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Business Correspondences外贸英文函电 Contents?Chapter One ?Chapter Two ?Chapter Three ?Chapter Four ?Chapter Five外贸函电?Chapter Six ?Chapter Seven ?Chapter Eight ?Chapter Nine ?Chapter Ten Introduction to the course外贸函电? ? ? ? ?Course description Course objectives Course contents Learning guide Assessment and Requirements Introduction外贸函电? English business correspondence or business letter is a written communication between two parties. ? It is a means through which views are expressed and ideas or information is communicated in writing in the process of business activities. ? It is to learn both the language and the professional knowledge (in other words, to learn the language you are going to use when you work). Course description外贸函电? Business Correspondence is one of the most important courses (a compulsory course) for International Business Trade Majors. It is designed to help students to accomplish the transition from general English learning to specialized English learning, aiming at preparation for a future business career. Course objectives外贸函电After the completion of the whole course, students are supposed to: ? comprehend and master the basic writing skills for various types of business correspondence. ? be familiar with the general conventions as well as main procedures in international trade practice. ? conduct business, make quick and correct reactions to the business information and make business concluded in real life situations. Course contents外贸函电? The contents of Business correspondence involve many aspects of international business trade, mainly include : Establishin I O C O A C P S P Insurance and Claim. Learning guide外贸函电? Achieve balance between languagelearning and business-learning. ? Achieve balance between input and output of what have been learned. ? Achieve balance between course-book learning and simulated practice. ? Focus on various writing patterns and writing skills of business correspondences. ? Master the commonly-used business vocabularies and make good use of them. Assessment and Evaluation Criteria外贸函电? The course will be assessed as follows: ? Routine performance: 40%, including: routine attendance ,in-class practice, tests and outside-class assignments ? Final exam: 60% Requirements外贸函电You are appreciated for not ? being late for class or absent from class. ? chewing gums or wearing a cap during classes. ? picking up the cell phone or letting the phone ring during classes. Chapter One Layout of a Business Letter Contents?Objectives ? Leading In ? Sample letter ? Language Points ? Summary ? Assignments ? Case study外贸函电 Objectives外贸函电Upon completion of this chapter, you should: ? be familiar with the layout of business letters. ? know the formats of business letters. ? know how to address the envelope. Leading In外贸函电? Name the ways of communication you know ? What is the layout of an English letter? Ways of communication? ? ? ? ? ? Telephone Fax E-mail Letter Telegram Telex外贸函电 Warming up1.外贸函电 日期Date2.3.封内地址 Inside Address称呼Salutation4.5.正文Body结尾敬语 Complimentar y Close 签名Signature6. Layout of Business LetterE le c t ro n ic s L t d .3 S t o c k b r id ge R o a d L iv e r p o o l T e l.: 0 8 7 5 6 4 7 8 9 0 7 6 LP 5 20M F a x:0 8 7 5 6 4 7 4 7 8 6 7 W e b s it e : w w w .e le c t r o n ic s .c o m .u k Yo u r R e f e r e n c e : O u r R eferen ce: 2 5 6 9外贸函电? 1.信头 letter HeadA p ril 13, 2004F u iji C o m p a n y1 5 3 G in z a - C h o m e To k y o , J ap anA tte n tio n : S a le s M a na ge rD e a r S irs ,R e : P o rta b le C o lo ur T V S e ts W e ha ve s e e n yo ur a d ve r t is e m e nt in t he “ E le c tr ic F ro n t ie r ” a nd a re q uite inte re s te d in yo ur p o rta b le c o lo ur te le vis io n s e t. E nc lo s e d is o u r I nq u ir y N o te N o .2 3 6 8 . P le a s e q uo te us t he lo w e s t p ric e C .I.F . L ive rp o o l, s ta ting the e a rlie s t d a te o f s hip m e nt. W e lo o k fo rw a rd to yo ur e a rly re p ly. V e ry tru ly y o u rs , E L E C T R O N I C S LT D .? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?H a r o ld J o n e sH a r o ld J o n e s M an ag er En c l . I n q u ir y N o t e cc: M r. J . L . S m it h , N e w Yo r kgo2.日期 Date 3.封内地址 Inside Address 4.称呼 Salutation 5. 正文 Body 6. 结 尾 敬 语 Complimentary Close 7.签名 Signature 8.事由 Subject 9.附件 Enclosure a 参考号 Ref.No. b 经办人 Attention Line c 抄送 Carbon Copy Letterhead外贸函电? Generally, a letterhead will include the company logo, company's name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address, and the web address if available. ? 信头的写法:2种格式 ? 信头一般印在信纸上端的中间,但也可印在信笺的左 上方 ? 1)平头式 ? Richard Thomas & Baldwins Ltd. ? 151 Gower Street ? London, SCT 6DY, England ? Tel: ? Fax: 外贸函电? 2) 缩行式 ? SHANGHAI PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD ? P.O.Box No. 1752, Shanghai 20002,China ? Tel: Fax: ? E-mail: spcld@online.shcn 外贸函电? 2.发信人地址、日期的具体写法: ? 1) 门牌号码和街名(或邮箱号) ? 例如: 151 Gower Street ? 但有些不写门牌号与街名,而写出信箱号,如 P.O.Box 1079,即Post Office Box 1079的缩写,第1079 号信箱。 ? 2) 城市、邮政编码、国家名 ? 例如:London, Swg250Y, England ? ? 美国地址在城市名称后应写州名和邮区号,例如, Columbus, Ohio 43210 ,U.S.A. ? 外贸函电? (二)编号和日期 ? 1.编号 (Reference No.) ? 有的信头下有编号 。编号是供参考用的,作 用是 ? 能使复信与先前发出的信函联系起来。 ? a.卷宗号码 (a file number)、 ? b.部门代号(departmental code), ? c.辨认代号(initials of the signer):口述人 和打字人的名字缩写。 ? 外贸函电? 编号又分: ? 你方编号(Your Reference No.), ? 我方编号(Our Reference No.), 例如: ? Your Ref : B-1549 Your Ref : JBD/WM ? Our Ref: A-3450 Our Ref: WDW/LP 外贸函电? Inside Address ? Always include the recipient's name, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. ? 距日期两到四行,打在左边。 ? 1.写上封内地址的益处: ? 1)发信时可与信封上地址相互对照,以免发信 时发生错误 ? 2)收信人读信时可以相互对照 ? 3)便于查阅 Date外贸函电02/01/03 日 日 日Chinese wayAmerican wayBritish wayTo avoid confusion, it is a common practice to write months in words.Return salutation外贸函电1. If unsure to whom you should address a letter, you should use the following salutations: Dear Sir or Madam, 2. If you know the name but are not familiar with the other person, you should use the following salutation: Dear Mr./Mrs. XXX, 外贸函电3. If you are quite familiar with the other person, you may use the following salutation: Hi XXX, Hello XXX, Informal XXX, salutation外贸函电? 其位置比封内地址和经办人行低两行,并与之平头 ? 1.商业函件 ? 1)用“Dear Sirs, ” 不能单独用“Sirs,” ? 2)美国人用“Gentlemen:”,更加普遍 ? (不能用单数),单数时称“Dear Sir” ? 3)如果是女性公司,则用 “Dear Mesdames,” 2. 公事函件: ? “ Dear Sir,”对一般机关团体负责人适用 ? 此外公事函件还可以用 ? “To those who may be concerned,” (六)事由(主题)The Subject Line 或 外贸函电 Caption:事由(标题)的作用是让收信人对信的主旨一目 了然,写在称呼语下面的两行,一般是在信笺中上部 的位置,可在前冠以Subject :或Re:的字样。事由要简单扼要,说明商品名称、数量、 信用证或合同号码等即可。 eg. Subject: Annual Stockholders MeetingRe: Your Order No.111 Body of a letter外贸函电The body of a business letter typically contains three paragraphs: ? 1.introductory paragraph ? 2.one or more body paragraphs 3.concluding paragraph Body of a letter外贸函电注意事项: 1)段与段之间一般空两行 想一想:如果信的正文很长,一页纸不够 用而需两张或数张联页,该怎么办? Body of a letter外贸函电如果信的正文很长,一页纸不够用而需两张 或数张联页,应在第一页的右下端打“待 续”(to be continued),并在联页上端注明 收信人的名称、日期、页数,再继续打正 文。这是为了避免第一页和第二页,第三 页在发信时误置。 Complimentary Close? ? ? ? Formal Truly/sincerely/Faithfully yours, Informal Best regards,外贸函电Capitalize only the first word in the complimentary close, and follow all phrases with a comma. Complimentary Close外贸函电? 注意: ? 1)结束礼词写在结尾语下隔一行,正中 或略向右边写起 ? 2)只有第一个字母大写,后面加逗号 ? 3)欧洲信函把Yours放前,美国则把副 词放前 Capitalize only the first word in the complimentary close, and follow all ? 4)用Yours而不用Your,与Yours连用的 phrases with a comma. 一定是带-ly的副词。 Signature外贸函电ELECTRONICS LTD. Harold Jones Harold JonesManagerCompany’s name Your signature typed signature (job title)Return 外贸函电? 想一想:如果有资格签署的人不在公司, 想请他人签署,该怎么办? 外贸函电 ? 注意: ? 1)p.p. 有时候有资格签署的人不在公司,常以授权 (power of attorney)授权一负责的雇员签署,在这 ? 情况下,则应在公司行号前写上P.P.( Per Procuration) 或Per Pro.,它的意思是代理。也有用for代替p.p.的。 ? ? 格式一般如下: ? Yours faithfully ? (P.P.)THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT CO., ? T.M.White ? T.M.White ? Manager 外贸函电 ? (十一)其他 ? 1.附件(Enclosure): ? 如信中有附件时,应在左下角注明Encl.或Enc.(缩写), 如果附件不止一件,应注明2 Encls.或3 Encls.等. ? 例如: ? Encls. :2 Invoices ? 3 Encls. : 1 B/L ? 1 Photo ? 1 Certificate ? 外贸函电? 2.副本抄送(Carbon Copy Notation):如 果写信人希望信件内容为更多人的知晓, 那么在Enclosure的下方必须注明c.c.的字 样,然后打上抄送单位的名称。 c.c .可以 大写,也可以小写,其后跟冒号 ? c.c.: Mr. Bruce Pat ? C.C.: Public Relation Department 外贸函电? 3.主办人代号,又叫辨认代号 Indentification ? 以便日后查对这封信是由何人主稿,由何人速 记打字。一般的写法是把主稿人、速记员的姓名 的第一个字母连续打出,两者之间加一斜划,或加 冒号。 ? 例如一个名叫Willian L.Rich的人向一位名叫 Margaret Davis 的秘书口授一封信,他们可以缩 写成 ? WLR/MD WLR:MD mlr/md ? 外贸函电? 4.附笔(再启)(Postscripts) ? 信写完后,如果想起还有要紧的话要说, 可以在信末加 P.S.,然后由发信人签署本人 简笔签名(本人姓名的每一个字母,如 Park Davis,只签P.D.)。郑重的函件一般不 用P.S.,说明写信人办事不够周密。 ? eg. P.S. The samples will be mailed to you tomorrow. 外贸函电 ? (十一)其他 ? 1.附件(Enclosure): ? 如信中有附件时,应在左下角注明Encl.或Enc.(缩写), 如果附件不止一件,应注明2 Encls.或3 Encls.等. ? 例如: ? Encls. :2 Invoices ? 3 Encls. : 1 B/L ? 1 Photo ? 1 Certificate ? Block Format---------齐头式外贸函电--H e a d in g - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D at e I n s id e A d d res sD e a r S irs ,---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -------------------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------------ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------------------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----------------------------------------------------The block format is all of the writing is flush against the left margin.Yo u rs F a it h fu lly , S ig n a t u re Format----------外贸函电 The indented format (缩进D at e--H e a d in g - -----------------------------------------------------------式)Also the first line of each paragraph is indented.----------I n s id e A d d res s--H e a d in g - -----------------------------------------------------------D e a r S irs ,□ □ □ ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------□ □ □ ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------□ □ □ ----------------------------------------------D at e I n s id e A d d res sD e a r S irs ,---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -Yo u rs F a it h fu lly , S ig n a t u re---------------------------The semi-block format youraddress, date, the closing, signature, are all indented to the right half of the page (半齐头式)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------Yo u rs F a it h fu lly , S ig n a t u re Addressing the envelop外贸函电 Summary外贸函电?In this chapter, we have learnt the layout (seven principle parts and six optional parts) in a business letter. We should at least remember the seven principle parts and some useful and common optional parts. We should also recite the format of business letters. These rules and principles are crucial in the business letters, because it shows your attitude and ability to do business carefully and successfully. Assignments外贸函电? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter. Use the Block Style, and then address the envelope accordingly. Seller: Royal Grosvenor Porcelain Company Ltd. Address: Grosvenor House, Renfrew Road, Oakley Staffordshire OA7 9AH Tel: (91/2/3 Buyer: Colourfloor Co.Ltd. Address: 238 Wilton Road, Axminster AXz AS Date : March 5, 2007 Subject : porcelain The message : -----The letter is written by the seller Case study外贸函电Task: ? Look at the following page. This is the top part of a business letter from a French company. Decide when you would use these salutations, instead of DDear Mr. Brown‖. Dear James, Dear Sirs, Dear Madams, Dear Sir or Madams. Case study外贸函电Sunshine Flavours LTD. Sunrise Technology Park, East Harbor Drive Lyon AS12 6KM, France Telephone
Nov 14, 2007 Mr. James Brown Marketing Director Brown Industries Inc. 546 Park Avenue IL 43301 Washington, USA Dear Mr. Brown, Thank you for your letter of 11 November, suggesting a meeting in December. The most convenient dates from our point of view are December 6th or December 7th. Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations Contents? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Revision Objectives Leading In Sample letter Language Points Summary Assignments Case study外贸函电 Revision? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?外贸函电 1.信头 letter Head 2.日期 Date 3.封内地址 Inside Address 4.称呼 Salutation 5. 正文 Body 6. 结 尾 敬 语 Complimentary Close 7.签名 Signature 8.事由 Subject 9.附件 Enclosure a 参考号 Ref.No. b 经办人 Attention Line c 抄送 Carton Copy1._________ 2._______a)_________________3._______b) ________________4._______8.___________5._________ 6._________ 7._________9.__________c)_________________ 外贸函电Unit Two Establishing Trade Relations Teaching objectives外贸函电Upon completion of the chapter, you should: ? know the ways that an exporter can use to seek new customers. ? know how to write this kind of letter. ? grasp the important words and phrases learned. Leading Inproduce production 生产商 producer 产品 product 买方 buyer 卖方 seller 顾客 customer 客户 client 生产 v/n外贸函电用户 消费者 制造商 购买 销售 中间商 零售商 批发商 经销商user consumer manufacturer buy/purchase sell/sale middleman retailer wholesaler dealer 外贸函电贸易 进口 出口 进口商 出口商 海关 关税 配额,限额commerce, trade import export importer exporter Customs Customs duty quota Warming Up外贸函电? Suppose you are the salesperson of ABC company. You want to sell the following products to a children’s store. Now you are calling the store and the manager answers the phone. Then what would you say in order to sell the products. (offroad vihicle,motor) Foreign merchants may be approached through the following channels: 外 贸 函 电? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Web/consultancy banks commercial counselor’s office Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries Trade Directory Advertisements Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held at home and abroad Mutual visits by trade delegations and groups, etc. 5-POINT PLAN?外贸函电? ? ? ?Where you get the information about the person or company to whom your ar Your intention
A brief introduction to your business scope, exp The reference as to your firm’ Expectation for cooperation and an early reply. Sample letterDear Sirs or Madams,外贸函电We have obtained your name and address from the website: www.alibaba.com. We were informed that you are one of the biggest importers of tea in UK and you are now in the market for tea. We take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. 外贸函电? To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose herewith a copy of our brochure covering the main items available at present. ? If you are interested in any of our products or have other products you would like to import, please contact us with your requirements. We look forward to providing you with high quality products, superior customer service. Language points be in the market for外贸函电want to buy1.我们生产各式各样的皮鞋,因此我们想要购买牛 皮。 We produce all kinds of leather shoes, so we are in the market for cow hide. 2.我们的一个顾客想购买你方的新产品。 One of our customers is in the market for your new products. Language points外贸函电take this opportunity 我想借此机会对你为我公司所做的一切表 示感谢。 I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all that you have done for our company. 我们借此机会介绍我们的新产品。 We take this opportunity to introduce our new products. Language points外贸函电approach ? We approached the Ministry of Commerce and they told us that you are able to supply 1000 metric tons of apples at a time.我们与商务部联系,他们告述我们你们能一次性提 供1000公吨苹果。 ? 我们定期与客户联系,看他们是否有新的要求 .? We approach our clients regularly to see if they have any new request. Language points外贸函电? be in the hope of ? 为了能找到客户,我给这页上所有的公司 都打了电话。 ? I called all the companies on this page in the hope of finding a customer. ? 我给您发电子邮件是希望能与您建立业务 关系。 ? I am e-mailing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. Language points外贸函电? give sb. a general idea of ? 这个样品是为了让你大概了解我们产品的 质量。 ? This sample is meant to give you a general idea of the quality of our products. ? 这个产品说明书将使你大概了解我们最新 的产品。 ? This product description will give you a general idea about our latest product. Language pointsenclose put sth. in an envelope外贸函电随函附寄We are enclosing a sample for your reference.我们现随函附寄一个样品供你方参考。herewithadv. enclosed in this 随函附上 Language points? enclose外贸函电? They can be used in the following ways: ? enclose sth. ? Enclosed is/are sth. ? Enclosed please find 随函附寄产品说明书。(description) 1.We are enclosing a product description. 2. Enclosed is our product description. 3. Enclosed please find a product description. Language points外贸函电covering about 关于 Translate the following sentence: 请寄给我们关于你方新产品的小册子。 Please send us a your new products. brochure covering Language pointsItem外贸函电refer to a particular product 单个商品,标 号商品 We have seen your goods and are quite interested in your item No. TK-103. 我们看了贵方的商品,对标号为TK-103的商品 特别感兴趣。 Language points外贸函电Item No. TK-101Item No. TK-102? Item refers to an individual unit in a group of products. ? Goods refer to a group of products.Item No. TK-103Item No. TK-104 Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions1.prospective adj. 潜在的 可能的 预期的 prospective buyers 可能的买主 prospective business partners 可能的贸易伙伴 2.trading partner 贸易伙伴 or business partner Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions3. intend v. 想要, 打算后常接动词不定式 e.g. They intend to place an order with you. 他们打算跟贵方订货。 We intend to extend our business activities. 我们打算扩大我们的业务范围。 4. enquire v. 询问 e.g. We would like to enquire whether you can supply the following items. 我们想询问一下,贵公司能否提供下列商 品。 Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressionsenquire into 调查 e.g. The buyer claimed that the goods were damaged in transit, but we must enquire into this matter ourselves. 买方声称货物在运输过程中被损坏了,但是 我们必须亲自调查这件事情。 enquire about 询问关于某事 e.g. They sent us a letter, enquiring about the market condition here. 他们给我们发来了一封信,询问这里的市场 状况。 Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressionsenquire of sb. about sth. 询问某人某事 e.g. Mr. Smith enquired of the exporter about the quality of their goods. 史密斯先生询问出口商他们的产品质量如何。 Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions5. catalogue n. 目录 quotation n. 报价,报价单 pricelist n. 价目表 6. cooperation n. 合作,协作 cooperate v. 合作,协作 e.g. Let’s cooperate with each other for our mutual benefits. 为了我们双方的利益,让我们合作吧。 I need your cooperation in this matter. 在这件事情上,我需要你的合作。 Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions7. competitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的 e.g. If your prices are competitive, we would place an order with you. 如果你们的价格有竞争力,我们就跟你们订 货。8. volume adj. 大量的 e.g. volume orders 大宗订单 Unit One Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions9. enter into business relations 建立贸易关系 还可以用:set up open up establish business relations or build up business connections10. in compliance with 按照 e.g. In compliance with your request, we are sending you our samples by air. 应你方要求,我们用航空邮件给你们寄去了 我们的样品。 comply (v. ) with 按照,与…相符,遵守,满 足 Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressionse.g. It is necessary for you to comply with our packing requirement. 你方必须满足我们的包装的要求。 We regret that we cannot comply with your request for advancing shipment to May. 很遗憾,我们不能满足你方将装货期提前 到5月份的要求。 Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions11. under separate cover 另函,用另外一封信e.g.We have sent you under separate cover a range of pamphlets for your information. 我们另函给你们寄去了一系列的小册子供 你们了解情况。12. take this opportunity to…(后接动词原型)利用这 个机会做… 还可以说take advantage of this opportunity or avail ourselves of this opportunity. e.g. We take this opportunity to express our great appreciation for your cooperation. 借此机会,对于您的合作,我们深表感谢。 Unit ONe Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions13. with a view to 着眼于,意…为目的,考虑到 e.g. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write this letter with a view to entering into business relations with you. 我们利用这个机会给你们写信,目的就是 想跟你们建立贸易关系。 Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions14. deal in 从事,经营 =handle v. 经营 deal with… 跟…做生意 e.g. We have dealt in the export of washing machines for bout ten years. 我们从事洗衣机出口已经有很多年了。 We handle the import and export business of chemical products. 我们经营化工产品的进出口业务。 We wish to deal with you in this line. 我们希望在该行业与你们做生意。 Unit One Establishing Trade Relations(建立贸易关系)New Words & Expressions15. airmail v. 用航空邮件邮寄 n. 航空邮件 e.g. Please sent us your latest catalogue by airmail. = Please airmail us your latest catalogue. 请用航空邮件给我们寄来你们最新的目 录。 外贸函电Contents of company introduction Paragraph 1 - The introduction Paragraph 2 - What we do Paragraph 3 - QA/QC Paragraph 4 - The closing The introduction外贸函电The year your company was established ? Your company’s location ? If you are a member of a group company ? What products/services you offer ? Any Foreign investment that you may have What we do? ? ? ? ? ?外贸函电Product range/services offered Machinery and technology used Production experience Number of staff How orders are handled Share significant achievements that would be meaningful to buyers QA/QC外贸函电? Quality certifications (such as ISO) allow for an increased level of trust and mentioning them in your company introduction can only benefit you. Additionally, adding your monthly output volume, countries/regions serviced and any major clients that you have will also build credibility with buyers. The closing外贸函电? Many companies use the final paragraph of their company introductions to state their corporate values and invite buyers to contact them. ? Detailed please see the sample introduction in the textbook. 1. Commonly-used Opening Sentences 外贸函电 常用的开头语句(1) 表达“兹致函给您,通知您……”的句子: I beg to inform you that … I am writing to you to ask about… I am glad to tell you that… (2) 表达“收到贵方X月X日来函,内容悉知”的句 子: Thank you for your kind letter dated 6th. Your kind letter of July 30 arrived this morning. Your favor of the 5th inst. has come to hand and its contents have been duly noted. 注意:① 表示X月X日来函可有两种方法 a. 用介词of;b.用过去分词dated。 ② kind在“letter”前常用,以示客气;favor 用在信函文字中就是指书信。 (3)表达“迟复为歉”的句子: I must apologize for my delay in replying your recent letter. I beg thousand pardons for not having written to you sooner.外贸函电 1. Commonly-used Closing Sentences 常用的结束语句外贸函电在书信正文的末尾,常常表达盼回信、表祝愿和 代问或嘱笔问候等意思,这种意思可以用句子表示, 也可以用短语表示。用句子表示时,末尾用“.‖; 用短语表示时,末尾用“,”。 (1) 表达盼回信的句子或短语 I hope to hear from you soon. Hoping to hear from you soon, Awaiting your early reply, Your kind early reply will be appreciated. (2) 表示祝愿的句子 With best regards,外贸函电Wish you the best of health and success. Much love to you and your family, (3) 表达转达、或嘱笔问候 Say hello to Joe. Please remember me to your brother. My mother joins me in love to you. Useful Sentences外贸函电1 1. Having had your name and e-mail address from… we avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and… 2 2. We are a Sino-American joint venture specializing in the export of household electrical appliances. 3. The American Consulate ( 领 事 馆 ) in Shanghai has advised us to get in touch with you concerning... 4 4. Will you please send us your catalogue and price list for... Summary? Contents of a letter of ? establishing relations ? ? Important parts in a letter ? of establishing business ? relations ? source of information ? and the intention of ? writing the letter ? ? Introduction of the company and products ? ? Closing part外贸函电Language points: be in the market for take the opportunity approach enclose item covering In the hope of Exercises 1外贸函电1. Fill in the blank with a word or phrase that fits best: ? Dear Sirs,? We from the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the our Embassy in your country that you are in chinese table cloths. As this article falls within the scope of our business activities, we this opportunity to express our wish to business relations with you.? Chinese table cloths are famous for their good quality and reasonable price. They have enjoyed great in the european market. We are sure that our joint efforts they will also meet with a favorable reception in your country. ? In order to give you a idea of our various tablecloths, we are airmailing to you some of our latest catalogues and price-list. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us know. ? Hope to ? Yours faithfully, from you soon. Exercises 2外贸函电? Translate the following sentences into English: ? 我们愿与贵公司建立业务往来。 ? 我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希 望与贵方建立商业关系。 ? 根据你公司1月20日来函要求,现附寄 目录一份。 ? 我们保证对于贵方的询价给予充分的重 视。 KEY外贸函电? 1. We are willing to establish trade relations with your company. ? 2. this corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you. KEY外贸函电? 3. As requested in your letter of Jan. 20,we enclose a copy of our catalogue. ? 4. We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you. Exercises 2外贸函电? You are asked to write a letter or send an email to a foreign company for establishing business relations. The letter or the email should cover at least the following points: 外贸函电? 1. Where have you got the information? ? 2. What is your desire? ? 3. What is your business scope? ? 4. How about your financial standing? 外贸函电information: ? 从中国日报的广告上了解到对方是一家从 事中国手工艺品的进口商。(handcrafts) ? 我们是手工艺品的出口商,想与对方建立 业务关系。 ? 随函寄上关于公司产品的目录。 ? 希望对方和我们取得联系。 Chapter ThreeInquiry Contents? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Revision Objectives Leading In Sample letter Language Points Summary Assignments Case study外贸函电 Teaching objectives外贸函电Upon completion of this chapter, you should: ? be aware of the information to be covered in general inquiry and specific inquiry. ? be able to make inquiries on the detailed information about different products. ? be able to use related words and phrases to make inquiries. Warming-up:After the market research and establishment of business relations, it comes to the real procedure of an import/export transaction: enquiry (询盘) offer (发盘) counter offer (还盘) acceptance (接受) So enquiry is the first real step in business negotiation. Q: 1. Which steps are irrevocable(不可取消的;不可缺少 的) in a successful business transaction? 2. Each of the above steps is made by (prospective) buyers or sellers? Suggested answers:1. Offer and acceptance are irrevocable business steps in international trade negotiation. That is to say, enquiry and counter offer can be omitted in real business transaction. 2. Enquiry, offer, counter offer and acceptance can be made by either prospective buyers or potential sellers. But usually enquiry is made by the prospective buyer without engagement(约束) and offer is usually made by the prospective seller with engagement (firm offer实盘) or without engagement (non-firm offer虚盘).Enquiry The importance of enquiry:Enquiry is the first real step in business negotiation.The nature of enquiry:In foreign trade an enquiry is usually (not absolutely) made by the prospective buyer without engagement(约束), requesting for information on the supply of certain goods. So we call it 询盘 or 询价 in Chinese.The classification of enquiries: I. General Enquiries: (一般询盘)request for price lists, literature宣传资料 or catalogue, etc.II. Specific Enquiries: (具体询盘)(stronger intension tomake an order than general enquiries) request for quotations/offers or detailed trade terms such as prices, trade term, discount, packing conditions, time of shipment, terms of payment, specifications, insurance or other information for certain articles. General inquiry外贸函电? If the importer wants to have a general idea of the commodity, he may make a request for a pricelist, a catalogue, samples and other terms. This is a general inquiry. (Generally, it is also a first inquiry. That is an inquiry writing without first writing a letter to establish business relations). General inquiry外贸函电? 一般询盘――买主为了了解情况向卖主 索取商品目录本、价目单、样品或样本 等一般信息。 General inquiry外贸函电? Structure ? The source of information and a brief selfintroduction ? The intention of writing the letter. (Ask for a catalogue, samples or a pricelist) ? Stating the possibility of placing an order General inquiry初次询盘信一般包含以下内容:外贸函电?简单告知如何获得卖方的名址,写一些你方的业务情况。?你地市场需对方经营的货物?告知对方你所需的信息 3. Steps in writing an Enquiry letter:1) Introducing your firm and the products it deals in2) Stating the purpose of the letter 3) Explaining what you want the recipient to do 4) Ending with an optimistic note and request an early reply Specific inquiry外贸函电? If the importer intends to purchase goods of a certain specification, he may ask the exporter to make an offer or a quotation for the goods. That is a specific inquiry. ? What is the difference between offer and quote? ? OFFER 是外贸业务恰谈的第一步,是交易的 一方向另一方提出买或者卖某种商品的各 项交易条件.并表示愿意按这些条件达成 交易.在报盘的有效期内,一经对方接受, 合同即告成立.报盘的主要内容应该包括 商品名称,品质,数量。 ? 包装,价格,交货日期和方式,及支付方式等.报盘还有 实盘和虚盘之分.实盘是指可以从报盘的内容上判明发盘 人有肯定的订立合同的意图.此报盘一经接受,发盘人就 不得更改或撤销报盘的内容,否则将承担法律责任.它具 有内容名确(CLEAR),内容完整(COMPLET E)和无保留条件(FINAL)三个特点。虚盘则是指 从报盘的内容上可以看出发盘人有某种保留并无肯定的订 立合同的意图.此报盘对发盘人来说,无任何法律约束 力.它的特点就是内容不明确,主要交易条件不完整或有 保留条件. ? QUOTE是卖方报价,一般是指只报出价格,而未提出 其他条件. ? OFFER:报盘 ? QUOTE:报价 Specific inquiry外贸函电? Structure ? Mentioning the previous letter you’ve received from the exporter. ? Enquiring about the details of the goods such as names, descriptions, specifications, quantity, etc. ? Asking whether there is a possibility of giving a special discount and what terms of payment and time of delivery you would expect. ? Stating the possibility of placing an order. Words and phrases? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 价格 合理的价格 具有竞争力的价格 优惠的价格 单价 总值 金额 佣金 净价 price外贸函电reasonable pricecompetitive price favorable price unit price total value amount commission net price 外贸函电? ? ? ? ?discount 折扣 wholesale price 批发价 retail price 零售价 现行价格(时价) current / prevailing price 国际市场价格 world (International) market price 离岸价(船上交货价) Free on Board FOB 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) Cost and Freight CFR 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价) CIF cost, insurance and freight Warming-Up外贸函电If you are interested in the following products and want to know something about them, what would you write in your letter of inquiry? Sample letterDear Sirs,外贸函电We thank you for your letter of May 3 and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you. We have seen your brochure and are interested in Green Tea Extract and Porcelain (瓷的)Tea Set No.TSM001. We shall be pleased if you will kindly send us samples and all the necessary information regarding these two products. 外贸函电Meanwhile, please quote us the lowest price, CIF Liverpool, stating the earliest date of shipment and the minimum quantity. Should your price be competitive and date of shipment acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Truly yours, New Words & Expressions1. inquiry (enquiry) n. 询盘,询价 make (or: send, give, fax) sb. an inquiry for sth. 向某人询购某种商品 We thank you for your inquiry for sunflower seeds. 我们感谢你方有关向日葵籽的询盘。 Upon receipt of your specific inquiry, we shall send you our quotations and samples. 一收到你方具体询盘,我方立即给你方寄出我方的 报价及样品。 At present, there are large inquiries for our “Cool” Brand Air Conditioner in our market. 目前,我们市场有大量对我“凉爽”牌空调的询盘。 New Words & Expressionsinquire v. 询价,询购,询问 inquire for sth. 询购某种商品 Thank you for your letter of September 1 The ladies’ pyjamas you are inquiring for are now out of stock. 你方现询价的女士睡衣没货。 We are inquiring about the supply of sugar and coffee. 我方正在询购糖和咖啡的货源。 New Words & Expressions2. be interested in… 对(某商品)有兴趣, 常用以表示有意购买某种商品,是打算购买 某种商品的初步表示。 We are interested in the import of Chinese silk neckties. 我们对进口中国丝绸领带感兴趣。 They have customers who are interested in your six designs of Ornamental Cloth. 他们有客户对你方六种图样的装饰布感兴趣。 New Words & Expressions3. quote quote v. 报价 quote sb. a price for (or: on) sth. 报给某人某种商品的价格 Please quote us your lowest prices for personal computers. 请报个人电脑的最低价。 We quoted this article at US$278 per case. 这种商品每箱报价二百七十八美元。 Would you please quote us your best price FOB Dalian for (or: on) 1,000 pieces of leather jacket. 请报一千件皮夹克的最好大连船上交货价。 Language points外贸函电send…under separate cover We have the pleasure of sending you under separate cover our latest catalogue. 我们很荣幸给你方另寄我方最新的商品 目录。 请另寄一个样品。Please send a sample under separate cover. Language points外贸函电? regarding covering 关于 ? 1.请寄给我们一个关于你方新产品的商品目 录. Please send us a catalogue regarding your new products.? 2.我们将寄关于这些产品的价格单供你方参 考。 We shall send the pricelist regarding these products for your reference. Language points外贸函电Please quote us the lowest price, C.I.F. Lagos, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. (1) 请报最低价。Please quote the lowest price.(2) 请报上海船上交货最低价。Please quote the lowest price, F.O.B Shanghai. Language points外贸函电Please quote us the lowest price, C.I.F. Lagos, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment.(3)请报最低价,包括3%的佣金。Please quote the lowest price, including 3% commission.(4)请报最低价,说明最早的装运期。Please quote the lowest price, stating the earliest date of shipment. Language pointscompetitive外贸函电具有竞争力的1.他们的价格更具有竞争性。Their prices are more competitive. 2.我们的商品卖的很快因为它们的价格具有 竞争力。 Our products are selling very fast because of their competitive prices. Language pointsreasonable/ favorable外贸函电合理的/优惠的 1.我们的价格很合理。我们不能降价。Our price is very reasonable. It’s impossible for us to reduce the price. 2.我们的价格非常优惠,所以我们建议你方 立即购买。 Our price is very favorable, so we recommend you to purchase immediately. Language pointsacceptablecan be accepted外贸函电可接受的1.如果你方的价格可接受,我们将大量购买。If your price is acceptable to us, we will buy in large quantities.2.我们不能接受你方价格。我们只好在别处购买 Your price is unacceptable to us. We have no choice but to purchase elsewhere. Language points place an order with sb. for sth.向某人定购某商品外贸函电如果你能降价,我们将大量订购。 We can place a large order if you can reduce the price. Language points外贸函电appreciate感激,感谢1.We shall be appreciated if you could send us a brochure.如果你方能寄给我们一个商品小册子,我 们将不胜感激。 2. Weshall appreciate it if you can ship the goods before August.如果你方能在八月前装运货物我们将不胜感激。 ? Useful expressions for enquiries1.说明信息来源2.直截了当说明要买的货物 pattern 1: take (have, feel) interest in We take interest in your canned goods and wish to have the catalogues. Pattern 2: be interested in/ be of interest to sb. We are interested in bicycles in various sizes and please send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue with details of the prices and terms of payment. Pattern 3: be in the market for sth. We are in the market for the mechanical toys illustrated in your catalogue. Pattern 4: be desirous of sth. We are desirous of your lowest quotations for frozen rabbit. 3.请求对方寄送目录,价格表和样品? Will you please send us your illustrated/latest catalogue and price list? ? Kindly let us have a description of your …. ? We should like to receive a copy of your latest catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with samples.4.强调对方报价合理? Provided prices are right, … ? If your quotation is really competitive, …. ? If your products and terms compare favorably with those of other suppliers, we shall send you an order. 5.询问对方所能提供的折扣。写清所能接受的支付 条件和期望的交货时间? We should like to know if you allow discounts. ? Please let us know your lowest FOB prices, together with your terms of business, and state your best delivery date. ? We require the goods delivery would be effected within six weeks of order.6.表示订购货物的可能性? Will you please let us know by 4 April so that we can place our order promptly? ? Please let us know by return of post whether you would be interested in such an order. Summary? Inquiry ? General inquiry ? Structure of general inquiry ? Specific inquiry ? Structure of specific inquiry ? ? ? ? ?外贸函电Language points quote inclusive of Competitive/favorable place an order with sb. for sth. ? appreciate Assignments外贸函电 Case study外贸函电? Task: Work in pairs. Read the following letters and ? discuss with your partner what you should do before sending the electronic files. ? discuss how to reply in case someone enquires for Bottle Pod. ? discuss with your partner how to reply to the third letter if you do not produce Multi-Function Tripods? ? Writing ? You are requested to write three letters on the basis of the results of your discussion above. Letter 1外贸函电? Dear Sir or Madam: ? We have seen the brief introduction about your Gorilla Pod and are quite interested. ? Would you please send us more information as to the price term, minimum quantity, etc. Meanwhile, as we would also like to know about some other lines you handle, your illustrated catalog by e-mail will be appreciated. ? Yours sincerely Letter 2外贸函电? Dear Mr. Johnson, ? Last year we bought from you a consignment of Bottle Camera Pods, and they sold well here. Do you still make camera pods of this type? If so, please let us know the prices for quantities of not less than one great gross. Delivery within six weeks of order would be highly appreciated. ? Best regards, Letter 3外贸函电? Dear Sir or Madam: ? As one of the leading importers and wholesalers of photographic equipment in Australia, we are very impressed by the newest tripods you displayed at the recent exhibition in New York. ? There is a steady demand here for different types of tripods, especially the fashionable ranges with high quality. We have been receiving a number of enquiries from our trade connections in this area for the following tripod: ? Product Name: Multi-Function Tripods ? Features: ? Three way ultra-smooth photo/video fluid-effect pan head with quick-release plate and bubble level ? Panhandle tension lock for secure positioning and easy adjustment ? 2 bubble levels for fine adjustments 外贸函电 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? FourCsection legs with rubber feet and retractable spikes Quick-lever leg locks for fast and easy set up Diameter of 1st leg:20mm Extended height: 144cm Folded length: 45.0cm Gross weight: 1kg. Max. load:2.0 kg. Will you please, therefore, quote us your lowest price C.I.F. Sydney? This would enable us to maintain low selling prices that have been an important reason for the growth of our business. We may be able to place regular orders with you if your prices are competitive. ? We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. ? Yours very truly, Chapter Four Offer Contents? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Revision Objectives Leading In Sample letter Language Points Summary Assignments Case study外贸函电 Revision外贸函电? 我们的报盘为实盘,以7月4日前回复为有 效。 ? Our offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before July 4. ? 现报盘如下,以你方于4月6日前接受为有 效。 ? We are making you the following offer, subject to 受。。支配your acceptance reaching here before April 6. 外贸函电? 以上所报的价格为FOB价,没有约束力。 ? The above prices are quoted on FOB basis and are without engagement. ? 对这个产品的需求很活跃,这将会导致价 格上升。因此,我们不可能让此报盘长期 有效。 ? There has been an active demand for this new product and it will certainly result in increased price. Therefore, it is impossible for us to keep this offer open too long. 外贸函电? 现以我们最优惠的价格报以下商品的盘,以货物未被 售出为有效。? We are offering the following products at our most favorable price, subject to prior优先的, 在前的 sale.? 我们现在为我们所有的老客户报此特惠盘,以货物未 被售出为准。所以我们建议你立即接受。? We are now making this special offer to all our old clients, subject to the goods being unsold. So we suggest you accept it immediately. 外贸函电? 按你方要求报20公吨花生盘如下。有效期为 10天。 ? As per按照 your request, we are making an offer for 20 metric tons of groundnuts as follows. The offer is valid for 10 days. ? 这个特惠报盘在2月23日以前有效。我们建 议抓住这个机会尽快订购。 ? This special offer is valid till February 23, so we suggest you avail 有用有利yourselves of this opportunity and place an order immediately. Teaching objectives外贸函电Upon completion of this chapter, the students will: ? understand the difference between firm offer and non-firm offer and grasp their relative expressions. ? be familiar with the terms & conditions involved in an offer and be able to write them independently. Leading In Offer外贸函电? An offer is the expression of the wishes of the seller to sell particular goods under stated terms (including quality, prices, time of shipment, terms of payment etc.). The person making the offer is called Dofferor‖报 盘人, while the person receiving the offer is called Dofferee受盘人” In international business, offers can be divided into two kinds: firm offer and non-firm offer. Firm offer外贸函电? A firm offer is made when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price within a stated period of time. Once it has been accepted it cannot be changed or withdrawn and the transaction will be concluded. When the validity is overdue, this offer will cease to be effective and the offeror will no longer take the responsibility of carrying out the commitments 承诺保证 stipulated规定 in the offer. Non-firm offer外贸函电? Non-firm offer is an informal offer made by the offeror, which has got no validity terms but with clear indication of its confirmation conditions, such as “subject to our final confirmation”. It can be considered as an offer which are not upon binding the sellers and the details of the offers may change in certain situations. Structure of an offer外贸函电? An expression of thanks for the inquiry you have received ? Informing them of the detailed terms and conditions about the supplied commodities, such as names, quality, quantity, specifications, price terms, discounts, terms of payment, packing and delivery date etc. ? Informing them of the validity of the offer (for firm offer) ? Expressing your sincere expectation of receiving their orders 外贸函电? Expressions used to indicate a Nonfirm Offer ? subject to our final confirmation ? 以我方最后确认为准 ? We are now making you an offer subject to our final confirmation. ? 现报盘,以我方最后确认为有效。 外贸函电? without engagement ? 此报盘无约束力 ? We are now making you the following offer without engagement.? 现报盘如下,此报盘无约束力。 外贸函电? subject to the goods being unsold ? 以货物未被售出为准 ? We are now making you a special offer subject to the goods being unsold.? 我方向你方报特惠盘,以货物未被售出为 准。 外贸函电? subject to prior sale ? 以先售为准 ? We are now making an offer for airconditioners as follows, subject to prior sale.? 我方现报空调盘如下,以先售为准。 Firm offer外贸函电? 现为你方报10公吨大米实盘。 ? We are now making you a firm offer for 10 metric tons of rice. ? 现为你方报实盘如下。 ? We are now offering you firm as follows, Firm offer’s validity外贸函电1.We make you the following offer subject to your reply within 10 days. 2. We make you an offer, subject to your reply reaching us not later than noon time October 21 Beijing time. 3. The offer is valid for 3 days. 4. The offer is valid till March 15. Warm-up expressions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? counter-offer ? offerer ? offeree ? offer list/book ? offering period ? Lump块状 offer bid 投标出价 ?外贸函电还盘,还价 报盘人 受盘人 报价单 报价日 综合报盘(针对两种以 上商品) 递价;出价;递盘(由 买方发出) ? 发盘就是发价或报价, 在法律上称为要约。 “凡向一个或一个以上的特定的人提出的 订立合同的建议, 如果其内容十分确定并 且表明发盘人有在其发盘一旦得到接受就 受其约束的意思, 即构成发盘。” 发盘可 由卖方提出,也可由买方提出, 因此,有 卖方发盘和买方发盘之分。 后者习惯上称 为递盘。(bid) Sample letterDear Mr. Brown,外贸函电We are glad to know that you, one of the biggest suppliers of tea in the UK, are interested in our products. In order to establish a long friendly business relation with you, we are now making you a special offer. For details, please see quotation sheet. 外贸函电We are sending you under separate cover在另函中 the samples of Green Tea Extract and Porcelain Tea Set for your reference. We are confident that you will be satisfied with both the quality of our products and their competitive prices. We await your favorable news. Yours very sincerely, Language Points外贸函电报盘还盘是贸易中价格交锋的重点。各种不同 的报盘表达法: 1. We're willing to make you an offer at this price. 我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。 2. We can offer you a quotation based on the international market. 我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。 外贸函电3. We'll give you the official offer next Monday. 下星期就给您正式报盘。 4. I came to hear about your fertilizer offer. 我来听听你们有关化肥的报盘。 5. My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild胡乱地 speculations.投机买卖 我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天 要价。 外贸函电6. Let me make you a special offer. 我给你一个特别优惠价。 7. This offer is competitive and based on an expanding market…… 此报盘着眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。 8. The offer is good until 5 o'clock p.m. June 23, 2005, Beijing time. 报价有效期到日下午5点,北京 时间。 外贸函电9. All prices on the price lists are subject to our approval. 报价单中所有价格以我方确认为准。 10.Our offers are for 3 days. 我们的报盘三天有效。 11. We prefer to withhold quotation at this time. 我们宁愿暂停报盘。 Z h e jia n g C a iy u n jia n T e a C o . , L t d .报 价 单Q U O T AT I O NTo : G lo b a l Tea B a g s ( P v t) L td外贸函电日期D ate M ay 8, 2004兹 报 供 下 列 商 品 , 均 以 我 方 最 后 确 认 为 准 T h e fo llo w in g a r tic le s a r e q u o te d s u b je c t to o u r fin a l c o n fir m a tio n :品 名 Commodity 规 格 Specification 数 量 Quantity M i n i m u m o rd e r 单 价 Unit PriceC I F L iv e rp o o l S tg . £ 1 5 p er k ilo S tg . £ 1 5 p e r se tG reen Tea E x tra ct P o rcela in Tea S etM o d el N o . 8 9 0 1 M o d el N o .TS 0 0 12000k g. 2 0 0 0 se ts包装PACKING:a lu m in u m - fo il- lin e d c a r to n s , p u m p e d o ff a ir a n d fille d u p p la s tic p a d d in g 2 5 k g /c a r to n , 2 2 k g /c a r to n , 2 0 k g /c a r to n , 1 8 k g /c a r to nw ith n itro g e n , b u lk b e p a c k e d in c a r to n s fix e d w ith fo a m e d装 船 期SHIPMENT:付 款 方 式c a n b e s h ip p e d w ith in o n e m o n th a fte r re c e ip t o f th e L /CP A Y M E N T:保 险b y c o n fir m e d ir re v o c a b le L /C p a y a b le b y d r a ft a t s ig h t? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Commodity Specification Quantity Unit Price Packing Shipment Payment InsuranceIN S U R A N C E :fo r 1 1 0 % o f th e in v o ic e v a lu e有 错 当 查 E. & . O. E. Quantity(1) 重量(weight) 公斤 (kilogram )外贸函电公吨 (metric ton ) 长吨 (long ton)(≈1016kg) (英国常用) 短吨(short ton)(≈907kg)(美国常用)(2) 数量(number) 件 (piece ) 双(pair ) 套 (set ) 打(dozen) Price Terms ? ? ? ?外贸函电US$300 per metric ton CIF Seattle 每公吨300美元CIF西雅图 每短吨5600日元FOB横滨 Yokohama JPY 5600 per short ton FOB Yokohama ? 每打20美分旧金山到岸价 ? USD 0.2 per dozen CIF San Francisco Packing ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 木箱(wooden case) 板条箱(crate) 纸箱(carton) 麻袋(gunny bag) 布袋(sack)(cloth bag) 塑料袋(plastic bag) 牛皮纸袋(kraftpaper bag)外贸函电 Packing ? ? ? ? ? 铁桶(iron drum) 塑料桶(plastic drum) 木桶(cask) 捆(bundle) 包(bale)外贸函电 Packing外贸函电(1) Cigarettes are to be packed in tin-lined paper box. 香烟要用衬锡纸盒包装。 (2) Pens are to be packed in paper boxes, 10 pieces to one box. 钢笔要用纸盒包装,每盒装十支。 (3) Pens are packed 12 pieces to a box and 200 boxes to a wooden case. 每12支钢笔装在一个纸盒里,每200个纸 盒装在一个木箱里。 Payment支付工具: ? 汇票(bill of exchange ,draft) ? 本票(promissory note) ? 支票(cheque/check )外贸函电 Payment支付方式: ? 汇 付 : 信 汇 (M/T mail transfer) 电 汇 (T/T telegraphic transfer) 票 汇 (D/D demand draft) ? 托 收 : 付 款 交 单 (D/P document against payment ) 承 兑 交 单 (D/A Documents against Acceptance ) ? 信用证(letter of credit ,L/C) ?汇票国际贸易结算,基本上是非现金结算。使用以支付金钱为目的并且可以流通转让的债权 凭证――票据为主要的结算工具。是由一人向另一人签发的书面无条件支付命令,要求 对方(接受命令的人)即期或定期或在可以确定的将来时间,向某人或指定人或持票来 人支付一定金额。 汇票 汇票(Bill of Exchange,Draft)是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期 无条件支付确定的金额给某人或其指定的人或持票人的票据 。从以上定义可知,汇票是一种无条件支付的委托,有三个当事人:出票人、付款人 和受款人。?????出票人(Drawer):又叫“收款人”,指签发汇票的人,一般为卖方或债权人。在 进出口业务中,通常为出口人或银行。受票人(Drawee/Payer):就是“付款人”,即接受支付命令的人。进出口业务中, 通常为进口人或银行。在托收支付方式下,付款人一般为买方或债务人;在信用证支付 方式下,一般为开证行或其指定的银行。 受款人(Payee);又叫“汇票的抬头人&,是指受领汇票所规定的金额的人。进出 口业务中,一般填写出票人提交单据的银行。? ? 汇票历史 ? 汇票是随着国际贸易的发展而产生的。国际贸易的买 卖双方相距遥远,所用货币各异,不能像国内贸易那样方 便地进行结算。从出口方发运货物到进口方收到货物,中 间有一个较长的过程。在这段时间一定有一方向另一方提 供信用,不是进口商提供货款,就是出口商赊销货物。若 没有强有力中介人担保,进口商怕付了款收不到货,出口 商怕发了货收不到款,这种国际贸易就难以顺利进行。后 来银行参与国际贸易,作为进出口双方的中介人,进口商 通过开证行向出口商开出信用证,向出口商担保:货物运 出后,只要出口商按时向议付行提交全套信用证单据就可 以收到货款;议付行开出以开证行为付款人的汇票发到开 证行,开证行保证见到议付行汇票及全套信用证单据后付 款,同时又向进口商担保,能及时收到他们所进口的货物 单据,到港口提货。 ? 我国立法 ? 各国都对票据进行了立法。我国于 日通过了 《中华人民共和国 票据法》,并于日起施行。票 据可分为汇票、本票和支票。国际贸易结 算中以使用汇票为主。 ? 汇票分类 ?? 汇票从不同角度可分成以下几种: ? 按出票人分类 ? 按出票人不同,可分成银行汇票和商业汇票。银行汇 票 (Bank's Draft),出票人是银行,付款人也是银行。 商业汇票(Commercial Draft),出票人是企业或个人, 付款人可以是企业、个人或银行。 ? 按有无包括运输单据 ? 按是否附有包括运输单据在内的商业单据,可分为光 票和跟单汇票。光票(Clean Draft),指不附带商业单据 的汇票。银行汇票多是光票。跟单汇票(Documentary Draft),指附有包括运输单据在内的商业单据的汇票。跟 单汇票多是商业汇票。 ? 按付款日期分类 ? 按付款日期不同,汇票可分为即期汇票和远期汇票。汇票上付款 日期有四种记载方式:见票即付(at sight 或 on demand);见票日 后定期付款(at a determinable date after sight);出票日后定期付款 (at a determinable date after the date of drawing a draft);定日付 款(at a fixed day)。若汇票上未记载付款日期,则视作见票即付。 见票即付的汇票为即期汇票。其他三种记载方式为远期汇票。 ? 按承兑人分类 ? 按承兑人的不同,汇票只可分成商业承兑汇票和银行承兑汇票。 远期的商业汇票,经企业或个人承兑后,称为商业承兑汇票。远期的 商业汇票,经银行承兑后,称为银行承兑汇票。银行承兑后成为该汇 票的主债务人,所以银行承兑汇票是一种银行信用。 ? ? 商业承兑汇票 ? ? 银行承兑汇票 ? 即期汇票(sight bill,demand bill) ,即见票 即付的汇票。包括载明即期付款、见票即 付或提示付款以及未载明付款日的汇票。 逾期后再经承兑或背书的汇票,对该种承 兑人或背书人而言,应视为即期汇票。即 期汇票一般以提示日为到期日,持票人持 票到银行或其他委托付款人处,后者见票 必须付款的一种汇票,这种汇票的持票人 可以随时行使自己的票据权利,在此之前 无须提前通知付款人准备履行义务。 ? 什么是承兑? ? 所谓“承兑”就是汇票付款人(进口方) 在代收银行提示远期汇票时,对汇票的认 可行为。承兑的手续是付款人在汇票上签 署,批注“承兑”字样及日期,并将汇票 退交持有人。不论汇票经过几度转让,付 款人于汇票到期日都应凭票付款。 什么是背书?? 指收款人以转让票据权利为目的在汇票上 签章并作必要的记载所作的一种附属票据 行为。 本票? 本票(PROMISSORY NOTES)是一个人向 另一个人签发的,保证即期或定期或在可 以确定的将来的时间,对某人或其指定人 或持票人支付一定金额的无条件书面承诺。 我国票据法第73条规定本票的定义是: 本 票是由出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时 无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人 的票据。第2款接着规定,本法所指的本票 是指银行本票,不包括商业本票,更不包 括个人本票 ? 特征 ? (1)自付票据。 ? 本票是由出票人本人对持票人付款。 ? (2)基本当事人少。 ? 本票的基本当事人只有出票人和收款人两个。 ? (3)无须承兑。 ? 本票在很多方面可以适用汇票法律制度。但是由于本 票是由出票人本人承担付款责任,无须委托他人付款,所 以,本票无须承兑就能保证付款。 ? 拿到一张本票后,这张本票是否生效,根据《中华人 民共和国票据法》规定,这张本票要求具备以下的必要项 目: ? 本票? 1.标明其为“本票字样”; ? 2.无条件支付承诺; ? 3.出票人签字; ? 4.出票日期和地点; ? 5.确定的金额; ? 6.收款人或其指定人姓名。 ? 种类 ? 一般本票 ? 一般本票(PROMISSORY NOTE):出票人为企业或个人,票据 可以是即期本票,也可是远期本票。 ? 银行本票 ? 银行本票(CASHER'S ORDER):出票人是银行,只能是即期本 票。 ? 出票 ? 出票人的资格 ? 我国票据法第75条规定,本票出票人的资格由中国人民银行审定, 具体管理办法由中国人民银行规定。这体现了管理者对本票出票的一 种审慎的态度,同时反映了我国在发展商品经济的同时,亟待提高商 业信用。 ? ? 本票 Payment外贸函电by confirmed irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight 用保兑的不可撤销信用证付款请用…..方式付款。? Please pay by…. ? Please make the payment by … 外贸函电? ? ? ?请用信用证付款。 Please make the payment by L/C. Please pay by L/C. 我们要求付款方式为保兑的不撤销的信用 证。 ? We request the payment to be made by confirmed irrevocable L/C. Summary? ? ? ? Offer Non-firm offer Firm offer Structure of an offer letter ? Quotation sheet外贸函电? Language points ? Expressions used to indicate Non-firm offers ? Expressions used to indicate validity of offers ? Languages used for an offer Assignments1. Translate the following into English外贸函电亲爱的先生: 日有关查询大米和大豆新加坡到岸价 的电子邮件收悉。 今日上午电子邮件报价:精白米300公吨,每公吨 成本加运费新加坡到岸价为2400澳元。于2002年8或 9月装运。以上实价需由贵公司于日前回 复确实。该报价为最优惠价,请贵公司把握机会,尽 早落实订单为盼。你真诚的,xxx 精白米:white rice 大豆:soybean Case study? ? ?外贸函电?Task Suppose you have made an offer to the inquirer and got no reply for about 14 days. Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner how to write a follow-up letter to persuade the inquirer to purchase the goods. Write a follow-up offer letter according to the result of your discussion according to the information given. (Quote both F.O.B. Shanghai price and C.I.F. New York price.) Chapter Five Counteroffer Contents? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Revision Objectives Leading In Sample letter Language Points Summary Assignments Case study外贸函电 Revision外贸函电? 我们觉得很难减价5%,因为原材料的成本、 运费都在上涨。 ? We find it difficult to reduce our price by 5%, because the freight and cost of raw material are going up. ? 为了适应激烈的竞争,请降价10%。 ? In order to cope with the heavy competition, please reduce your price by 10%. 外贸函电? 因为这是与贵方第一次交易,我方准备每套 降到30美元,而不是贵方提议的25美元。 ? As this is our first transaction with you, we are prepared to reduce our price to $30 per set instead of $25 as you suggest. ? 我方发现你方的报价不合适,因为现在这种 材料正在降价。 ? We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for such material is on the decline at present. Teaching objectives外贸函电? Upon completion of this chapter, the students will: ? be able to write letters negotiating about trading terms with other companies. ? know the effect of counteroffer. ? be able to make concessions and attacks politely and reasonably when writing counter-offers. Leading In外贸函电? Suppose you’ve just got the offer from ABC Company. You think the price is too high and want to ask them to reduce the price. Then what would you say in your letter? Warming up外贸函电? Counter-offer ? Counter-offer is the response or reply of the offeree to the offeror during negotiations for signing the contract. There are 2 kinds of replies, one of which is favourable for its showing the offeree’s acceptance, and the other is unfavorable for its showing the acceptance of the offeree together with the suggestions of some additions, restrictions or amendments. The latter kind of reply is called counter-offer. Structure of the Counteroffer外贸函电? Thank the seller for his offer, mention briefly the content of the offer. ? Express regret at inability to accept (give the reasons for non-acceptance). ? Make a counter-offer if, under the circumstances, it is appropriate. ? Hope the counter-offer will be accepted and there may be an opportunity to do business together. Sample Letter外贸函电Dear Mr. Zhang, Re: Green Tea Extract and Porcelain Tea Set We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your offer of May 8 for the subject goods. In reply, we regret to say that we can’t accept it. Your prices are rather on the high side and out of line with the world market. Information indicates that some parcels of Japanese make have been sold at a much lower level. 外贸函电We have seen your samples and admit that they are of high quality, but there should not be such a big gap between your prices and those of other suppliers. In order to conclude the transaction, we suggest that you reduce the prices of both products by, say 30%. We hope you can accept the counteroffer and wait for your favorable reply. Truly yours,Global Tea Bags (Pvt) Ltd Language Points外贸函电acknowledge ? 我们已收到你方7月2日来信。 ? We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 2. ? 我方已收到你方关于3公吨花生的定单。 ? We acknowledge receipt of your order covering 3 metric tons of groundnuts. be in receipt of已收到外贸函电? 我方已收到你方要求我方报1000打男式衬 衫的信。 ? We are in receipt of your letter, requesting us to quote for 1000 dozen of men’s shirts. ? 我们已收到你方关于1000双皮鞋的信用证。 ? We are in receipt of your L/C covering 1000 pairs of leather shoes subject goods外贸函电? 请尽快开立标题项下商品的信用证。 ? Please open an L/C covering the subject goods as soon as possible. ? 我们想向你方订购20公吨标题项下的货物。 ? 1We intend to place an order with you for 20 metric tons of the subject goods. be on the high side外贸函电? 与其他供应商相比,你们的价格偏高。 ? Compared with other suppliers, your price is rather on the high side. ? 在我们国家棉花的价格偏高,所以我们不 得不从其他的国家购买。 ? The price for cotton is rather on the high side in our country, so we have to purchase from other countries. 外贸函电? 偏低? 太高、太低 ? 有点儿高(低)on the low sidetoo high/low a little high/low 外贸函电? 我们的产品质量很好,所以我们的价格有 点儿高。 ? Our products are of high quality, so our price is a little high. ? 虽然你的产品质量很好,但你的价格也不 应该这么高。 ? Though your products are of high quality, your price should not be so high. be out of line with外贸函电? 你方的价格与现行市场价格不一致。 ? Your price is out of line with the prevailing international market. ? 你方报价与市价有差异,所以我们相信减 价百分之三的建议是可行的。 ? Your quoted price is out of line with the prevailing level. That is why we feel confident that our suggestion of three percent off your present one is workable. be in line with外贸函电? 我们的价格与国内市场价格相一致。 ? Our price is in line with the domestic market price. ? 为了扩大销售,我们的价格应与世界市场 价格相一致。 ? In order to enlarge the sales, our price should be in line with the world market. Information indicates that外贸函电? 有消息表明这个产品很受美国年轻人的欢 迎。 ? Information indicates that this product is popular among young people. ? 有消息表明其他供应商以每个五美元的价 格销售这个产品。 ? Information indicates that other suppliers are selling this product at $5 each. sell …at外贸函电? 对与订购数量达到1000台的,我们将已每 个20美元的价格销售。 ? On orders of 1000 or more, we’ll sell at $20 each. ? 在国内试销期间,我们将以优惠的价格销 售这些新产品。 ? During the domestic trial 试验period, we will sell these new products at favorable prices. be of __quality外贸函电? 你们产品的质量太差,我们不得不将他们 退还给你们。 ? Your products are of bad quality, so we have no choice but to return them to you. ? 我能向你保证,我们的产品拥有最优良的 品质 ? We can assure you that our products are of the best quality. gap外贸函电? The gap between A and B is quite big/ large. ? There is a big gap between A and B. ? 我方价格和日本供应商的价格之间的差距 没有你想象的那么大。 ? The gap between our price and those of Japanese suppliers is not as big as what you think. 外贸函电? 你们的价格与其他供应商的价格之间不应 该有这么大的差距。 ? The gap between your prices and those of other suppliers should not be so big.}


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