六天,两个儿子一时耐受不住这样狭小的屋子。年轻时就不再居住于此,他们为父亲漫长的死亡过程感到困倦,进入内院小床上睡觉了。内院是很久以前王龙娶第一个小老婆莲花时修建的。那些日子,王龙正兴旺发达。那天傍晚儿子们走的时候告诉梨花,如果父亲又突然开始死亡就去告诉他们。这样两个儿子去休息了。在那张王龙曾经认为如此舒适的床上,那张曾热烈爱过的床上,大儿子躺在那里抱怨。床也上了年纪,摇摇晃晃又硬梆梆的。他还抱怨这里黑暗闭锁,现在已经到了春天。可一躺下他就呼声连天地沉睡了,浅浅的呼吸常在嗓子眼哽噎。至于王老二,他躺在靠着墙的一张小竹椅上,轻轻悄悄地入睡,就像一只猫。梨花一刻儿也没有睡。她直直地坐了一夜,坐在一张小竹凳上一动不动。凳子如此矮,梨花坐在床边头就靠近老人的脸。她将老人干巴的手握在自己柔软的手心里,在年纪上梨花年轻得能当王龙闺女。然而她看上去再也不年轻,因为有一种陌生的忍耐,不像个年轻人。她这样坐在老人身边,老人曾经对她很好,比其他任何人都更像个父亲。梨花没有哭,一个时辰一个时辰地看着那张正在死去的面庞。老人睡的这一觉静静得又深沉得像死一样。在黎明前最黑暗的短暂一刻,王龙睁开了眼睛。他感到如此虚弱,似乎灵魂已经离开了自己的躯体。王龙转了转眼睛发现他的梨花坐在身旁。老人如此虚弱,他开始害怕,窃窃私语到:“孩子,这是死吗?”说话间气哽噎在喉咙口,又通过齿间震颤出来。 解析:“There will come the priests also, who shall chant your soul into paradise, and there will come all the hired mourners and the bearers in red and yellow robes who shall carry the things we have prepared for you to use when you are a shade.”翻译中,中西文化差异的甄别。“priest”在西方文化中特指牧师,而中国传统文化中只有法师具有类似职业性质。同样西方文化中宗教弥散仪式在佛教文化浓郁的中国称为超度亡灵。同样 “shade”第一次提到称为阴间,“阴间”可被认为中西共享的概念。但第二次提到烧房产给王龙这时更加合适的表达为“阴朝地府”因为这一捎似乎王龙在地下有了“产业”。导读:王龙一个普通农民的死,赛珍珠花了浓墨重彩:儿子们对此的态度,梨花对此的态度,王龙自己对此的态度。王龙没有像自己父亲一样一觉睡去,这个过程又过了六七天,然而正是这六七天所有人都表现出来。大儿子和二儿子的封建孝悌别无二样,虽然对于这块土地的运作他们在背地里有很多有违父亲心意的做法,他们有了自己的生活核心,王龙在苟延残喘。然而大限将至,一切安慰只能给予生后的隆重典雅。王龙的安慰也不过死的体面而已。一切按照王龙的意图就一定好吗?也不一定,王龙已经不能适应社会,他的死似乎就像一种新陈代谢。第二部的主角必然是王龙的儿子们。只有梨花,一个没有主见的封建弱女子,她只知道谁对她好就坚守着谁,没有能力也不在乎自己的身份。一个在最后时刻唯一坚守王龙的人。
本帖最后由 九州方圆 于
17:01 编辑
She saw him in his terror and she said quietly and aloud and in her natural voice,“No, no, my lord—you are better, you are not dying!”“You—are sure?” he whispered again, comforted with her natural voice, and he fixed his glazing eyes upon her face. Then Pear Blossom, seeing what must come, felt her heart begin to beat hard and quick, and she rose and bent over him and she said in her same, soft, usual voice, “Have I ever deceived you, my lord? See, your hand I hold feels so warm and strong—I think you are growing better every moment. You are so well, my lord! You need not be afraid—no, fear nothing—you are better—you are better—”So she soothed him steadily on, saying over how well he was and holding his hand close and warm and he lay smiling, his ears straining to catch her steady voice. Then when she saw he was dying indeed, she leaned down close to him and she lifted her voice clear and high and she called, “You are better—you are better! No death, my lord—it is not death!”Thus she comforted him and even as he gathered his last heart beats together at the sound of her voice, he died. But he could not die peacefully. No, although he died comforted, yet when his soul tore itself out of him, his choked body gave a great leap as though of anger and his arms and legs flung themselves out and so strongly that his bony old hand jerked upward and struck Pear Blossom as she learned over him. It struck her full in the face and with a blow so sharp she put her hand to her cheek and she murmured,“The only blow you ever gave me, my lord!”But he gave her no answer. Then she looked down and saw him lying all askew and as she looked his last went out of him in a gust and he was still. She straightened his old limbs then, touching him lightly and delicately, and she smoothed his quilts decently over him. With her tender fingers she closed his staring eyes that saw her no more, and she gazed for an instant at the smile, still on his face, which had come when she told him he was not dying. When she finished all this, she knew she must go and call his sons. But she sat down upon the low stool again. Well she knew must call his sons. But she took the hand that had struck her and she held it and bowed her head upon it and she wept a few silent tears while she was yet alone. But hers was a strange heart, sad in its very nature, and she could never weep and ease it as other women do, for her tears never brought her comfort…She did not sit long, therefore, but rose and went and called the two brothers, and she said,“You need not hasten yourself, for he is dead already.”But they answered her call and they did hasten themselves and they came out, the elder with his satin under robes all rumpled with sleep and his hair awry, and they went at once to their father. There he lay as Pear Blossom had straightened him, and these two sons of his stared at him as though they were half afraid of him now. Then the eldest son said, whispering as though there were some stranger in the room. “Did he die easily or hardly?”And Pear Blossom answered in her quiet way, “He died without knowing he did.”Then the second son said, “He lies as if he slept and were not dead at all.”When these two sons had stared for a while at their dead father they seemed filled with some vague and confused fear, because he lay there so helpless for them to gaze upon, and Pear Blossom divined their fear and she said gently,“There is much to be done for him yet.”Then the two men started and they were glad to be reminded of living things again, and the elder smoothed his robes over himself hastily and passed his hand over his face and he said huskily, “True—true—we must be about his funeral—” and they hastened away, glad to be out of that house where their father lay dead.
翻译:梨花见到王龙在惊恐之中,她用自然的声音平静而大声地说:& &&&“不,不。主人,你好多了,你不会死的。”& &&&“你确定吗?”王龙又低声耳语到,用自然的声音试图让莲花听起来舒服,而后用釉光闪闪的眼睛看着莲花的脸。& &&&随后梨花明白了将要发生什么,感到自己心跳加剧。她站了起来向王龙弯下身去,用自己惯常轻巧的声音说道:& &&&“我骗过你吗?主人。瞧,我抓着的手如此温暖强壮,我认为你每时每刻都在好转。你如此健康,主人。 不必害怕,不,什么也别怕。你好多了,好多了。”& &&&梨花这样不断地安慰,背诵着王龙多么健康的言辞,抓紧他的手温暖着。王龙躺在那里笑了,竖着耳朵听梨花平稳的声音。随后当梨花明白他真的在死去就弯下腰靠得更近,她提高嗓门清晰而大声地喊着,& & “你好多了,你好多了。这不是在死,主人,不是在死。”& & 梨花就这样安慰着王龙,甚至在心跳的最后时刻也听着这个声音。王龙死了,但不会平静地死去。不会的,即便他走的很舒服,而当灵魂与躯体分离之时他僵直的身躯做了最后一跃,就像发怒一样。王龙四肢猛烈一摊,瘦骨嶙峋的手僵直地向上一挥,正打在弯下身子的梨花脸上。正正地打在脸上,打的如此之狠。梨花用手捂着腮帮子低语到:& & “我的主人,这是你唯一一次打我。”& & 王龙并没有回答。随后梨花看了下去,看见王龙扭曲地躺着,见到他最后一息离去便一动不动。接下来梨花扶正了王龙的老腿老胳膊。精妙而轻柔地触摸着王龙,又平整地给他盖上了被子。梨花用小巧的手指合上王龙睁大的眼睛,这双眼睛再也看不见她了。梨花凝视片刻,发现笑容依旧留在王龙的脸庞。这笑容是在自己告知王龙不会死的时候留下的。& & 当梨花做完这一切,她知道自己必须去叫来王龙的两个儿子。然而她又在矮凳子上坐下了。是的,梨花知道必须得喊来王龙的儿子们,可她抓起了那只打在自己脸上的手,将头埋在手上,独自一人静静地流了几滴眼泪。而梨花的心是冷漠的,天生充满悲伤,不会像其她女人一样哭哭啼啼又轻松起来。对她来说眼泪不会带来舒适。因此莲花没有坐太长时间,她站起身走了,喊来兄弟俩说:& & “你们不用慌忙,他已经死了。”& & 兄弟俩回应了莲花的招唤,他们确实手忙脚乱地走了出来。老大袍子下边的缎料衣服睡的起了褶子,头发也乱糟糟的。他俩赶忙走到父亲身边。王龙躺在那里,就是梨花摆直的姿势。两个儿子瞪眼看着王龙,似乎现在对他有些害怕。随后大儿子说话了,窃窃私语,就像有陌生人在屋子里。& & “他死的很容易还是很难?”& & 梨花用平静的方式回答到,& & “他死了,都不知道自己在死。”& & 随后二儿子说,& & “他躺着,就像睡着了并没有死一样。”& & 当两个儿子对死去的父亲看了一会儿,他们似乎充满某些莫可名状的恐惧,因为王龙无助地躺在那里任两人注视。梨花预感到了他俩的恐惧,温柔地说,“还有很多事要为他做。”& & 随后两人动起身来,他们很高兴地又想起了还有活人。老大草草整了整自己穿的袍子,用手搓了搓脸,断然说道:& & “是的,是的。我们必须得为他准备葬礼—”他们匆匆走开了,很高兴能离开那所屋子,屋子里躺着死去的父亲。 解析:“But hers was a strange heart, sad in its very nature, and she could never weep and ease it as other women do, for her tears never brought her comfort…She did not sit long, therefore, but rose and went and called the two brothers, and she said,”“她的心是奇怪的”、“她的心是陌生的”、“她的心是冷淡的”、“她的心是冷漠的”到底如何选择意义?奇怪的肯定说不通,陌生的也差强人意。选词要根据主人翁的经历和感情心理特征。梨花的心本身就是悲伤的,她无父无母,在妓院干着下等活。然而悲伤已经成为惯常,只能用漠视来减轻压力。虽然在这个世界上王龙是唯一一名真的爱过自己的人,但即便王龙的死也改变不了梨花对悲伤之惯常。如此一来只有冷漠比较合适。
本帖最后由 九州方圆 于
14:54 编辑
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&& && && && && & 第二章Now before Wang Lung had died one day he commanded his sons that his body was to be left in its coffin in the earthen house until he was buried in his land. But when his sons came to this time of preparation for his funeral they found it very irksome to come and to go so far from their house in the town, and when thought of the forty and nine days which must before the burial, it seemed to them they could not obey their father, now that he was dead. And indeed it was a trouble to them in many ways, for the priest from the town temple complain because they must come so far to chant, and even the men who came to wash and to dress Wang Lung’s body and to put his silken burial robes on him and to lift him into his coffin and seal it, demanded a double fee and they asked so much that Wang the Second was in horror. The two brothers looked at each other, then, over the old man’s coffin, and they each thought the same thing, that the dead man could say no more. So they called the tenants and told them to carry Wang Lung into the courts where he had lived in the town house, and Pear Blossom, although she spoke against it, could not prevail with them. When she saw her words useless, she said quietly,“I thought the poor fool and I would never go to that town house again, but if he goes we must go with him,” and she took this fool, who was Wang Lung’s eldest daughter and a woman grown in years, but still the same foolish child she had been all her life, and they followed behind Wang Lung’s coffin as it went along the country road, and the fool went laughing because the day was fair and warm with spring and the sun shone so brightly. Thus did Pear Blossom go yet again to the court where she had lived once with Wang Lung alive, and it was to this court that Wang Lung taken her on a certain day when his blood ran full and free even in his age, and he was lonely in his great house. But the court was silent now, and on every door in his great house. But the court was silent now, and on every door in the great house the red ** signs had been torn off to show that death was here, and upon the great gates open to the street white ** was pasted for a sign of death. And Pear Blossom lived and slept beside the dead. One day as she thus waited with Wang Lung in his coffin, a serving maid came to the door of the court and by her Lotus, Wang Lung’s first Concubine, sent word that she must come and pay her respects to her dead lord. Pear Blossom must return a courteous word, and so she did, although she hated Lotus who had been her old mistress, and she rose and waited, moving a candle here or there as it burned about the coffin. It was the first time Pear Blossom had seen Lotus since that day when Lotus knew what Wang Lung had done and she sent word to him that she wished never to see Pear Blossom again because she was so angry that he had taken into his own court a girl who had been her slave since childhood. She was so jealous and angry that she pretended not to know if Pear Blossom lived or died. But the truth was she was curious, and now that Wang Lung was dead she had told Cuckoo, her servant,“Well, if that old man is dead, she and I have no more to quarrel over and I will go and see what she is like now.” Thus filled with her curiosity she had waddled out of her court, leaning upon her slaves, and she chose an hour when it was still too early for the priests to be there chanting by the coffin. Thus she came into the room where Pear Blossom stood waiting, and she had brought candles and incense for decency’s sake, and she commanded one of her slaves to light these before the coffin. But while the slave did this, lotus could not keep her eyes from Pear Blossom and she stared avidly to see how Pear Blossom had changed and to see how old she looked. Yes, although Lotus wore white shoes of mourning upon her feet and robes of mourning, her face did not mourn and she cried to Pear Blossom, “Well, and you are the same small pale thing you ever saw in you!” And she took comfort in this, that Pear Blossom was so small and colorless and without any bold beauty.
翻译:王龙死前一天要求儿子们将自己的遗体存放在棺材内,不出泥巴屋子,直到埋葬于自家地头田间。但到了筹办丧事的时候儿子们发现在很远的城里住宅与这小屋之间走来走去非常令人厌烦。又想到下葬之前要做七七,似乎就不能听从父亲的遗愿,他毕竟死了。的确在诸多方面这对儿子们都是个麻烦。镇上寺庙里的法师也为此抱怨,要走很远的路来超度。即便那些来给王龙洗礼穿绸缎丧袍并入殓封棺的男人们也要求付双倍工资,他们要的太多以至老二都害怕。& &随后兄弟俩从棺材上方对视,脑海里都想着同一件事—死人再也不会说话了。这样他俩叫来佃户,将王龙抬到镇上自家宅院里。梨花虽公开反对,却犟不过他们。当知道自己的话毫无用处时,梨花静静地说:&&“我本以为那个可怜的傻瓜和我再也不能回到镇上的宅院里,但如果王龙被搬去我们也要跟着一道去。”梨花带上了那个傻瓜,她是王龙的大女儿,一个只在年龄上成长的人,一生都一样是个傻孩子。他俩跟在王龙的棺椁后面行进在乡间路上。那个傻子一路走,一路笑,因为春天里温暖,天气又不错,阳光明媚。& &这样梨花再次回到了同王龙活着时一道居住过的庭院。曾经有一天王龙把梨花带进了这个庭院,即便已经上了年纪那时的王龙依旧充满沸腾热血。在大房子里王龙感到孤独。可如今院子里静静的,大宅院的每一道门上都撕下了红色的联对以表示死了人。所有面向大街的门都贴上了白纸示丧。梨花守在死去的王龙附近起居。一天正当梨花守着王龙的棺椁,一名女佣走到院子门前,身边还站着莲花—王龙的第一个姨太。莲花发话说她不得不来向死去的老主人表示敬意。梨花不得不以礼相答,虽然她痛恨莲花这个过去自己的老鸨。梨花站起身来候着,将一支点燃的蜡烛在棺材上方移来移去。& &这是那天以后梨花第一次见到莲花,那一天莲花知道王龙都做了些什么,向王龙捎信说自己再也不想见到梨花。因为王龙纳了一名从小就是自己女奴的人,莲花感到愤怒。莲花如此嫉妒与愤怒,假装不问梨花的生死。可事实上她非常好奇,如今王龙死了,莲花曾告诉自己的仆人布谷鸟:“好吧,如果那老头死了,我和她之间就没有什么可争的了。我想去看看梨花现在成啥样了。”这样莲花充满好奇靠在奴隶身上蹒跚地走出自己的院落。她选择了个时间来访,这会儿离法师们来棺木前超度还有一段。& &如此莲花走进了梨花站着守候的那所屋子,为了体面她带来蜡烛和香。命令一名奴仆在棺椁前点燃。可当奴仆们这么做的时候莲花的目光没有离开梨花,渴望见到莲花变成了个啥样,看上去有多老。虽然莲花穿着吊丧的白鞋还有丧袍,脸上却并不悲伤。她向梨花喊道:“是的,你就像我一贯看到的那样苍白弱小。”莲花为此感到舒服,梨花如此弱小而面无色泽,没有任何显著的美丽。
解析:“But when his sons came to this time of preparation for his funeral they found it very irksome to come and to go so far from their house in the town, and when thought of the forty and nine days which must before the burial, it seemed to them they could not obey their father, now that he was dead.”中西文化甄别过程中发现“forty and nine days,”实际上为传统丧葬文化中的做七,从头七到七七正好为49天,这样翻译成做七七而不是49天更加具有民族性。
Then Pear Blossom stood by the coffin, her head hanging, and she stayed silent, but such a loathing filled her heart that she frightened herself and she was humbled by the knowledge that she could be so evil and hate even her old mistress like this. But Lotus was not one who could keep her old wandering mind even on hatred, and after she had stared her fill at Pear Blossom, she looked at the coffin and muttered, & &&&“A pretty heap of silver his sons paid for that, I’ll swear!” And she rose heavily and went and felt of the wood to appraise it. But Pear Blossom could not bear this coarse touch upon the thing she watched so tenderly and she cried out suddenly and sharply.“Do not touch him!” And she clenched her little hands on her bosom and drew her lower lip between her teeth. At this Lotus laughed and she cried out, “What—do you still feel so toward him?” And she laughed in easy scorn, and she sat awhile and watched the candles burn and sputter, and wearing of this soon, she rose and went out into the court to go away. But looking everywhere in her curiosity, she saw the poor fool sitting there in a patch of sunlight, and she called out, “What—is that thing still alive?”Pear Blossom went and stood beside the fool at this, and her loathing filled her heart still, so that she could scarcely bear it, and when Lotus was gone, she went and found a cloth and she wiped again and again the place on Wang Lung’s coffin where Lotus had put her hand, and she gave the fool a little sweet cake, and the fool took it merrily, since she had not expected it, and she ate it with cried of joy. And Pear Blossom watched her sadly for a while and at last she said, sighing. “You are all I have left of the only one who was ever kind to me or saw me for more than slaves.” But the fool took it merrily, since she had the fool only ate her cake, for she neither spoke nor understood any who spoke to her. So pear Blossom waited the days out until the funeral, and those days were very silent in the courts except for the hour when the priests chanted, for not even Wang Lung’s sons came near him unless they must for some duty. They were all somewhat uneasy and afraid in that whole house because of the earthy spirits a dead man has, and since Wang Lung had been so strong and lusty a man, it could not be expected that these even spirits of his would leave him easily. Nor did they, for the house seemed full of new and strange sounds, and servant maids cried out that they felt chill winds seize them at night in their beds and toss their hair askew, or they heard mischievous rattling at their lattices, or a pot would be knocked out of a cook’s hand, or a bowl drop from a slave’s hand as she stood to serve. When the sons and their wives heard such servants’ talk they pretended to smile at it for foolishness of ignorance, but they were uneasy, too, and when Lotus heard these tales she called out, “He was ever a willful old man!”But Cuckoo said, “Let a dead man have his way, mistress, and speak well of him until he is under ground!”Only Pear Blossom was not afraid, and she lived alone with Wang Lung now as she had when he was living. Only when she saw the yellow—robed priests did she rise and go to her room and there she sat the yellow—robed priests did she rise and go to her room and there she sat and listened to their mournful chanting and to the slow beating of their drums. Little by little were the seven earthy spirits of the dead man released, and every seven days the head priest went to the sons of Wang Lung and said,“There is another spirit gone out of him.” And the sons rewarded him with silver every time he came and said this.Thus the days passed, seven times seven, and the day drew near for the funeral. Now the whole down knew what day the geomancer had appointed for the funeral of so great a man as Wang Lung and on that day in the full spring of the year and close upon summer, mother hastened their children at the morning meal so they would not dally and be too late to see all that was to be seen, and men in their fields left off farming for the day, and in the shops the clerk and the apprentices in trades plotted to see how they could stand and see the procession pass for this funeral. For everyone in that whole countryside knew Wang Lung and how he had been poor once and a man on the land like any other and how he grew rich and founded a house and left his son rich. Every poor man longed to see the funeral because it was a thing to ponder on that a man as poor as himself had died rich, and it was a cause for secrete hope in every poor man. Every rich man would see the sight because they knew the sons of Wang Lung were left rich, and so must every rich man pay his respects to this great old dead man.
翻译:随后梨花站在棺椁边,耷拉着脑袋一声不响。一个讨厌的想法萦绕在心间,为此觉得害怕。对此梨花感到卑下,自己竟会如此**和为人憎恨,连过去的老鸨都这样对待。但莲花思想如此飘忽不定甚至不能锁定往日的怨仇,满满地瞪了梨花一眼后就看着棺材低语到,& &&&“我敢发誓他的儿子们为此花了不少银子。”随后猛地站起身来走向前去一边摸着棺木一边赞叹。& && &但梨花不会忍受莲花如此粗糙地触摸自己小心翼翼照看的东西,她突然尖声喊了出口,& &&&“别碰他!”梨花双拳握紧于胸前牙齿咬着下唇。& && &对此莲花大笑出声来,她喊道:“什么,你现在对他的感情还一样吗?”她不屑一顾地笑着,坐了一会儿,看着啪啪燃烧的蜡烛,很快对此感到无聊,就站起来走向院里子离开了。可莲花四下里好奇地打亮,看见那个傻子坐在一片阳光下。莲花喊出声来,& &&&“什么?这东西还活着!”& &&&此刻,梨花已走过来坐在傻子身边。那种厌恶感依旧萦绕心间,以至无法忍受。莲花走了以后梨花找来一块抹布,一遍又一遍地擦拭王龙棺材上莲花手碰过的地方。随后她又给那个傻子一小块甜蛋糕,傻子很高兴地拿了。因为是件没有想到的事情,她一边吃一边高兴地喊着。梨花苦涩地看了一会儿,最后叹了口气说:& &“在所有剩下来的人中,你是唯一一个对我好的,或者说不把我当奴隶看待的。”但那个傻子只是快乐地吃着,因为蠢到只晓得吃蛋糕。她既不会同自己讲话的人对话也听不明白对她讲的话。 & &这样梨花一直等到葬礼的那一天,之前那些日子院子里非常寂静,除了法师们超度的时辰。即便王龙的儿子们也没有走近,除了在必须履行一些责任的时候。他们都有些不安,害怕这一整座屋子,因为这名死去的男人有着粗俗的灵魂,还因为王龙曾经如此强壮又充满欲求。即便这些灵魂,人们也不敢奢望会轻易离开王龙。这些灵魂也并没有离去,大房子里好像充满了新奇的声响。女仆们大喊大叫,感到夜间有阴风在床上抓住她们,把头发搞乱,或是听见窗栅上有恶作剧般的嘎嘎声。还有的说锅会从厨师手上打掉,亦或奴隶们站着伺候时碗会从手上滑落。儿子们和他们的老婆听到仆人们这么说,装着取笑这些愚昧无知。但他们自己也心神不宁。莲花听到这些传闻喊出声来,“他从来就是个任性的老人!”但布谷鸟说到,“主人,让一个过世的男人保留自己的方式把。多说点好话直到入葬。”只有梨花不害怕,现在她单独和王龙在一起,就像他活着的时候一样。只有看见穿黄袍子的法师莲花才会起身回到自己屋内。她在自己屋里坐着,倾听他们念悲哀的诵经,还有慢慢敲打的鼓声。过世男人的七个尘世灵魂一点一点被释放出来。每隔7天法师头人都会来王龙儿子们跟前说,“又有一个灵魂出窍!”儿子们每次听见这话都会给法师们银子。这样一天一天过去直到七七四十九天,葬礼的日子临近了。如今整座镇子都知道风水师定了什么日子下葬这个**王龙。母亲们吃早饭的时候催促孩子们不要浪费时间,不要迟赶去看这一切。地里男人们也放下一天的农活。店里正在交易的店员和学徒们策划站在什么地方看送葬队伍通过。整个乡里每个人都认识王龙,他曾经如何贫困,就像土地上其他任何人一样。他又怎样变得富有,建了一所房子,给儿子留下财富。每一名穷人都渴望见到葬礼,因为这是件值得思考的事情。一个像王龙那么穷的人,死的时候那样富裕。这成为每一名穷人暗中的希望。每一名富人也会赶来看这个场面,因为他们知道王龙给儿子们留下了财富。这样每个富人都会对这名过世的伟大老人表示崇敬。解析:“But Lotus was not one who could keep her old wandering mind even on hatred, and after she had stared her fill at Pear Blossom, she looked at the coffin and muttered,” “to keep her wandering mind on…”这里“wandering mind”指的是飘忽不定的思维,既然飘忽不定就无法集中在一件事上,锁定往日的怨仇都成为不可能。导读:这七七四十九天中,除了王龙的儿子们和法师只有莲花来过。莲花对王龙的死不以为然,而梨花对主人是忠诚的。她从莲花的言行中看出了轻蔑,那个女人走后就不断用抹布擦拭其手碰过的地方。在这一大家人中,除了死去的王龙只有那个傻子不会把梨花当成奴隶看待,因为傻子除了吃什么也不知道。当然各种神异事件在这七七四十九天要么伴随着人们的心理,要么做为一种巧合散布着。越说越神,连儿子们和他们的老婆都嘴上强硬心理害怕。终于等到要出殡,镇子里不管穷人还是富人在王龙发家致富过程中要么觉得有启发,要么感到崇敬。王龙的收场是隆重的。
本帖最后由 九州方圆 于
16:01 编辑
But in Wang Lung’s own house that day there were confusion and noise, for it was no easy thing to have so vast a funeral set forth in order, and Wang the Eldest was distracted with all he had to do, and since he was the head of the house, he must have oversight of all, of hundreds of people and morning fitted to each as was his station, and the hiring of the sedan chairs for the ladies and children. He was distracted and yet he was proud of his importance and that all came running to him and bawling to ask what to do in this and that, and being agitated so that the sweat ran down his face like in mid—summer, his rolling eye fell upon his second brother who stood calmly there, and this coolness angered Wang the eldest in the midst of his heat, and he cried out, “You leave all to me and you cannot even see that your own wife and children are dressed and sober—faced.”At this Wang the second answered with a secrete sneer, and very smoothly, “Why should anyone do anything when you can be pleased with what you do yourself? Well we know, my wife and I, that nothing else will please you and your lady, and we do desire to please first!”So even at his funeral Wang Lung’s son’s bickered together, but this was partly because they were both secretly distraught because their other brother had not come home yet and each blamed the other for the delay, the elder son that his second brother had not given the messenger for a day or two.There was only one peaceful in all that great house on this day and it was Pear Blossom. She sat in her mourning robes of a white hempen cloth that were lesser in degree of mourning only to those that Lotus wore and she sat quietly and waited beside Wang Lung. She had robed herself early and she had dressed the fool in mourning, too, although that poor creature had no notion of what this was all about and laughed continuously and was disturbed by the strange garments she wore so that she tried to pull them off. But Pear Blossom gave her a cake to eat and saw to it that she had her strip of red cloth to play with and so she soothed her.As for Lotus, she was never in such a pother as she was this day, for she could not sit in the usual sedan, being so mountainous as she was now, and she tried this chair and that as it was brought to her and she was shrieking that none would do and she did not know why they made chairs so small and narrow now-a days, and she wept and was beside herself for fear she would not be able to join in the procession of so great a dead man as her husband. When she saw the fool all dressed in mourning she fixed her anger there and she cried out in complaint to Wang the Eldest. “What—is that thing to go too?” And she complained that the fool ought to be left behind on such a public day. But Pear Blossom said softly and positively,“No, my lord said I was never to leave this poor child of his and this was the command he laid on me. I can quiet her for she listens to me and is used to me and we will trouble no one.”Then Wang the Eldest let the matter pass because he was so torn with many things to be done, and with the knowledge that hundreds of people waited
and seeing his anxiety, the chair bearers seized the chance of necessity and they demanded more money than they ought to have and the men who carried the coffin complained that it was so heavy and so far to the family burial place, tenants and idlers from the town flooded into the courts and stood about every where useless and gaping to see what could be seen. To all this was added another thing and it was that Wang Lung the Eldest lady was continually upbraiding him and complaining that things were not managed well, so that in the midst of all this Wang the Eldest ran about and sweated as he had not in many a day, and although he shouted until he was hoarse no one heeded him greatly.&&
翻译:可那天在王龙自己的屋子里一片混乱四处噪声。要预先有条理地准备好如此大规模葬礼并非一件易事。王老大为自己所需做的一切搞的心烦意乱。因为他是大宅院的户主,必须照看一切,照看数以百计的人。还要管宅院里适合不同人的丧服以及为女人和孩子们雇佣轿子。王老大心烦意乱,但依旧为自己的重要性感到自豪。所有人都向他跑来,大声询问这事该怎么办,那事该怎么办。他被搞的焦躁不安,就像在盛夏一样,汗水顺着脸颊淌了下来。老大转动眼睛,目光落在镇静自若站着的老二身上。老二如此清闲使得王老大愤怒起来,他喊出了声,& &&&“你什么都靠着我,连自己老婆孩子穿什么丧服都不看看。还如此镇静自若。”为此,王老二带着暗暗嘲讽做了很平静的对答,“如果你做事自得其乐,其他人又有什么必要插手呢?好的,我们知道,我老婆和我自己。若没有什么其它事能让你和你老婆高兴,那我们就先做些让你们高兴的事吧。”为此即便在王龙的葬礼上,儿子们还相互斗嘴。但部分原因也在于他们心烦意乱,因为他们还有一个弟弟没有回家。每个人都责怪别人对此延误负有责任。老大怪老二没有给足信使钱使他能够跑那么远去寻找想要找的人。老二怪老大迟了一两天才送走信使。& &&&这天大宅院里只有一人平静,那就是梨花。她身穿麻料做的白色丧袍坐着,在吊丧等级上仅次于莲花穿的。坐着静静守候在王龙身边。一大早梨花就穿上了丧服,也给戴孝的傻子穿上丧服。虽然那个可怜人并不知道这一切在为了什么,她不断发笑,被自己穿的奇装异服困扰,想把丧服脱掉。可梨花给了她一块蛋糕吃并给傻子一块红布条玩。这样傻子被安顿下来。& &至于莲花,她从未像今天一样烦恼,在普普通的轿子上也坐不住。如今她长得如此肥硕,轿子抬过来的时候莲花试了试这顶又试了试那顶,尖叫没有一顶用得上,弄不明白而今人们为什么做如此窄小的轿椅。莲花又哭又闹,生怕自己不能加入自己丈夫这个过世大男人的葬礼行列。当看到傻子也穿好丧服,莲花找到了发泄对象。她委屈地向王老大喊出声来,& &“什么?这东西也去!”莲花埋怨在这面向公众的一天傻子应该被留在家里。& &但梨花如此柔和又明确地说,& &“不,主人告诉我不要把这可怜的孩子给扔了。这是他给我下过的命令。她听我的话,对我习以为常,我能安顿得了她。我们不会妨碍任何人。”& &随后王老大让此事就这样过去了,因为还有很多事要做,如此疲劳。他知道有数百人等待着这一天的开始。看出他的焦虑以后,抬轿子的人抓住必要时机,开出比惯常更高的价钱。还有那些抬棺材的人也抱怨道棺材太重离家族墓地太远。房客和镇子上游手好闲的人也涌入院落里,站在一切空闲的地方张大嘴围观。还要再补充一点,王老大的老婆不断责怪他,埋怨没有把事情办好。如此王老大在这一切之间跑来跑去,多少天来都没有出过这样多的汗。虽然一直喊到嗓子哑却并没有人十分留意。 解析:“You leave all to me and you cannot even see that your own wife and children are dressed and sober—faced.”翻译中中国不同地方文化的甄别:一开始我翻译成这样“你把一切都落在我身上…”后来一想这是典型中国北方方言同《大地》江淮一带的方言不相符合就放弃了。“你什么都靠着我。”这样更加通用一点。 导读:这盛大的出殡仪式终于要开始了,我们回想一下,同王龙结婚时的典礼相比可谓天差地别。然而这样的葬礼对王龙本人来说已经没有意义,葬礼本身为儿子们家族的一种财富地位展示或孝道展示。不管背地里过去怎样,不管王龙死前还住在乡郊野外的矮泥巴房子里,这空前的仪式似乎能够解释和说明一切。不管王老大还是王老二都没有经历过策划如此盛大的送葬仪式,几百人之间的混乱,不满和抱怨也是正常事件。儿子们同老王龙的思想不统一和代沟再正常也不过,谁施加与谁的思想对方都不会接受,王龙回到那座老泥巴房子里去死出于什么样的矛盾似乎小说中并没有表明。期间也有可能他就那样过着舒服。所以对于这一切疑问并没有解答,解答只有这样的铺陈实质上为一种富人惯常的**。
本帖最后由 九州方圆 于
16:54 编辑
Whether they would ever finished the funeral that day or not none knows, except the most opportune thing happened, and this was that suddenly Wang the Third came in from the south. At this very last moment he came in and they all stared to see what he had become, for he had been away from home ten years and they had not seen him since that day when Wang Lung took Pear Blossom to himself. No, he had left in the strangest passion on that day and he had never come home again. He left a wild, tall, angry lad, his black brows drawn down over his eyes, and he left hating his father. Now he came back a man, the tallest of the three brothers and so changed that if it had not been for his two black brows frowning as ever and his mouth still surely, they would not have known him. He came striding into the gate in his soldier’s garb, but it was not the garb of a common soldier either. The coat and the trousers were of a fine dark cloth and there were gilded buttons on his coat and he had a sword girdled to his leather belt. Behind him marched four soldiers with guns over their shoulders, all good enough men except for o yet he, too, was stout and strong as any in body. When these came marching through the great gate a silence fell over the confusion and the noise and every face turned to see this Wang the Third, and everyone was silent because he looked so fierce and so used to command. He went with firm long steps through the crowd of tenants and priests and idlers who pressed everywhere to see all that could be seen, and he said in a loud voice, “Where are my brothers?”Now one had already run to tell the two brothers that their other brother was here and so they came out not knowing how to receive him, whether respectfully, or as a younger brother who was a runaway. But when they saw this third brother clad as he was and the four fierce soldiers behind him motionless at his command, they were quickly courteous, and as courteous as they would have been to a stranger. Then Wang the Third also bowed deeply and properly to his elder brothers, and he looked to the right and to the left and he said, “Where is my father?”Then the two brothers led him into the inner court where Wang Lung lay in his coffin under the scarlet coverings embroidered in gold, and Wang the Third commanded his soldiers to stay in the court and he went along into the room. When Pear Blossom heard the clatter of leathern shoes upon the stones she took one hasty look to see who came and she saw and turned herself away quickly with her face to the wall and she stood thus turned away. But if Wang the Third saw her at all or marked who she was he made no sign of it. He bowed before the coffin and he called for the hempen robes that had been prepared for him, although when he drew them on they were too short for him, for his brothers had not thought him so tall a fellow as he was. Nevertheless, he drew the robes on and he lit two fresh candles he had bought and he called for fresh meats to be brought as a sacrifice before his father’s coffin. When all these things were ready he bowed himself to the ground before his father three times, and he cried out very properly, “Ah, my father!” But Pear Blossom kept her face steadfastly to the wall and she did not turn herself once to see what went on. When Wang Lung the third had finished his duty he rose and said in his swift short way, “Let us proceed if affairs are ready!”Then it was the strangest thing that where there had been so much confusion and noise and men bawling here and there at each other, now there were silence and willingness to obey, and it seemed that the very presence of Wang the Third and of his four soldiers was power, for when the chair bearers began again their complaint that they were ** to Wang the Eldest in such surly tones, their voices grew pleading and mild and their words reasonable. Even so Wang the Third drew his brows together and stared at the men so that their voices grew faint and died away and when he said, “Do your work and be sure you shall be justly treated in this house!” they fell silent and went to the chairs as though there were some magic in soldiers and guns. Each man went to his place and at last the great coffin was carried out into the courts and hempen ropes were put about it and under it and poles like young trees slipped through the ropes and the bearers put their shoulders under the poles. There also was the sedan for Wang Lung’s spirit and in it they had placed certain possessions of his, the pipe he smoked for many years and a garment he had worn and the picture they had hired an artist to paint of him after he was ill, since he had never such a likeness made before. True, the picture of some old sage or other, but still the artist did his best and he brushed in great whiskers and eyebrows and many wrinkles such as old men do have sometimes.
翻译:没有人知道他们能否在那一天完成葬礼,除非发生恰如其分的事情,也就是说王老三突然从南方回来。就在这最后一刻他果然回来了,所有人都注视他想看看老三变成了啥样子,因为离家已有10年,自从王龙纳了梨花人们就再也没有见过老三。是的,那天他带着最奇怪的冲动走后就再也没有回来。走的时候老三是名长着高挑身材,狂野而带有怒气之少年,黑眉毛一直弯到眼下,走时带着对父亲的怨愤。如今他回来,变成了**鲂值苤懈鲎幼罡摺@先浠绱酥螅缛舨皇且蝗缂韧刂遄帕降琅己臀冉〉乃祷坝锏魅嗣蔷突崛喜怀鏊础& & 老三大步流星走进院门时穿着军服,但已经不是普通士兵的服装。军裤和上装用质地优良的黑布做成,上装上钉着闪闪发光的扣子。老三的皮腰带上还别着一把军刀,身后跟着4名扛枪士兵。4人中除一个有唇腭裂外都非常不错,即便那名唇腭裂者也同其他人一样粗壮结实。当一行人穿过大门时,混乱和噪声立刻寂静下来。每个人的目光都转向王老三身上,每个人都不敢出声。他看上去如此凶猛,惯常于下达命令。老三坚实地大踏步走过佃户们,法师们和游手好闲者,这些人到处挤来挤去观望能够观望到的一切。老三大声问道,& & “哥哥们在哪里?”& & 已经有个人跑去告诉老大和老二,他们的弟弟到了。两人跑出来,不知道该如何接待他。对其敬仰有佳还是当成个离家出走的小弟弟?但一见到老三的穿着和身后站着4名凶猛士兵一动不动地等候指令,他们立马就变得彬彬有礼,以一种对待陌生人不能更加有礼的方式彬彬有礼。随后王老三也向老大和老二端端正正地深深鞠躬,左右张望一下说,“父亲在哪里?”& &接着老大和老二把他引入内院,那儿王龙躺在用金线锦绣的猩红布料遮盖下的棺椁里。老三命令士兵们站在院子里而自己独自走进内屋。当梨花听见皮鞋踩在石板上咯吱作响的声音,她赶忙看看是谁来了。梨花看见了老三,赶忙转过身去面向着墙,就这样转身站着。可即便王老三看见了她或认了出来,也没有任何表示。他在棺椁前鞠了一躬,让人取来为自己准备好的孝袍,虽然套在身上的时候有些短。因为哥哥们没有想到他会长得如此之高。然而老三穿起了孝服,点燃两支自己买的新蜡烛,又让人去买鲜肉用作父亲棺木前的祭品。这一切就绪之后,老三给父亲磕了三个响头,非常自然地哭喊出来,“父亲啊!父亲!” 可梨花还是脸对着墙不动,她没有转过身来再看一眼这里发生的一切。王老三履行完了这一切职责后,他站起身来用短小凝练的话说,“如果葬礼准备好了,那么就继续吧!”随后这个曾混乱噪杂的场所发生了最奇怪的变化。人们相互鞠躬,安静下来,愿意听从指挥。似乎王老三和4名士兵的出现象征着权威。轿夫们重新开始干活时埋怨自己曾用无礼的语调对王老大讲话。语气变成温和的请求,说的话也更讲道理了。即便如此王老三依旧紧皱眉头,瞪着那些男人,这样他们的声音暗淡了下去。当老三说,“去做你们自己的事情,相信这个大宅院会公平对待你们的!”轿夫们就再也不说话了。这些人安静下来,走到轿子边,好像士兵和枪支里有魔术一样。所有人都各就各位,最后大棺材被抬到了院子里,上上下下捆好麻绳。像新树干一样的长棍穿过麻绳,抬棺材的人又将长棍搁在自己肩头。队列里依旧有王龙的灵柩,灵柩上放着王龙的一些特定财产--他抽了多年的烟袋,穿过的一件衣服,还有生病时请画师给他画的肖像。因为之前他不喜欢请人画像。实际上画的是某个老圣人,但画师仍然尽了最大努力。他画上了浓密的胡子和眉毛,还有很多皱纹,就像有些老人拥有的特征一样。解析:“But when they saw this third brother clad as he was and the four fierce soldiers behind him motionless at his command, they were quickly courteous, and as courteous as they would have been to a stranger.”这里要注意的几个语汇为“as he was”, “at his command” , “as they would have been.” 在英语习惯上 “就如同他穿的一样”是否有必要转达出来?转达出来为异化翻译,不转达为归化翻译。我选择了归化。第二个语汇指那些士兵的状态为时刻听从命令。第三个语汇表示一种能够达到或愿意达到之极限,为情态形用法。导读:王老三在这恰如其分的一天恰如其分地赶来了。在他出现之前人们全部认为大宅院的主角是王老大,然而王老大再如何不过是个普通富人,连轿夫和抬棺材的都敢敲竹杠。老三可不同,他已经不是一名普通士兵,成了有枪杆子实权的人。目前来看还不清楚参加的是什么部队,但允许长官带领荷枪实弹的士兵去办私事的一般也就北洋军阀和旧式武装而已。这个权威使大宅院平静下来,那些敲过竹杠的人也开始后悔。然而赛珍珠花下笔墨描写老三对梨花的漠然和梨花背过身去,再同前面王龙死的时候下意识打了梨花一巴掌相对应。梨花这个无辜的角色在整个家庭关系中都极其尴尬。赛珍珠在什么是合理家庭关系中所站的立场无需言表已经非常明确。
So the procession started, and now the women began their weeping and wailing and loudest of all was Lotus. She pulled her hair awry and she had a new white kerchief and put it to her eyes, to one and to the other, and she cried out great sobs,“Ah, he who was my support is gone—is gone—”And all along the streets people stood thick and pressed together to see Wang Lung pass this last time, and when they saw Lotus they murmured and approved the sight and they said, “She is a very proper woman and she mourns a good man gone.”And some marveled to see so large and fat a lady weeping so stoutly and with such a clamor and they said, “How rich he was to have her able to eat herself to such a size as this!” And they envied Wang Lung his possessions. As for the wives of the sons of Wang Lung, they wept each according to her nature. The lady of Wang the Eldest wept decently and as much as she could, touching her eyes from time to time with her kerchief and it was not right that she weep as much as Lotus. The concubine her husband had}


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